Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
- newtype Rect a = Rect' (Compose Point Range a)
- pattern Rect :: a -> a -> a -> a -> Rect a
- mid :: (Space s, Field (Element s)) => s -> Element s
- foldRect :: Ord a => [Rect a] -> Maybe (Rect a)
- addPoint :: Additive a => Point a -> Rect a -> Rect a
- projectOnP :: Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Point Double -> Point Double
- projectOnR :: Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Rect Double
- space1 :: (Space s, Traversable f) => f (Element s) -> Maybe s
- padRect :: Subtractive a => a -> Rect a -> Rect a
- padSingletons :: Rect Double -> Rect Double
- isSingleton :: Rect Double -> Bool
- data Point a = Point {}
- addp :: Point Double -> Point Double -> Point Double
- data Range a = Range a a
- class Multiplicative a where
- one :: a
- class Additive a where
- zero :: a
- abs :: Absolute a => a -> a
- class (Distributive coord, Distributive (Dir coord)) => Direction coord where
- class Distributive (Mag a) => Basis a where
Data Primitives
a rectangular space often representing a finite 2-dimensional or XY plane.
one :: Rect Double
Rect (-0.5) 0.5 (-0.5) 0.5
zero :: Rect Double
Rect 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
one + one :: Rect Double
Rect (-1.0) 1.0 (-1.0) 1.0
let a = Rect (-1.0) 1.0 (-2.0) 4.0
Rect (-1.0) 1.0 (-2.0) 4.0
a * one
Rect (-1.0) 1.0 (-2.0) 4.0
let (Ranges x y) = a
Range -1.0 1.0>>>
Range -2.0 4.0>>>
fmap (+1) (Rect 1 2 3 4)
Rect 2 3 4 5
as a Space instance with Points as Elements
project (Rect 0.0 1.0 (-1.0) 0.0) (Rect 1.0 4.0 10.0 0.0) (Point 0.5 1.0)
Point 2.5 (-10.0)>>>
gridSpace (Rect 0.0 10.0 0.0 1.0) (Point (2::Int) (2::Int))
[Rect 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.5,Rect 0.0 5.0 0.5 1.0,Rect 5.0 10.0 0.0 0.5,Rect 5.0 10.0 0.5 1.0]>>>
grid MidPos (Rect 0.0 10.0 0.0 1.0) (Point (2::Int) (2::Int))
[Point 2.5 0.25,Point 2.5 0.75,Point 7.5 0.25,Point 7.5 0.75]
Representable Rect | |
Foldable Rect | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect Methods fold :: Monoid m => Rect m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Rect a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Rect a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Rect a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Rect a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Rect a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Rect a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Rect a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Rect a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Rect a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Rect a -> a # | |
Traversable Rect | |
Applicative Rect | |
Functor Rect | |
Distributive Rect | |
Ord a => Semigroup (Rect a) | |
Generic (Rect a) | |
(Ord a, Additive a, Show a) => Show (Rect a) | |
Eq a => Eq (Rect a) | |
Additive a => Additive (Rect a) | Numeric algebra based on interval arithmetic for addition and unitRect and projection for multiplication >>> one + one :: Rect Double Rect (-1.0) 1.0 (-1.0) 1.0 |
Subtractive a => Subtractive (Rect a) | |
(Ord a, Field a) => Basis (Rect a) | |
(Ord a, Field a) => Divisive (Rect a) | |
(Ord a, Field a) => Multiplicative (Rect a) | |
(FromIntegral a Int, Field a, Ord a) => FieldSpace (Rect a) | |
Ord a => Space (Rect a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect Methods lower :: Rect a -> Element (Rect a) # upper :: Rect a -> Element (Rect a) # singleton :: Element (Rect a) -> Rect a # intersection :: Rect a -> Rect a -> Rect a # union :: Rect a -> Rect a -> Rect a # normalise :: Rect a -> Rect a # (...) :: Element (Rect a) -> Element (Rect a) -> Rect a # (>.<) :: Element (Rect a) -> Element (Rect a) -> Rect a # (|.|) :: Element (Rect a) -> Rect a -> Bool # | |
type Rep Rect | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect | |
type Rep (Rect a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect | |
type Base (Rect a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect | |
type Mag (Rect a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect | |
type Element (Rect a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect | |
type Grid (Rect a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Space.Rect |
foldRect :: Ord a => [Rect a] -> Maybe (Rect a) #
convex hull union of Rect's
foldRect [Rect 0 1 0 1, one]
Just Rect (-0.5) 1.0 (-0.5) 1.0
addPoint :: Additive a => Point a -> Rect a -> Rect a #
add a Point to a Rect
addPoint (Point 0 1) one
Rect (-0.5) 0.5 0.5 1.5
projectOnP :: Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Point Double -> Point Double #
project a Point from one Rect to another, preserving relative position, with guards for singleton Rects.
projectOnP one (Rect 0 1 0 1) zero
Point (-0.5) (-0.5)
projectOnR :: Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Rect Double #
project a Rect from one Rect to another, preserving relative position, with guards for singleton Rects.
projectOnR one (Rect 0 1 0 1) (Rect 0 0.5 0 0.5)
Rect (-0.5) 0.0 (-0.5) 0.0
space1 :: (Space s, Traversable f) => f (Element s) -> Maybe s #
Maybe containing space of a traversable.
padRect :: Subtractive a => a -> Rect a -> Rect a Source #
Additive pad (or frame or buffer) a Rect.
padRect 1 one
Rect (-1.5) 1.5 (-1.5) 1.5
padSingletons :: Rect Double -> Rect Double Source #
Pad a Rect to remove singleton dimensions.
Attempting to scale a singleton dimension of a Rect is a common bug.
Due to the use of scaling, and thus zero dividing, this is a common exception to guard against.
project (Rect 0 0 0 1) one (Point 0 0)
Point NaN (-0.5)
project (padSingletons (Rect 0 0 0 1)) one (Point 0 0)
Point 0.0 (-0.5)
A 2-dimensional Point of a's
In contrast with a tuple, a Point is functorial over both arguments.
let p = Point 1 1
p + p
Point 2 2>>>
(2*) <$> p
Point 2 2
A major reason for this bespoke treatment (compared to just using linear, say) is that Points do not have maximums and minimums but they do form a lattice, and this is useful for folding sets of points to find out the (rectangular) Space they occupy.
Point 0 1 /\ Point 1 0
Point 0 0>>>
Point 0 1 \/ Point 1 0
Point 1 1
This is used extensively in chart-svg to ergonomically obtain chart areas.
unsafeSpace1 [Point 1 0, Point 0 1] :: Rect Double
Rect 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
addp :: Point Double -> Point Double -> Point Double Source #
add Points, dimension-wise
Point 1 1 `addp` Point 0 2
Point 1.0 3.0
A continuous range over type a
let a = Range (-1) 1
Range -1 1
a + a
Range -2 2
a * a
Range -2.0 2.0
(+1) <$> (Range 1 2)
Range 2 3
Ranges are very useful in shifting a bunch of numbers from one Range to another. eg project 0.5 from the range 0 to 1 to the range 1 to 4
project (Range 0 1) (Range 1 4) 0.5
Create an equally spaced grid including outer bounds over a Range
grid OuterPos (Range 0.0 10.0) 5
divide up a Range into equal-sized sections
gridSpace (Range 0.0 1.0) 4
[Range 0.0 0.25,Range 0.25 0.5,Range 0.5 0.75,Range 0.75 1.0]
Range a a |
NumHask Exports
class Multiplicative a where #
For practical reasons, we begin the class tree with Additive
and Multiplicative
. Starting with Associative
and Unital
, or using Semigroup
and Monoid
from base tends to confuse the interface once you start having to disinguish between (say) monoidal addition and monoidal multiplication.
\a -> one * a == a
\a -> a * one == a
\a b c -> (a * b) * c == a * (b * c)
By convention, (*) is regarded as not necessarily commutative, but this is not universal, and the introduction of another symbol which means commutative multiplication seems a bit dogmatic.
one * 2
2 * 3
Multiplicative Int16 | |
Multiplicative Int32 | |
Multiplicative Int64 | |
Multiplicative Int8 | |
Multiplicative Word16 | |
Multiplicative Word32 | |
Multiplicative Word64 | |
Multiplicative Word8 | |
Multiplicative Integer | |
Multiplicative Natural | |
Multiplicative Bool | |
Multiplicative Double | |
Multiplicative Float | |
Multiplicative Int | |
Multiplicative Word | |
Multiplicative a => Multiplicative (EuclideanPair a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Algebra.Metric | |
(Subtractive a, Multiplicative a) => Multiplicative (Complex a) | |
(Ord a, EndoBased a, Integral a, Ring a) => Multiplicative (Ratio a) | |
Multiplicative a => Multiplicative (Point a) | |
(Field a, Ord a) => Multiplicative (Range a) | |
(Ord a, Field a) => Multiplicative (Rect a) | |
Multiplicative b => Multiplicative (a -> b) | |
Defined in NumHask.Algebra.Multiplicative | |
(Multiplicative a, Distributive a, Subtractive a, KnownNat m, HasShape '[m, m]) => Multiplicative (Matrix m m a) | |
or Addition
For practical reasons, we begin the class tree with Additive
. Starting with Associative
and Unital
, or using Semigroup
and Monoid
from base tends to confuse the interface once you start having to disinguish between (say) monoidal addition and monoidal multiplication.
\a -> zero + a == a
\a -> a + zero == a
\a b c -> (a + b) + c == a + (b + c)
\a b -> a + b == b + a
By convention, (+) is regarded as commutative, but this is not universal, and the introduction of another symbol which means non-commutative addition seems a bit dogmatic.
zero + 1
1 + 1
Additive Int16 | |
Additive Int32 | |
Additive Int64 | |
Additive Int8 | |
Additive Word16 | |
Additive Word32 | |
Additive Word64 | |
Additive Word8 | |
Additive Integer | |
Additive Natural | |
Additive Bool | |
Additive Double | |
Additive Float | |
Additive Int | |
Additive Word | |
Additive a => Additive (Sum a) | |
Additive a => Additive (EuclideanPair a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Algebra.Metric | |
Additive a => Additive (Complex a) | |
(Ord a, EndoBased a, Integral a, Ring a) => Additive (Ratio a) | |
Additive a => Additive (Point a) | |
(Additive a, Ord a) => Additive (Range a) | |
Additive a => Additive (Rect a) | Numeric algebra based on interval arithmetic for addition and unitRect and projection for multiplication >>> one + one :: Rect Double Rect (-1.0) 1.0 (-1.0) 1.0 |
Additive b => Additive (a -> b) | |
Defined in NumHask.Algebra.Additive | |
(Additive a, HasShape s) => Additive (Array s a) | |
The absolute value of a number.
\a -> abs a * signum a ~= a
abs (-1)
class (Distributive coord, Distributive (Dir coord)) => Direction coord where #
Convert between a "co-ordinated" or "higher-kinded" number and a direction.
ray . angle == basis magnitude (ray x) == one
TrigField a => Direction (EuclideanPair a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Algebra.Metric Associated Types type Dir (EuclideanPair a) # Methods angle :: EuclideanPair a -> Dir (EuclideanPair a) # ray :: Dir (EuclideanPair a) -> EuclideanPair a # | |
TrigField a => Direction (Complex a) | |
TrigField a => Direction (Point a) | angle formed by a vector from the origin to a Point and the x-axis (Point 1 0). Note that an angle between two points p1 & p2 is thus angle p2 - angle p1 |
class Distributive (Mag a) => Basis a where #
encapsulates the notion of magnitude (intuitively the quotienting of a higher-kinded number to a scalar one) and the basis on which the magnitude quotienting was performed. An instance needs to satisfy these laws:
\a -> magnitude a >= zero \a -> magnitude zero == zero \a -> a == magnitude a *| basis a \a -> magnitude (basis a) == one
The names chosen are meant to represent the spiritual idea of a basis rather than a specific mathematics. See & for some mathematical motivations.
magnitude (-0.5 :: Double)
basis (-0.5 :: Double)
Basis Int16 | |
Basis Int32 | |
Basis Int64 | |
Basis Int8 | |
Basis Word16 | |
Basis Word32 | |
Basis Word64 | |
Basis Word8 | |
Basis Integer | |
Basis Natural | |
Basis Double | |
Basis Float | |
Basis Int | |
Basis Word | |
(ExpField a, Eq a) => Basis (EuclideanPair a) | |
Defined in NumHask.Algebra.Metric Methods magnitude :: EuclideanPair a -> Mag (EuclideanPair a) # basis :: EuclideanPair a -> Base (EuclideanPair a) # | |
(Additive a, Multiplicative a) => Basis (Polar a) | |
(ExpField a, Eq a) => Basis (Complex a) | |
(Ord a, EndoBased a, Integral a, Ring a) => Basis (Ratio a) | |
(ExpField a, Eq a) => Basis (Point a) | |
(Field a, Ord a) => Basis (Range a) | |
(Ord a, Field a) => Basis (Rect a) | |