{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2012 Edward Kmett
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
module Bound.Var
  ( Var(..)
  , unvar
  , _B
  , _F
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Word
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
import Data.Hashable.Lifted (Hashable1(..), Hashable2(..))
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifoldable
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bytes.Get
import Data.Bytes.Put
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Profunctor
import qualified Data.Serialize as Serialize
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import Data.Data
import GHC.Generics

-- Bound and Free Variables

-- | \"I am not a number, I am a /free monad/!\"
-- A @'Var' b a@ is a variable that may either be \"bound\" ('B') or \"free\" ('F').
-- (It is also technically a free monad in the same near-trivial sense as
-- 'Either'.)
data Var b a
  = B b -- ^ this is a bound variable
  | F a -- ^ this is a free variable
  ( Eq
  , Ord
  , Show
  , Read
  , Data
  , Typeable
  , Generic
# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
  , Generic1

distinguisher :: Int
distinguisher = fromIntegral $ (maxBound :: Word) `quot` 3

instance Hashable2 Var where
  liftHashWithSalt2 h _ s (B b) = h s b
  liftHashWithSalt2 _ h s (F a) = h s a `hashWithSalt` distinguisher
  {-# INLINE liftHashWithSalt2 #-}
instance Hashable b => Hashable1 (Var b) where
  liftHashWithSalt = liftHashWithSalt2 hashWithSalt
  {-# INLINE liftHashWithSalt #-}
instance (Hashable b, Hashable a) => Hashable (Var b a) where
  hashWithSalt s (B b) = hashWithSalt s b
  hashWithSalt s (F a) = hashWithSalt s a `hashWithSalt` distinguisher
  {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}

instance Serial2 Var where
  serializeWith2 pb _  (B b) = putWord8 0 >> pb b
  serializeWith2 _  pf (F f) = putWord8 1 >> pf f
  {-# INLINE serializeWith2 #-}

  deserializeWith2 gb gf = getWord8 >>= \b -> case b of
    0 -> liftM B gb
    1 -> liftM F gf
    _ -> fail $ "getVar: Unexpected constructor code: " ++ show b
  {-# INLINE deserializeWith2 #-}

instance Serial b => Serial1 (Var b) where
  serializeWith = serializeWith2 serialize
  {-# INLINE serializeWith #-}
  deserializeWith = deserializeWith2 deserialize
  {-# INLINE deserializeWith #-}

instance (Serial b, Serial a) => Serial (Var b a) where
  serialize = serializeWith2 serialize serialize
  {-# INLINE serialize #-}
  deserialize = deserializeWith2 deserialize deserialize
  {-# INLINE deserialize #-}

instance (Binary b, Binary a) => Binary (Var b a) where
  put = serializeWith2 Binary.put Binary.put
  get = deserializeWith2 Binary.get Binary.get

instance (Serialize b, Serialize a) => Serialize (Var b a) where
  put = serializeWith2 Serialize.put Serialize.put
  get = deserializeWith2 Serialize.get Serialize.get

unvar :: (b -> r) -> (a -> r) -> Var b a -> r
unvar f _ (B b) = f b
unvar _ g (F a) = g a
{-# INLINE unvar #-}

-- |
-- This provides a @Prism@ that can be used with @lens@ library to access a bound 'Var'.
-- @
-- '_B' :: 'Prism' (Var b a) (Var b' a) b b'@
-- @
_B :: (Choice p, Applicative f) => p b (f b') -> p (Var b a) (f (Var b' a))
_B = dimap (unvar Right (Left . F)) (either pure (fmap B)) . right'
{-# INLINE _B #-}

-- |
-- This provides a @Prism@ that can be used with @lens@ library to access a free 'Var'.
-- @
-- '_F' :: 'Prism' (Var b a) (Var b a') a a'@
-- @
_F :: (Choice p, Applicative f) => p a (f a') -> p (Var b a) (f (Var b a'))
_F = dimap (unvar (Left . B) Right) (either pure (fmap F)) . right'
{-# INLINE _F #-}

-- Instances

instance Functor (Var b) where
  fmap _ (B b) = B b
  fmap f (F a) = F (f a)
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

instance Foldable (Var b) where
  foldMap f (F a) = f a
  foldMap _ _ = mempty
  {-# INLINE foldMap #-}

instance Traversable (Var b) where
  traverse f (F a) = F <$> f a
  traverse _ (B b) = pure (B b)
  {-# INLINE traverse #-}

instance Applicative (Var b) where
  pure = F
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  (<*>) = ap
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

instance Monad (Var b) where
  return = pure
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  F a >>= f = f a
  B b >>= _ = B b
  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}

instance Bifunctor Var where
  bimap f _ (B b) = B (f b)
  bimap _ g (F a) = F (g a)
  {-# INLINE bimap #-}

instance Bifoldable Var where
  bifoldMap f _ (B b) = f b
  bifoldMap _ g (F a) = g a
  {-# INLINE bifoldMap #-}

instance Bitraversable Var where
  bitraverse f _ (B b) = B <$> f b
  bitraverse _ g (F a) = F <$> g a
  {-# INLINE bitraverse #-}

#if (MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)) || !(MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0))
instance Eq2 Var where
  liftEq2 f _ (B a) (B c) = f a c
  liftEq2 _ g (F b) (F d) = g b d
  liftEq2 _ _ _ _ = False

instance Ord2 Var where
  liftCompare2 f _ (B a) (B c) = f a c
  liftCompare2 _ _ B{} F{} = LT
  liftCompare2 _ _ F{} B{} = GT
  liftCompare2 _ g (F b) (F d) = g b d

instance Show2 Var where
  liftShowsPrec2 f _ _ _ d (B a) = showsUnaryWith f "B" d a
  liftShowsPrec2 _ _ h _ d (F a) = showsUnaryWith h "F" d a

instance Read2 Var where
  liftReadsPrec2 f _ h _ = readsData $ readsUnaryWith f "B" B `mappend` readsUnaryWith h "F" F

instance Eq b => Eq1 (Var b) where
  liftEq = liftEq2 (==)

instance Ord b => Ord1 (Var b) where
  liftCompare = liftCompare2 compare

instance Show b => Show1 (Var b) where
  liftShowsPrec = liftShowsPrec2 showsPrec showList

instance Read b => Read1 (Var b) where
  liftReadsPrec = liftReadsPrec2 readsPrec readList

--instance Eq2 Var   where eq2 = (==)
--instance Ord2 Var  where compare2   = compare
--instance Show2 Var where showsPrec2 = showsPrec
--instance Read2 Var where readsPrec2 = readsPrec

instance Eq b   => Eq1   (Var b) where eq1 = (==)
instance Ord b  => Ord1  (Var b) where compare1   = compare
instance Show b => Show1 (Var b) where showsPrec1 = showsPrec
instance Read b => Read1 (Var b) where readsPrec1 = readsPrec

instance (NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (Var b a) where
  rnf (B b) = rnf b
  rnf (F f) = rnf f