module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.Import (layoutImport) where
#include ""
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.LayouterBasics
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.IE
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
import GHC ( unLoc
, GenLocated(L)
, moduleNameString
, Located
import HsSyn
import Name
import FieldLabel
import qualified FastString
import BasicTypes
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
prepPkg :: SourceText -> String
prepPkg rawN = case rawN of
SourceText n -> n
NoSourceText -> ""
prepPkg :: String -> String
prepPkg = id
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0)
prepModName :: Located e -> e
prepModName = unLoc
prepModName :: e -> e
prepModName = id
layoutImport :: ToBriDoc ImportDecl
layoutImport limportD@(L _ importD) = docWrapNode limportD $ case importD of
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)
ImportDecl _ _ (L _ modName) pkg src safe q False mas mllies -> do
ImportDecl _ (L _ modName) pkg src safe q False mas mllies -> do
importCol <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_importColumn .> confUnpack
importAsCol <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_importAsColumn .> confUnpack
indentPolicy <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_indentPolicy .> confUnpack
compact = indentPolicy /= IndentPolicyFree
modNameT = Text.pack $ moduleNameString modName
pkgNameT = Text.pack . prepPkg . sl_st <$> pkg
masT = Text.pack . moduleNameString . prepModName <$> mas
hiding = maybe False fst mllies
minQLength = length "import qualified "
qLengthReal =
let qualifiedPart = if q then length "qualified " else 0
safePart = if safe then length "safe " else 0
pkgPart = maybe 0 ((+ 1) . Text.length) pkgNameT
srcPart = if src then length "{-# SOURCE #-} " else 0
in length "import " + srcPart + safePart + qualifiedPart + pkgPart
qLength = max minQLength qLengthReal
asCost = length "as "
hidingParenCost = if hiding then length "hiding ( " else length "( "
nameCost = Text.length modNameT + qLength
importQualifiers = docSeq
[ appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "import"
, if src then appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "{-# SOURCE #-}" else docEmpty
, if safe then appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "safe" else docEmpty
, if q then appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "qualified" else docEmpty
, maybe docEmpty (appSep . docLit) pkgNameT
indentName =
if compact then id else docEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial qLength)
modNameD =
indentName $ appSep $ docLit modNameT
hidDocCol = if hiding then importCol - hidingParenCost else importCol - 2
hidDocColDiff = importCol - 2 - hidDocCol
hidDoc = if hiding
then appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "hiding"
else docEmpty
importHead = docSeq [importQualifiers, modNameD]
bindingsD = case mllies of
Nothing -> docEmpty
Just (_, llies) -> do
hasComments <- hasAnyCommentsBelow llies
if compact
then docAlt
[ docSeq [hidDoc, docForceSingleline $ layoutLLIEs True llies]
, let makeParIfHiding = if hiding
then docAddBaseY BrIndentRegular . docPar hidDoc
else id
in makeParIfHiding (layoutLLIEs True llies)
else do
ieDs <- layoutAnnAndSepLLIEs llies
docWrapNodeRest llies
$ docEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial hidDocCol)
$ case ieDs of
[] -> if hasComments
then docPar
(docSeq [hidDoc, docParenLSep, docWrapNode llies docEmpty])
(docEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial hidDocColDiff) docParenR)
else docSeq [hidDoc, docParenLSep, docSeparator, docParenR]
[ieD] -> runFilteredAlternative $ do
addAlternativeCond (not hasComments)
$ docSeq
[ hidDoc
, docParenLSep
, docForceSingleline ieD
, docSeparator
, docParenR
addAlternative $ docPar
(docSeq [hidDoc, docParenLSep, docNonBottomSpacing ieD])
(docEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial hidDocColDiff) docParenR)
(ieD:ieDs') ->
(docSeq [hidDoc, docSetBaseY $ docSeq [docParenLSep, ieD]])
( docEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial hidDocColDiff)
$ docLines
$ ieDs'
++ [docParenR]
makeAsDoc asT =
docSeq [appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "as", appSep $ docLit asT]
if compact
let asDoc = maybe docEmpty makeAsDoc masT
in docAlt
[ docForceSingleline $ docSeq [importHead, asDoc, bindingsD]
, docAddBaseY BrIndentRegular $
docPar (docSeq [importHead, asDoc]) bindingsD
case masT of
Just n -> if enoughRoom
then docLines
[ docSeq [importHead, asDoc], bindingsD]
else docLines [importHead, asDoc, bindingsD]
enoughRoom = nameCost < importAsCol - asCost
asDoc =
docEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial (importAsCol - asCost))
$ makeAsDoc n
Nothing -> if enoughRoom
then docSeq [importHead, bindingsD]
else docLines [importHead, bindingsD]
where enoughRoom = nameCost < importCol - hidingParenCost
_ -> docEmpty