{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
#include "cbor.h"
module Codec.CBOR.Magic
, grabWord16
, grabWord32
, grabWord64
, eatTailWord8
, eatTailWord16
, eatTailWord32
, eatTailWord64
, wordToFloat16
, floatToWord16
, wordToFloat32
, wordToFloat64
, word8ToWord
, word16ToWord
, word32ToWord
, word64ToWord
, word8ToInt
, word16ToInt
, word32ToInt
, word64ToInt
, intToInt64
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
, word8ToInt64
, word16ToInt64
, word32ToInt64
, word64ToInt64
, word8ToWord64
, word16ToWord64
, word32ToWord64
, nintegerFromBytes
, uintegerFromBytes
, Counter
, newCounter
, readCounter
, writeCounter
, incCounter
, decCounter
, copyByteStringToByteArray
, copyByteArrayToByteString
) where
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.ST (ST(ST))
import GHC.IO (IO(IO), unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import GHC.Word
import GHC.Int
import Foreign.Ptr
#if defined(OPTIMIZE_GMP)
import qualified GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals as Gmp
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray as Prim
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.C (CUShort)
import qualified Numeric.Half as Half
import Data.Bits ((.|.), unsafeShiftL)
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
import GHC.IntWord64 (wordToWord64#, word64ToWord#,
intToInt64#, int64ToInt#,
leWord64#, ltWord64#, word64ToInt64#)
grabWord8 :: Ptr () -> Word8
{-# INLINE grabWord8 #-}
grabWord16 :: Ptr () -> Word16
{-# INLINE grabWord16 #-}
grabWord32 :: Ptr () -> Word32
{-# INLINE grabWord32 #-}
grabWord64 :: Ptr () -> Word64
{-# INLINE grabWord64 #-}
grabWord8 (Ptr ip#) = W8# (indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 0#)
#if defined(HAVE_BYTESWAP_PRIMOPS) && \
defined(MEM_UNALIGNED_OPS) && \
grabWord16 (Ptr ip#) = W16# (narrow16Word# (byteSwap16# (indexWord16OffAddr# ip# 0#)))
grabWord32 (Ptr ip#) = W32# (narrow32Word# (byteSwap32# (indexWord32OffAddr# ip# 0#)))
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
grabWord64 (Ptr ip#) = W64# (byteSwap# (indexWord64OffAddr# ip# 0#))
grabWord64 (Ptr ip#) = W64# (byteSwap64# (indexWord64OffAddr# ip# 0#))
#elif defined(MEM_UNALIGNED_OPS) && \
grabWord16 (Ptr ip#) = W16# (indexWord16OffAddr# ip# 0#)
grabWord32 (Ptr ip#) = W32# (indexWord32OffAddr# ip# 0#)
grabWord64 (Ptr ip#) = W64# (indexWord64OffAddr# ip# 0#)
grabWord16 (Ptr ip#) =
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 0# of
w0# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 1# of
w1# -> W16# w0# `unsafeShiftL` 8 .|.
W16# w1#
grabWord32 (Ptr ip#) =
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 0# of
w0# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 1# of
w1# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 2# of
w2# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 3# of
w3# -> W32# w0# `unsafeShiftL` 24 .|.
W32# w1# `unsafeShiftL` 16 .|.
W32# w2# `unsafeShiftL` 8 .|.
W32# w3#
grabWord64 (Ptr ip#) =
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 0# of
w0# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 1# of
w1# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 2# of
w2# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 3# of
w3# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 4# of
w4# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 5# of
w5# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 6# of
w6# ->
case indexWord8OffAddr# ip# 7# of
w7# -> w w0# `unsafeShiftL` 56 .|.
w w1# `unsafeShiftL` 48 .|.
w w2# `unsafeShiftL` 40 .|.
w w3# `unsafeShiftL` 32 .|.
w w4# `unsafeShiftL` 24 .|.
w w5# `unsafeShiftL` 16 .|.
w w6# `unsafeShiftL` 8 .|.
w w7#
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
w w# = W64# w#
w w# = W64# (wordToWord64# w#)
eatTailWord8 :: ByteString -> Word8
eatTailWord8 xs = withBsPtr grabWord8 (BS.unsafeTail xs)
{-# INLINE eatTailWord8 #-}
eatTailWord16 :: ByteString -> Word16
eatTailWord16 xs = withBsPtr grabWord16 (BS.unsafeTail xs)
{-# INLINE eatTailWord16 #-}
eatTailWord32 :: ByteString -> Word32
eatTailWord32 xs = withBsPtr grabWord32 (BS.unsafeTail xs)
{-# INLINE eatTailWord32 #-}
eatTailWord64 :: ByteString -> Word64
eatTailWord64 xs = withBsPtr grabWord64 (BS.unsafeTail xs)
{-# INLINE eatTailWord64 #-}
withBsPtr :: (Ptr b -> a) -> ByteString -> a
withBsPtr f (BS.PS x off _) =
unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr x $
\(Ptr addr#) -> return $! (f (Ptr addr# `plusPtr` off))
{-# INLINE withBsPtr #-}
wordToFloat16 :: Word16 -> Float
wordToFloat16 = \x -> Half.fromHalf (Half.Half (cast x))
cast :: Word16 -> CUShort
cast = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE wordToFloat16 #-}
floatToWord16 :: Float -> Word16
floatToWord16 = \x -> cast (Half.getHalf (Half.toHalf x))
cast :: CUShort -> Word16
cast = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE floatToWord16 #-}
wordToFloat32 :: Word32 -> Float
wordToFloat32 (W32# w#) = F# (wordToFloat32# w#)
{-# INLINE wordToFloat32 #-}
wordToFloat64 :: Word64 -> Double
wordToFloat64 (W64# w#) = D# (wordToFloat64# w#)
{-# INLINE wordToFloat64 #-}
wordToFloat32# :: Word# -> Float#
wordToFloat32# w# =
case newByteArray# 4# realWorld# of
(# s', mba# #) ->
case writeWord32Array# mba# 0# w# s' of
s'' ->
case readFloatArray# mba# 0# s'' of
(# _, f# #) -> f#
{-# NOINLINE wordToFloat32# #-}
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
wordToFloat64# :: Word# -> Double#
wordToFloat64# :: Word64# -> Double#
wordToFloat64# w# =
case newByteArray# 8# realWorld# of
(# s', mba# #) ->
case writeWord64Array# mba# 0# w# s' of
s'' ->
case readDoubleArray# mba# 0# s'' of
(# _, f# #) -> f#
{-# NOINLINE wordToFloat64# #-}
word8ToWord :: Word8 -> Word
word16ToWord :: Word16 -> Word
word32ToWord :: Word32 -> Word
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
word64ToWord :: Word64 -> Word
word64ToWord :: Word64 -> Maybe Word
word8ToInt :: Word8 -> Int
word16ToInt :: Word16 -> Int
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
word32ToInt :: Word32 -> Int
word32ToInt :: Word32 -> Maybe Int
word64ToInt :: Word64 -> Maybe Int
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
word8ToInt64 :: Word8 -> Int64
word16ToInt64 :: Word16 -> Int64
word32ToInt64 :: Word32 -> Int64
word64ToInt64 :: Word64 -> Maybe Int64
word8ToWord64 :: Word8 -> Word64
word16ToWord64 :: Word16 -> Word64
word32ToWord64 :: Word32 -> Word64
intToInt64 :: Int -> Int64
intToInt64 = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE intToInt64 #-}
word8ToWord (W8# w#) = W# w#
word16ToWord (W16# w#) = W# w#
word32ToWord (W32# w#) = W# w#
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
word64ToWord (W64# w#) = W# w#
word64ToWord (W64# w64#) =
case isTrue# (w64# `leWord64#` wordToWord64# 0xffffffff##) of
True -> Just (W# (word64ToWord# w64#))
False -> Nothing
{-# INLINE word8ToWord #-}
{-# INLINE word16ToWord #-}
{-# INLINE word32ToWord #-}
{-# INLINE word64ToWord #-}
word8ToInt (W8# w#) = I# (word2Int# w#)
word16ToInt (W16# w#) = I# (word2Int# w#)
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
word32ToInt (W32# w#) = I# (word2Int# w#)
word32ToInt (W32# w#) =
case isTrue# (w# `ltWord#` 0x80000000##) of
True -> Just (I# (word2Int# w#))
False -> Nothing
#if defined(ARCH_64bit)
word64ToInt (W64# w#) =
case isTrue# (w# `ltWord#` 0x8000000000000000##) of
True -> Just (I# (word2Int# w#))
False -> Nothing
word64ToInt (W64# w#) =
case isTrue# (w# `ltWord64#` wordToWord64# 0x80000000##) of
True -> Just (I# (int64ToInt# (word64ToInt64# w#)))
False -> Nothing
{-# INLINE word8ToInt #-}
{-# INLINE word16ToInt #-}
{-# INLINE word32ToInt #-}
{-# INLINE word64ToInt #-}
#if defined(ARCH_32bit)
word8ToInt64 (W8# w#) = I64# (intToInt64# (word2Int# w#))
word16ToInt64 (W16# w#) = I64# (intToInt64# (word2Int# w#))
word32ToInt64 (W32# w#) = I64# (word64ToInt64# (wordToWord64# w#))
word64ToInt64 (W64# w#) =
case isTrue# (w# `ltWord64#` uncheckedShiftL64# (wordToWord64# 1##) 63#) of
True -> Just (I64# (word64ToInt64# w#))
False -> Nothing
word8ToWord64 (W8# w#) = W64# (wordToWord64# w#)
word16ToWord64 (W16# w#) = W64# (wordToWord64# w#)
word32ToWord64 (W32# w#) = W64# (wordToWord64# w#)
{-# INLINE word8ToInt64 #-}
{-# INLINE word16ToInt64 #-}
{-# INLINE word32ToInt64 #-}
{-# INLINE word64ToInt64 #-}
{-# INLINE word8ToWord64 #-}
{-# INLINE word16ToWord64 #-}
{-# INLINE word32ToWord64 #-}
nintegerFromBytes :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
nintegerFromBytes bs = -1 - uintegerFromBytes bs
uintegerFromBytes :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
#if defined(OPTIMIZE_GMP)
uintegerFromBytes (BS.PS fp (I# off#) (I# len#)) =
unsafeDupablePerformIO $
withForeignPtr fp $ \(Ptr addr#) ->
let addrOff# = addr# `plusAddr#` off#
in Gmp.importIntegerFromAddr addrOff# (int2Word# len#) 1#
uintegerFromBytes bs =
case BS.uncons bs of
Nothing -> 0
Just (w0, ws0) -> go (fromIntegral w0) ws0
go !acc ws =
case BS.uncons ws of
Nothing -> acc
Just (w, ws') -> go (acc `unsafeShiftL` 8 + fromIntegral w) ws'
data Counter s = Counter (MutableByteArray# s)
newCounter :: Int -> ST s (Counter s)
newCounter (I# n#) =
ST (\s ->
case newByteArray# 8# s of
(# s', mba# #) ->
case writeIntArray# mba# 0# n# s' of
s'' -> (# s'', Counter mba# #))
{-# INLINE newCounter #-}
readCounter :: Counter s -> ST s Int
readCounter (Counter mba#) =
ST (\s ->
case readIntArray# mba# 0# s of
(# s', n# #) -> (# s', I# n# #))
{-# INLINE readCounter #-}
writeCounter :: Counter s -> Int -> ST s ()
writeCounter (Counter mba#) (I# n#) =
ST (\s ->
case writeIntArray# mba# 0# n# s of
s' -> (# s', () #))
{-# INLINE writeCounter #-}
incCounter :: Counter s -> ST s ()
incCounter c = do
x <- readCounter c
writeCounter c (x+1)
{-# INLINE incCounter #-}
decCounter :: Counter s -> ST s ()
decCounter c = do
x <- readCounter c
writeCounter c (x-1)
{-# INLINE decCounter #-}
copyByteStringToByteArray :: BS.ByteString -> Prim.ByteArray
copyByteStringToByteArray (BS.PS fp off len) =
unsafeDupablePerformIO $
withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> do
mba <- Prim.newByteArray len
copyPtrToMutableByteArray (ptr `plusPtr` off) mba 0 len
Prim.unsafeFreezeByteArray mba
copyByteArrayToByteString :: Prim.ByteArray
-> Int
-> Int
-> BS.ByteString
copyByteArrayToByteString ba off len =
unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
fp <- BS.mallocByteString len
withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> do
copyByteArrayToPtr ba off ptr len
return (BS.PS fp 0 len)
copyPtrToMutableByteArray :: Ptr a
-> MutableByteArray RealWorld
-> Int
-> Int
-> IO ()
copyPtrToMutableByteArray (Ptr addr#) (MutableByteArray mba#) (I# off#) (I# len#) =
IO (\s ->
case copyAddrToByteArray# addr# mba# off# len# s of
s' -> (# s', () #))
copyByteArrayToPtr :: ByteArray
-> Int
-> Ptr a
-> Int
-> IO ()
copyByteArrayToPtr (ByteArray ba#) (I# off#) (Ptr addr#) (I# len#) =
IO (\s ->
case copyByteArrayToAddr# ba# off# addr# len# s of
s' -> (# s', () #))