{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Transformations.Alt
( transformAlts
#include "prelude.inc"
import Data.HList.ContainsType
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Utils
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Config.Types
import Language.Haskell.Brittany.Internal.Types
import qualified Control.Monad.Memo as Memo
data AltCurPos = AltCurPos
{ _acp_line :: Int
, _acp_indent :: Int
, _acp_indentPrep :: Int
, _acp_forceMLFlag :: AltLineModeState
deriving (Show)
data AltLineModeState
= AltLineModeStateNone
| AltLineModeStateForceML Bool
| AltLineModeStateForceSL
| AltLineModeStateContradiction
deriving (Show)
altLineModeRefresh :: AltLineModeState -> AltLineModeState
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateNone = AltLineModeStateNone
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateForceML{} = AltLineModeStateForceML False
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateForceSL = AltLineModeStateForceSL
altLineModeRefresh AltLineModeStateContradiction = AltLineModeStateContradiction
altLineModeDecay :: AltLineModeState -> AltLineModeState
altLineModeDecay AltLineModeStateNone = AltLineModeStateNone
altLineModeDecay (AltLineModeStateForceML False) = AltLineModeStateForceML True
altLineModeDecay (AltLineModeStateForceML True ) = AltLineModeStateNone
altLineModeDecay AltLineModeStateForceSL = AltLineModeStateForceSL
altLineModeDecay AltLineModeStateContradiction = AltLineModeStateContradiction
mergeLineMode :: AltCurPos -> AltLineModeState -> AltCurPos
mergeLineMode acp s = case (_acp_forceMLFlag acp, s) of
(AltLineModeStateContradiction, _) -> acp
(AltLineModeStateNone, x) -> acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = x }
(AltLineModeStateForceSL, AltLineModeStateForceSL) -> acp
(AltLineModeStateForceML{}, AltLineModeStateForceML{}) ->
acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = s }
_ -> acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = AltLineModeStateContradiction }
:: forall r w s
. ( Data.HList.ContainsType.ContainsType Config r
, Data.HList.ContainsType.ContainsType (Seq String) w
=> BriDocNumbered
-> MultiRWSS.MultiRWS r w s BriDoc
transformAlts =
MultiRWSS.withMultiStateA (AltCurPos 0 0 0 AltLineModeStateNone)
. Memo.startEvalMemoT
. fmap unwrapBriDocNumbered
. rec
rec :: BriDocNumbered -> Memo.MemoT Int [VerticalSpacing] (MultiRWSS.MultiRWS r w (AltCurPos ': s)) BriDocNumbered
rec bdX@(brDcId, brDc) = do
acp :: AltCurPos <- mGet
tellDebugMess $ "transformAlts: visiting: " ++ case brDc of
BDFAnnotationPrior annKey _ -> show (toConstr brDc, annKey, acp)
BDFAnnotationRest annKey _ -> show (toConstr brDc, annKey, acp)
_ -> show (toConstr brDc, acp)
let reWrap = (,) brDcId
case brDc of
BDFEmpty{} -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
BDFLit{} -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
BDFSeq list ->
reWrap . BDFSeq <$> list `forM` rec
BDFCols sig list ->
reWrap . BDFCols sig <$> list `forM` rec
BDFSeparator -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
BDFAddBaseY indent bd -> do
acp <- mGet
indAdd <- fixIndentationForMultiple acp indent
mSet $ acp { _acp_indentPrep = max (_acp_indentPrep acp) indAdd }
r <- rec bd
acp' <- mGet
mSet $ acp' { _acp_indent = _acp_indent acp }
return $ case indent of
BrIndentNone -> r
BrIndentRegular -> reWrap $ BDFAddBaseY (BrIndentSpecial indAdd) r
BrIndentSpecial i -> reWrap $ BDFAddBaseY (BrIndentSpecial i) r
BDFBaseYPushCur bd -> do
acp <- mGet
mSet $ acp { _acp_indent = _acp_line acp }
r <- rec bd
return $ reWrap $ BDFBaseYPushCur r
BDFBaseYPop bd -> do
acp <- mGet
r <- rec bd
acp' <- mGet
mSet $ acp' { _acp_indent = _acp_indentPrep acp }
return $ reWrap $ BDFBaseYPop r
BDFIndentLevelPushCur bd -> do
reWrap . BDFIndentLevelPushCur <$> rec bd
BDFIndentLevelPop bd -> do
reWrap . BDFIndentLevelPop <$> rec bd
BDFPar indent sameLine indented -> do
indAmount <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_indentAmount .> confUnpack
let indAdd = case indent of
BrIndentNone -> 0
BrIndentRegular -> indAmount
BrIndentSpecial i -> i
acp <- mGet
let ind = _acp_indent acp + _acp_indentPrep acp + indAdd
mSet $ acp
{ _acp_indent = ind
, _acp_indentPrep = 0
sameLine' <- rec sameLine
mModify $ \acp' -> acp'
{ _acp_line = ind
, _acp_indent = ind
indented' <- rec indented
return $ reWrap $ BDFPar indent sameLine' indented'
BDFAlt [] -> error "empty BDAlt"
BDFAlt alts -> do
altChooser <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_altChooser .> confUnpack
case altChooser of
AltChooserSimpleQuick -> do
rec $ head alts
AltChooserShallowBest -> do
spacings <- alts `forM` getSpacing
acp <- mGet
let lineCheck LineModeInvalid = False
lineCheck (LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing _ p _)) =
case _acp_forceMLFlag acp of
AltLineModeStateNone -> True
AltLineModeStateForceSL{} -> p == VerticalSpacingParNone
AltLineModeStateForceML{} -> p /= VerticalSpacingParNone
AltLineModeStateContradiction -> False
lineCheck _ = error "ghc exhaustive check is insufficient"
lconf <- _conf_layout <$> mAsk
tellDebugMess $ "considering options with " ++ show (length alts, acp)
let options =
(zip spacings alts
<&> \(vs, bd) ->
( hasSpace1 lconf acp vs && lineCheck vs, bd))
zip spacings options `forM_` \(vs, (_, bd)) ->
tellDebugMess $ " " ++ "spacing=" ++ show vs
++ ",hasSpace1=" ++ show (hasSpace1 lconf acp vs)
++ ",lineCheck=" ++ show (lineCheck vs)
++ " " ++ show (toConstr bd)
$ rec
$ fromMaybe (
List.last alts)
$ Data.List.Extra.firstJust (\(_i::Int, (b,x)) ->
| b
$ zip [1..] options
AltChooserBoundedSearch limit -> do
spacings <- alts `forM` getSpacings limit
acp <- mGet
let lineCheck (VerticalSpacing _ p _) =
case _acp_forceMLFlag acp of
AltLineModeStateNone -> True
AltLineModeStateForceSL{} -> p == VerticalSpacingParNone
AltLineModeStateForceML{} -> p /= VerticalSpacingParNone
AltLineModeStateContradiction -> False
lconf <- _conf_layout <$> mAsk
tellDebugMess $ "considering options with " ++ show (length alts, acp)
let options =
(zip spacings alts
<&> \(vs, bd) ->
( any (hasSpace2 lconf acp) vs
&& any lineCheck vs, bd))
let checkedOptions :: [Maybe (Int, BriDocNumbered)] =
zip [1..] options <&> (\(i, (b,x)) -> [ (i, x) | b ])
zip spacings options `forM_` \(vs, (_, bd)) ->
tellDebugMess $ " " ++ "spacing=" ++ show vs
++ ",hasSpace2=" ++ show (hasSpace2 lconf acp <$> vs)
++ ",lineCheck=" ++ show (lineCheck <$> vs)
++ " " ++ show (toConstr bd)
tellDebugMess $ " " ++ show (Data.Maybe.mapMaybe (fmap fst) checkedOptions)
$ rec
$ fromMaybe (
List.last alts)
$ Data.List.Extra.firstJust (fmap snd) checkedOptions
BDFForceMultiline bd -> do
acp <- mGet
x <- do
mSet $ mergeLineMode acp (AltLineModeStateForceML False)
rec bd
acp' <- mGet
mSet $ acp' { _acp_forceMLFlag = _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
return $ x
BDFForceSingleline bd -> do
acp <- mGet
x <- do
mSet $ mergeLineMode acp AltLineModeStateForceSL
rec bd
acp' <- mGet
mSet $ acp' { _acp_forceMLFlag = _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
return $ x
BDFForwardLineMode bd -> do
acp <- mGet
x <- do
mSet $ acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = altLineModeRefresh $ _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
rec bd
acp' <- mGet
mSet $ acp' { _acp_forceMLFlag = _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
return $ x
BDFExternal{} -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
BDFPlain{} -> processSpacingSimple bdX $> bdX
BDFAnnotationPrior annKey bd -> do
acp <- mGet
mSet $ acp { _acp_forceMLFlag = altLineModeDecay $ _acp_forceMLFlag acp }
bd' <- rec bd
return $ reWrap $ BDFAnnotationPrior annKey bd'
BDFAnnotationRest annKey bd ->
reWrap . BDFAnnotationRest annKey <$> rec bd
BDFAnnotationKW annKey kw bd ->
reWrap . BDFAnnotationKW annKey kw <$> rec bd
BDFMoveToKWDP annKey kw b bd ->
reWrap . BDFMoveToKWDP annKey kw b <$> rec bd
BDFLines [] -> return $ reWrap BDFEmpty
BDFLines (l:lr) -> do
ind <- _acp_indent <$> mGet
l' <- rec l
lr' <- lr `forM` \x -> do
mModify $ \acp -> acp
{ _acp_line = ind
, _acp_indent = ind
rec x
return $ reWrap $ BDFLines (l':lr')
BDFEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
acp <- mGet
indAdd <- fixIndentationForMultiple acp indent
mSet $ acp
{ _acp_indentPrep = 0
, _acp_indent = _acp_indent acp + indAdd
, _acp_line = max (_acp_line acp) (_acp_indent acp + indAdd)
r <- rec bd
acp' <- mGet
mSet $ acp' { _acp_indent = _acp_indent acp }
return $ case indent of
BrIndentNone -> r
BrIndentRegular -> reWrap $ BDFEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial indAdd) r
BrIndentSpecial i -> reWrap $ BDFEnsureIndent (BrIndentSpecial i) r
BDFNonBottomSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDFSetParSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDFForceParSpacing bd -> rec bd
BDFDebug s bd -> do
acp :: AltCurPos <- mGet
tellDebugMess $ "transformAlts: BDFDEBUG " ++ s ++ " (node-id=" ++ show brDcId ++ "): acp=" ++ show acp
reWrap . BDFDebug s <$> rec bd
:: ( MonadMultiReader Config m
, MonadMultiState AltCurPos m
, MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m
=> BriDocNumbered
-> m ()
processSpacingSimple bd = getSpacing bd >>= \case
LineModeInvalid -> error "processSpacingSimple inv"
LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing i VerticalSpacingParNone _) -> do
acp <- mGet
mSet $ acp { _acp_line = _acp_line acp + i }
LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing _ _ _) -> error "processSpacingSimple par"
_ -> error "ghc exhaustive check is insufficient"
hasSpace1 :: LayoutConfig -> AltCurPos -> LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing -> Bool
hasSpace1 _ _ LineModeInvalid = False
hasSpace1 lconf acp (LineModeValid vs) = hasSpace2 lconf acp vs
hasSpace1 _ _ _ = error "ghc exhaustive check is insufficient"
hasSpace2 :: LayoutConfig -> AltCurPos -> VerticalSpacing -> Bool
hasSpace2 lconf (AltCurPos line _indent _ _) (VerticalSpacing sameLine VerticalSpacingParNone _)
= line + sameLine <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)
hasSpace2 lconf (AltCurPos line indent indentPrep _) (VerticalSpacing sameLine (VerticalSpacingParSome par) _)
= line + sameLine <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)
&& indent + indentPrep + par <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)
hasSpace2 lconf (AltCurPos line _indent _ _) (VerticalSpacing sameLine VerticalSpacingParAlways{} _)
= line + sameLine <= confUnpack (_lconfig_cols lconf)
:: forall m
. (MonadMultiReader Config m, MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m)
=> BriDocNumbered
-> m (LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing)
getSpacing !bridoc = rec bridoc
rec :: BriDocNumbered -> m (LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing)
rec (brDcId, brDc) = do
config <- mAsk
let colMax = config & _conf_layout & _lconfig_cols & confUnpack
result <- case brDc of
BDFEmpty ->
return $ LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False
BDFLit t ->
return $ LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False
BDFSeq list ->
sumVs <$> rec `mapM` list
BDFCols _sig list -> sumVs <$> rec `mapM` list
BDFSeparator ->
return $ LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 1 VerticalSpacingParNone False
BDFAddBaseY indent bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
{ _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ case indent of
BrIndentNone -> i
BrIndentRegular -> i + ( confUnpack
$ _lconfig_indentAmount
$ _conf_layout
$ config
BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ case indent of
BrIndentNone -> i
BrIndentRegular -> i + ( confUnpack
$ _lconfig_indentAmount
$ _conf_layout
$ config
BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
BDFBaseYPushCur bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
{ _vs_sameLine = max (_vs_sameLine vs)
(case _vs_paragraph vs of
VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> min colMax i)
, _vs_paragraph = VerticalSpacingParSome 0
BDFBaseYPop bd -> rec bd
BDFIndentLevelPushCur bd -> rec bd
BDFIndentLevelPop bd -> rec bd
BDFPar BrIndentNone sameLine indented -> do
mVs <- rec sameLine
mIndSp <- rec indented
$ [ VerticalSpacing lsp pspResult parFlagResult
| VerticalSpacing lsp mPsp _ <- mVs
, indSp <- mIndSp
, lineMax <- getMaxVS $ mIndSp
, let pspResult = case mPsp of
VerticalSpacingParSome psp -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ max psp lineMax
VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ lineMax
VerticalSpacingParAlways psp -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max psp lineMax
, let parFlagResult = mPsp == VerticalSpacingParNone
&& _vs_paragraph indSp == VerticalSpacingParNone
&& _vs_parFlag indSp
BDFPar{} -> error "BDPar with indent in getSpacing"
BDFAlt [] -> error "empty BDAlt"
BDFAlt (alt:_) -> rec alt
BDFForceMultiline bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs >>= _vs_paragraph .> \case
VerticalSpacingParNone -> LineModeInvalid
_ -> mVs
BDFForceSingleline bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs >>= _vs_paragraph .> \case
VerticalSpacingParNone -> mVs
_ -> LineModeInvalid
BDFForwardLineMode bd -> rec bd
BDFExternal _ _ _ txt -> return $ LineModeValid $ case Text.lines txt of
[t] -> VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False
_ -> VerticalSpacing 999 VerticalSpacingParNone False
BDFPlain txt -> return $ LineModeValid $ case Text.lines txt of
[t] -> VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False
_ -> VerticalSpacing 999 VerticalSpacingParNone False
BDFAnnotationPrior _annKey bd -> rec bd
BDFAnnotationKW _annKey _kw bd -> rec bd
BDFAnnotationRest _annKey bd -> rec bd
BDFMoveToKWDP _annKey _kw _b bd -> rec bd
BDFLines [] -> return
$ LineModeValid
$ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False
BDFLines ls@(_:_) -> do
lSps <- rec `mapM` ls
let (mVs:_) = lSps
return $ [ VerticalSpacing lsp (VerticalSpacingParSome $ lineMax) False
| VerticalSpacing lsp _ _ <- mVs
, lineMax <- getMaxVS $ maxVs $ lSps
BDFEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
let addInd = case indent of
BrIndentNone -> 0
BrIndentRegular -> confUnpack
$ _lconfig_indentAmount
$ _conf_layout
$ config
BrIndentSpecial i -> i
return $ mVs <&> \(VerticalSpacing lsp psp pf) ->
VerticalSpacing (lsp + addInd) psp pf
BDFNonBottomSpacing bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
$ mVs
<|> LineModeValid (VerticalSpacing 0
(VerticalSpacingParAlways colMax)
BDFSetParSpacing bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs { _vs_parFlag = True }
BDFForceParSpacing bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ [ vs | vs <- mVs, _vs_parFlag vs || _vs_paragraph vs == VerticalSpacingParNone ]
BDFDebug s bd -> do
r <- rec bd
tellDebugMess $ "getSpacing: BDFDebug " ++ show s ++ " (node-id=" ++ show brDcId ++ "): mVs=" ++ show r
return r
tellDebugMess $ "getSpacing: visiting: " ++ show (toConstr $ brDc) ++ " -> " ++ show result
return result
maxVs :: [LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing] -> LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing
maxVs = foldl'
(liftM2 (\(VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) ->
VerticalSpacing (max x1 y1) (case (x2, y2) of
(x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
(VerticalSpacingParSome j, VerticalSpacingParAlways i) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
(VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) ->
VerticalSpacingParSome $ max x y) False))
(LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False)
sumVs :: [LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing] -> LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing
sumVs sps = foldl' (liftM2 go) initial sps
go (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 x3) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) = VerticalSpacing
(x1 + y1)
(case (x2, y2) of
(x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
(VerticalSpacingParSome i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
(VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) ->
VerticalSpacingParSome $ x + y)
singleline (LineModeValid x) = _vs_paragraph x == VerticalSpacingParNone
singleline _ = False
isPar (LineModeValid x) = _vs_parFlag x
isPar _ = False
parFlag = case sps of
[] -> True
_ -> all singleline (List.init sps) && isPar (List.last sps)
initial = LineModeValid $ VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone parFlag
getMaxVS :: LineModeValidity VerticalSpacing -> LineModeValidity Int
getMaxVS = fmap $ \(VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) -> x1 `max` case x2 of
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> i
data SpecialCompare = Unequal | Smaller | Bigger
:: forall m
. (MonadMultiReader Config m, MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m)
=> Int
-> BriDocNumbered
-> Memo.MemoT Int [VerticalSpacing] m [VerticalSpacing]
getSpacings limit bridoc = preFilterLimit <$> rec bridoc
preFilterLimit :: [VerticalSpacing] -> [VerticalSpacing]
preFilterLimit = take (3*limit)
memoWithKey :: Memo.MonadMemo k v m1 => k -> m1 v -> m1 v
memoWithKey k v = Memo.memo (const v) k
rec :: BriDocNumbered -> Memo.MemoT Int [VerticalSpacing] m [VerticalSpacing]
rec (brDcId, brdc) = memoWithKey brDcId $ do
config <- mAsk
let colMax = config & _conf_layout & _lconfig_cols & confUnpack
let hasOkColCount (VerticalSpacing lsp psp _) =
lsp <= colMax && case psp of
VerticalSpacingParNone -> True
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i <= colMax
VerticalSpacingParAlways{} -> True
let specialCompare vs1 vs2 =
if ( (_vs_sameLine vs1 == _vs_sameLine vs2)
&& (_vs_parFlag vs1 == _vs_parFlag vs2)
then case (_vs_paragraph vs1, _vs_paragraph vs2) of
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i1, VerticalSpacingParAlways i2) ->
if i1 < i2 then Smaller else Bigger
(p1, p2) -> if p1 == p2 then Smaller else Unequal
else Unequal
let allowHangingQuasiQuotes =
& _conf_layout
& _lconfig_allowHangingQuasiQuotes
& confUnpack
specialNub :: [VerticalSpacing] -> [VerticalSpacing]
specialNub [] = []
specialNub (x1 : xr) = case go x1 xr of
(r, xs') -> r : specialNub xs'
go y1 [] = (y1, [])
go y1 (y2 : yr) = case specialCompare y1 y2 of
Unequal -> let (r, yr') = go y1 yr in (r, y2 : yr')
Smaller -> go y1 yr
Bigger -> go y2 yr
filterAndLimit :: [VerticalSpacing] -> [VerticalSpacing]
filterAndLimit = take limit
. specialNub
. filter hasOkColCount
. preFilterLimit
result <- case brdc of
BDFEmpty ->
return $ [VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False]
BDFLit t ->
return $ [VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False]
BDFSeq list ->
fmap sumVs . sequence . fmap filterAndLimit <$> rec `mapM` list
BDFCols _sig list ->
fmap sumVs . sequence . fmap filterAndLimit <$> rec `mapM` list
BDFSeparator ->
return $ [VerticalSpacing 1 VerticalSpacingParNone False]
BDFAddBaseY indent bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
{ _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ case indent of
BrIndentNone -> i
BrIndentRegular -> i + ( confUnpack
$ _lconfig_indentAmount
$ _conf_layout
$ config
BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ case indent of
BrIndentNone -> i
BrIndentRegular -> i + ( confUnpack
$ _lconfig_indentAmount
$ _conf_layout
$ config
BrIndentSpecial j -> i + j
BDFBaseYPushCur bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs
{ _vs_sameLine = max (_vs_sameLine vs)
(case _vs_paragraph vs of
VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> min colMax i)
, _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome i
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways i
BDFBaseYPop bd -> rec bd
BDFIndentLevelPushCur bd -> rec bd
BDFIndentLevelPop bd -> rec bd
BDFPar BrIndentNone sameLine indented -> do
mVss <- filterAndLimit <$> rec sameLine
indSps <- filterAndLimit <$> rec indented
let mVsIndSp = take limit
$ [ (x,y)
| x<-mVss
, y<-indSps
return $ mVsIndSp <&>
\(VerticalSpacing lsp mPsp _, indSp) ->
(case mPsp of
VerticalSpacingParSome psp ->
VerticalSpacingParSome $ max psp $ getMaxVS indSp
VerticalSpacingParNone -> spMakePar indSp
VerticalSpacingParAlways psp ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max psp $ getMaxVS indSp)
( mPsp == VerticalSpacingParNone
&& _vs_paragraph indSp == VerticalSpacingParNone
&& _vs_parFlag indSp
BDFPar{} -> error "BDPar with indent in getSpacing"
BDFAlt [] -> error "empty BDAlt"
BDFAlt alts -> do
r <- rec `mapM` alts
return $ filterAndLimit =<< r
BDFForceMultiline bd -> do
mVs <- filterAndLimit <$> rec bd
return $ filter ((/=VerticalSpacingParNone) . _vs_paragraph) mVs
BDFForceSingleline bd -> do
mVs <- filterAndLimit <$> rec bd
return $ filter ((==VerticalSpacingParNone) . _vs_paragraph) mVs
BDFForwardLineMode bd -> rec bd
BDFExternal _ _ _ txt | [t] <- Text.lines txt ->
return $ [VerticalSpacing (Text.length t) VerticalSpacingParNone False]
BDFExternal{} ->
return $ []
BDFPlain t -> return
[ case Text.lines t of
[] -> VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False
[t1 ] -> VerticalSpacing
(Text.length t1)
(t1 : _) -> VerticalSpacing
(Text.length t1)
(VerticalSpacingParAlways 0)
| allowHangingQuasiQuotes
BDFAnnotationPrior _annKey bd -> rec bd
BDFAnnotationKW _annKey _kw bd -> rec bd
BDFAnnotationRest _annKey bd -> rec bd
BDFMoveToKWDP _annKey _kw _b bd -> rec bd
BDFLines [] -> return $ [VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False]
BDFLines ls@(_:_) -> do
lSpss <- map filterAndLimit <$> rec `mapM` ls
let worbled = fmap reverse
$ sequence
$ reverse
$ lSpss
sumF lSps@(lSp1:_) = VerticalSpacing (_vs_sameLine lSp1)
(spMakePar $ maxVs lSps)
sumF [] = error $ "should not happen. if my logic does not fail"
++ "me, this follows from not (null ls)."
return $ sumF <$> worbled
BDFEnsureIndent indent bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
let addInd = case indent of
BrIndentNone -> 0
BrIndentRegular -> confUnpack
$ _lconfig_indentAmount
$ _conf_layout
$ config
BrIndentSpecial i -> i
return $ mVs <&> \(VerticalSpacing lsp psp parFlag) ->
VerticalSpacing (lsp + addInd) psp parFlag
BDFNonBottomSpacing bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ if null mVs
then [VerticalSpacing 0 (VerticalSpacingParAlways colMax) False]
else mVs <&> \vs -> vs
{ _vs_sameLine = min colMax (_vs_sameLine vs)
, _vs_paragraph = case _vs_paragraph vs of
VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParNone
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways i
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways i
BDFSetParSpacing bd -> do
mVs <- rec bd
return $ mVs <&> \vs -> vs { _vs_parFlag = True }
BDFForceParSpacing bd -> do
mVs <- preFilterLimit <$> rec bd
return $ [ vs | vs <- mVs, _vs_parFlag vs || _vs_paragraph vs == VerticalSpacingParNone ]
BDFDebug s bd -> do
r <- rec bd
tellDebugMess $ "getSpacings: BDFDebug " ++ show s ++ " (node-id=" ++ show brDcId ++ "): vs=" ++ show (take 9 r)
return r
case brdc of
BDFAnnotationPrior{} -> return ()
BDFAnnotationRest{} -> return ()
_ -> mTell $ Seq.fromList ["getSpacings: visiting: "
++ show (toConstr $ brdc)
, " -> "
++ show (take 9 result)
return result
maxVs :: [VerticalSpacing] -> VerticalSpacing
maxVs = foldl'
(\(VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) ->
(max x1 y1)
(case (x2, y2) of
(x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
(VerticalSpacingParSome i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ max i j
(VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) ->
VerticalSpacingParSome $ max x y)
(VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone False)
sumVs :: [VerticalSpacing] -> VerticalSpacing
sumVs sps = foldl' go initial sps
go (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 x3) (VerticalSpacing y1 y2 _) = VerticalSpacing
(x1 + y1)
(case (x2, y2) of
(x, VerticalSpacingParNone) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParNone, x) -> x
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
(VerticalSpacingParAlways i, VerticalSpacingParSome j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
(VerticalSpacingParSome i, VerticalSpacingParAlways j) ->
VerticalSpacingParAlways $ i+j
(VerticalSpacingParSome x, VerticalSpacingParSome y) -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ x + y)
singleline x = _vs_paragraph x == VerticalSpacingParNone
isPar x = _vs_parFlag x
parFlag = case sps of
[] -> True
_ -> all singleline (List.init sps) && isPar (List.last sps)
initial = VerticalSpacing 0 VerticalSpacingParNone parFlag
getMaxVS :: VerticalSpacing -> Int
getMaxVS (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) = x1 `max` case x2 of
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> i
VerticalSpacingParNone -> 0
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> i
spMakePar :: VerticalSpacing -> VerticalSpacingPar
spMakePar (VerticalSpacing x1 x2 _) = case x2 of
VerticalSpacingParSome i -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ x1 `max` i
VerticalSpacingParNone -> VerticalSpacingParSome $ x1
VerticalSpacingParAlways i -> VerticalSpacingParAlways $ x1 `max` i
:: (MonadMultiReader (CConfig Identity) m) => AltCurPos -> BrIndent -> m Int
fixIndentationForMultiple acp indent = do
indAmount <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_indentAmount .> confUnpack
let indAddRaw = case indent of
BrIndentNone -> 0
BrIndentRegular -> indAmount
BrIndentSpecial i -> i
indPolicy <- mAsk <&> _conf_layout .> _lconfig_indentPolicy .> confUnpack
pure $ if indPolicy == IndentPolicyMultiple
let indAddMultiple1 =
indAddRaw - ((_acp_indent acp + indAddRaw) `mod` indAmount)
indAddMultiple2 = if indAddMultiple1 <= 0
then indAddMultiple1 + indAmount
else indAddMultiple1
in indAddMultiple2
else indAddRaw