{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Backend
( layoutBriDocM
#include "prelude.inc"
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint as ExactPrint
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Annotate as ExactPrint.Annotate
import qualified Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types as ExactPrint.Types
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types ( AnnKey, Annotation )
import GHC ( AnnKeywordId (..) )
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.LayouterBasics
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.BackendUtils
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder
import Data.HList.ContainsType
import Control.Monad.Extra ( whenM )
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as WriterS
type ColIndex = Int
data ColumnSpacing
= ColumnSpacingLeaf Int
| ColumnSpacingRef Int Int
type ColumnBlock a = [a]
type ColumnBlocks a = Seq [a]
type ColMap1 = IntMapL.IntMap (Bool, ColumnBlocks ColumnSpacing)
type ColMap2 = IntMapL.IntMap (Float, ColumnBlock Int, ColumnBlocks Int)
data ColInfo
= ColInfoStart
| ColInfoNo BriDoc
| ColInfo ColIndex ColSig [(Int, ColInfo)]
instance Show ColInfo where
show ColInfoStart = "ColInfoStart"
show (ColInfoNo bd) = "ColInfoNo " ++ show (take 30 (show (briDocToDoc bd)) ++ "..")
show (ColInfo ind sig list) = "ColInfo " ++ show ind ++ " " ++ show sig ++ " " ++ show list
data ColBuildState = ColBuildState
{ _cbs_map :: ColMap1
, _cbs_index :: ColIndex
type LayoutConstraints m = ( MonadMultiReader Config m
, MonadMultiReader ExactPrint.Types.Anns m
, MonadMultiWriter Text.Builder.Builder m
, MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m
, MonadMultiState LayoutState m
layoutBriDocM :: forall m . LayoutConstraints m => BriDoc -> m ()
layoutBriDocM = \case
BDEmpty -> do
return ()
BDLit t -> do
layoutWriteAppend t
BDSeq list -> do
list `forM_` layoutBriDocM
BDCols _ list -> do
list `forM_` layoutBriDocM
BDSeparator -> do
BDAddBaseY indent bd -> do
let indentF = case indent of
BrIndentNone -> id
BrIndentRegular -> layoutWithAddBaseCol
BrIndentSpecial i -> layoutWithAddBaseColN i
indentF $ layoutBriDocM bd
BDBaseYPushCur bd -> do
layoutBriDocM bd
BDBaseYPop bd -> do
layoutBriDocM bd
BDIndentLevelPushCur bd -> do
layoutBriDocM bd
BDIndentLevelPop bd -> do
layoutBriDocM bd
BDEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
let indentF = case indent of
BrIndentNone -> id
BrIndentRegular -> layoutWithAddBaseCol
BrIndentSpecial i -> layoutWithAddBaseColN i
indentF $ do
layoutBriDocM bd
BDPar indent sameLine indented -> do
layoutBriDocM sameLine
let indentF = case indent of
BrIndentNone -> id
BrIndentRegular -> layoutWithAddBaseCol
BrIndentSpecial i -> layoutWithAddBaseColN i
indentF $ do
layoutBriDocM indented
BDLines lines -> alignColsLines lines
BDAlt [] -> error "empty BDAlt"
BDAlt (alt:_) -> layoutBriDocM alt
BDForceMultiline bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
BDForceSingleline bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
BDForwardLineMode bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
BDExternal annKey subKeys shouldAddComment t -> do
let tlines = Text.lines $ t <> Text.pack "\n"
tlineCount = length tlines
anns :: ExactPrint.Anns <- mAsk
when shouldAddComment $ do
$ Text.pack
$ "{-"
++ show (annKey, Map.lookup annKey anns)
++ "-}"
zip [1 ..] tlines `forM_` \(i, l) -> do
layoutWriteAppend $ l
unless (i == tlineCount) layoutWriteNewlineBlock
state <- mGet
let filterF k _ = not $ k `Set.member` subKeys
mSet $ state
{ _lstate_comments = Map.filterWithKey filterF $ _lstate_comments state
BDPlain t -> do
layoutWriteAppend t
BDAnnotationPrior annKey bd -> do
state <- mGet
let m = _lstate_comments state
let allowMTEL = Data.Either.isRight (_lstate_curYOrAddNewline state)
mAnn <- do
let mAnn = ExactPrint.annPriorComments <$> Map.lookup annKey m
mSet $ state
{ _lstate_comments = Map.adjust
(\ann -> ann { ExactPrint.annPriorComments = [] })
return mAnn
case mAnn of
Nothing -> when allowMTEL $ moveToExactAnn annKey
Just [] -> when allowMTEL $ moveToExactAnn annKey
Just priors -> do
`forM_` \(ExactPrint.Types.Comment comment _ _, ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
case comment of
('#':_) -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y (-999)
"(" -> pure ()
")" -> pure ()
_ -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y x
layoutWriteAppendMultiline $ Text.pack $ comment
when allowMTEL $ moveToExactAnn annKey
layoutBriDocM bd
BDAnnotationKW annKey keyword bd -> do
layoutBriDocM bd
mComments <- do
state <- mGet
let m = _lstate_comments state
let mAnn = ExactPrint.annsDP <$> Map.lookup annKey m
let mToSpan = case mAnn of
Just anns | keyword == Nothing -> Just anns
Just ((ExactPrint.Types.G kw1, _):annR) | keyword == Just kw1 -> Just
_ -> Nothing
case mToSpan of
Just anns -> do
let (comments, rest) = flip spanMaybe anns $ \case
(ExactPrint.Types.AnnComment x, dp) -> Just (x, dp)
_ -> Nothing
mSet $ state
{ _lstate_comments = Map.adjust
(\ann -> ann { ExactPrint.annsDP = rest })
return $ nonEmpty comments
_ -> return Nothing
case mComments of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just comments -> do
comments `forM_` \(ExactPrint.Types.Comment comment _ _, ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
case comment of
('#':_) -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y (-999)
_ -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y x
layoutWriteAppendMultiline $ Text.pack $ comment
BDAnnotationRest annKey bd -> do
layoutBriDocM bd
mComments <- do
state <- mGet
let m = _lstate_comments state
let mComments = nonEmpty =<< extractAllComments <$> Map.lookup annKey m
mSet $ state
{ _lstate_comments = Map.adjust
( \ann -> ann { ExactPrint.annFollowingComments = []
, ExactPrint.annPriorComments = []
, ExactPrint.annsDP =
flip filter (ExactPrint.annsDP ann) $ \case
(ExactPrint.Types.AnnComment{}, _) -> False
_ -> True
return mComments
case mComments of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just comments -> do
comments `forM_` \(ExactPrint.Types.Comment comment _ _, ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
case comment of
('#':_) -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y (-999)
")" -> pure ()
_ -> layoutMoveToCommentPos y x
layoutWriteAppendMultiline $ Text.pack $ comment
BDMoveToKWDP annKey keyword shouldRestoreIndent bd -> do
mDP <- do
state <- mGet
let m = _lstate_comments state
let mAnn = ExactPrint.annsDP <$> Map.lookup annKey m
let relevant = [ dp
| Just ann <- [mAnn]
, (ExactPrint.Types.G kw1, dp) <- ann
, keyword == kw1
pure $ case relevant of
[] -> Nothing
(dp:_) -> Just dp
case mDP of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just (ExactPrint.Types.DP (y, x)) ->
layoutMoveToCommentPos y (if shouldRestoreIndent then x else 0)
layoutBriDocM bd
BDNonBottomSpacing bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
BDSetParSpacing bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
BDForceParSpacing bd -> layoutBriDocM bd
BDDebug s bd -> do
mTell $ Text.Builder.fromText $ Text.pack $ "{-" ++ s ++ "-}"
layoutBriDocM bd
briDocLineLength :: BriDoc -> Int
briDocLineLength briDoc = flip StateS.evalState False $ rec briDoc
rec = \case
BDEmpty -> return $ 0
BDLit t -> StateS.put False $> Text.length t
BDSeq bds -> sum <$> rec `mapM` bds
BDCols _ bds -> sum <$> rec `mapM` bds
BDSeparator -> StateS.get >>= \b -> StateS.put True $> if b then 0 else 1
BDAddBaseY _ bd -> rec bd
BDBaseYPushCur bd -> rec bd
BDBaseYPop bd -> rec bd
BDIndentLevelPushCur bd -> rec bd
BDIndentLevelPop bd -> rec bd
BDPar _ line _ -> rec line
BDAlt{} -> error "briDocLineLength BDAlt"
BDForceMultiline bd -> rec bd
BDForceSingleline bd -> rec bd
BDForwardLineMode bd -> rec bd
BDExternal _ _ _ t -> return $ Text.length t
BDPlain t -> return $ Text.length t
BDAnnotationPrior _ bd -> rec bd
BDAnnotationKW _ _ bd -> rec bd
BDAnnotationRest _ bd -> rec bd
BDMoveToKWDP _ _ _ bd -> rec bd
BDLines ls@(_:_) -> do
x <- StateS.get
return $ maximum $ ls <&> \l -> StateS.evalState (rec l) x
BDLines [] -> error "briDocLineLength BDLines []"
BDEnsureIndent _ bd -> rec bd
BDSetParSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDForceParSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDNonBottomSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDDebug _ bd -> rec bd
briDocIsMultiLine :: BriDoc -> Bool
briDocIsMultiLine briDoc = rec briDoc
rec :: BriDoc -> Bool
rec = \case
BDEmpty -> False
BDLit _ -> False
BDSeq bds -> any rec bds
BDCols _ bds -> any rec bds
BDSeparator -> False
BDAddBaseY _ bd -> rec bd
BDBaseYPushCur bd -> rec bd
BDBaseYPop bd -> rec bd
BDIndentLevelPushCur bd -> rec bd
BDIndentLevelPop bd -> rec bd
BDPar _ _ _ -> True
BDAlt{} -> error "briDocIsMultiLine BDAlt"
BDForceMultiline _ -> True
BDForceSingleline bd -> rec bd
BDForwardLineMode bd -> rec bd
BDExternal _ _ _ t | [_] <- Text.lines t -> False
BDExternal _ _ _ _ -> True
BDPlain t | [_] <- Text.lines t -> False
BDPlain _ -> True
BDAnnotationPrior _ bd -> rec bd
BDAnnotationKW _ _ bd -> rec bd
BDAnnotationRest _ bd -> rec bd
BDMoveToKWDP _ _ _ bd -> rec bd
BDLines (_ : _ : _) -> True
BDLines [_ ] -> False
BDLines [] -> error "briDocIsMultiLine BDLines []"
BDEnsureIndent _ bd -> rec bd
BDSetParSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDForceParSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDNonBottomSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDDebug _ bd -> rec bd
alignColsLines :: LayoutConstraints m => [BriDoc] -> m ()
alignColsLines bridocs = do
curX <- do
state <- mGet
return $ either id (const 0) (_lstate_curYOrAddNewline state) + fromMaybe
(_lstate_addSepSpace state)
colMax <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_cols .> confUnpack
alignMax <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_alignmentLimit .> confUnpack
alignBreak <-
mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_alignmentBreakOnMultiline .> confUnpack
case () of
_ -> do
$ List.intersperse layoutWriteEnsureNewlineBlock
$ colInfos
<&> processInfo colMax processedMap
(colInfos, finalState) =
StateS.runState (mergeBriDocs bridocs) (ColBuildState IntMapS.empty 0)
colAggregation :: [Int] -> Int
colAggregation [] = 0
colAggregation xs = maximum [ x | x <- xs, x <= minimum xs + alignMax' ]
where alignMax' = max 0 alignMax
processedMap :: ColMap2
processedMap =
fix $ \result -> _cbs_map finalState <&> \(lastFlag, colSpacingss) ->
colss = colSpacingss <&> \spss -> case reverse spss of
[] -> []
(xN:xR) ->
reverse $ (if lastFlag then fLast else fInit) xN : fmap fInit xR
fLast (ColumnSpacingLeaf len ) = len
fLast (ColumnSpacingRef len _) = len
fInit (ColumnSpacingLeaf len) = len
fInit (ColumnSpacingRef _ i ) = case IntMapL.lookup i result of
Nothing -> 0
Just (_, maxs, _) -> sum maxs
maxCols =
fmap colAggregation $ transpose $ Foldable.toList colss
(_, posXs) =
mapAccumL (\acc x -> (acc + x, acc)) curX maxCols
counter count l = if List.last posXs + List.last l <= colMax
then count + 1
else count
ratio = fromIntegral (foldl counter (0 :: Int) colss)
/ fromIntegral (length colss)
(ratio, maxCols, colss)
mergeBriDocs :: [BriDoc] -> StateS.State ColBuildState [ColInfo]
mergeBriDocs bds = mergeBriDocsW ColInfoStart bds
:: ColInfo -> [BriDoc] -> StateS.State ColBuildState [ColInfo]
mergeBriDocsW _ [] = return []
mergeBriDocsW lastInfo (bd:bdr) = do
info <- mergeInfoBriDoc True lastInfo bd
infor <- mergeBriDocsW
(if shouldBreakAfter bd then ColInfoStart else info)
return $ info : infor
shouldBreakAfter :: BriDoc -> Bool
shouldBreakAfter bd = if alignBreak
then briDocIsMultiLine bd && case bd of
(BDCols ColTyOpPrefix _) -> False
(BDCols ColPatternsFuncPrefix _) -> True
(BDCols ColPatternsFuncInfix _) -> True
(BDCols ColPatterns _) -> True
(BDCols ColCasePattern _) -> True
(BDCols ColBindingLine{} _) -> True
(BDCols ColGuard _) -> True
(BDCols ColGuardedBody _) -> True
(BDCols ColBindStmt _) -> True
(BDCols ColDoLet _) -> True
(BDCols ColRec _) -> False
(BDCols ColListComp _) -> False
(BDCols ColList _) -> False
(BDCols ColApp{} _) -> True
(BDCols ColTuple _) -> False
(BDCols ColTuples _) -> False
(BDCols ColOpPrefix _) -> False
_ -> True
else False
:: Bool
-> ColInfo
-> BriDoc
-> StateS.StateT ColBuildState Identity ColInfo
mergeInfoBriDoc lastFlag ColInfoStart = briDocToColInfo lastFlag
mergeInfoBriDoc lastFlag ColInfoNo{} = briDocToColInfo lastFlag
mergeInfoBriDoc lastFlag (ColInfo infoInd infoSig subLengthsInfos) =
brdc@(BDCols colSig subDocs)
| infoSig == colSig && length subLengthsInfos == length subDocs
-> do
isLastList = if lastFlag
then (==length subDocs) <$> [1 ..]
else repeat False
infos <- zip3 isLastList (snd <$> subLengthsInfos) subDocs
`forM` \(lf, info, bd) -> mergeInfoBriDoc lf info bd
let curLengths = briDocLineLength <$> subDocs
let trueSpacings = getTrueSpacings (zip curLengths infos)
s <- StateS.get
let m = _cbs_map s
let (Just (_, spaces)) = IntMapS.lookup infoInd m
StateS.put s
{ _cbs_map = IntMapS.insert
(lastFlag, spaces Seq.|> trueSpacings)
return $ ColInfo infoInd colSig (zip curLengths infos)
| otherwise
-> briDocToColInfo lastFlag brdc
brdc -> return $ ColInfoNo brdc
briDocToColInfo :: Bool -> BriDoc -> StateS.State ColBuildState ColInfo
briDocToColInfo lastFlag = \case
BDCols sig list -> withAlloc lastFlag $ \ind -> do
let isLastList =
if lastFlag then (==length list) <$> [1 ..] else repeat False
subInfos <- zip isLastList list `forM` uncurry briDocToColInfo
let lengthInfos = zip (briDocLineLength <$> list) subInfos
let trueSpacings = getTrueSpacings lengthInfos
return $ (Seq.singleton trueSpacings, ColInfo ind sig lengthInfos)
bd -> return $ ColInfoNo bd
getTrueSpacings :: [(Int, ColInfo)] -> [ColumnSpacing]
getTrueSpacings lengthInfos = lengthInfos <&> \case
(len, ColInfo i _ _) -> ColumnSpacingRef len i
(len, _ ) -> ColumnSpacingLeaf len
:: Bool
-> ( ColIndex
-> StateS.State ColBuildState (ColumnBlocks ColumnSpacing, ColInfo)
-> StateS.State ColBuildState ColInfo
withAlloc lastFlag f = do
cbs <- StateS.get
let ind = _cbs_index cbs
StateS.put $ cbs { _cbs_index = ind + 1 }
(space, info) <- f ind
StateS.get >>= \c -> StateS.put
$ c { _cbs_map = IntMapS.insert ind (lastFlag, space) $ _cbs_map c }
return info
processInfo :: LayoutConstraints m => Int -> ColMap2 -> ColInfo -> m ()
processInfo maxSpace m = \case
ColInfoStart -> error "should not happen (TM)"
ColInfoNo doc -> layoutBriDocM doc
ColInfo ind _ list ->
colMaxConf <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_cols .> confUnpack
alignMode <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_columnAlignMode .> confUnpack
curX <- do
state <- mGet
let spaceAdd = case _lstate_addSepSpace state of
Nothing -> 0
Just i -> i
return $ case _lstate_curYOrAddNewline state of
Left i -> case _lstate_commentCol state of
Nothing -> spaceAdd + i
Just c -> c
Right{} -> spaceAdd
let colMax = min colMaxConf (curX + maxSpace)
let Just (ratio, maxCols1, _colss) = IntMapS.lookup ind m
let maxCols2 = list <&> \e -> case e of
(_, ColInfo i _ _) ->
let Just (_, ms, _) = IntMapS.lookup i m in sum ms
(l, _) -> l
let maxCols = zipWith max maxCols1 maxCols2
let (maxX, posXs) = mapAccumL (\acc x -> (acc + x, acc)) curX maxCols
let fixedPosXs = case alignMode of
ColumnAlignModeAnimouslyScale i | maxX > colMax -> fixed <&> (+curX)
factor :: Float =
(fromIntegral (i + colMax - curX) / fromIntegral (maxX - curX))
offsets = (subtract curX) <$> posXs
fixed = offsets <&> fromIntegral .> (*factor) .> truncate
_ -> posXs
let spacings = zipWith (-)
(List.tail fixedPosXs ++ [min maxX colMax])
let alignAct = zip3 fixedPosXs spacings list `forM_` \(destX, s, x) -> do
layoutWriteEnsureAbsoluteN destX
processInfo s m (snd x)
noAlignAct = list `forM_` (snd .> processInfoIgnore)
animousAct =
if List.last fixedPosXs + fst (List.last list) > colMax
then noAlignAct
else alignAct
case alignMode of
ColumnAlignModeDisabled -> noAlignAct
ColumnAlignModeUnanimously | maxX <= colMax -> alignAct
ColumnAlignModeUnanimously -> noAlignAct
ColumnAlignModeMajority limit | ratio >= limit -> animousAct
ColumnAlignModeMajority{} -> noAlignAct
ColumnAlignModeAnimouslyScale{} -> animousAct
ColumnAlignModeAnimously -> animousAct
ColumnAlignModeAlways -> alignAct
processInfoIgnore :: LayoutConstraints m => ColInfo -> m ()
processInfoIgnore = \case
ColInfoStart -> error "should not happen (TM)"
ColInfoNo doc -> layoutBriDocM doc
ColInfo _ _ list -> list `forM_` (snd .> processInfoIgnore)