canon- Arithmetic for Psychedelically Large Numbers

Copyright(c) 2015-2019 Frederick Schneider
MaintainerFrederick Schneider <>
Safe HaskellNone



A Canon is exponentation-based representation for arbitrarily massive numbers, including prime towers and hyper-expressions.



data Canon Source #

Canon: GADT for either Bare (Integer) or some variation of a Can(onical) form (see CanonValueType).

Enum Canon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon

Eq Canon Source #

Instances for Canon

Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon


(==) :: Canon -> Canon -> Bool #

(/=) :: Canon -> Canon -> Bool #

Fractional Canon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon

Integral Canon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon

Num Canon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon

Ord Canon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon


compare :: Canon -> Canon -> Ordering #

(<) :: Canon -> Canon -> Bool #

(<=) :: Canon -> Canon -> Bool #

(>) :: Canon -> Canon -> Bool #

(>=) :: Canon -> Canon -> Bool #

max :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon #

min :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon #

Real Canon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon


toRational :: Canon -> Rational #

Show Canon Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon


showsPrec :: Int -> Canon -> ShowS #

show :: Canon -> String #

showList :: [Canon] -> ShowS #

CanonConv Canon Source #

Instance of CanonConv class

Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon

makeCanon :: Integer -> Canon Source #

Create a Canon from an Integer. This may involve expensive factorization.

makeCanon' :: Integer -> (Canon, Bool) Source #

Create a Canon from an Integer. Also return True if the number is fully factored

data BareStatus Source #

BareStatus: A "Bare Simp" number means a prime number, +/-1 or 0. The code must set the flag properly A "Bare NSim" number is an Integer that has not been checked (to see if it can be factored).



data CanonValueType Source #

CanonValueType: 3 possibilities for this GADT (integral, non-integral rational, irrational). Imaginary/complex numbers are not supported



cShowFull :: Canon -> String Source #

Various show functions: cShowFull - fully expand large primes and composites in Canon expression. Unf in name means don't factor unless it's too big too display AsCode in name means you can copy and paste the results and execute them.

cShowFullAsCode :: Canon -> String Source #

Various show functions: cShowFull - fully expand large primes and composites in Canon expression. Unf in name means don't factor unless it's too big too display AsCode in name means you can copy and paste the results and execute them.

cShowAsCode :: Canon -> String Source #

Various show functions: cShowFull - fully expand large primes and composites in Canon expression. Unf in name means don't factor unless it's too big too display AsCode in name means you can copy and paste the results and execute them.

cShowAsCodeUnf :: Canon -> String Source #

Various show functions: cShowFull - fully expand large primes and composites in Canon expression. Unf in name means don't factor unless it's too big too display AsCode in name means you can copy and paste the results and execute them.

cShowUnf :: Canon -> String Source #

Various show functions: cShowFull - fully expand large primes and composites in Canon expression. Unf in name means don't factor unless it's too big too display AsCode in name means you can copy and paste the results and execute them.

cMult :: Canon -> Canon -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Multiply Function: Generally speaking, this will be much cheaper than addition/subtraction which requires factoring. You are usually just merging lists of prime, exponent pairs and adding exponents where common primes are found. This notion is the crux of the library.

Note: This can be used instead of the * operator if you want to maintain a CycloMap for performance reasons.

cDiv :: Canon -> Canon -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Div function : Multiply by the reciprocal.

cAdd :: Canon -> Canon -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Addition and subtraction is generally much more expensive because it requires refactorization. There is logic to look for algebraic forms which can greatly reduce simplify factorization. Note: This can be used instead of the +/- operators if you want to maintain a CycloMap for performance reasons.

cSubtract :: Canon -> Canon -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Addition and subtraction is generally much more expensive because it requires refactorization. There is logic to look for algebraic forms which can greatly reduce simplify factorization. Note: This can be used instead of the +/- operators if you want to maintain a CycloMap for performance reasons.

cExp :: Canon -> Canon -> Bool -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Exponentiation: This does allow for negative exponentiation if the Bool flag is True. Note: This can be used instead of the exponentiation operator if you want to maintain a CycloMap for performance reasons.

cReciprocal :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Compute reciprocal (by negating exponents or equivalent).

(>^) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Exponentiation and root operator declarations

(<^) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Exponentiation and root operator declarations

cGCD :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

GCD and LCM functions for Canon

cLCM :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

GCD and LCM functions for Canon

cMod :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

Mod function

cOdd :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Check if a Canon is integral and odd/even, respectively. Note: Return False for both if the Canon is not integral. See CanonValueType for possible cases.

cEven :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Check if a Canon is integral and odd/even, respectively. Note: Return False for both if the Canon is not integral. See CanonValueType for possible cases.

cTotient :: Canon -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Totient functions

cPhi :: Canon -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Totient functions

cNegative :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a canon is negative/positive

cPositive :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a canon is negative/positive

cIntegral :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a Canon is Integral, (Ir)Rational, Simplified, a prime or a prime tower

cRational :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a Canon is Integral, (Ir)Rational, Simplified, a prime or a prime tower

cIrrational :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a Canon is Integral, (Ir)Rational, Simplified, a prime or a prime tower

cPrime :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a Canon is Integral, (Ir)Rational, Simplified, a prime or a prime tower

cSimplified :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a Canon is Integral, (Ir)Rational, Simplified, a prime or a prime tower

cSplit :: Canon -> (Canon, Canon) Source #

Split a Canon into the numerator and denominator.

cNumerator :: Canon -> Canon Source #

cNumerator and cDenominator are for processing "rational" canon reps.

cDenominator :: Canon -> Canon Source #

cNumerator and cDenominator are for processing "rational" canon reps.

cCanonical :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Checks if the Canon is Canonical, a more complex expression.

cBare :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Checks if the Canon just a Bare Integer.

cBareStatus :: Canon -> BareStatus Source #

Returns the status for Bare numbers.

cValueType :: Canon -> CanonValueType Source #

Return the CanonValueType (Integral, etc).

cDelve :: Canon -> [Int] -> Canon Source #

Take a canon and a list of indexes and delve into the canon. This operates on the internal hyper lists

cIsPrimeTower :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Functions to check if a Canon is Integral, (Ir)Rational, Simplified, a prime or a prime tower

cPrimeTowerLevel :: Canon -> Canon Source #

This is used for tetration, etc. It defaults to zero for non-integral reps.

cSuperLog :: Canon -> (SuperPairC, Int) Source #

This is the super or iterated log function. A level and mantissa is returned along with the number's sign.

cSuperLogCmp :: SuperPairC -> SuperPairC -> Ordering Source #

Compare the level and the "mantissa"

cTetration :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

Tetration Function - Level 4

cPentation :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

Pentation Function - Level 5

cHexation :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

Hexation Function - Level 6

cHeptation :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

Heptation Function - Level 7

cOctation :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

Octation Function -- Level 8

cNonation :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon Source #

Nonation Function -- Level 9

cTetrationL :: Canon -> [Canon] -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Tetration List Function

cPentationL :: Canon -> [Canon] -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Pentation List Function

cHexationL :: Canon -> [Canon] -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Hexation List Function

cHeptationL :: Canon -> [Canon] -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Heptation List Function

cOctationL :: Canon -> [Canon] -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Octation List Function

cNonationL :: Canon -> [Canon] -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Nonation List Function

(<^>) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(<<^>>) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(<<<^>>>) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(<<<<^>>>>) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(<<<<<^>>>>>) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(|<^>|) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(<^^>) :: Canon -> [Canon] -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Hyperoperation List Operators. On display, the towers will have single caret operators interspersed.

(<<^^>>) :: Canon -> [Canon] -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Hyperoperation List Operators. On display, the towers will have single caret operators interspersed.

(<<<^^>>>) :: Canon -> [Canon] -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Hyperoperation List Operators. On display, the towers will have single caret operators interspersed.

(<<<<^^>>>>) :: Canon -> [Canon] -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Hyperoperation List Operators. On display, the towers will have single caret operators interspersed.

(<<<<<^^>>>>>) :: Canon -> [Canon] -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Hyperoperation List Operators. On display, the towers will have single caret operators interspersed.

(|<^^>|) :: Canon -> [Canon] -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

Hyperoperation List Operators. On display, the towers will have single caret operators interspersed.

(~^~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~<^>~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~<<^>>~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~<<<^>>>~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~<<<<^>>>>~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~|^|~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~|<^>|~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~|<<^>>|~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~|<<<^>>>|~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~|<<<<^>>>>|~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~^~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~<^>~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~<<^>>~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~<<<^>>>~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~<<<<^>>>>~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~|^|~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~|<^>|~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~|<<^>>|~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~|<<<^>>>|~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~|<<<<^>>>>|~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~^~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~<^>~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~<<^>>~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~<<<^>>>~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~<<<<^>>>>~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~|^|~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~|<^>|~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~|<<^>>|~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~|<<<^>>>|~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~|<<<<^>>>>|~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~^~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~<^>~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~<<^>>~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~<<<^>>>~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~<<<<^>>>>~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~|^|~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~|<^>|~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~|<<^>>|~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~|<<<^>>>|~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~|<<<<^>>>>|~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

(~~~~~^~~~~~) :: Canon -> Canon -> Canon infixr 9 Source #

The thinking around the hyperoperators is that they should look progressively scarier :) | They range from level 4 / tetration (^) to level 50 (~~~~~^~~~~~). Please read .odp file for the naming convention.

cAddOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cMultOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cExpOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cTetrOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cPentOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cHexOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cHeptOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cOctOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cNonOpLevel :: Canon Source #

Levels starting with 1 in the hyperoperation hierarchy

cGetHyperList :: Canon -> [Canon] Source #

Return the list of canons from a hyper expression

cGetHyperOp :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Return the level of hyperoperation from a hyper expression.

maxHyperOpDispLevel :: Integer Source #

Internal value that corresponds with ~~~~~^~~~~~ (level 50 hyperoperation)

maxHyperOpDelveLevel :: Canon Source #

Max hyper operaton level when converting to canonical form (for the sake of combining and reducing terms)

cFactorSum :: Canon -> Bool -> Canon Source #

cFactor : Factor simple terms from a sum. If the flag is true, only factor by the gcd if the gcd is a hyper expression

cConvertToSum :: Canon -> (Canon, Bool) Source #

Convert a hyperexpression to a sum if possible. Useful in comparison. Will expand polynomials to a limited degree.

cMaxExpoToExpand :: Canon Source #

Maximum exponent (of a polynomial) to distribute into a sum of terms.

cFactorHorizon :: Canon -> Canon Source #

cFactorHorizon: Good for polynomial-like expressions like: (1 + 3^4 + 3^5) <^ 3 - 1, where there's a mixture of "canonical" and hE exponents.

cApplyHy :: Canon -> [Canon] -> Bool -> Canon Source #

wrapper to create apply a hyperoperation to a list

cHyperOp :: Canon -> [Canon] -> CycloMap -> (Canon, CycloMap) Source #

Generalized Hyperoperation Function (https:/en.wikipedia.orgwiki/Hyperoperation)

cHyperExpr :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Utility functions regarding hyperoperations. Any functions search the entire expression

cHyperExprAny :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Utility functions regarding hyperoperations. Any functions search the entire expression

cMaxHyperOp :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Find the maximum hyperoperation embedded in a Canon

cMinHyperOp :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Find the minimum hyperoperation embedded in a Canon. (If not at all, return zer0

cHyperSum :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Utility functions regarding hyperoperations. Any functions search the entire expression

cHyperProd :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Utility functions regarding hyperoperations. Any functions search the entire expression

cHyperExpo :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Utility functions regarding hyperoperations. Any functions search the entire expression

cHyperSumAny :: Canon -> Bool Source #

Utility functions regarding hyperoperations. Any functions search the entire expression

cHyperize :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Hyperize will take a Canon in quasi-canonized form and try to clean it up in a tidier expression Example: 7 ^ ( 1 + 2 * (49 ^ 7) = 7 * 49 ^ 8. ToDo: Enhancement: Partial hyperizing?

cQuasiCanonize :: Canon -> Canon Source #

This is akin to canonical form except you may have sums in the bases. It converts expression up to a hyperoperational cutoff

cQuasiCanonized :: Canon -> Bool Source #

This checks if the (hyper)expression is in quasi-canonical form

cCleanup :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Break code into a canonized

cGetAddends :: Canon -> [Canon] Source #

If the Canon is a product, return the factors. Otherwise, return the Canon itself.

cGetFactors :: Canon -> [Canon] Source #

If the Canon is a sum, return the addends. Otherwise, return the Canon itself.

cCleanupAsNumDenPair :: Canon -> (Canon, Canon) Source #

Split the hyperoperation into a cleaned-up numerator and denominator pair (if denom is 1). This still represents an integral value. e.g. 3 ^ 7 / 3 ^ 4

type CanonElement = (Canon, Canon) Source #

This element is a base, exponent pair. The base is an integer and is generally prime or 0, -1. The exponent is also a Canon (allowing for arbitrary nesting) A Canon conceptually consists of a list of these elements. The first member of the pair will be a Canon raised to the first power. By doing this, we're allow for further generality in the definition of a Canon.

cGetBase :: CanonElement -> Canon Source #

Return the base b from a Canon Element (equivalent to b^e)

cGetExponent :: CanonElement -> Canon Source #

Return the exponent e from a Canon Element (equivalent to b^e)

cGetBases :: Canon -> [Canon] Source #

Return the list of bases from a Canon (conceptually of the form [b^e])>

cGetBasesDeep :: Canon -> [Canon] Source #

Similar to cGetBases except that it will do trial factoring of any hyper sums. So, for obvious reasons, this is not a complete factorization.

cGetExponents :: Canon -> [Canon] Source #

Return the list of exponents from a Canon (conceptually of the form [b^e]).

cGetElements :: Canon -> [CanonElement] Source #

Return the list of CanonElements from a Canon (conceptually of the form [b^e]).

cNumDivisors :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Divisor functions should be called with integral Canons. Restricted to positive divisors. Returns Either String Canon

cTau :: Canon -> Canon Source #

Divisor functions should be called with integral Canons. Restricted to positive divisors. Returns Either String Canon

cDivisors :: Canon -> Either String [Canon] Source #

Efficiently compute all of the divisors based on the canonical representation. | Returns Either an error message or a list of Canons.

cNthDivisor :: Canon -> Canon -> Either String Canon Source #

Compute the nth divisor of a Canon. It operates on the absolute value of the Canon and is zero based. Note: This is deterministic but it's not ordered by the value of the divisor.

cWhichDivisor :: Canon -> Canon -> Either String Canon Source #

Consider this to be the inverse of the cNthDivisor function. This function ignores signs but both parameters must be integral.

cRelativelyPrime :: Canon -> Canon -> Maybe Bool Source #

This will determine if two arbitary expressions are relatively prime or not (if possible). Goes deep.

cGetFirstNDivisors :: Int -> Canon -> Either String [Canon] Source #

Return the first N divisors of a hyper expression (if possible)

cN1 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c0 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c1 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c2 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c3 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c4 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c5 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c6 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c7 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c8 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

c9 :: Canon Source #

Define some small canons for convenience

data CycloMap Source #

CycloMap is a newtype hiding the details of a map of CR_ to pairs of integers and corresponding cyclotomic polynomials.

Eq CycloMap Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon.AurifCyclo

Show CycloMap Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.NumberTheory.Canon.AurifCyclo

getIntegerBasedCycloMap :: CycloMap -> Map Integer CycloPair Source #

Unwrap the CycloMap and convert the internal canon rep keys to Integers, returning a "raw" map

showCyclo :: CR_ -> CycloMap -> [Char] Source #

This will display the cyclotomic polynomials for a CR.

crCycloInitMap :: CycloMap Source #

This is an initial map with the cyclotomic polynomials for 1.