Copyright | (c) Paolo Martini 2005, (c) Abraham Egnor 2004, (c) Aetion Technologies LLC 2004 |
License | BSD-style (see cairo/COPYRIGHT) |
Maintainer | |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
The Cairo 2D graphics library.
Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, win32, and image buffers. Experimental backends include OpenGL (through glitz), Quartz, XCB, PostScript and PDF file output.
Cairo is designed to produce consistent output on all output media while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available (eg. through the X Render Extension).
The cairo API provides operations similar to the drawing operators of PostScript and PDF. Operations in cairo including stroking and filling cubic Bezier splines, transforming and compositing translucent images, and antialiased text rendering. All drawing operations can be transformed by any affine transformation (scale, rotation, shear, etc.)
Cairo is free software and is available to be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or the Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 1.1.
For more information see
- Note the Haskell bindings do not support all the possible cairo backends because it would require bindings for the associated technology (eg X11, glitz, etc) however bindings to other backends may be implemented externally. For example, Gtk2Hs provides a binding to the backend for X11 (and win32 on Windows).
- renderWith :: MonadIO m => Surface -> Render a -> m a
- save :: Render ()
- restore :: Render ()
- status :: Render Status
- withTargetSurface :: (Surface -> Render a) -> Render a
- pushGroup :: Render ()
- pushGroupWithContent :: Content -> Render ()
- popGroupToSource :: Render ()
- setSourceRGB :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- setSourceRGBA :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- setSource :: Pattern -> Render ()
- setSourceSurface :: Surface -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- getSource :: Render Pattern
- setAntialias :: Antialias -> Render ()
- setDash :: [Double] -> Double -> Render ()
- setFillRule :: FillRule -> Render ()
- getFillRule :: Render FillRule
- setLineCap :: LineCap -> Render ()
- getLineCap :: Render LineCap
- setLineJoin :: LineJoin -> Render ()
- getLineJoin :: Render LineJoin
- setLineWidth :: Double -> Render ()
- getLineWidth :: Render Double
- setMiterLimit :: Double -> Render ()
- getMiterLimit :: Render Double
- setOperator :: Operator -> Render ()
- getOperator :: Render Operator
- setTolerance :: Double -> Render ()
- getTolerance :: Render Double
- clip :: Render ()
- clipPreserve :: Render ()
- clipExtents :: Render (Double, Double, Double, Double)
- resetClip :: Render ()
- fill :: Render ()
- fillPreserve :: Render ()
- fillExtents :: Render (Double, Double, Double, Double)
- inFill :: Double -> Double -> Render Bool
- mask :: Pattern -> Render ()
- maskSurface :: Surface -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- paint :: Render ()
- paintWithAlpha :: Double -> Render ()
- stroke :: Render ()
- strokePreserve :: Render ()
- strokeExtents :: Render (Double, Double, Double, Double)
- inStroke :: Double -> Double -> Render Bool
- copyPage :: Render ()
- showPage :: Render ()
- getCurrentPoint :: Render (Double, Double)
- newPath :: Render ()
- closePath :: Render ()
- arc :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- arcNegative :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- curveTo :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- lineTo :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
- moveTo :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
- rectangle :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- textPath :: CairoString string => string -> Render ()
- relCurveTo :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Render ()
- relLineTo :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
- relMoveTo :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
- withRGBPattern :: Double -> Double -> Double -> (Pattern -> Render a) -> Render a
- withRGBAPattern :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> (Pattern -> Render a) -> Render a
- withPatternForSurface :: Surface -> (Pattern -> Render a) -> Render a
- withGroupPattern :: (Pattern -> Render a) -> Render a
- withLinearPattern :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> (Pattern -> Render a) -> Render a
- withRadialPattern :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> (Pattern -> Render a) -> Render a
- patternAddColorStopRGB :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
- patternAddColorStopRGBA :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> m ()
- patternSetMatrix :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> Matrix -> m ()
- patternGetMatrix :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> m Matrix
- patternSetExtend :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> Extend -> m ()
- patternGetExtend :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> m Extend
- patternSetFilter :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> Filter -> m ()
- patternGetFilter :: MonadIO m => Pattern -> m Filter
- translate :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
- scale :: Double -> Double -> Render ()
- rotate :: Double -> Render ()
- transform :: Matrix -> Render ()
- setMatrix :: Matrix -> Render ()
- getMatrix :: Render Matrix
- identityMatrix :: Render ()
- userToDevice :: Double -> Double -> Render (Double, Double)
- userToDeviceDistance :: Double -> Double -> Render (Double, Double)
- deviceToUser :: Double -> Double -> Render (Double, Double)
- deviceToUserDistance :: Double -> Double -> Render (Double, Double)
- selectFontFace :: CairoString string => string -> FontSlant -> FontWeight -> Render ()
- setFontSize :: Double -> Render ()
- setFontMatrix :: Matrix -> Render ()
- getFontMatrix :: Render Matrix
- setFontOptions :: FontOptions -> Render ()
- showText :: CairoString string => string -> Render ()
- fontExtents :: Render FontExtents
- textExtents :: CairoString string => string -> Render TextExtents
- fontOptionsCreate :: MonadIO m => m FontOptions
- fontOptionsCopy :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m FontOptions
- fontOptionsMerge :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> FontOptions -> m ()
- fontOptionsHash :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m Int
- fontOptionsEqual :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> FontOptions -> m Bool
- fontOptionsSetAntialias :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> Antialias -> m ()
- fontOptionsGetAntialias :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m Antialias
- fontOptionsSetSubpixelOrder :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> SubpixelOrder -> m ()
- fontOptionsGetSubpixelOrder :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m SubpixelOrder
- fontOptionsSetHintStyle :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> HintStyle -> m ()
- fontOptionsGetHintStyle :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m HintStyle
- fontOptionsSetHintMetrics :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> HintMetrics -> m ()
- fontOptionsGetHintMetrics :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m HintMetrics
- withSimilarSurface :: Surface -> Content -> Int -> Int -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a
- createSimilarSurface :: Surface -> Content -> Int -> Int -> IO Surface
- renderWithSimilarSurface :: Content -> Int -> Int -> (Surface -> Render a) -> Render a
- surfaceGetFontOptions :: Surface -> Render FontOptions
- surfaceFinish :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m ()
- surfaceFlush :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m ()
- surfaceMarkDirty :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m ()
- surfaceMarkDirtyRectangle :: MonadIO m => Surface -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> m ()
- surfaceSetDeviceOffset :: MonadIO m => Surface -> Double -> Double -> m ()
- withImageSurface :: Format -> Int -> Int -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a
- withImageSurfaceForData :: PixelData -> Format -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a
- formatStrideForWidth :: Format -> Int -> Int
- createImageSurfaceForData :: PixelData -> Format -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Surface
- createImageSurface :: Format -> Int -> Int -> IO Surface
- imageSurfaceGetWidth :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Int
- imageSurfaceGetHeight :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Int
- imageSurfaceGetFormat :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Format
- imageSurfaceGetStride :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Int
- imageSurfaceGetData :: Surface -> IO ByteString
- data SurfaceData i e
- imageSurfaceGetPixels :: Storable e => Surface -> IO (SurfaceData Int e)
- withImageSurfaceFromPNG :: FilePath -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a
- imageSurfaceCreateFromPNG :: FilePath -> IO Surface
- surfaceWriteToPNG :: Surface -> FilePath -> IO ()
- withPDFSurface :: FilePath -> Double -> Double -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a
- pdfSurfaceSetSize :: MonadIO m => Surface -> Double -> Double -> m ()
- withPSSurface :: FilePath -> Double -> Double -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a
- psSurfaceSetSize :: MonadIO m => Surface -> Double -> Double -> m ()
- withSVGSurface :: FilePath -> Double -> Double -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a
- regionCreate :: MonadIO m => m Region
- regionCreateRectangle :: MonadIO m => RectangleInt -> m Region
- regionCreateRectangles :: MonadIO m => [RectangleInt] -> m Region
- regionCopy :: MonadIO m => Region -> m Region
- regionGetExtents :: MonadIO m => Region -> m RectangleInt
- regionNumRectangles :: MonadIO m => Region -> m Int
- regionGetRectangle :: MonadIO m => Region -> Int -> m RectangleInt
- regionIsEmpty :: MonadIO m => Region -> m Bool
- regionContainsPoint :: MonadIO m => Region -> Int -> Int -> m Bool
- regionContainsRectangle :: MonadIO m => Region -> RectangleInt -> m RegionOverlap
- regionEqual :: MonadIO m => Region -> Region -> m Bool
- regionTranslate :: MonadIO m => Region -> Int -> Int -> m ()
- regionIntersect :: MonadIO m => Region -> Region -> m ()
- regionIntersectRectangle :: MonadIO m => Region -> RectangleInt -> m ()
- regionSubtract :: MonadIO m => Region -> Region -> m ()
- regionSubtractRectangle :: MonadIO m => Region -> RectangleInt -> m ()
- regionUnion :: MonadIO m => Region -> Region -> m ()
- regionUnionRectangle :: MonadIO m => Region -> RectangleInt -> m ()
- regionXor :: MonadIO m => Region -> Region -> m ()
- regionXorRectangle :: MonadIO m => Region -> RectangleInt -> m ()
- liftIO :: MonadIO m => forall a. IO a -> m a
- version :: Int
- versionString :: String
- class CairoString s
- data Render m
- data Matrix
- data Surface
- data Pattern
- data Status
- = StatusSuccess
- | StatusNoMemory
- | StatusInvalidRestore
- | StatusInvalidPopGroup
- | StatusNoCurrentPoint
- | StatusInvalidMatrix
- | StatusInvalidStatus
- | StatusNullPointer
- | StatusInvalidString
- | StatusInvalidPathData
- | StatusReadError
- | StatusWriteError
- | StatusSurfaceFinished
- | StatusSurfaceTypeMismatch
- | StatusPatternTypeMismatch
- | StatusInvalidContent
- | StatusInvalidFormat
- | StatusInvalidVisual
- | StatusFileNotFound
- | StatusInvalidDash
- | StatusInvalidDscComment
- | StatusInvalidIndex
- | StatusClipNotRepresentable
- | StatusTempFileError
- | StatusInvalidStride
- | StatusFontTypeMismatch
- | StatusUserFontImmutable
- | StatusUserFontError
- | StatusNegativeCount
- | StatusInvalidClusters
- | StatusInvalidSlant
- | StatusInvalidWeight
- | StatusInvalidSize
- | StatusUserFontNotImplemented
- | StatusDeviceTypeMismatch
- | StatusDeviceError
- | StatusInvalidMeshConstruction
- | StatusDeviceFinished
- | StatusJbig2GlobalMissing
- | StatusLastStatus
- data Operator
- = OperatorClear
- | OperatorSource
- | OperatorOver
- | OperatorIn
- | OperatorOut
- | OperatorAtop
- | OperatorDest
- | OperatorDestOver
- | OperatorDestIn
- | OperatorDestOut
- | OperatorDestAtop
- | OperatorXor
- | OperatorAdd
- | OperatorSaturate
- | OperatorMultiply
- | OperatorScreen
- | OperatorOverlay
- | OperatorDarken
- | OperatorLighten
- | OperatorColorDodge
- | OperatorColorBurn
- | OperatorHardLight
- | OperatorSoftLight
- | OperatorDifference
- | OperatorExclusion
- | OperatorHslHue
- | OperatorHslSaturation
- | OperatorHslColor
- | OperatorHslLuminosity
- data Antialias
- data FillRule
- data LineCap
- data LineJoin
- data ScaledFont
- data FontFace
- data Glyph
- data TextExtents = TextExtents {}
- data FontExtents = FontExtents {}
- data FontSlant
- data FontWeight
- data SubpixelOrder
- data HintStyle
- data HintMetrics
- data FontOptions
- data Path
- data RectangleInt = RectangleInt {}
- data RegionOverlap
- data Region
- data Content
- data Format
- data Extend
- data Filter
Creates a new Render context with all graphics state parameters set to
default values and with the given surface as a target surface. The target
surface should be constructed with a backend-specific function such as
(or any other with<backend>Surface variant).
Restores to the state saved by a preceding call to save
and removes that
state from the stack of saved states.
withTargetSurface :: (Surface -> Render a) -> Render a Source
Gets the target surface for the Render context as passed to renderWith
pushGroupWithContent :: Content -> Render () Source
Temporarily redirects drawing to an intermediate surface known as a group.
The redirection lasts until the group is completed by a call to
or popGroupToSource
. These calls provide the result of
any drawing to the group as a pattern (either as an explicit object, or set
as the source pattern). This group functionality can be convenient for
performing intermediate compositing. One common use of a group is to render
objects as opaque within the group (so that they occlude each other), and
then blend the result with translucence onto the destination.
Groups can be nested arbitrarily deeply by making balanced calls to
and withGroupPattern
. As a side effect,
calls save
and withGroupPattern
calls restore
so that any changes to the graphics state will not be visible outside the
As an example, here is how one might fill and stroke a path with translucence, but without any portion of the fill being visible under the stroke:
pushGroup setSource fillPattern fillPreserve setSource strokePattern stroke popGroupToSource paintWithAlpha alpha
popGroupToSource :: Render () Source
Like withGroupPattern setSource
, but more convenient.
:: Double | red component of colour |
-> Double | green component of colour |
-> Double | blue compoment of colour |
-> Render () |
Sets the source pattern within the context to an opaque color. This opaque color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until a new source pattern is set.
The color components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.
:: Double | red component of color |
-> Double | green component of color |
-> Double | blue component of color |
-> Double | alpha component of color |
-> Render () |
Sets the source pattern within the context to a translucent color. This color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until a new source pattern is set.
The color and alpha components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.
:: Pattern | a |
-> Render () |
Sets the source pattern within the context to source. This pattern will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until a new source pattern is set.
Note: The pattern's transformation matrix will be locked to the user space
in effect at the time of setSource
. This means that further
modifications of the current transformation matrix will not affect the source
pattern. See setMatrix
:: Surface | a surface to be used to set the source pattern |
-> Double | user-space X coordinate for surface origin |
-> Double | user-space Y coordinate for surface origin |
-> Render () |
This is a convenience function for creating a pattern from surface and
setting it as the source in the context with setSource
The x and y parameters give the user-space coordinate at which the surface origin should appear. (The surface origin is its upper-left corner before any transformation has been applied.) The x and y patterns are negated and then set as translation values in the pattern matrix.
Other than the initial translation pattern matrix, as described above, all
other pattern attributes, (such as its extend mode), are set to the default
values as in patternCreateForSurface
. The resulting pattern can be queried
with getSource
so that these attributes can be modified if desired, (eg. to
create a repeating pattern with patternSetExtent
Set the antialiasing mode of the rasterizer used for drawing shapes. This
value is a hint, and a particular backend may or may not support a particular
value. At the current time, no backend supports AntialiasSubpixel
drawing shapes.
Note that this option does not affect text rendering, instead see
:: [Double] |
-> Double | an offset into the dash pattern at which the stroke should start |
-> Render () |
Sets the dash pattern to be used by stroke
. A dash pattern is specified
by dashes, a list of positive values. Each value provides the user-space
length of altenate "on" and "off" portions of the stroke. The offset
specifies an offset into the pattern at which the stroke begins.
If dashes
is []
then dashing is disabled.
getFillRule :: Render FillRule Source
Gets the current fill rule, as set by setFillrule
Sets the current line cap style within the cairo context. See LineCap
for details about how the available line cap styles are drawn.
As with the other stroke parameters, the current line cap style is examined
by stroke
, strokeExtents
, and strokeToPath
, but does not have any
effect during path construction.
getLineCap :: Render LineCap Source
Gets the current line cap style, as set by setLineCap
Sets the current line join style within the cairo context. See LineJoin
for details about how the available line join styles are drawn.
As with the other stroke parameters, the current line join style is examined
by stroke
, strokeExtents
, and strokeToPath
, but does not have any
effect during path construction.
getLineJoin :: Render LineJoin Source
Gets the current line join style, as set by setLineJoin
Sets the current line width within the cairo context. The line width specifies the diameter of a pen that is circular in user-space.
As with the other stroke parameters, the current line cap style is examined
by stroke
, strokeExtents
, and strokeToPath
, but does not have any
effect during path construction.
getLineWidth :: Render Double Source
Gets the current line width, as set by setLineWidth
getMiterLimit :: Render Double Source
Gets the current miter limit, as set by setMiterLimit
Sets the compositing operator to be used for all drawing operations.
See Operator
for details on the semantics of each available compositing
getOperator :: Render Operator Source
Gets the current compositing operator for a cairo context.
Sets the tolerance used when converting paths into trapezoids. Curved segments of the path will be subdivided until the maximum deviation between the original path and the polygonal approximation is less than tolerance. The default value is 0.1. A larger value will give better performance, a smaller value, better appearance. (Reducing the value from the default value of 0.1 is unlikely to improve appearance significantly.)
getTolerance :: Render Double Source
Gets the current tolerance value, as set by setTolerance
Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip region with
the current path as it would be filled by fill
and according to the current
fill rule (see setFillRule
After clip
, the current path will be cleared from the cairo context.
The current clip region affects all drawing operations by effectively masking out any changes to the surface that are outside the current clip region.
Calling clip
can only make the clip region smaller, never larger. But the
current clip is part of the graphics state, so a temporary restriction of the
clip region can be achieved by calling clip
within a 'save'/'restore' pair.
The only other means of increasing the size of the clip region is resetClip
clipPreserve :: Render () Source
Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip region with
the current path as it would be filled by fill
and according to the current
fill rule (see setFillRule
Unlike clip
, cairoClipPreserve preserves the path within the cairo context.
The current clip region affects all drawing operations by effectively masking out any changes to the surface that are outside the current clip region.
Calling clip
can only make the clip region smaller, never larger. But the
current clip is part of the graphics state, so a temporary restriction of the
clip region can be achieved by calling clip
within a 'save'/'restore' pair.
The only other means of increasing the size of the clip region is resetClip
clipExtents :: Render (Double, Double, Double, Double) Source
Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area inside the current clip.
Reset the current clip region to its original, unrestricted state. That is, set the clip region to an infinitely large shape containing the target surface. Equivalently, if infinity is too hard to grasp, one can imagine the clip region being reset to the exact bounds of the target surface.
Note that code meant to be reusable should not call resetClip
as it will
cause results unexpected by higher-level code which calls clip
. Consider
using save
and restore
around clip
as a more robust means of
temporarily restricting the clip region.
A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the current
fill rule, (each sub-path is implicitly closed before being filled).
After fill
, the current path will be cleared from the cairo context.
See setFillRule
and fillPreserve
fillPreserve :: Render () Source
A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the current
fill rule, (each sub-path is implicitly closed before being filled).
Unlike fill
, fillPreserve
preserves the path within the cairo context.
See setFillRule
and fill
A drawing operator that paints the current source using the alpha channel of pattern as a mask. (Opaque areas of mask are painted with the source, transparent areas are not painted.)
:: Surface | a |
-> Double | X coordinate at which to place the origin of surface |
-> Double | Y coordinate at which to place the origin of surface |
-> Render () |
A drawing operator that paints the current source using the alpha channel of surface as a mask. (Opaque areas of surface are painted with the source, transparent areas are not painted.)
A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within the current clip region.
A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within the
current clip region using a mask of constant alpha value alpha. The effect
is similar to paint
, but the drawing is faded out using the alpha value.
A drawing operator that strokes the current path according to the current
line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. After issuing stroke
the current path will be cleared from the Render
See setLineWidth
, setLineJoin
, setLineCap
, setDash
, and strokePreserve
strokePreserve :: Render () Source
A drawing operator that strokes the current path according to the current
line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. Unlike stroke
preserves the path within the Render
See setLineWidth
, setLineJoin
, setLineCap
, setDash
, and strokePreserve
getCurrentPoint :: Render (Double, Double) Source
Gets the current point of the current path, which is conceptually the final point reached by the path so far.
The current point is returned in the user-space coordinate system. If there is no defined current point then x and y will both be set to 0.0.
Most path construction functions alter the current point. See the following
for details on how they affect the current point: newPath
, moveTo
, curveTo
, arc
, relMoveTo
, relLineTo
, relCurveTo
, textPath
, strokeToPath
Adds a line segment to the path from the current point to the beginning of
the current subpath, (the most recent point passed to moveTo
), and closes
this subpath.
The behavior of closePath
is distinct from simply calling lineTo
with the
equivalent coordinate in the case of stroking. When a closed subpath is
stroked, there are no caps on the ends of the subpath. Instead, their is a
line join connecting the final and initial segments of the subpath.
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Adds a circular arc of the given radius to the current path. The arc is
centered at (xc
, yc
), begins at angle1
and proceeds in the direction of
increasing angles to end at angle2
. If angle2
is less than angle1
will be progressively increased by 2*pi
until it is greater than angle1
If there is a current point, an initial line segment will be added to the path to connect the current point to the beginning of the arc.
Angles are measured in radians. An angle of 0 is in the direction of the
positive X axis (in user-space). An angle of pi/2
radians (90 degrees) is in
the direction of the positive Y axis (in user-space). Angles increase in the
direction from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. So with the
default transformation matrix, angles increase in a clockwise direction.
(To convert from degrees to radians, use degrees * (pi / 180)
This function gives the arc in the direction of increasing angles; see
to get the arc in the direction of decreasing angles.
The arc is circular in user-space. To achieve an elliptical arc, you can scale the current transformation matrix by different amounts in the X and Y directions. For example, to draw an ellipse in the box given by x, y, width, height:
save translate (x + width / 2) (y + height / 2) scale (1 / (height / 2.)) (1 / (width / 2)) arc 0 0 1 0 (2 * pi) restore
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Adds a circular arc of the given radius to the current path. The arc is
centered at (xc
, yc
), begins at angle1
and proceeds in the direction of
decreasing angles to end at angle2
. If angle2
is greater than angle1
will be progressively decreased by 2*pi
until it is greater than angle1
See arc
for more details. This function differs only in the direction of
the arc between the two angles.
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Adds a cubic Bezier spline to the path from the current point to position
, y3
) in user-space coordinates, using (x1
, y1
) and (x2
, y2
as the control points. After this call the current point will be (x3
, y3
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Adds a line to the path from the current point to position (x
, y
) in
user-space coordinates. After this call the current point will be (x
, y
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
If the current subpath is not empty, begin a new subpath. After this call
the current point will be (x
, y
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Adds a closed-subpath rectangle of the given size to the current path at
position (x
, y
) in user-space coordinates.
:: CairoString string | |
=> string | |
-> Render () |
Render text at the current path.
- See
for why you should use Gtk functions.
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Relative-coordinate version of curveTo
. All offsets are relative to the
current point. Adds a cubic Bezier spline to the path from the current point
to a point offset from the current point by (dx3
, dy3
), using points
offset by (dx1
, dy1
) and (dx2
, dy2
) as the control points. After this
call the current point will be offset by (dx3
, dy3
Given a current point of (x, y), relCurveTo dx1
is logically equivalent to curveTo (x + dx1
) (y + dy1
) (x + dx2
) (y + dy2
) (x + dx3
) (y + dy3
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Relative-coordinate version of lineTo
. Adds a line to the path from the
current point to a point that is offset from the current point by (dx
, dy
in user space. After this call the current point will be offset by (dx
, dy
Given a current point of (x, y), relLineTo dx
is logically equivalent
to lineTo (x + dx
) (y + dy
If the current subpath is not empty, begin a new subpath. After this call the current point will offset by (x, y).
Given a current point of (x, y), relMoveTo dx
is logically equivalent
to moveTo (x + dx
) (y + dy
:: Double | red component of the color |
-> Double | green component of the color |
-> Double | blue component of the color |
-> (Pattern -> Render a) | a nested render action using the pattern |
-> Render a |
Creates a new Pattern
corresponding to an opaque color. The color
components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to 1. If the values
passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.
For example to create a solid red pattern:
withRBGPattern 1 0 0 $ do ... ...
:: Double | red component of color |
-> Double | green component of color |
-> Double | blue component of color |
-> Double | alpha component of color |
-> (Pattern -> Render a) | a nested render action using the pattern |
-> Render a |
Creates a new Pattern
corresponding to a translucent color. The color
components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to 1. If the values
passed in are outside that range, they will be clamped.
For example to create a solid red pattern at 50% transparency:
withRBGPattern 1 0 0 0.5 $ do ... ...
Create a new Pattern
for the given surface.
Pop the current group from the group stack and use it as a pattern. The
group should be populated first by calling pushGroup
and doing some drawing operations. This also calls
to balance the save
called in pushGroup
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> (Pattern -> Render a) | a nested render action using the pattern |
-> Render a |
Create a new linear gradient Pattern
along the line defined by (x0, y0)
and (x1, y1)
. Before using the gradient pattern, a number of color stops
should be defined using patternAddColorStopRGB
and patternAddColorStopRGBA
- Note: The coordinates here are in pattern space. For a new pattern,
pattern space is identical to user space, but the relationship between the
spaces can be changed with
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> Double |
-> (Pattern -> Render a) | a nested render action using the pattern |
-> Render a |
Creates a new radial gradient Pattern
between the two circles defined by
(x0, y0, c0)
and (x1, y1, c0)
. Before using the gradient pattern, a
number of color stops should be defined using patternAddColorStopRGB
or patternAddColorStopRGBA
- Note: The coordinates here are in pattern space. For a new pattern,
pattern space is identical to user space, but the relationship between the
spaces can be changed with
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Pattern | a |
-> Double | an offset in the range [0.0 .. 1.0] |
-> Double | red component of color |
-> Double | green component of color |
-> Double | blue component of color |
-> m () |
Adds an opaque color stop to a gradient pattern. The offset specifies the location along the gradient's control vector. For example, a linear gradient's control vector is from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) while a radial gradient's control vector is from any point on the start circle to the corresponding point on the end circle.
The color is specified in the same way as in setSourceRGB
Note: If the pattern is not a gradient pattern, (eg. a linear or radial
pattern), then the pattern will be put into an error status with a status of
patternAddColorStopRGBA Source
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Pattern | a |
-> Double | an offset in the range [0.0 .. 1.0] |
-> Double | red component of color |
-> Double | green component of color |
-> Double | blue component of color |
-> Double | alpha component of color |
-> m () |
Adds a translucent color stop to a gradient pattern. The offset specifies the location along the gradient's control vector. For example, a linear gradient's control vector is from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1) while a radial gradient's control vector is from any point on the start circle to the corresponding point on the end circle.
The color is specified in the same way as in setSourceRGBA.
Note: If the pattern is not a gradient pattern, (eg. a linear or radial
pattern), then the pattern will be put into an error status with a status of
Sets the pattern's transformation matrix to matrix. This matrix is a transformation from user space to pattern space.
When a pattern is first created it always has the identity matrix for its transformation matrix, which means that pattern space is initially identical to user space.
Important: Please note that the direction of this transformation matrix is from user space to pattern space. This means that if you imagine the flow from a pattern to user space (and on to device space), then coordinates in that flow will be transformed by the inverse of the pattern matrix.
Also, please note the discussion of the user-space locking semantics of setSource
Get the pattern's transformation matrix.
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by translating the
user-space origin by (tx, ty)
. This offset is interpreted as a user-space
coordinate according to the CTM in place before the new call to translate
In other words, the translation of the user-space origin takes place after
any existing transformation.
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Render () |
Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by scaling the X and Y user-space axes by sx and sy respectively. The scaling of the axes takes place after any existing transformation of user space.
:: Double |
-> Render () |
Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by rotating the user-space
axes by angle
radians. The rotation of the axes takes places after any
existing transformation of user space. The rotation direction for positive
angles is from the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis.
Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by applying matrix as an additional transformation. The new transformation of user space takes place after any existing transformation.
Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by setting it equal to
identityMatrix :: Render () Source
Resets the current transformation matrix (CTM) by setting it equal to the identity matrix. That is, the user-space and device-space axes will be aligned and one user-space unit will transform to one device-space unit.
Transform a coordinate from user space to device space by multiplying the given point by the current transformation matrix (CTM).
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Render (Double, Double) |
Transform a distance vector from user space to device space. This function
is similar to userToDevice
except that the translation components of the
CTM will be ignored when transforming (dx,dy)
Transform a coordinate from device space to user space by multiplying the given point by the inverse of the current transformation matrix (CTM).
:: Double |
-> Double |
-> Render (Double, Double) |
Transform a distance vector from device space to user space. This function
is similar to deviceToUser
except that the translation components of the
inverse CTM will be ignored when transforming (dx,dy)
:: CairoString string | |
=> string |
-> FontSlant |
-> FontWeight |
-> Render () |
Selects a family and style of font from a simplified description as a
name, slant
and weight
. This function is meant to be used only
for applications with simple font needs: Cairo doesn't provide for operations
such as listing all available fonts on the system, and it is expected that
most applications will need to use a more comprehensive font handling and
text layout library in addition to cairo.
Sets the current font matrix to a scale by a factor of size
, replacing
any font matrix previously set with setFontSize
or setFontMatrix
. This
results in a font size of size user space units. (More precisely, this matrix
will result in the font's em-square being a size by size square in user space.)
:: Matrix |
-> Render () |
Sets the current font matrix to matrix
. The font matrix gives a
transformation from the design space of the font (in this space, the
em-square is 1 unit by 1 unit) to user space. Normally, a simple scale is
used (see setFontSize
), but a more complex font matrix can be used to shear
the font or stretch it unequally along the two axes.
getFontMatrix :: Render Matrix Source
Gets the current font matrix, as set by setFontMatrix
setFontOptions :: FontOptions -> Render () Source
Sets a set of custom font rendering options. Rendering options are
derived by merging these options with the options derived from underlying
surface; if the value in options
has a default value (like
), then the value from the surface is used.
:: CairoString string | |
=> string | a string of text |
-> Render () |
A drawing operator that generates the shape from a string of Unicode characters, rendered according to the current font face, font size (font matrix), and font options.
This function first computes a set of glyphs for the string of text. The first glyph is placed so that its origin is at the current point. The origin of each subsequent glyph is offset from that of the previous glyph by the advance values of the previous glyph.
After this call the current point is moved to the origin of where the next
glyph would be placed in this same progression. That is, the current point
will be at the origin of the final glyph offset by its advance values. This
allows for easy display of a single logical string with multiple calls to
NOTE: The showText
function call is part of what the cairo designers call
the "toy" text API. It is convenient for short demos and simple programs,
but it is not expected to be adequate for the most serious of text-using
fontExtents :: Render FontExtents Source
Gets the font extents for the currently selected font.
:: CairoString string | |
=> string | a string of text |
-> Render TextExtents |
Gets the extents for a string of text. The extents describe a user-space
rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the text, (as it would be
drawn by showText
). Additionally, the textExtentsXadvance
values indicate the amount by which the current point
would be advanced by showText
Note that whitespace characters do not directly contribute to the size of
the rectangle (textExtentsWidth
and textExtentsHeight
). They do contribute
indirectly by changing the position of non-whitespace characters.
In particular, trailing whitespace characters are likely to not affect the
size of the rectangle, though they will affect the textExtentsXadvance
Font options
fontOptionsCreate :: MonadIO m => m FontOptions Source
Allocates a new font options object with all options initialized to default values.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> FontOptions | original |
-> m FontOptions |
Allocates a new font options object copying the option values from original
:: MonadIO m | |
=> FontOptions | options |
-> FontOptions | other |
-> m () |
Merges non-default options from other
into options
, replacing existing
values. This operation can be thought of as somewhat similar to compositing
onto options
with the operation of OperationOver
fontOptionsHash :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m Int Source
Compute a hash for the font options object; this value will be useful when
storing an object containing a FontOptions
in a hash table.
fontOptionsEqual :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> FontOptions -> m Bool Source
Compares two font options objects for equality.
fontOptionsSetAntialias :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> Antialias -> m () Source
Sets the antiliasing mode for the font options object. This specifies the type of antialiasing to do when rendering text.
fontOptionsGetAntialias :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m Antialias Source
Gets the antialising mode for the font options object.
fontOptionsSetSubpixelOrder :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> SubpixelOrder -> m () Source
Sets the subpixel order for the font options object. The subpixel order
specifies the order of color elements within each pixel on the display device
when rendering with an antialiasing mode of AntialiasSubpixel
See the documentation for SubpixelOrder
for full details.
fontOptionsGetSubpixelOrder :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m SubpixelOrder Source
Gets the subpixel order for the font options object.
See the documentation for SubpixelOrder
for full details.
fontOptionsSetHintStyle :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> HintStyle -> m () Source
Sets the hint style for font outlines for the font options object.
This controls whether to fit font outlines to the pixel grid, and if so,
whether to optimize for fidelity or contrast. See the documentation for
for full details.
fontOptionsGetHintStyle :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m HintStyle Source
Gets the hint style for font outlines for the font options object.
See the documentation for HintStyle
for full details.
fontOptionsSetHintMetrics :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> HintMetrics -> m () Source
Sets the metrics hinting mode for the font options object. This controls
whether metrics are quantized to integer values in device units. See the
documentation for HintMetrics
for full details.
fontOptionsGetHintMetrics :: MonadIO m => FontOptions -> m HintMetrics Source
Gets the metrics hinting mode for the font options object. See the
documentation for HintMetrics
for full details.
:: Surface | an existing surface used to select the backend of the new surface |
-> Content | the content type for the new surface (color, color+alpha or alpha only) |
-> Int | width of the new surface, (in device-space units) |
-> Int | height of the new surface (in device-space units) |
-> (Surface -> IO a) | |
-> IO a |
Create a temporary surface that is as compatible as possible with an existing surface. The new surface will use the same backend as other unless that is not possible for some reason.
:: Surface | an existing surface used to select the backend of the new surface |
-> Content | the content type for the new surface (color, color+alpha or alpha only) |
-> Int | width of the surface, in pixels |
-> Int | height of the surface, in pixels |
-> IO Surface |
Like withSimilarSurface
but creates a Surface that is managed by the
Haskell memory manager rather than only being temporaily allocated. This
is more flexible and allows you to create surfaces that persist, which
can be very useful, for example to cache static elements in an animation.
However you should be careful because surfaces can be expensive resources
and the Haskell memory manager cannot guarantee when it will release them.
You can manually release the resources used by a surface with
renderWithSimilarSurface Source
:: Content | the content type for the new surface (color, colour+alpha or alpha only) |
-> Int | width of the new surface, (in device-space units) |
-> Int | height of the new surface, (in device-space units) |
-> (Surface -> Render a) | this action draws on the main surface, possibly making use of the temporary surface (which gets destroyed afterwards). |
-> Render a |
Create a temporary surface that is compatible with the current target
surface (like a combination of withTargetSurface
and withSimilarSurface
This is useful for drawing to a temporary surface and then compositing it into the main suface. For example, the following code draws to a temporary surface and then uses that as a mask:
renderWithSimilarSurface ContentAlpha 200 200 $ \tmpSurface -> do renderWith tmpSurface $ do ... -- draw onto the temporary surface -- use the temporary surface as a mask, filling it with the -- current source which in this example is transparent red. setSourceRGBA 1 0 0 0.5 setOperator Operator{something} -- think of something clever to do maskSurface tmpSurface 0 0)
surfaceGetFontOptions :: Surface -> Render FontOptions Source
Retrieves the default font rendering options for the surface. This allows
display surfaces to report the correct subpixel order for rendering on them,
print surfaces to disable hinting of metrics and so forth. The result can
then be used with scaledFontCreate
surfaceFinish :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m () Source
This function finishes the surface and drops all references to external
resources. For example, for the Xlib backend it means that cairo will no
longer access the drawable, which can be freed. After calling surfaceFinish
the only valid operations on a surface are getting and setting user data and
referencing and destroying it. Further drawing to the surface will not affect
the surface but will instead trigger a StatusSurfaceFinished
When the last call to surfaceDestroy
decreases the reference count to zero,
cairo will call surfaceFinish
if it hasn't been called already, before
freeing the resources associated with the surface.
surfaceFlush :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m () Source
Do any pending drawing for the surface and also restore any temporary modification's cairo has made to the surface's state. This function must be called before switching from drawing on the surface with cairo to drawing on it directly with native APIs. If the surface doesn't support direct access, then this function does nothing.
surfaceMarkDirty :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m () Source
Tells cairo that drawing has been done to surface using means other than
cairo, and that cairo should reread any cached areas. Note that you must call
before doing such drawing.
surfaceMarkDirtyRectangle Source
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Surface | a |
-> Int | X coordinate of dirty rectangle |
-> Int | Y coordinate of dirty rectangle |
-> Int | width of dirty rectangle |
-> Int | height of dirty rectangle |
-> m () |
Like surfaceMarkDirty
, but drawing has been done only to the specified
rectangle, so that cairo can retain cached contents for other parts of the
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Surface | a |
-> Double | the offset in the X direction, in device units |
-> Double | the offset in the Y direction, in device units |
-> m () |
Sets an offset that is added to the device coordinates determined by the
CTM when drawing to surface. One use case for this function is when we want
to create a Surface
that redirects drawing for a portion of an
onscreen surface to an offscreen surface in a way that is completely
invisible to the user of the cairo API. Setting a transformation via
isn't sufficient to do this, since functions like deviceToUser
will expose the hidden offset.
Note that the offset only affects drawing to the surface, not using the surface in a surface pattern.
Image surfaces
withImageSurfaceForData Source
:: PixelData | pointer to pixel data |
-> Format | format of pixels in the surface to create |
-> Int | width of the surface, in pixels |
-> Int | height of the surface, in pixels |
-> Int | size of stride between rows in the surface to create |
-> (Surface -> IO a) | an action that may use the surface. The surface is only valid within this action |
-> IO a |
Like withImageSurface
but creating a surface to target external
data pointed to by PixelData
:: Format | format of pixels in the surface to create |
-> Int | width of the surface, in pixels |
-> Int | the stride (number of bytes necessary to store one line)
or |
This function provides a stride value that will respect all alignment requirements of the accelerated image-rendering code within cairo.
createImageSurfaceForData Source
:: PixelData | pointer to pixel data |
-> Format | format of pixels in the surface to create |
-> Int | width of the surface, in pixels |
-> Int | height of the surface, in pixels |
-> Int | size of stride between rows in the surface to create |
-> IO Surface |
Like createImageSurface
but creating a surface to target external
data pointed to by PixelData
:: Format | format of pixels in the surface to create |
-> Int | width of the surface, in pixels |
-> Int | height of the surface, in pixels |
-> IO Surface |
Like withImageSurface
but creates a Surface that is managed by the
Haskell memory manager rather than only being temporaily allocated. This
is more flexible and allows you to create surfaces that persist, which
can be very useful, for example to cache static elements in an animation.
However you should be careful because surfaces can be expensive resources
and the Haskell memory manager cannot guarantee when it will release them.
You can manually release the resources used by a surface with
imageSurfaceGetWidth :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Int Source
Get the width of the image surface in pixels.
imageSurfaceGetHeight :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Int Source
Get the height of the image surface in pixels.
imageSurfaceGetFormat :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Format Source
Get the format of the surface.
imageSurfaceGetStride :: MonadIO m => Surface -> m Int Source
Get the number of bytes from the start of one row to the start of the next. If the image data contains no padding, then this is equal to the pixel depth * the width.
imageSurfaceGetData :: Surface -> IO ByteString Source
Return a ByteString of the image data for a surface. In order to remain safe the returned ByteString is a copy of the data. This is a little slower than returning a pointer into the image surface object itself, but much safer
data SurfaceData i e Source
An array that stores the raw pixel data of an image Surface
Storable e => MArray SurfaceData e IO |
imageSurfaceGetPixels :: Storable e => Surface -> IO (SurfaceData Int e) Source
Retrieve the internal array of raw image data.
- Image data in an image surface is stored in memory in uncompressed,
packed format. Rows in the image are stored top to bottom, and in each
row pixels are stored from left to right. There may be padding at the end
of a row. The value returned by
indicates the number of bytes between rows. - The returned array is a flat representation of a three dimensional array:
x-coordiante, y-coordinate and several channels for each color. The
format depends on the
of the surface:
: each pixel is 32 bits with alpha in the upper 8 bits,
followed by 8 bits for red, green and blue. Pre-multiplied alpha is used.
(That is, 50% transparent red is 0x80800000, not 0x80ff0000.)
: each pixel is 32 bits with the upper 8 bits being unused,
followed by 8 bits for red, green and blue.
: each pixel is 8 bits holding an alpha value
: each pixel is one bit where pixels are packed into 32 bit
quantities. The ordering depends on the endianes of the platform. On a
big-endian machine, the first pixel is in the uppermost bit, on a
little-endian machine the first pixel is in the least-significant bit.
- To read or write a specific pixel (and assuming
), use the formula:p = y * (rowstride
for the pixel and force the array to have 32-bit words or integers.div
4) + x - Calling this function without explicitly giving it a type will often lead
to a compiler error since the type parameter
is underspecified. If this happens the function can be explicitly typed:surData <- (imageSurfaceGetPixels pb :: IO (SurfaceData Int Word32))
- If modifying an image through Haskell's array interface is not fast
enough, it is possible to use
which have the same type signatures asreadArray
. Note that these are internal functions that might change with GHC. - After each write access to the array, you need to inform Cairo
about the area that has changed using
. - The function will return an error if the surface is not an image
surface or if
has been called on the surface.
PNG support
withImageSurfaceFromPNG :: FilePath -> (Surface -> IO a) -> IO a Source
Creates a new image surface and initializes the contents to the given PNG file.
Writes the contents of surface to a new file filename
as a PNG image.
PDF surfaces
:: FilePath |
-> Double | width of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch) |
-> Double | height of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch) |
-> (Surface -> IO a) | an action that may use the surface. The surface is only valid within in this action. |
-> IO a |
Creates a PostScript surface of the specified size in points to
be written to filename
Note that the size of individual pages of the PostScript output can
vary. See psSurfaceSetSize
pdfSurfaceSetSize :: MonadIO m => Surface -> Double -> Double -> m () Source
Changes the size of a PDF surface for the current (and subsequent) pages.
This function should only be called before any drawing operations
have been performed on the current page. The simplest way to do
this is to call this function immediately after creating the
surface or immediately after completing a page with either
or copyPage
PS surfaces
:: FilePath |
-> Double | width of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch) |
-> Double | height of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch) |
-> (Surface -> IO a) | an action that may use the surface. The surface is only valid within in this action. |
-> IO a |
Creates a PostScript surface of the specified size in points to
be written to filename
Note that the size of individual pages of the PostScript output can
vary. See psSurfaceSetSize
psSurfaceSetSize :: MonadIO m => Surface -> Double -> Double -> m () Source
Changes the size of a PostScript surface for the current (and subsequent) pages.
This function should only be called before any drawing operations
have been performed on the current page. The simplest way to do
this is to call this function immediately after creating the
surface or immediately after completing a page with either
or copyPage
SVG surfaces
:: FilePath |
-> Double | width of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch) |
-> Double | height of the surface, in points (1 point == 1/72.0 inch) |
-> (Surface -> IO a) | an action that may use the surface. The surface is only valid within in this action. |
-> IO a |
Creates a SVG surface of the specified size in points
be written to filename
regionCreate :: MonadIO m => m Region Source
Allocates a new empty region object.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> RectangleInt | rectangle |
-> m Region |
Allocates a new region object containing rectangle
:: MonadIO m | |
=> [RectangleInt] | rects |
-> m Region |
Allocates a new region object containing the union of all given rects
Allocates a new region object copying the area from original
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Region | region |
-> m RectangleInt |
Gets the bounding rectangle of region
as a RectanglInt.
Returns the number of rectangles contained in region
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Region | region |
-> Int | nth |
-> m RectangleInt |
Gets the nth
rectangle from the region
Checks whether (x
, y
) is contained in region
regionContainsRectangle Source
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Region | region |
-> RectangleInt | rectangle |
-> m RegionOverlap |
Checks whether rectangle
is inside, outside or partially contained in region
Compares whether region_a
is equivalent to region_b
Translates region
by (dx
, dy
Computes the intersection of dst
with other
and places the result in dst
regionIntersectRectangle Source
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Region | dst |
-> RectangleInt | rectangle |
-> m () |
Computes the intersection of dst
with rectangle
and places the result in dst
Subtracts other
from dst
and places the result in dst
regionSubtractRectangle Source
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Region | dst |
-> RectangleInt | rectangle |
-> m () |
Subtracts rectangle
from dst
and places the result in dst
Computes the union of dst
with other
and places the result in dst
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Region | dst |
-> RectangleInt | rectangle |
-> m () |
Computes the union of dst
with rectangle
and places the result in dst
Computes the exclusive difference of dst
with other
and places the result in dst
That is, dst
will be set to contain all areas that are either in dst
or in other
, but not in both.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Region | dst |
-> RectangleInt | rectangle |
-> m () |
Computes the exclusive difference of dst
with rectangle
and places the result in dst
That is, dst
will be set to contain all areas that are either in dst
or in rectangle
, but not in both
versionString :: String Source
Returns the version of the cairo library as a human-readable string of the form "X.Y.Z".
The Render monad. All drawing operations take place in a Render context.
You can obtain a Render context for a Surface
using renderWith
Representation of a 2-D affine transformation.
The Matrix type represents a 2x2 transformation matrix along with a
translation vector. Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2
describes the
transformation of a point with coordinates x,y that is defined by
/ x' \ = / a1 b1 \ / x \ + / c1 \ \ y' / \ a2 b2 / \ y / \ c2 /
x' = a1 * x + b1 * y + c1 y' = a2 * x + b2 * y + c2
Patterns can be simple solid colors, various kinds of gradients or
bitmaps. The current pattern for a Render
context is used by the stroke
and paint operations. These operations composite the current pattern
with the target surface using the currently selected Operator
Cairo status.
Composition operator for all drawing operations.
Specifies the type of antialiasing to do when rendering text or shapes
- Use the default antialiasing for the subsystem and target device.
- Use a bilevel alpha mask.
- Perform single-color antialiasing (using shades of gray for black text on a white background, for example).
- Perform antialiasing by taking advantage of the order of subpixel elements on devices such as LCD panels.
Specify how paths are filled.
- For both fill rules, whether or not a point is included in the fill is determined by taking a ray from that point to infinity and looking at intersections with the path. The ray can be in any direction, as long as it doesn't pass through the end point of a segment or have a tricky intersection such as intersecting tangent to the path. (Note that filling is not actually implemented in this way. This is just a description of the rule that is applied.)
- If the path crosses the ray from left-to-right, counts +1. If the path crosses the ray from right to left, counts -1. (Left and right are determined from the perspective of looking along the ray from the starting point.) If the total count is non-zero, the point will be filled.
- Counts the total number of intersections, without regard to the orientation of the contour. If the total number of intersections is odd, the point will be filled.
FillRuleWinding | |
FillRuleEvenOdd |
Specify line endings.
- Start(stop) the line exactly at the start(end) point.
- Use a round ending, the center of the circle is the end point.
- Use squared ending, the center of the square is the end point
LineCapButt | |
LineCapRound | |
LineCapSquare |
Specify how lines join.
LineJoinMiter | |
LineJoinRound | |
LineJoinBevel |
data ScaledFont Source
Specify font slant.
FontSlantNormal | |
FontSlantItalic | |
FontSlantOblique |
data SubpixelOrder Source
The subpixel order specifies the order of color elements within each pixel
on the display device when rendering with an antialiasing mode of
- Use the default subpixel order for for the target device
- Subpixel elements are arranged horizontally with red at the left
- Subpixel elements are arranged horizontally with blue at the left
- Subpixel elements are arranged vertically with red at the top
- Subpixel elements are arranged vertically with blue at the top
SubpixelOrderDefault | |
SubpixelOrderRgb | |
SubpixelOrderBgr | |
SubpixelOrderVrgb | |
SubpixelOrderVbgr |
Specifies the type of hinting to do on font outlines.
Hinting is the process of fitting outlines to the pixel grid in order to improve the appearance of the result. Since hinting outlines involves distorting them, it also reduces the faithfulness to the original outline shapes. Not all of the outline hinting styles are supported by all font backends.
- Use the default hint style for for font backend and target device
- Do not hint outlines
- Hint outlines slightly to improve contrast while retaining good fidelity to the original shapes.
- Hint outlines with medium strength giving a compromise between fidelity to the original shapes and contrast
- Hint outlines to maximize contrast
data HintMetrics Source
Specifies whether to hint font metrics.
Hinting font metrics means quantizing them so that they are integer values in device space. Doing this improves the consistency of letter and line spacing, however it also means that text will be laid out differently at different zoom factors.
- Hint metrics in the default manner for the font backend and target device
- Do not hint font metrics
- Hint font metrics
HintMetricsDefault | |
HintMetricsOff | |
HintMetricsOn |
data FontOptions Source
Specifies how to render text.
data RegionOverlap Source
Used as the return value for regionContainsRectangle.
RegionOverlapIn | |
RegionOverlapOut | |
RegionOverlapPart |
A Cairo region. Represents a set of integer-aligned rectangles.
It allows set-theoretical operations like regionUnion and regionIntersect to be performed on them.
ContentColor | |
ContentAlpha | |
ContentColorAlpha |
FormatARGB32 | |
FormatRGB24 | |
FormatA8 | |
FormatA1 |
FIXME: We should find out about this.
ExtendNone | |
ExtendRepeat | |
ExtendReflect | |
ExtendPad |
Specify how filtering is done.