module CabalFmt.Error (Error (..), renderError) where

import System.FilePath   (normalise)
import Text.Parsec.Error (ParseError)

import qualified Data.ByteString            as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as BS8
import qualified Distribution.Parsec        as C
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Utils  as C (fromUTF8BS)
import qualified Distribution.Types.Version as C

data Error
    = SomeError String
    | CabalParseError FilePath BS.ByteString [C.PError] (Maybe C.Version) [C.PWarning]
    | PanicCannotParseInput  ParseError
  deriving (Show)

renderError :: Error -> IO ()
renderError (SomeError err) = putStrLn $ "error: " ++ err
renderError (PanicCannotParseInput err) = putStrLn $ "panic! " ++ show err
renderError (CabalParseError filepath contents errors _ warnings) =
    putStr $ renderParseError filepath contents errors warnings

-- Rendering of Cabal parser error

-- | Render parse error highlighting the part of the input file.
    :: FilePath
    -> BS.ByteString
    -> [C.PError]
    -> [C.PWarning]
    -> String
renderParseError filepath contents errors warnings = unlines $
    [ "Errors encountered when parsing cabal file " <> filepath <> ":"
    ++ renderedErrors
    ++ renderedWarnings
    filepath' = normalise filepath

    -- lines of the input file. 'lines' is taken, so they are called rows
    -- contents, line number, whether it's empty line
    rows :: [(String, Int, Bool)]
    rows = zipWith f (BS8.lines contents) [1..] where
        f bs i = let s = C.fromUTF8BS bs in (s, i, isEmptyOrComment s)

    rowsZipper = listToZipper rows

    isEmptyOrComment :: String -> Bool
    isEmptyOrComment s = case dropWhile (== ' ') s of
        ""          -> True   -- empty
        ('-':'-':_) -> True   -- comment
        _           -> False

    renderedErrors   = concatMap renderError' errors
    renderedWarnings = concatMap renderWarning warnings

    renderError' :: C.PError -> [String]
    renderError' (C.PError pos@(C.Position row col) msg)
        -- if position is 0:0, then it doesn't make sense to show input
        -- looks like, Parsec errors have line-feed in them
        | pos == C.zeroPos = msgs
        | otherwise        = msgs ++ formatInput row col
        msgs = [ "", filepath' ++ ":" ++ C.showPos pos ++ ": error:", trimLF msg, "" ]

    renderWarning :: C.PWarning -> [String]
    renderWarning (C.PWarning _ pos@(C.Position row col) msg)
        | pos == C.zeroPos = msgs
        | otherwise        = msgs ++ formatInput row col
        msgs = [ "", filepath' ++ ":" ++ C.showPos pos ++ ": warning:", trimLF msg, "" ]

    -- sometimes there are (especially trailing) newlines.
    trimLF :: String -> String
    trimLF = dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse

    -- format line: prepend the given line number
    formatInput :: Int -> Int -> [String]
    formatInput row col = case advance (row - 1) rowsZipper of
        Zipper xs ys -> before ++ after where
            before = case span (\(_, _, b) -> b) xs of
                (_, [])     -> []
                (zs, z : _) -> map formatInputLine $ z : reverse zs

            after  = case ys of
                []        -> []
                (z : _zs) ->
                    [ formatInputLine z                             -- error line
                    , "      | " ++ replicate (col - 1) ' ' ++ "^"  -- pointer: ^
                    -- do we need rows after?
                    -- ++ map formatInputLine (take 1 zs)           -- one row after

    formatInputLine :: (String, Int, Bool) -> String
    formatInputLine (str, row, _) = leftPadShow row ++ " | " ++ str

    -- hopefully we don't need to work with over 99999 lines .cabal files
    -- at that point small glitches in error messages are hopefully fine.
    leftPadShow :: Int -> String
    leftPadShow n = let s = show n in replicate (5 - length s) ' ' ++ s

data Zipper a = Zipper [a] [a]

listToZipper :: [a] -> Zipper a
listToZipper = Zipper []

advance :: Int -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
advance n z@(Zipper xs ys)
    | n <= 0 = z
    | otherwise = case ys of
        []      -> z
        (y:ys') -> advance (n - 1) $ Zipper (y:xs) ys'