Copyright | (C) 2015-2016 University of Twente 2017 Myrtle Software Ltd Google Inc. |
License | BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Christiaan Baaij <> |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type ModName = Identifier
- data Usage
- class Backend state where
- initBackend :: Int -> HdlSyn -> Bool -> Maybe (Maybe Int) -> state
- hdlKind :: state -> HDL
- primDirs :: state -> IO [FilePath]
- name :: state -> String
- extension :: state -> String
- extractTypes :: state -> HashSet HWType
- genHDL :: Identifier -> SrcSpan -> HashMap Identifier Word -> Component -> Mon (State state) ((String, Doc), [(String, Doc)])
- mkTyPackage :: Identifier -> [HWType] -> Mon (State state) [(String, Doc)]
- hdlType :: Usage -> HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc
- hdlTypeErrValue :: HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc
- hdlTypeMark :: HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc
- hdlRecSel :: HWType -> Int -> Mon (State state) Doc
- hdlSig :: Text -> HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc
- genStmt :: Bool -> State state Doc
- inst :: Declaration -> Mon (State state) (Maybe Doc)
- expr :: Bool -> Expr -> Mon (State state) Doc
- iwWidth :: State state Int
- toBV :: HWType -> Text -> Mon (State state) Doc
- fromBV :: HWType -> Text -> Mon (State state) Doc
- hdlSyn :: State state HdlSyn
- mkIdentifier :: State state (IdType -> Identifier -> Identifier)
- extendIdentifier :: State state (IdType -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier)
- setModName :: ModName -> state -> state
- setSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> State state ()
- getSrcSpan :: State state SrcSpan
- blockDecl :: Text -> [Declaration] -> Mon (State state) Doc
- unextend :: State state (Identifier -> Identifier)
- addIncludes :: [(String, Doc)] -> State state ()
- addLibraries :: [Text] -> State state ()
- addImports :: [Text] -> State state ()
- addAndSetData :: FilePath -> State state String
- getDataFiles :: State state [(String, FilePath)]
- addMemoryDataFile :: (String, String) -> State state ()
- getMemoryDataFiles :: State state [(String, String)]
- seenIdentifiers :: Lens' state (HashMap Identifier Word)
- ifThenElseExpr :: state -> Bool
- escapeTemplate :: Identifier -> Identifier
- mkUniqueIdentifier :: Backend s => IdType -> Identifier -> State s Identifier
- preserveSeen :: Backend s => Mon (State s) a -> Mon (State s) a
type ModName = Identifier Source #
Is a type used for internal or external use
class Backend state where Source #
initBackend :: Int -> HdlSyn -> Bool -> Maybe (Maybe Int) -> state Source #
Initial state for state monad
hdlKind :: state -> HDL Source #
What HDL is the backend generating
primDirs :: state -> IO [FilePath] Source #
Location for the primitive definitions
name :: state -> String Source #
Name of backend, used for directory to put output files in. Should be constant function / ignore argument.
extension :: state -> String Source #
File extension for target langauge
extractTypes :: state -> HashSet HWType Source #
Get the set of types out of state
genHDL :: Identifier -> SrcSpan -> HashMap Identifier Word -> Component -> Mon (State state) ((String, Doc), [(String, Doc)]) Source #
Generate HDL for a Netlist component
mkTyPackage :: Identifier -> [HWType] -> Mon (State state) [(String, Doc)] Source #
Generate a HDL package containing type definitions for the given HWTypes
hdlType :: Usage -> HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Convert a Netlist HWType to a target HDL type
hdlTypeErrValue :: HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Convert a Netlist HWType to an HDL error value for that type
hdlTypeMark :: HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Convert a Netlist HWType to the root of a target HDL type
hdlRecSel :: HWType -> Int -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Create a record selector
hdlSig :: Text -> HWType -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Create a signal declaration from an identifier (Text) and Netlist HWType
genStmt :: Bool -> State state Doc Source #
Create a generative block statement marker
inst :: Declaration -> Mon (State state) (Maybe Doc) Source #
Turn a Netlist Declaration to a HDL concurrent block
Turn a Netlist expression into a HDL expression
iwWidth :: State state Int Source #
Bit-width of Int,Word,Integer
toBV :: HWType -> Text -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Convert to a bit-vector
fromBV :: HWType -> Text -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Convert from a bit-vector
hdlSyn :: State state HdlSyn Source #
Synthesis tool we're generating HDL for
mkIdentifier :: State state (IdType -> Identifier -> Identifier) Source #
extendIdentifier :: State state (IdType -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Identifier) Source #
setModName :: ModName -> state -> state Source #
setSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> State state () Source #
getSrcSpan :: State state SrcSpan Source #
blockDecl :: Text -> [Declaration] -> Mon (State state) Doc Source #
Block of declarations
unextend :: State state (Identifier -> Identifier) Source #
unextend/unescape identifier
addIncludes :: [(String, Doc)] -> State state () Source #
addLibraries :: [Text] -> State state () Source #
addImports :: [Text] -> State state () Source #
addAndSetData :: FilePath -> State state String Source #
getDataFiles :: State state [(String, FilePath)] Source #
addMemoryDataFile :: (String, String) -> State state () Source #
getMemoryDataFiles :: State state [(String, String)] Source #
seenIdentifiers :: Lens' state (HashMap Identifier Word) Source #
ifThenElseExpr :: state -> Bool Source #
escapeTemplate :: Identifier -> Identifier Source #
Replace a normal HDL template placeholder with an unescaped/unextended template placeholder.
Needed when the the place-holder is filled with an escaped/extended identifier inside an escaped/extended identifier and we want to strip the escape /extension markers. Otherwise we end up with illegal identifiers.
mkUniqueIdentifier :: Backend s => IdType -> Identifier -> State s Identifier Source #