{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.Pattern
  ( layoutPat
  , colsWrapPat

#include "prelude.inc"

import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.LayouterBasics

import           GHC ( Located, runGhc, GenLocated(L), moduleNameString, ol_val )
import           HsSyn
import           Name
import           BasicTypes

import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.Expr
import           Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Layouters.Type

-- | layouts patterns (inside function bindings, case alternatives, let
-- bindings or do notation). E.g. for input
--        > case computation of
--        >   (warnings, Success a b) -> ..
-- This part  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of the syntax tree is layouted by
-- 'layoutPat'. Similarly for
-- > func abc True 0 = []
--        ^^^^^^^^^^ this part
-- We will use `case .. of` as the imagined prefix to the examples used in
-- the different cases below.
layoutPat :: ToBriDocC (Pat GhcPs) (Seq BriDocNumbered)
layoutPat lpat@(L _ pat) = docWrapNode lpat $ case pat of
  WildPat _  -> fmap Seq.singleton $ docLit $ Text.pack "_"
    -- _ -> expr
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  VarPat _ n ->
#else                        /* ghc-8.0 8.2 8.4 */
  VarPat   n ->
    fmap Seq.singleton $ docLit $ lrdrNameToText n
    -- abc -> expr
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  LitPat _ lit ->
#else                        /* ghc-8.0 8.2 8.4 */
  LitPat lit ->
    fmap Seq.singleton $ allocateNode $ litBriDoc lit
    -- 0 -> expr
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  ParPat _ inner -> do
#else                        /* ghc-8.0 8.2 8.4 */
  ParPat inner -> do
    -- (nestedpat) -> expr
    left  <- docLit $ Text.pack "("
    right <- docLit $ Text.pack ")"
    innerDocs <- colsWrapPat =<< layoutPat inner
    return $ Seq.empty Seq.|> left Seq.|> innerDocs Seq.|> right
    -- return $ (left Seq.<| innerDocs) Seq.|> right
    -- case Seq.viewl innerDocs of
    --   Seq.EmptyL -> fmap return $ docLit $ Text.pack "()" -- this should never occur..
    --   x1 Seq.:< rest -> case Seq.viewr rest of
    --     Seq.EmptyR ->
    --       fmap return $ docSeq
    --       [ docLit $ Text.pack "("
    --       , return x1
    --       , docLit $ Text.pack ")"
    --       ]
    --     middle Seq.:> xN -> do
    --       x1' <- docSeq [docLit $ Text.pack "(", return x1]
    --       xN' <- docSeq [return xN, docLit $ Text.pack ")"]
    --       return $ (x1' Seq.<| middle) Seq.|> xN'
  ConPatIn lname (PrefixCon args) -> do
    -- Abc a b c -> expr
    let nameDoc = lrdrNameToText lname
    argDocs <- layoutPat `mapM` args
    if null argDocs
      then return <$> docLit nameDoc
      else do
        x1 <- appSep (docLit nameDoc)
        xR <- fmap Seq.fromList
          $ sequence
          $ spacifyDocs
          $ fmap colsWrapPat argDocs
        return $ x1 Seq.<| xR
  ConPatIn lname (InfixCon left right) -> do
    -- a :< b -> expr
    nameDoc <- lrdrNameToTextAnn lname
    leftDoc <- appSep . colsWrapPat =<< layoutPat left
    rightDoc <- colsWrapPat =<< layoutPat right
    middle <- appSep $ docLit nameDoc
    return $ Seq.empty Seq.|> leftDoc Seq.|> middle Seq.|> rightDoc
  ConPatIn lname (RecCon (HsRecFields [] Nothing)) -> do
    -- Abc{} -> expr
    let t = lrdrNameToText lname
    fmap Seq.singleton $ docLit $ t <> Text.pack "{}"
  ConPatIn lname (RecCon (HsRecFields fs@(_:_) Nothing)) -> do
    -- Abc { a = locA, b = locB, c = locC } -> expr1
    -- Abc { a, b, c } -> expr2
    let t = lrdrNameToText lname
    fds <- fs `forM` \(L _ (HsRecField (L _ fieldOcc) fPat pun)) -> do
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
      let FieldOcc _ lnameF = fieldOcc
      let FieldOcc lnameF _ = fieldOcc
      fExpDoc <- if pun
        then return Nothing
        else Just <$> docSharedWrapper layoutPat fPat
      return (lrdrNameToText lnameF, fExpDoc)
    Seq.singleton <$> docSeq
      [ appSep $ docLit t
      , appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "{"
      , docSeq $ List.intersperse docCommaSep
               $ fds <&> \case
          (fieldName, Just fieldDoc) -> docSeq
            [ appSep $ docLit fieldName
            , appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "="
            , fieldDoc >>= colsWrapPat
          (fieldName, Nothing) -> docLit fieldName
      , docSeparator
      , docLit $ Text.pack "}"
  ConPatIn lname (RecCon (HsRecFields [] (Just 0))) -> do
    -- Abc { .. } -> expr
    let t = lrdrNameToText lname
    Seq.singleton <$> docSeq
      [ appSep $ docLit t
      , docLit $ Text.pack "{..}"
  ConPatIn lname (RecCon (HsRecFields fs@(_:_) (Just dotdoti))) | dotdoti == length fs -> do
    -- Abc { a = locA, .. }
    let t = lrdrNameToText lname
    fds <- fs `forM` \(L _ (HsRecField (L _ fieldOcc) fPat pun)) -> do
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
      let FieldOcc _ lnameF = fieldOcc
      let FieldOcc lnameF _ = fieldOcc
      fExpDoc <- if pun
        then return Nothing
        else Just <$> docSharedWrapper layoutPat fPat
      return (lrdrNameToText lnameF, fExpDoc)
    Seq.singleton <$> docSeq
      [ appSep $ docLit t
      , appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "{"
      , docSeq $ fds >>= \case
          (fieldName, Just fieldDoc) ->
            [ appSep $ docLit fieldName
            , appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "="
            , fieldDoc >>= colsWrapPat
            , docCommaSep
          (fieldName, Nothing) -> [docLit fieldName, docCommaSep]
      , docLit $ Text.pack "..}"
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  TuplePat _ args boxity -> do
  TuplePat args boxity _ -> do
    -- (nestedpat1, nestedpat2, nestedpat3) -> expr
    -- (#nestedpat1, nestedpat2, nestedpat3#) -> expr
    case boxity of
      Boxed   -> wrapPatListy args "()" docParenL docParenR
      Unboxed -> wrapPatListy args "(##)" docParenHashLSep docParenHashRSep
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  AsPat _ asName asPat -> do
  AsPat asName asPat -> do
    -- bind@nestedpat -> expr
    wrapPatPrepend asPat (docLit $ lrdrNameToText asName <> Text.pack "@")
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  SigPat (HsWC _ (HsIB _ ty1)) pat1 -> do
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,2,0) /* ghc-8.2 8.4 */
  SigPatIn pat1 (HsWC _ (HsIB _ ty1 _)) -> do
#else                        /* ghc-8.0 */
  SigPatIn pat1 (HsIB _ (HsWC _ _ ty1)) -> do
    -- i :: Int -> expr
    patDocs <- layoutPat pat1
    tyDoc <- docSharedWrapper layoutType ty1
    case Seq.viewr patDocs of
      Seq.EmptyR -> error "cannot happen ljoiuxoasdcoviuasd"
      xR Seq.:> xN -> do
        xN' <- -- at the moment, we don't support splitting patterns into
               -- multiple lines. but we cannot enforce pasting everything
               -- into one line either, because the type signature will ignore
               -- this if we overflow sufficiently.
               -- In order to prevent syntactically invalid results in such
               -- cases, we need the AddBaseY here.
               -- This can all change when patterns get multiline support.
               docAddBaseY BrIndentRegular $ docSeq
          [ appSep $ return xN
          , appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "::"
          , docForceSingleline tyDoc
        return $ xR Seq.|> xN'
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  ListPat _ elems ->
  ListPat elems _ _ ->
    -- [] -> expr1
    -- [nestedpat1, nestedpat2, nestedpat3] -> expr2
    wrapPatListy elems "[]" docBracketL docBracketR
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  BangPat _ pat1 -> do
  BangPat pat1 -> do
    -- !nestedpat -> expr
    wrapPatPrepend pat1 (docLit $ Text.pack "!")
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  LazyPat _ pat1 -> do
  LazyPat pat1 -> do
    -- ~nestedpat -> expr
    wrapPatPrepend pat1 (docLit $ Text.pack "~")
#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,6,0)   /* ghc-8.6 */
  NPat _ llit@(L _ ol) mNegative _ -> do
  NPat llit@(L _ ol) mNegative _ _ -> do
    -- -13 -> expr
    litDoc <- docWrapNode llit $ allocateNode $ overLitValBriDoc $ GHC.ol_val ol
    negDoc <- docLit $ Text.pack "-"
    pure $ case mNegative of
      Just{}  -> Seq.fromList [negDoc, litDoc]
      Nothing -> Seq.singleton litDoc

-- if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,0)
--   VarPat n -> return $ stringLayouter lpat $ lrdrNameToText n
-- else
--   VarPat n -> return $ stringLayouter lpat $ rdrNameToText n
-- endif
  _ -> return <$> briDocByExactInlineOnly "some unknown pattern" lpat

colsWrapPat :: Seq BriDocNumbered -> ToBriDocM BriDocNumbered
colsWrapPat = docCols ColPatterns . fmap return . Foldable.toList

  :: Located (Pat GhcPs)
  -> ToBriDocM BriDocNumbered
  -> ToBriDocM (Seq BriDocNumbered)
wrapPatPrepend pat prepElem = do
  patDocs <- layoutPat pat
  case Seq.viewl patDocs of
    Seq.EmptyL -> return Seq.empty
    x1 Seq.:< xR -> do
      x1' <- docSeq [prepElem, return x1]
      return $ x1' Seq.<| xR

  :: [Located (Pat GhcPs)]
  -> String
  -> ToBriDocM BriDocNumbered
  -> ToBriDocM BriDocNumbered
  -> ToBriDocM (Seq BriDocNumbered)
wrapPatListy elems both start end = do
  elemDocs <- Seq.fromList elems `forM` (layoutPat >=> colsWrapPat)
  case Seq.viewl elemDocs of
    Seq.EmptyL -> fmap Seq.singleton $ docLit $ Text.pack both
    x1 Seq.:< rest -> do
      sDoc <- start
      eDoc <- end
      rest' <- rest `forM` \bd -> docSeq
        [ docCommaSep
        , return bd
      return $ (sDoc Seq.<| x1 Seq.<| rest') Seq.|> eDoc