{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromCabal.PostProcess ( postProcess, pkg ) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map.Lens
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Meta
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
import Language.Nix
postProcess :: Derivation -> Derivation
postProcess deriv =
foldr (.) id [ f | (Dependency n vr, f) <- hooks, packageName deriv == n, packageVersion deriv `withinRange` vr ]
. fixGtkBuilds
. fixBuildDependsForTools
$ deriv
fixGtkBuilds :: Derivation -> Derivation
fixGtkBuilds drv = drv & dependencies . pkgconfig %~ Set.filter (not . collidesWithHaskellName)
& dependencies . system %~ Set.filter (not . collidesWithHaskellName)
& dependencies . tool %~ Set.filter (not . collidesWithHaskellName)
collidesWithHaskellName :: Binding -> Bool
collidesWithHaskellName b = case buildDeps Map.!? view localName b of
Nothing -> False
Just p -> p /= view reference b
myName :: Identifier
myName = ident # unPackageName (packageName drv)
buildDeps :: Map Identifier Path
buildDeps = Map.delete myName (toMapOf (dependencies . haskell . to Set.toList . traverse . binding . ifolded) drv)
fixBuildDependsForTools :: Derivation -> Derivation
fixBuildDependsForTools = foldr (.) id
[ fmap snd $ runState $ do
needs <- use $ cloneLens c . haskell . contains p
cloneLens c . tool . contains p ||= needs
| (c :: ALens' Derivation BuildInfo) <- [ testDepends, benchmarkDepends ]
, p <- self <$> [ "hspec-discover"
, "tasty-discover"
, "hsx2hs"
, "markdown-unlit"
hooks :: [(Dependency, Derivation -> Derivation)]
hooks =
[ ("Agda < 2.5", set (executableDepends . tool . contains (pkg "emacs")) True . set phaseOverrides agdaPostInstall)
, ("Agda >= 2.5", set (executableDepends . tool . contains (pkg "emacs")) True . set phaseOverrides agda25PostInstall)
, ("alex < 3.1.5", set (testDepends . tool . contains (pkg "perl")) True)
, ("alex", set (executableDepends . tool . contains (self "happy")) True)
, ("alsa-core", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform _ os) -> os == Linux)))
, ("bindings-GLFW", over (libraryDepends . system) (Set.union (Set.fromList [bind "pkgs.xorg.libXext", bind "pkgs.xorg.libXfixes"])))
, ("bindings-lxc", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform _ os) -> os == Linux)))
, ("bustle", set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains "system-glib = pkgs.glib") True)
, ("Cabal", set doCheck False)
, ("Cabal >2.2", over (setupDepends . haskell) (Set.union (Set.fromList [self "mtl", self "parsec"])))
, ("cabal-helper", set doCheck False)
, ("cabal-install", set doCheck False . set phaseOverrides cabalInstallPostInstall)
, ("cabal2nix > 2", cabal2nixOverrides)
, ("darcs", set phaseOverrides darcsInstallPostInstall . set doCheck False)
, ("dbus", set doCheck False)
, ("dns", set testTarget "spec")
, ("eventstore", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform arch _) -> arch == X86_64)))
, ("freenect < 1.2.1", over configureFlags (Set.union (Set.fromList ["--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.freenect}/include/libfreenect", "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.freenect}/lib"])))
, ("fltkhs", set (libraryDepends . system . contains (pkg "fltk14")) True . set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (pkg "libGLU_combined")) True)
, ("gf", set phaseOverrides gfPhaseOverrides . set doCheck False)
, ("gi-cairo", giCairoPhaseOverrides)
, ("gi-gdk", set runHaddock True )
, ("gi-gio", set runHaddock True )
, ("gi-glib", set runHaddock True )
, ("gi-gst", giGstLibOverrides "gstreamer")
, ("gi-gstaudio", giGstLibOverrides "gst-plugins-base")
, ("gi-gstbase", giGstLibOverrides "gst-plugins-base")
, ("gi-gstvideo", giGstLibOverrides "gst-plugins-base")
, ("gi-gtk", set runHaddock True )
, ("gi-javascriptcore <", webkitgtk24xHook)
, ("gi-pango", giCairoPhaseOverrides)
, ("gi-pango", set runHaddock True )
, ("gi-pangocairo", giCairoPhaseOverrides)
, ("gi-vte", set runHaddock True )
, ("gi-webkit", webkitgtk24xHook)
, ("gio", set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains "system-glib = pkgs.glib") True)
, ("git", set doCheck False)
, ("git-annex >= 6.20170925 && < 6.20171214", set doCheck False)
, ("git-annex", gitAnnexHook)
, ("github-backup", set (executableDepends . tool . contains (pkg "git")) True)
, ("GLFW", over (libraryDepends . system) (Set.union (Set.fromList [bind "pkgs.xorg.libXext", bind "pkgs.xorg.libXfixes"])))
, ("GlomeVec", set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (bind "self.llvmPackages.llvm")) True)
, ("graphviz", set (testDepends . system . contains (pkg "graphviz")) True)
, ("gtk3", gtk3Hook)
, ("gtkglext", gtkglextHook)
, ("haddock", haddockHook)
, ("hakyll", set (testDepends . tool . contains (pkg "utillinux")) True)
, ("haskell-src-exts", set doCheck False)
, ("hfsevents", hfseventsOverrides)
, ("HFuse", set phaseOverrides hfusePreConfigure)
, ("hlibgit2 >=", set (testDepends . tool . contains (pkg "git")) True)
, ("hmatrix <", set phaseOverrides "preConfigure = \"sed -i hmatrix.cabal -e '/\\\\/usr\\\\//D'\";")
, ("holy-project", set doCheck False)
, ("hoogle", set testTarget "--test-option=--no-net")
, ("hsignal <", set phaseOverrides "prePatch = \"rm -v Setup.lhs\";")
, ("hslua < 0.9.3", over (libraryDepends . system) (replace (pkg "lua") (pkg "lua5_1")))
, ("hslua >= 0.9.3", over (libraryDepends . system) (replace (pkg "lua") (pkg "lua5_3")))
, ("hspec-core >= 2.4.4", hspecCoreOverrides)
, ("http-client", set doCheck False)
, ("http-client-openssl >=", set doCheck False)
, ("http-client-tls >= 0.2.2", set doCheck False)
, ("http-conduit", set doCheck False)
, ("imagemagick", set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (pkg "imagemagick")) True)
, ("include-file <=", set (libraryDepends . haskell . contains (self "random")) True)
, ("js-jquery", set doCheck False)
, ("libconfig", over (libraryDepends . system) (replace "config = null" (pkg "libconfig")))
, ("libxml", set (configureFlags . contains "--extra-include-dir=${libxml2.dev}/include/libxml2") True)
, ("liquid-fixpoint", set (executableDepends . system . contains (pkg "ocaml")) True . set (testDepends . system . contains (pkg "z3")) True . set (testDepends . system . contains (pkg "nettools")) True . set (testDepends . system . contains (pkg "git")) True . set doCheck False)
, ("liquidhaskell", set (testDepends . system . contains (pkg "z3")) True)
, ("lzma-clib", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform _ os) -> os == Windows)) . set (libraryDepends . haskell . contains (self "only-buildable-on-windows")) False)
, ("MFlow < 4.6", set (libraryDepends . tool . contains (self "cpphs")) True)
, ("mwc-random", set doCheck False)
, ("mysql", set (libraryDepends . system . contains (pkg "mysql")) True)
, ("network-attoparsec", set doCheck False)
, ("numeric-qq", set doCheck False)
, ("opencv", opencvOverrides)
, ("pandoc >= && < 2.5", set doCheck False)
, ("pandoc", pandocOverrides)
, ("pandoc-citeproc", set doCheck False)
, ("purescript", set doCheck False)
, ("proto-lens-protobuf-types", set (libraryDepends . tool . contains (pkg "protobuf")) True)
, ("proto-lens-protoc", set (libraryDepends . tool . contains (pkg "protobuf")) True)
, ("qtah-cpp-qt5", set (libraryDepends . system . contains (bind "pkgs.qt5.qtbase")) True)
, ("qtah-qt5", set (libraryDepends . tool . contains (bind "pkgs.qt5.qtbase")) True)
, ("readline", over (libraryDepends . system) (Set.union (pkgs ["readline", "ncurses"])))
, ("req", set doCheck False)
, ("sbv > 7", set (testDepends . system . contains (pkg "z3")) True)
, ("sdr", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform arch _) -> arch == X86_64)))
, ("shake-language-c", set doCheck False)
, ("ssh", set doCheck False)
, ("stack", set phaseOverrides stackOverrides . set doCheck False)
, ("stripe-http-streams", set doCheck False . set (metaSection . broken) False)
, ("target", set (testDepends . system . contains (pkg "z3")) True)
, ("terminfo", set (libraryDepends . system . contains (pkg "ncurses")) True)
, ("text", set doCheck False)
, ("tensorflow-proto", set (libraryDepends . tool . contains (pkg "protobuf")) True)
, ("thyme", set (libraryDepends . tool . contains (self "cpphs")) True)
, ("twilio", set doCheck False)
, ("tz", set phaseOverrides "preConfigure = \"export TZDIR=${pkgs.tzdata}/share/zoneinfo\";")
, ("udev", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform _ os) -> os == Linux)))
, ("webkitgtk3", webkitgtk24xHook)
, ("webkitgtk3-javascriptcore", webkitgtk24xHook)
, ("websockets", set doCheck False)
, ("Win32", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform _ os) -> os == Windows)))
, ("Win32-shortcut", over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform _ os) -> os == Windows)))
, ("wxc", wxcHook)
, ("wxcore", set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (pkg "wxGTK")) True)
, ("X11", over (libraryDepends . system) (Set.union (Set.fromList $ map bind ["pkgs.xorg.libXinerama","pkgs.xorg.libXext","pkgs.xorg.libXrender","pkgs.xorg.libXScrnSaver"])))
, ("xmonad >= 0.14.2", set phaseOverrides xmonadPostInstall)
, ("zip-archive < 0.3.1", over (testDepends . tool) (replace (self "zip") (pkg "zip")))
, ("zip-archive >= 0.3.1 && <", over (testDepends . tool) (Set.union (Set.fromList [pkg "zip", pkg "unzip"])))
pkg :: Identifier -> Binding
pkg i = binding # (i, path # ["pkgs",i])
self :: Identifier -> Binding
self i = binding # (i, path # ["self",i])
pkgs :: [Identifier] -> Set Binding
pkgs = Set.fromList . map pkg
bind :: String -> Binding
bind s = binding # (i, path # is)
is = map (review ident) (splitOn "." s)
i = last is
replace :: Binding -> Binding -> Set Binding -> Set Binding
replace old new bs
| old `Set.member` bs = Set.insert new (Set.delete old bs)
| otherwise = error (unwords [ "post-process: cannot replace name binding"
, show old, "by", show new
, "because it's not found in set"
, show bs
gtk3Hook :: Derivation -> Derivation
gtk3Hook = set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (pkg "gtk3")) True
. over (libraryDepends . pkgconfig) (Set.filter (\b -> view localName b /= "gtk3"))
haddockHook :: Derivation -> Derivation
haddockHook = set doCheck False
. set phaseOverrides "preCheck = \"unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH\";"
. over (dependencies . haskell) (Set.filter (\b -> view localName b /= "haddock-test"))
. set (metaSection . broken) False
gitAnnexHook :: Derivation -> Derivation
gitAnnexHook = set phaseOverrides gitAnnexOverrides
. over (executableDepends . system) (Set.union buildInputs)
gitAnnexOverrides = unlines
[ "preConfigure = \"export HOME=$TEMPDIR; patchShebangs .\";"
, "installPhase = \"make PREFIX=$out BUILDER=: install\";"
, "checkPhase = ''"
, " ln -sf dist/build/git-annex/git-annex git-annex"
, " ln -sf git-annex git-annex-shell"
, " export PATH+=\":$PWD\""
, " git-annex test"
, "'';"
, "enableSharedExecutables = false;"
buildInputs = pkgs ["git","rsync","gnupg","curl","wget","lsof","openssh","which","bup","perl"]
hfusePreConfigure :: String
hfusePreConfigure = unlines
[ "preConfigure = ''"
, " sed -i -e \"s@ Extra-Lib-Dirs: /usr/local/lib@ Extra-Lib-Dirs: ${fuse}/lib@\" HFuse.cabal"
, "'';"
gfPhaseOverrides :: String
gfPhaseOverrides = unlines
[ "postPatch = ''"
, " sed -i \"s|\\\"-s\\\"|\\\"\\\"|\" ./Setup.hs"
, " sed -i \"s|numJobs (bf bi)++||\" ./Setup.hs"
, "'';"
, "preBuild = ''export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/dist/build:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'';"
wxcHook :: Derivation -> Derivation
wxcHook drv = drv & libraryDepends . system %~ Set.union (Set.fromList [pkg "libGL", bind "pkgs.xorg.libX11"])
& libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (pkg "wxGTK") .~ True
& phaseOverrides .~ wxcPostInstall (packageVersion drv)
& runHaddock .~ False
wxcPostInstall :: Version -> String
wxcPostInstall version = unlines
[ "postInstall = \"cp -v dist/build/libwxc.so." ++ display version ++ " $out/lib/libwxc.so\";"
, "postPatch = \"sed -i -e '/ldconfig inst_lib_dir/d' Setup.hs\";"
cabalInstallPostInstall :: String
cabalInstallPostInstall = unlines
[ "postInstall = ''"
, " mkdir $out/etc"
, " mv bash-completion $out/etc/bash_completion.d"
, "'';"
darcsInstallPostInstall :: String
darcsInstallPostInstall = unlines
[ "postInstall = ''"
, " mkdir -p $out/etc/bash_completion.d"
, " mv contrib/darcs_completion $out/etc/bash_completion.d/darcs"
, "'';"
xmonadPostInstall :: String
xmonadPostInstall = unlines
[ "postInstall = ''"
, " install -D man/xmonad.1 $doc/share/man/man1/xmonad.1"
, " install -D man/xmonad.hs $doc/share/doc/$name/sample-xmonad.hs"
, "'';"
agdaPostInstall :: String
agdaPostInstall = unlines
[ "postInstall = ''"
, " $out/bin/agda -c --no-main $(find $data/share -name Primitive.agda)"
, " $out/bin/agda-mode compile"
, "'';"
agda25PostInstall :: String
agda25PostInstall = unlines
[ "postInstall = ''"
, " files=(\"$data/share/ghc-\"*\"/\"*\"-ghc-\"*\"/Agda-\"*\"/lib/prim/Agda/\"{Primitive.agda,Builtin\"/\"*.agda})"
, " for f in \"''${files[@]}\" ; do"
, " $out/bin/agda $f"
, " done"
, " for f in \"''${files[@]}\" ; do"
, " $out/bin/agda -c --no-main $f"
, " done"
, " $out/bin/agda-mode compile"
, "'';"
stackOverrides :: String
stackOverrides = unlines
[ "preCheck = \"export HOME=$TMPDIR\";"
, "postInstall = ''"
, " exe=$out/bin/stack"
, " mkdir -p $out/share/bash-completion/completions"
, " $exe --bash-completion-script $exe >$out/share/bash-completion/completions/stack"
, "'';"
giGstLibOverrides :: String -> Derivation -> Derivation
giGstLibOverrides package
= over (libraryDepends . pkgconfig) (replace (pkg (ident # package)) (binding # (ident # package, path # ["pkgs","gst_all_1", ident # package])))
giCairoPhaseOverrides :: Derivation -> Derivation
giCairoPhaseOverrides = over phaseOverrides (++txt)
. set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (pkg "cairo")) True
txt = unlines [ "preCompileBuildDriver = ''"
, " PKG_CONFIG_PATH+=\":${cairo}/lib/pkgconfig\""
, " setupCompileFlags+=\" $(pkg-config --libs cairo-gobject)\""
, "'';"
hfseventsOverrides :: Derivation -> Derivation
= set isLibrary True
. over (metaSection . platforms) (Set.filter (\(Platform _ os) -> os == OSX))
. set (libraryDepends . tool . contains (bind "pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreServices")) True
. set (libraryDepends . system . contains (bind "pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa")) True
. over (libraryDepends . haskell) (Set.union (Set.fromList (map bind ["self.base", "self.cereal", "self.mtl", "self.text", "self.bytestring"])))
webkitgtk24xHook :: Derivation -> Derivation
webkitgtk24xHook = set (libraryDepends . pkgconfig . contains (pkg "webkitgtk24x-gtk3")) True
. over (libraryDepends . pkgconfig) (Set.filter (\b -> view localName b /= "webkitgtk24x-gtk3"))
opencvOverrides :: Derivation -> Derivation
opencvOverrides = set phaseOverrides "hardeningDisable = [ \"bindnow\" ];"
. over (libraryDepends . pkgconfig) (replace (pkg "opencv") (pkg "opencv3"))
hspecCoreOverrides :: Derivation -> Derivation
hspecCoreOverrides = set phaseOverrides "testTarget = \"--test-option=--skip --test-option='Test.Hspec.Core.Runner.hspecResult runs specs in parallel'\";"
cabal2nixOverrides :: Derivation -> Derivation
cabal2nixOverrides = set phaseOverrides $ unlines
[ "preCheck = ''"
, " export PATH=\"$PWD/dist/build/cabal2nix:$PATH\""
, " export HOME=\"$TMPDIR/home\""
, "'';"
gtkglextHook :: Derivation -> Derivation
gtkglextHook = over (libraryDepends . system) (Set.union (Set.fromList deps))
deps :: [Binding]
deps = bind <$> [ "pkgs.gtk2"
, "pkgs.libGLU"
, "pkgs.xorg.libSM"
, "pkgs.xorg.libICE"
, "pkgs.xorg.libXt"
, "pkgs.xorg.libXmu"
pandocOverrides :: Derivation -> Derivation
pandocOverrides = set phaseOverrides postInstall
postInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''"
, " mkdir -p $out/share"
, " mv $data/*/*/man $out/share/"
, "'';"