  Copyright   :  (C) 2015-2016, University of Twente,
                          2017, Google Inc.
  License     :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer  :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

  Generate Verilog for assorted Netlist datatypes

{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}

module Clash.Backend.Verilog (VerilogState, include) where

import           Control.Applicative                  ((<*), (*>))
import qualified Control.Applicative                  as A
import           Control.Lens                         ((+=),(-=),(.=),(%=), makeLenses, use)
import           Control.Monad                        (forM)
import           Control.Monad.State                  (State)
import qualified Data.HashSet                         as HashSet
import           Data.Maybe                           (catMaybes,fromMaybe,mapMaybe)
import           Data.List                            (nub)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import           Data.Monoid                          hiding (Product, Sum)
import           Data.Semigroup.Monad
import           Data.Text.Lazy                       (pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                       as Text
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Extra
#ifdef CABAL
import qualified Data.Version
import qualified System.FilePath

import           Clash.Annotations.Primitive          (HDL (..))
import           Clash.Backend
import           Clash.Driver.Types                   (SrcSpan, noSrcSpan)
import           Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Types         (HdlSyn)
import           Clash.Netlist.BlackBox.Util          (extractLiterals, renderBlackBox)
import           Clash.Netlist.Id                     (IdType (..), mkBasicId')
import           Clash.Netlist.Types                  hiding (_intWidth, intWidth)
import           Clash.Netlist.Util                   hiding (mkIdentifier, extendIdentifier)
import           Clash.Signal.Internal                (ClockKind (..))
import           Clash.Util                           (curLoc, (<:>))

#ifdef CABAL
import qualified Paths_clash_lib

-- | State for the 'Clash.Backend.Verilog.VerilogM' monad:
data VerilogState =
    { _genDepth  :: Int -- ^ Depth of current generative block
    , _idSeen    :: [Identifier]
    , _srcSpan   :: SrcSpan
    , _includes  :: [(String,Doc)]
    , _imports   :: [Text.Text]
    , _intWidth  :: Int -- ^ Int/Word/Integer bit-width
    , _hdlsyn    :: HdlSyn

makeLenses ''VerilogState

primsRoot :: IO FilePath
#ifdef CABAL
primsRoot = Paths_clash_lib.getDataFileName "prims"
primsRoot = return ("clash-lib" System.FilePath.</> "prims")

instance Backend VerilogState where
  initBackend     = VerilogState 0 [] noSrcSpan [] []
  hdlKind         = const Verilog
  primDirs        = const $ do root <- primsRoot
                               return [ root System.FilePath.</> "common"
                                      , root System.FilePath.</> "commonverilog"
                                      , root System.FilePath.</> "verilog"
  extractTypes    = const HashSet.empty
  name            = const "verilog"
  extension       = const ".v"

  genHDL          = const genVerilog
  mkTyPackage _ _ = return []
  hdlType _       = verilogType
  hdlTypeErrValue = verilogTypeErrValue
  hdlTypeMark     = verilogTypeMark
  hdlRecSel       = verilogRecSel
  hdlSig t ty     = sigDecl (string t) ty
  genStmt True    = do cnt <- use genDepth
                       genDepth += 1
                       if cnt > 0
                          then emptyDoc
                          else "generate"
  genStmt False   = do genDepth -= 1
                       cnt <- use genDepth
                       if cnt > 0
                          then emptyDoc
                          else "endgenerate"
  inst            = inst_
  expr            = expr_
  iwWidth         = use intWidth
  toBV _          = string
  fromBV _        = string
  hdlSyn          = use hdlsyn
  mkIdentifier    = return go
      go Basic    nm = filterReserved (mkBasicId' True nm)
      go Extended (rmSlash -> nm) = case go Basic nm of
        nm' | nm /= nm' -> Text.concat ["\\",nm," "]
            |otherwise  -> nm'
  extendIdentifier = return go
      go Basic nm ext = filterReserved (mkBasicId' True (nm `Text.append` ext))
      go Extended (rmSlash . escapeTemplate -> nm) ext =
        let nmExt = nm `Text.append` ext
        in  case go Basic nm ext of
              nm' | nm' /= nmExt -> case Text.head nmExt of
                      '#' -> Text.concat ["\\",nmExt," "]
                      _   -> Text.concat ["\\#",nmExt," "]
                  | otherwise    -> nm'

  setModName _    = id
  setSrcSpan      = (srcSpan .=)
  getSrcSpan      = use srcSpan
  blockDecl _ ds  = do
    decs <- decls ds
    if isEmpty decs
      then insts ds
        pure decs <> line <>
        insts ds
  unextend = return rmSlash
  addInclude inc = includes %= (inc:)
  addLibraries _ = return ()
  addImports inps = imports %= (inps ++)

rmSlash :: Identifier -> Identifier
rmSlash nm = fromMaybe nm $ do
  nm1 <- Text.stripPrefix "\\" nm
  pure (Text.filter (not . (== ' ')) nm1)

type VerilogM a = Mon (State VerilogState) a

-- List of reserved Verilog-2005 keywords
reservedWords :: [Identifier]
reservedWords = ["always","and","assign","automatic","begin","buf","bufif0"

filterReserved :: Identifier -> Identifier
filterReserved s = if s `elem` reservedWords
  then s `Text.append` "_r"
  else s

-- | Generate VHDL for a Netlist component
genVerilog :: SrcSpan -> Component -> VerilogM ((String,Doc),[(String,Doc)])
genVerilog sp c = do
    Mon (setSrcSpan sp)
    v    <- commentHeader <> line <> module_ c
    incs <- Mon $ use includes
    return ((unpack cName,v),incs)
#ifdef CABAL
    clashVer = Data.Version.showVersion Paths_clash_lib.version
    clashVer = "development"
    cName    = componentName c
      <> line <> "** GENERATED BY CLASH " <> string (Text.pack clashVer) <> ". DO NOT MODIFY."
      <> line <> "*/"

module_ :: Component -> VerilogM Doc
module_ c = addSeen c *> modVerilog <* Mon (idSeen .= [] >> imports .= [])
    modVerilog = do
      body <- modBody
      imps <- Mon $ use imports
      modHeader <> line <> modPorts <> line <> include (nub imps) <> pure body <> line <> modEnding

    modHeader  = "module" <+> string (componentName c)
    modPorts   = indent 4 (tupleInputs inPorts <> line <> tupleOutputs outPorts <> semi)
    modBody    = indent 2 (decls (declarations c)) <> line <> line <> insts (declarations c)
    modEnding  = "endmodule"

    inPorts  = sequence [ sigPort Nothing   p | p       <- inputs c  ]
    outPorts = sequence [ sigPort (Just wr) p | (wr, p) <- outputs c ]

    wr2ty Nothing     = "input"
    wr2ty (Just Wire) = "output" <+> "wire"
    wr2ty (Just Reg)  = "output" <+> "reg"

    -- map a port to its verilog type, port name, and any encoding notes
    sigPort (wr2ty -> portTy) (nm, hwTy)
      = portTy <+> verilogType' True hwTy <+> string nm <+> encodingNote hwTy

    -- slightly more readable than 'tupled', makes the output Haskell-y-er
    commafy v = (comma <> space) <> pure v

    tupleInputs v = v >>= \case
      []     -> lparen <+> string "// No inputs" <> line
      (x:xs) -> lparen <+> string "// Inputs"
                      <> line <> (string "  " <> pure x)
                      <> line <> vcat (forM xs commafy)
                      <> line

    tupleOutputs v = v >>= \case
      []     -> string "  // No outputs" <> line <> rparen
      (x:xs) -> string "  // Outputs"
                  <> line <> (if (length (inputs c)) > 0
                         then comma <> space <> pure x
                         else string "  " <> pure x)
                  <> (if null xs then emptyDoc else line <> vcat (forM xs commafy))
                  <> line <> rparen

include :: Monad m => [Text.Text] -> Mon m Doc
include [] = emptyDoc
include xs = line <>
  indent 2 (vcat (mapM (\i -> string "`include" <+> dquotes (string i)) xs))
  <> line <> line

wireOrReg :: WireOrReg -> VerilogM Doc
wireOrReg Wire = "wire"
wireOrReg Reg  = "reg"

addSeen :: Component -> VerilogM ()
addSeen c = do
  let iport = map fst $ inputs c
      oport = map (fst.snd) $ outputs c
      nets  = mapMaybe (\case {NetDecl' _ _ i _ -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}) $ declarations c
  Mon $ idSeen .= concat [iport,oport,nets]

-- render a type; by default, removing zero-sizes is an aesthetic operation
-- and is only valid for decls (e.g. when rendering module ports), so don't
-- do it by default to be safe
verilogType :: HWType -> VerilogM Doc
verilogType = verilogType' False

verilogType' :: Bool -> HWType -> VerilogM Doc
verilogType' isDecl t =
  let -- if the size is zero, it's single bit, so if we're
      -- emitting a decl, then we can skip it - but we can't
      -- skip it when selecting other values (e.g a slice)
      renderVerilogTySize l
        | l == 0 && isDecl = emptyDoc
        | otherwise        = brackets (int l <> colon <> int 0)

      -- signed types have to be rendered specially
      getVerilogTy (Signed n) = ("signed" <> space, n)
      getVerilogTy _          = (emptyDoc,    typeSize t)

  in case t of
       -- special case: Bit, Bool, clocks and resets
       Clock _ _ Gated -> verilogType' isDecl (gatedClockType t)
       Clock {} -> emptyDoc
       Reset {} -> emptyDoc
       Bit      -> emptyDoc
       Bool     -> emptyDoc

       -- otherwise, print the type and prefix
       ty | (prefix, sz) <- getVerilogTy ty
         -> prefix <> renderVerilogTySize (sz-1)

gatedClockType :: HWType -> HWType
gatedClockType (Clock _ _ Gated) = Product "GatedClock" [Bit,Bool]
gatedClockType ty = ty
{-# INLINE gatedClockType #-}

sigDecl :: VerilogM Doc -> HWType -> VerilogM Doc
sigDecl d t = verilogType t <+> d

-- | Convert a Netlist HWType to the root of a Verilog type
verilogTypeMark :: HWType -> VerilogM Doc
verilogTypeMark = const emptyDoc

-- | Convert a Netlist HWType to an error VHDL value for that type
verilogTypeErrValue :: HWType -> VerilogM Doc
verilogTypeErrValue ty = braces (int (typeSize ty) <+> braces "1'bx")

  :: HWType
  -> Int
  -> VerilogM Doc
verilogRecSel ty i = case modifier 0 (Indexed (ty,0,i)) of
  Just (start,end) -> brackets (int start <> colon <> int end)
  _ -> error "Can't make a record selector"

decls :: [Declaration] -> VerilogM Doc
decls [] = emptyDoc
decls ds = do
    dsDoc <- catMaybes <$> (mapM decl ds)
    case dsDoc of
      [] -> emptyDoc
      _  -> punctuate' semi (A.pure dsDoc)

decl :: Declaration -> VerilogM (Maybe Doc)
decl (NetDecl' noteM wr id_ tyE) =
  Just <$> maybe id addNote noteM (wireOrReg wr <+> tyDec tyE)
    tyDec (Left  ty) = string ty <+> string id_
    tyDec (Right ty) = sigDecl (string id_) ty
    addNote n = mappend ("//" <+> string n <> line)

decl _ = return Nothing

insts :: [Declaration] -> VerilogM Doc
insts [] = emptyDoc
insts is = indent 2 . vcat . punctuate line . fmap catMaybes $ mapM inst_ is

-- | Turn a Netlist Declaration to a SystemVerilog concurrent block
inst_ :: Declaration -> VerilogM (Maybe Doc)
inst_ (Assignment id_ e) = fmap Just $
  "assign" <+> string id_ <+> equals <+> expr_ False e <> semi

inst_ (CondAssignment id_ _ scrut _ [(Just (BoolLit b), l),(_,r)]) = fmap Just $
   "always @(*) begin" <> line <>
   indent 2 ("if" <> parens (expr_ True scrut) <> line <>
               (indent 2 $ string id_ <+> equals <+> expr_ False t <> semi) <> line <>
            "else" <> line <>
               (indent 2 $ string id_ <+> equals <+> expr_ False f <> semi)) <> line <>
    (t,f) = if b then (l,r) else (r,l)

inst_ (CondAssignment id_ _ scrut scrutTy es) = fmap Just $
    "always @(*) begin" <> line <>
    indent 2 ("case" <> parens (expr_ True scrut) <> line <>
                (indent 2 $ vcat $ punctuate semi (conds id_ es)) <> semi <> line <>
              "endcase") <> line <>
    conds :: Identifier -> [(Maybe Literal,Expr)] -> VerilogM [Doc]
    conds _ []                = return []
    conds i [(_,e)]           = ("default" <+> colon <+> string i <+> equals <+> expr_ False e) <:> return []
    conds i ((Nothing,e):_)   = ("default" <+> colon <+> string i <+> equals <+> expr_ False e) <:> return []
    conds i ((Just c ,e):es') = (exprLit (Just (scrutTy,conSize scrutTy)) c <+> colon <+> string i <+> equals <+> expr_ False e) <:> conds i es'

inst_ (InstDecl _ nm lbl pms) = fmap Just $
    nest 2 (string nm <+> string lbl <> line <> pms' <> semi)
    pms' = tupled $ sequence [dot <> expr_ False i <+> parens (expr_ False e) | (i,_,_,e) <- pms]

inst_ (BlackBoxD _ libs imps inc bs bbCtx) =
  fmap Just (Mon (column (renderBlackBox libs imps inc bs bbCtx)))

inst_ (NetDecl' _ _ _ _) = return Nothing

-- | Calculate the beginning and end index into a variable, to get the
-- desired field.
  :: Int
  -- ^ Offset, only used when we have nested modifiers
  -> Modifier
  -> Maybe (Int,Int)
modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(SP _ args),dcI,fI)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    argTys   = snd $ args !! dcI
    argTy    = argTys !! fI
    argSize  = typeSize argTy
    other    = otherSize argTys (fI-1)
    start    = typeSize ty - 1 - conSize ty - other
    end      = start - argSize + 1

modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(Product _ argTys),_,fI)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    argTy   = argTys !! fI
    argSize = typeSize argTy
    otherSz = otherSize argTys (fI - 1)
    start   = typeSize ty - 1 - otherSz
    end     = start - argSize + 1

modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(Clock _ _ Gated),_,fI)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    argTys  = [Bit, Bool]
    argTy   = argTys !! fI
    argSize = typeSize argTy
    otherSz = otherSize argTys (fI - 1)
    start   = typeSize ty - 1 - otherSz
    end     = start - argSize + 1

modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(Vector _ argTy),1,0)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    argSize = typeSize argTy
    start   = typeSize ty - 1
    end     = start - argSize + 1

modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(Vector _ argTy),1,1)) = Just (start+offset,offset)
    argSize = typeSize argTy
    start   = typeSize ty - argSize - 1

modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(RTree 0 _),0,0)) = Just (start+offset,offset)
    start   = typeSize ty - 1

modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(RTree _ _),1,0)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    start   = typeSize ty - 1
    end     = typeSize ty `div` 2

modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(RTree _ _),1,1)) = Just (start+offset,offset)
    start   = (typeSize ty `div` 2) - 1

-- This is a HACK for Clash.Driver.TopWrapper.mkOutput
-- Vector's don't have a 10'th constructor, this is just so that we can
-- recognize the particular case
modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(Vector _ argTy),10,fI)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    argSize = typeSize argTy
    start   = typeSize ty - (fI * argSize) - 1
    end     = start - argSize + 1

-- This is a HACK for Clash.Driver.TopWrapper.mkOutput
-- RTree's don't have a 10'th constructor, this is just so that we can
-- recognize the particular case
modifier offset (Indexed (ty@(RTree _ argTy),10,fI)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    argSize = typeSize argTy
    start   = typeSize ty - (fI * argSize) - 1
    end     = start - argSize + 1

modifier offset (DC (ty@(SP _ _),_)) = Just (start+offset,end+offset)
    start = typeSize ty - 1
    end   = typeSize ty - conSize ty

modifier offset (Nested m1 m2) = do
  case modifier offset m1 of
    Nothing    -> modifier offset m2
    Just (s,e) -> case modifier e m2 of
      -- In case the second modifier is `Nothing` that means we want the entire
      -- thing calculated by the first modifier
      Nothing -> Just (s,e)
      m       -> m

modifier _ _ = Nothing

-- | Turn a Netlist expression into a SystemVerilog expression
expr_ :: Bool -- ^ Enclose in parenthesis?
      -> Expr -- ^ Expr to convert
      -> VerilogM Doc
expr_ _ (Literal sizeM lit) = exprLit sizeM lit

expr_ _ (Identifier id_ Nothing) = string id_

expr_ _ (Identifier id_ (Just m)) = case modifier 0 m of
  Nothing          -> string id_
  Just (start,end) -> string id_ <> brackets (int start <> colon <> int end)

expr_ b (DataCon _ (DC (Void {}, -1)) [e]) = expr_ b e

expr_ _ (DataCon ty@(Vector 0 _) _ _) = verilogTypeErrValue ty

expr_ _ (DataCon (Vector 1 _) _ [e]) = expr_ False e
expr_ _ e@(DataCon (Vector _ _) _ es@[_,_]) =
  case vectorChain e of
    Just es' -> listBraces (mapM (expr_ False) es')
    Nothing  -> listBraces (mapM (expr_ False) es)

expr_ _ (DataCon (RTree 0 _) _ [e]) = expr_ False e
expr_ _ e@(DataCon (RTree _ _) _ es@[_,_]) =
  case rtreeChain e of
    Just es' -> listBraces (mapM (expr_ False) es')
    Nothing  -> listBraces (mapM (expr_ False) es)

expr_ _ (DataCon ty@(SP _ args) (DC (_,i)) es) = assignExpr
    argTys     = snd $ args !! i
    dcSize     = conSize ty + sum (map typeSize argTys)
    dcExpr     = expr_ False (dcToExpr ty i)
    argExprs   = map (expr_ False) es
    extraArg   = case typeSize ty - dcSize of
                   0 -> []
                   n -> [int n <> "'b" <> bits (replicate n U)]
    assignExpr = braces (hcat $ punctuate comma $ sequence (dcExpr:argExprs ++ extraArg))

expr_ _ (DataCon ty@(Sum _ _) (DC (_,i)) []) = int (typeSize ty) <> "'d" <> int i

expr_ _ (DataCon (Product _ _) _ es) = listBraces (mapM (expr_ False) es)

expr_ _ (DataCon (Clock _ _ Gated) _ es) = listBraces (mapM (expr_ False) es)

expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
  | pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Signed.fromInteger#"
  , [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
  = exprLit (Just (Signed (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) i

expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
  | pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Unsigned.fromInteger#"
  , [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
  = exprLit (Just (Unsigned (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) i

expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
  | pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.fromInteger#"
  , [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
  = exprLit (Just (BitVector (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) i

expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
  | pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector.fromInteger##"
  , [Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
  = exprLit (Just (Bit,1)) i

expr_ _ (BlackBoxE pNm _ _ _ _ bbCtx _)
  | pNm == "Clash.Sized.Internal.Index.fromInteger#"
  , [Literal _ (NumLit n), Literal _ i] <- extractLiterals bbCtx
  = exprLit (Just (Index (fromInteger n),fromInteger n)) i

expr_ b (BlackBoxE _ libs imps inc bs bbCtx b') = do
  parenIf (b || b') (Mon (renderBlackBox libs imps inc bs bbCtx <*> pure 0))

expr_ _ (DataTag Bool (Left id_))          = string id_ <> brackets (int 0)
expr_ _ (DataTag Bool (Right id_))         = do
  iw <- Mon (use intWidth)
  "$unsigned" <> parens (listBraces (sequence [braces (int (iw-1) <+> braces "1'b0"),string id_]))

expr_ _ (DataTag (Sum _ _) (Left id_))     = "$unsigned" <> parens (string id_)
expr_ _ (DataTag (Sum _ _) (Right id_))    = "$unsigned" <> parens (string id_)

expr_ _ (DataTag (Product _ _) (Right _))  = do
  iw <- Mon (use intWidth)
  int iw <> "'sd0"

expr_ _ (DataTag hty@(SP _ _) (Right id_)) = "$unsigned" <> parens
                                               (string id_ <> brackets
                                               (int start <> colon <> int end))
    start = typeSize hty - 1
    end   = typeSize hty - conSize hty

expr_ _ (DataTag (Vector 0 _) (Right _)) = do
  iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
  int iw <> "'sd0"
expr_ _ (DataTag (Vector _ _) (Right _)) = do
  iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
  int iw <> "'sd1"

expr_ _ (DataTag (RTree 0 _) (Right _)) = do
  iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
  int iw <> "'sd0"
expr_ _ (DataTag (RTree _ _) (Right _)) = do
  iw <- Mon $ use intWidth
  int iw <> "'sd1"

expr_ b (ConvBV _ _ _ e) = expr_ b e

expr_ _ e = error $ $(curLoc) ++ (show e) -- empty

otherSize :: [HWType] -> Int -> Int
otherSize _ n | n < 0 = 0
otherSize []     _    = 0
otherSize (a:as) n    = typeSize a + otherSize as (n-1)

vectorChain :: Expr -> Maybe [Expr]
vectorChain (DataCon (Vector 0 _) _ _)        = Just []
vectorChain (DataCon (Vector 1 _) _ [e])     = Just [e]
vectorChain (DataCon (Vector _ _) _ [e1,e2]) = Just e1 <:> vectorChain e2
vectorChain _                                       = Nothing

rtreeChain :: Expr -> Maybe [Expr]
rtreeChain (DataCon (RTree 0 _) _ [e])     = Just [e]
rtreeChain (DataCon (RTree _ _) _ [e1,e2]) = Just e1 <:> rtreeChain e2
rtreeChain _                               = Nothing

exprLit :: Maybe (HWType,Size) -> Literal -> VerilogM Doc
exprLit Nothing (NumLit i) = integer i

exprLit (Just (hty,sz)) (NumLit i) = case hty of
  Unsigned _ -> int sz <> "'d" <> integer i
  Index _ -> int (typeSize hty) <> "'d" <> integer i
  Signed _
   | i < 0     -> "-" <> int sz <> "'sd" <> integer (abs i)
   | otherwise -> int sz <> "'sd" <> integer i
  _ -> int sz <> "'b" <> blit
    blit = bits (toBits sz i)
exprLit _             (BoolLit t)   = if t then "1'b1" else "1'b0"
exprLit _             (BitLit b)    = "1'b" <> bit_char b
exprLit _             (StringLit s) = string . pack $ show s
exprLit _             l             = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "exprLit: " ++ show l

toBits :: Integral a => Int -> a -> [Bit]
toBits size val = map (\x -> if odd x then H else L)
                $ reverse
                $ take size
                $ map (`mod` 2)
                $ iterate (`div` 2) val

bits :: [Bit] -> VerilogM Doc
bits = hcat . mapM bit_char

bit_char :: Bit -> VerilogM Doc
bit_char H = char '1'
bit_char L = char '0'
bit_char U = char 'x'
bit_char Z = char 'z'

dcToExpr :: HWType -> Int -> Expr
dcToExpr ty i = Literal (Just (ty,conSize ty)) (NumLit (toInteger i))

listBraces :: Monad m => m [Doc] -> m Doc
listBraces = align . encloseSep lbrace rbrace comma

parenIf :: Monad m => Bool -> m Doc -> m Doc
parenIf True  = parens
parenIf False = id

punctuate' :: Monad m => Mon m Doc -> Mon m [Doc] -> Mon m Doc
punctuate' s d = vcat (punctuate s d) <> s

encodingNote :: HWType -> VerilogM Doc
encodingNote (Clock _ _ Gated) = "// gated clock"
encodingNote (Clock {})        = "// clock"
encodingNote (Reset {})        = "// asynchronous reset: active high"
encodingNote _                 = emptyDoc