clash-lib-1.8.2: Clash: a functional hardware description language - As a library
Safe HaskellNone



Environment with variables as keys

type VarEnv a = UniqMap a Source #

Map indexed by variables


Size information

nullVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> Bool Source #

Is the environment empty


lookupVarEnv :: Var b -> VarEnv a -> Maybe a Source #

Look up a value based on the variable

lookupVarEnv' :: HasCallStack => VarEnv a -> Var b -> a Source #

Lookup a value based on the variable

Errors out when the variable is not present

lookupVarEnvDirectly :: Unique -> VarEnv a -> Maybe a Source #

Lookup a value based on the unique of a variable


emptyVarEnv :: VarEnv a Source #

Empty map

unitVarEnv :: Var b -> a -> VarEnv a Source #

Environment containing a single variable-value pair

mkVarEnv :: [(Var a, b)] -> VarEnv b Source #

Create an environment given a list of var-value pairs


extendVarEnv :: Var b -> a -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a Source #

Add a variable-value pair to the environment; overwrites the value if the variable already exists

extendVarEnvList :: VarEnv a -> [(Var b, a)] -> VarEnv a Source #

Add a list of variable-value pairs; the values of existing keys will be overwritten

extendVarEnvWith :: Var b -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a Source #

Add a variable-value pair to the environment; if the variable already exists, the two values are merged with the given function

delVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> Var b -> VarEnv a Source #

Remove a variable-value pair from the environment

delVarEnvList :: VarEnv a -> [Var b] -> VarEnv a Source #

Remove a list of variable-value pairs from the environment

unionVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a Source #

Get the (left-biased) union of two environments

unionVarEnvWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a Source #

Get the union of two environments, mapped values existing in both environments will be merged with the given function.

differenceVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv a Source #

Filter the first varenv to only contain keys which are not in the second varenv.

Element-wise operations


mapVarEnv :: (a -> b) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv b Source #

Apply a function to every element in the environment

mapMaybeVarEnv :: (a -> Maybe b) -> VarEnv a -> VarEnv b Source #

Apply a function to every element in the environment; values for which the function returns Nothing are removed from the environment


foldlWithUniqueVarEnv' :: (a -> Unique -> b -> a) -> a -> VarEnv b -> a Source #

Strict left-fold over an environment using both the unique of the the variable and the value

Working with predicates


elemVarEnv :: Var a -> VarEnv b -> Bool Source #

Does the variable exist in the environment

notElemVarEnv :: Var a -> VarEnv b -> Bool Source #

Does the variable not exist in the environment



eltsVarEnv :: VarEnv a -> [a] Source #

Extract the elements

Sets of variables

type VarSet = UniqMap (Var Any) Source #

Set of variables


emptyVarSet :: VarSet Source #

The empty set

unitVarSet :: Var a -> VarSet Source #

The set of a single variable


delVarSetByKey :: Unique -> VarSet -> VarSet Source #

Remove a variable from the set based on its Unique

unionVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet Source #

Union two sets

differenceVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet Source #

Take the difference of two sets

Working with predicates

nullVarSet :: VarSet -> Bool Source #

Check whether a varset is empty


elemVarSet :: Var a -> VarSet -> Bool Source #

Is the variable an element in the set

notElemVarSet :: Var a -> VarSet -> Bool Source #

Is the variable not an element in the set

subsetVarSet Source #


:: VarSet

Set of variables A

-> VarSet

Set of variables B

-> Bool 

Is the set of variables A a subset of the variables B

disjointVarSet :: VarSet -> VarSet -> Bool Source #

Are the sets of variables disjoint



mkVarSet :: [Var a] -> VarSet Source #

Create a set from a list of variables

In-scope sets

data InScopeSet Source #

Set of variables that is in scope at some point

The Seed is a kind of hash-value used to generate new uniques. It should never be zero

See "Secrets of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler inliner" Section 3.2 for the motivation


Instances details
Generic InScopeSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.VarEnv

Associated Types

type Rep InScopeSet :: Type -> Type Source #

Binary InScopeSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.VarEnv

NFData InScopeSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.VarEnv


rnf :: InScopeSet -> () Source #

ClashPretty InScopeSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.VarEnv

type Rep InScopeSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Core.VarEnv


Size information


lookupInScope :: InScopeSet -> Var a -> Maybe (Var Any) Source #

Look up a variable in the InScopeSet. This gives you the canonical version of the variable


mkInScopeSet :: VarSet -> InScopeSet Source #

Create a set of variables in scope


extendInScopeSetList :: InScopeSet -> [Var a] -> InScopeSet Source #

Add a list of variables in scope

unionInScope :: InScopeSet -> InScopeSet -> InScopeSet Source #

Union two sets of in scope variables

Working with predicates


elemInScopeSet :: Var a -> InScopeSet -> Bool Source #

Is the variable in scope

elemUniqInScopeSet :: Unique -> InScopeSet -> Bool Source #

Check whether an element exists in the set based on the Unique contained in that element

notElemInScopeSet :: Var a -> InScopeSet -> Bool Source #

Is the variable not in scope

varSetInScope :: VarSet -> InScopeSet -> Bool Source #

Is the set of variables in scope

Unique generation

uniqAway :: (Uniquable a, ClashPretty a) => InScopeSet -> a -> a Source #

Ensure that the Unique of a variable does not occur in the InScopeSet

uniqAway' Source #


:: (Uniquable a, ClashPretty a) 
=> (Unique -> Bool)

Unique in scope test

-> Seed


-> a 
-> a 

Dual renaming

data RnEnv Source #

Rename environment for e.g. alpha equivalence

When going under binders for e.g.

x -> e1  aeq y -> e2

We want to rename [x -> y] or [y -> x], but we have to pick a binder that is neither free in e1 nor e2 or we risk accidental capture.

So we must maintain:

  1. A renaming for the left term
  2. A renaming for the right term
  3. A set of in scope variables


mkRnEnv :: InScopeSet -> RnEnv Source #

Create an empty renaming environment


rnTmBndr :: RnEnv -> Id -> Id -> RnEnv Source #

Simultaneously go under the binder bL and binder bR, finds a new binder newTvB, and return an environment mapping [bL -> newB] and [bR -> newB]

rnTyBndr :: RnEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar -> RnEnv Source #

Simultaneously go under the type-variable binder bTvL and type-variable binder bTvR, finds a new binder newTvB, and return an environment mapping [bTvL -> newB] and [bTvR -> newB]

rnTmBndrs :: RnEnv -> [Id] -> [Id] -> RnEnv Source #

Applies rnTmBndr to several variables: the two variable lists must be of equal length.

rnTyBndrs :: RnEnv -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> RnEnv Source #

Applies rnTyBndr to several variables: the two variable lists must be of equal length.

rnOccLId :: RnEnv -> Id -> Id Source #

Look up the renaming of an occurrence in the left term

rnOccRId :: RnEnv -> Id -> Id Source #

Look up the renaming of an occurrence in the left term

rnOccLTy :: RnEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar Source #

Look up the renaming of an type-variable occurrence in the left term

rnOccRTy :: RnEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar Source #

Look up the renaming of an type-variable occurrence in the right term