bson- BSON documents are JSON-like objects with a standard binary encoding.

Safe HaskellNone




A BSON document is a JSON-like object with a standard binary encoding defined at This implements version 1.0 of that spec.

Use the GHC language extension OverloadedStrings to automatically convert String literals to Text



type Document = [Field] Source

A BSON document is a list of Fields

(!?) :: Val a => Document -> Label -> Maybe a Source

Recursively lookup a nested field in a Document.

look :: Monad m => Label -> Document -> m Value Source

Value of field in document, or fail (Nothing) if field not found

lookup :: (Val v, Monad m) => Label -> Document -> m v Source

Lookup value of field in document and cast to expected type. Fail (Nothing) if field not found or value not of expected type.

valueAt :: Label -> Document -> Value Source

Value of field in document. Error if missing.

at :: Val v => Label -> Document -> v Source

Typed value of field in document. Error if missing or wrong type.

include :: [Label] -> Document -> Document Source

Only include fields of document in label list

exclude :: [Label] -> Document -> Document Source

Exclude fields from document in label list

merge :: Document -> Document -> Document Source

Merge documents with preference given to first one when both have the same label. I.e. for every (k := v) in first argument, if k exists in second argument then replace its value with v, otherwise add (k := v) to second argument.


data Field Source

A BSON field is a named value, where the name (label) is a string and the value is a BSON Value


(:=) infix 0 


label :: !Label
value :: Value

(=:) :: Val v => Label -> v -> Field infix 0 Source

Field with given label and typed value

(=?) :: Val a => Label -> Maybe a -> Document infix 0 Source

If Just value then return one field document, otherwise return empty document

type Label = Text Source

The name of a BSON field


fval :: (forall a. Val a => a -> b) -> Value -> b Source

Apply generic function to typed value

cast :: (Val a, Monad m) => Value -> m a Source

Convert Value to expected type, or fail (Nothing) if not of that type

typed :: Val a => Value -> a Source

Convert Value to expected type. Error if not that type.

typeOfVal :: Value -> TypeRep Source

Type of typed value

Special Bson value types

data Regex Source

The first string is the regex pattern, the second is the regex options string. Options are identified by characters, which must be listed in alphabetical order. Valid options are *i* for case insensitive matching, *m* for multiline matching, *x* for verbose mode, *l* to make \w, \W, etc. locale dependent, *s* for dotall mode ("." matches everything), and *u* to make \w, \W, etc. match unicode.


Regex Text Text 

data Javascript Source

Javascript code with possibly empty environment mapping variables to values that the code may reference


Javascript Document Text 


data ObjectId Source

A BSON ObjectID is a 12-byte value consisting of a 4-byte timestamp (seconds since epoch), a 3-byte machine id, a 2-byte process id, and a 3-byte counter. Note that the timestamp and counter fields must be stored big endian unlike the rest of BSON. This is because they are compared byte-by-byte and we want to ensure a mostly increasing order.


Oid Word32 Word64 

timestamp :: ObjectId -> UTCTime Source

Time when objectId was created

genObjectId :: IO ObjectId Source

Create a fresh ObjectId

showHexLen :: (Show n, Integral n) => Int -> n -> ShowS Source

showHex of n padded with leading zeros if necessary to fill d digits