cabal-fix: Fix for cabal files.

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An executable and library to help fix cabal files and explore cabal.

[Skip to Readme]


Maintainer's Corner

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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS],,
Change log
Dependencies algebraic-graphs (>=0.7 && <0.8), base (>=4.14 && <5), bytestring (>=0.11 && <0.13), cabal-fix, Cabal-syntax (>=3.10 && <3.15), containers (>=0.6 && <0.8), directory (>=1.3 && <1.4), dotparse (>=0.1 && <0.2), filepath (>=1.4 && <1.6), flatparse (>=0.3 && <0.6), optics-extra (>=0.4 && <0.5), optparse-applicative (>=0.17 && <0.19), pretty (>=1.1 && <1.2), pretty-simple (>=4.1 && <4.2), string-interpolate (>=0.3 && <0.4), tar (>=0.5 && <0.7), text (>=2.0 && <2.2), these (>=1.2 && <1.3), tree-diff (>=0.3 && <0.4), vector (>=0.13 && <0.14) [details]
Tested with ghc ==9.10.1, ghc ==9.6.5, ghc ==9.8.2
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Tony Day
Category distribution
Home page
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by tonyday567 at 2024-10-12T05:29:03Z
Distributions LTSHaskell:, Stackage:
Executables cabal-fix
Downloads 174 total (14 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2024-10-20 [all 1 reports]

Readme for cabal-fix-

[back to package description]

Table of Contents

  1. cabal-fix
  2. App Usage
  3. App Configuration
  4. Library Usage
  5. cabal init
    1. minimal
    2. code example
    3. simple
  6. Archive Exploration
    1. imports
    2. tar file to list of cabal files
      1. entries
      2. Maximum file size:
      3. zero size
      4. preferred-versions
      5. package.json
      6. cabal files
    3. latestCabals to CabalFields map
    4. CabalFields map to dependency graph
    5. algebraic-graphs
    6. sections
      1. section count
      2. section types
      3. section in section
      4. zero-section cfs
    7. Dependency counts
    8. version ranges
      1. all versions are unique?
      2. Version counts
  7. Field re-ordering
  8. references


img img

cabal-fix helps fix your cabal files. This package:

  • Contains an app which parses your existing cabal file, re-renders it according to some config, then either displays a diff or alters your cabal file, in-place.
  • Is an idempotent parser of a cabal file or ByteString, into the Field type used in Cabal.
  • Is an inexact printer.
  • Contains code to explore the cabal index archive at the base of your cabal installation.

App Usage

cabal-fix --help

fixes your cabal file

Usage: cabal-fix COMMAND [-d|--directory ARG] [-c|--config ARG]

  cabal fixer

Available options:
  -d,--directory ARG       project directory
  -c,--config ARG          config file
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  inplace                  fix cabal file inplace
  check                    check cabal file
  genConfig                generate config file

App Configuration

The configuration of cabal-fix is encapsulated in the Config type. The configuration file generated by the app (via cabal-fix genConfig) just (pretty) prints defaultConfig.

import Text.Pretty.Simple
pPrint defaultConfig

    { freeTexts = [ "description" ]
    , fieldRemovals = []
    , preferredDeps =
            ( "base"
            , ">=4.7 && <5"
    , addFields = []
    , fixCommas =
            ( "extra-doc-files"
            , NoCommas
            ( "build-depends"
            , PrefixCommas
    , sortFieldLines =
        [ "build-depends"
        , "exposed-modules"
        , "default-extensions"
        , "ghc-options"
        , "extra-doc-files"
        , "tested-with"
    , sortFields = True
    , fieldOrdering =
            ( "cabal-version"
            , 0.0
            ( "import"
            , 1.0
            ( "main-is"
            , 2.0
            ( "default-language"
            , 3.0
            ( "name"
            , 4.0
            ( "hs-source-dirs"
            , 5.0
            ( "version"
            , 6.0
            ( "build-depends"
            , 7.0
            ( "exposed-modules"
            , 8.0
            ( "license"
            , 9.0
            ( "license-file"
            , 10.0
            ( "other-modules"
            , 11.0
            ( "copyright"
            , 12.0
            ( "category"
            , 13.0
            ( "author"
            , 14.0
            ( "default-extensions"
            , 15.0
            ( "ghc-options"
            , 16.0
            ( "maintainer"
            , 17.0
            ( "homepage"
            , 18.0
            ( "bug-reports"
            , 19.0
            ( "synopsis"
            , 20.0
            ( "description"
            , 21.0
            ( "build-type"
            , 22.0
            ( "tested-with"
            , 23.0
            ( "extra-doc-files"
            , 24.0
            ( "source-repository"
            , 25.0
            ( "type"
            , 26.0
            ( "common"
            , 27.0
            ( "location"
            , 28.0
            ( "library"
            , 29.0
            ( "executable"
            , 30.0
            ( "test-suite"
            , 31.0
    , fixBuildDeps = True
    , depAlignment = DepAligned
    , removeBlankFields = True
    , valueAligned = ValueUnaligned
    , sectionMargin = Margin
    , commentMargin = NoMargin
    , narrowN = 60
    , indentN = 4

Library Usage

:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XOverloadedLabels
:set -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns
:set -Wno-name-shadowing
import CabalFix
import Optics.Extra
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C
bs = minimalExampleBS
cfg = defaultConfig
(Just cf) = preview (cabalFields' cfg) bs
fs = cf & view (#fields % fieldList')

Build profile: -w ghc-9.4.8 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - cabal-fix- (lib) (ephemeral targets)
Preprocessing library for cabal-fix-
GHCi, version 9.4.8:  :? for help
[1 of 4] Compiling CabalFix.FlatParse ( src/CabalFix/FlatParse.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 4] Compiling CabalFix         ( src/CabalFix.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 4] Compiling CabalFix.Archive ( src/CabalFix/Archive.hs, interpreted )
[4 of 4] Compiling CabalFix.Patch   ( src/CabalFix/Patch.hs, interpreted )
Ok, four modules loaded.

cf & review (cabalFields' cfg) & C.putStr

cabal-version: 3.0
name: minimal
license: BSD-2-Clause
license-file: LICENSE
build-type: Simple

common warnings
    ghc-options: -Wall

    import: warnings
    exposed-modules: MyLib
    build-depends: base ^>=
    hs-source-dirs: src
    default-language: GHC2021

test-suite minimal-test
    import: warnings
    default-language: GHC2021
    type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
    hs-source-dirs: test
    main-is: Main.hs
        base ^>=,

cabal init


A minimal cabal init

mkdir minimal && cd minimal && cabal init --minimal --simple --overwrite --lib --tests --language=GHC2021 --license=BSD-2-Clause  -p minimal

[Log] Using cabal specification: 3.0
[Log] Creating fresh file LICENSE...
[Log] Creating fresh file
[Log] Creating fresh directory ./src...
[Log] Creating fresh file src/MyLib.hs...
[Log] Creating fresh directory ./test...
[Log] Creating fresh file test/Main.hs...
[Log] Creating fresh file minimal.cabal...
[Warning] No synopsis given. You should edit the .cabal file and add one.
[Info] You may want to edit the .cabal file and add a Description field.

Compared with the original cabal init contents, cabal-fix:

  • widens the base range, in line with standard practice.

  • reorders the test-suite section fields, in line with the ordering of the library section ones.

    cabal-fix check -d "minimal" -c "other/minimal.config"

    Right (Just [ -" build-depends: base ^>=", +" build-depends: base >=4.14 && <5", -" default-language: GHC2021", +" main-is: Main.hs", -" type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", +" build-depends:", -" hs-source-dirs: test", +" base >=4.14 && <5,", -" main-is: Main.hs", +" minimal", -" build-depends:", +" hs-source-dirs: test", -" base ^>=,", +" default-language: GHC2021", -" minimal", +" type: exitcode-stdio-1.0"])

code example

For reference, the code below should produce the same results as the app run above:

:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XOverloadedLabels
:set -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns
:set -Wno-name-shadowing
:set -Wno-type-defaults
import CabalFix
import Text.Pretty.Simple
import CabalFix.Patch
import Data.TreeDiff
bs = minimalExampleBS
cfg = minimalConfig
(Just cf) = preview (cabalFields' cfg) bs
bs' = review (cabalFields' cfg) cf
(Just cf') = preview (cabalFields' cfg) bs'
cfFixed = fixCabalFields cfg cf
bsFixed = review (cabalFields' cfg) cfFixed
fmap ansiWlBgEditExpr $ patch (C.lines bs) (C.lines bsFixed)

Just [
  -"    build-depends:    base ^>=",
  +"    build-depends:    base >=4.14 && <5",
  -"    default-language: GHC2021",
  +"    main-is:          Main.hs",
  -"    type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0",
  +"    build-depends:",
  -"    hs-source-dirs:   test",
  +"        base    >=4.14 && <5,",
  -"    main-is:          Main.hs",
  +"        minimal",
  -"    build-depends:",
  +"    hs-source-dirs:   test",
  -"        base ^>=,",
  +"    default-language: GHC2021",
  -"        minimal",
  +"    type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0"]


mkdir simple && cd simple && cabal init --simple --overwrite --lib --tests --language=GHC2021 --license=BSD-2-Clause  -p simple

[Log] Using cabal specification: 3.0
[Log] Creating fresh file LICENSE...
[Log] Creating fresh file
[Log] Creating fresh directory ./src...
[Log] Creating fresh file src/MyLib.hs...
[Log] Creating fresh directory ./test...
[Log] Creating fresh file test/Main.hs...
[Log] Creating fresh file simple.cabal...
[Warning] No synopsis given. You should edit the .cabal file and add one.
[Info] You may want to edit the .cabal file and add a Description field.

cabal-fix check -d "simple" -c "other/minimal.config"

Right (Just [
  +"cabal-version:   3.0",
  -"cabal-version:      3.0",
  -"name:               simple",
  +"name:            simple",
  -"version:  ",
  -"license:            BSD-2-Clause",
  +"license:         BSD-2-Clause",
  -"license-file:       LICENSE",
  +"license-file:    LICENSE",
  -"build-type:         Simple",
  +"build-type:      Simple",
  -"    build-depends:    base ^>=",
  +"    build-depends:    base >=4.14 && <5",
  -"    -- Base language which the package is written in.",
  +"    -- The entrypoint to the test suite.",
  -"    default-language: GHC2021",
  +"    main-is:          Main.hs",
  -"    -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.",
  -"    -- other-modules:",
  +"    -- Test dependencies.",
  +"    build-depends:",
  -"    -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.",
  +"        base   >=4.14 && <5,",
  -"    -- other-extensions:",
  +"        simple",
  -"    -- The interface type and version of the test suite.",
  +"    -- Directories containing source files.",
  -"    type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0",
  +"    hs-source-dirs:   test",
  -"    -- Directories containing source files.",
  +"    -- Base language which the package is written in.",
  -"    hs-source-dirs:   test",
  +"    default-language: GHC2021",
  -"    -- The entrypoint to the test suite.",
  +"    -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.",
  -"    main-is:          Main.hs",
  +"    -- other-modules:",
  +"    -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.",
  -"    -- Test dependencies.",
  +"    -- other-extensions:",
  -"    build-depends:",
  -"        base ^>=,",
  +"    -- The interface type and version of the test suite.",
  -"        simple",
  +"    type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0"])

Archive Exploration

CabalFix.Archive contains functions to extract and explore cabal files listed in your cabal index file.

The sections below are some exploration notes.


:set -Wno-type-defaults
:set -Wno-name-shadowing
:set -XOverloadedLabels
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns
import Algebra.Graph
import Algebra.Graph.ToGraph qualified as ToGraph
import CabalFix
import CabalFix.Archive
import CabalFix.FlatParse
import Codec.Archive.Tar qualified as Tar
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as C
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.Function
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Ord
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import DotParse
import FlatParse.Basic qualified as FP
import System.Directory
import Text.Pretty.Simple

Ok, four modules loaded.

tar file to list of cabal files


es <- cabalEntries
length es


Tar.entryPath <$> take 5 es


They are all normal files

(length [x | (Tar.NormalFile x _) <- Tar.entryContent <$> es])


Maximum file size:

(\xs -> filter ((maximum (snd <$> xs) ==) . snd) xs) $ [(fp,x) | (fp, Tar.NormalFile _ x) <- (\e -> (Tar.entryPath e, Tar.entryContent e)) <$> es]


zero size

take 4 $ (\xs -> filter ((0 ==) . snd) xs) $ [(fp,x) | (fp, Tar.NormalFile _ x) <- (\e -> (Tar.entryPath e, Tar.entryContent e)) <$> es]



Cabal: preferred and deprecated versions | Hackage

take 3 $ (\xs -> filter ((List.isSuffixOf "preferred-versions") . fst) xs) $ [(fp,bs) | (fp, Tar.NormalFile bs _) <- (\e -> (Tar.entryPath e, Tar.entryContent e)) <$> es]

[("ADPfusion/preferred-versions","ADPfusion < || >"),("AesonBson/preferred-versions","AesonBson <0.2.0 || >0.2.0 && <0.2.1 || >0.2.1"),("BiobaseXNA/preferred-versions","BiobaseXNA < || >")]

length $ (\xs -> filter ((List.isSuffixOf "preferred-versions") . fst) xs) $ [(fp,bs) | (fp, Tar.NormalFile bs _) <- (\e -> (Tar.entryPath e, Tar.entryContent e)) <$> es]



package-json content is a security/signing feature you can read about in hackage-security.

length $ filter ((== "package.json") . filenameFN . runParser_ filenameP . FP.strToUtf8 . fst) $ filter (not . (List.isSuffixOf "preferred-versions") . fst) $ [(fp,bs) | (fp, Tar.NormalFile bs _) <- (\e -> (Tar.entryPath e, Tar.entryContent e)) <$> es]


cabal files

Unique package/version combinations.

There are multiple versions of package/versions because of revisions. See

Unique */*.cabal/version entries

cs <- cabals
length cs


Unique cabal packages

lcs <- latestCabals
Map.size lcs


Average number of versions per package

(fromIntegral (length cs)) / fromIntegral (Map.size lcs)


latestCabals to CabalFields map

lcs <- latestCabals defaultConfig
Map.size lcs
cfg = defaultConfig
lcs' = fmap (second (parseCabalFields cfg)) lcs
Map.size $ Map.filter (snd >>> isLeft) lcs'
:t lcs'
badParse = Map.filter (isLeft . parseCabalFields cfg . snd) lcs
Map.size badParse

lcs' :: Map.Map ByteString (Version, Either ByteString CabalFields)

CabalFields map to dependency graph

lcfs <- latestCabalFields
vlds = validLibDeps $ fmap snd lcfs
Map.size vlds
depG = allDepGraph $ fmap snd lcfs
vertexCount depG
edgeCount depG



An (algebraic) graph of dependencies:

text package dependency example

supers = upstreams "text" depG <> Set.singleton "text"
superG = induce (`elem` (Data.Foldable.toList supers)) depG


fromList ["array","binary","bytestring","deepseq","ghc-prim","template-haskell","text"]

baseGraph = defaultGraph & attL GraphType (ID "size") .~ Just (IDQuoted "5!") & attL NodeType (ID "shape") .~ Just (ID "box") & attL NodeType (ID "height") .~ Just (ID 2) & gattL (ID "rankdir") .~ Just (IDQuoted "TB")
g = toDotGraphWith Directed baseGraph superG
processDotWith Directed ["-Tsvg", "-oother/textdeps.svg"] (dotPrint defaultDotConfig g)
BS.writeFile "other/" (dotPrint defaultDotConfig g)



section count

cfs = lcfs & Map.toList & fmap (snd . snd)
cfs & toListOf (each % #fields % fieldList') & fmap (filter isSection >>> length) & count_

fromList [(0,359),(1,2559),(2,5508),(3,4730),(4,2224),(5,956),(6,479),(7,236),(8,138),(9,98),(10,63),(11,57),(12,31),(13,32),(14,22),(15,16),(16,12),(17,7),(18,11),(19,8),(20,8),(21,8),(22,4),(23,3),(24,7),(25,4),(26,6),(27,1),(28,1),(29,4),(30,2),(32,4),(33,2),(34,4),(36,1),(37,4),(38,1),(39,2),(40,1),(41,1),(43,2),(47,2),(48,2),(50,1),(65,1),(93,1),(97,1),(295,1)]

section types

cfs & toListOf (each % #fields % fieldList') & fmap (filter isSection) & fmap (fmap (view fieldName')) & mconcat & count_ & Map.toList & List.sortOn (Down . snd)



cfs & toListOf (each % #fields % fieldList') & fmap (filter isSection) & fmap (fmap (view fieldName')) & fmap (filter (not . (flip List.elem) ["source-repository", "custom-setup", "foreign-library", "flag", "common"])) & fmap (count_ >>> Map.toList >>> List.sortOn fst) & count_ & Map.toList & List.sortOn (Down . snd) & take 10


at least 1 combinations:

cfs & toListOf (each % #fields % fieldList') & fmap (filter isSection) & fmap (fmap (view fieldName')) & fmap (filter (not . (flip List.elem) ["source-repository", "custom-setup", "foreign-library", "flag", "common"])) & fmap (count_ >>> Map.toList >>> fmap fst >>> List.sortOn id) & count_ & Map.toList & List.sortOn (Down . snd) & take 10


section in section

sections' = to (filter isSection)
-- cfs & fmap (foldOf (#fields % fieldList' % sections' % each % secFields' % sections')) & filter (not . null) & fmap (second (fmap (view fieldName'))) & fmap snd & mconcat & count_
cfs & fmap (foldOf (#fields % fieldList' % sections' % each % secFields' % sections')) & filter (not . null) & fmap ((fmap (view fieldName'))) & mconcat & count_

fromList [("elif",52),("else",3203),("if",11459),("library",3)]

Embedded libraries are all deprecated.

zero-section cfs

Looks like library fields used to be allowed at the top level…

cfs0 = cfs & toListOf (each % #fields % fieldList') & filter ((==0) . length . (filter isSection))
length cfs0
count_ $ cfs0 & fmap (foldOf (field' "build-depends") >>> length)
cfs00 = cfs0 & filter (foldOf (field' "build-depends") >>> length >>> (==0))
length cfs00

fromList [(0,2),(1,349),(2,7),(4,1)]

Dependency counts

package dependency count:

lcfs & fmap (snd >>> libDeps >>> fmap dep >>> List.nub >>> length) & Map.toList & List.sortOn (Down . snd) & take 20


dependency count:

lcfs & fmap (snd >>> libDeps >>> fmap dep >>> List.nub) & Map.toList & fmap snd & mconcat & count_ & Map.toList & List.sortOn (snd >>> Down) & take 40


version ranges

cs <- cabals
length cs


:t cs

mVersions = Map.fromListWith (<>) $ ((\x -> (nameFN x, (:[]) $ (versionInts $ versionFN x))) . fst) <$> cs
Map.size mVersions

cs :: [(FileName, ByteString)]

(Just x1) = Map.lookup "chart-svg" mVersions
minimum x1
maximum x1


all versions are unique?

take 10 $ Map.toList $ Map.filter (\a -> length a /= length (List.nub a)) mVersions


Version counts

take 10 $ List.sortOn (Down . snd) $ Map.toList $ length mVersions


Field re-ordering

zipWith (\o l -> (fst l, o)) [0..] (List.sortOn snd $ fieldOrdering defaultConfig)




optics-core: Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions

6. Package Description — Cabal User’s Guide