{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}
module Clash.Promoted.Nat
SNat (..)
, snatProxy
, withSNat
, snatToInteger, snatToNum
, addSNat, mulSNat, powSNat
, subSNat, divSNat, modSNat, flogBaseSNat, clogBaseSNat, logBaseSNat
, pow2SNat
, UNat (..)
, toUNat
, fromUNat
, addUNat, mulUNat, powUNat
, predUNat, subUNat
, BNat (..)
, toBNat
, fromBNat
, showBNat
, succBNat, addBNat, mulBNat, powBNat
, predBNat, div2BNat, div2Sub1BNat, log2BNat
, stripZeros
, leToPlus
, leToPlusKN
, plusToLe
, plusToLeKN
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, Nat, type (+), type (-), type (*),
type (^), type (<=), natVal)
import GHC.TypeLits.Extra (CLog, FLog, Div, Log, Mod)
import Language.Haskell.TH (appT, conT, litT, numTyLit, sigE)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift (..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Clash.XException (ShowX (..), showsPrecXWith)
data SNat (n :: Nat) where
SNat :: KnownNat n => SNat n
instance Lift (SNat n) where
lift s = sigE [| SNat |]
(appT (conT ''SNat) (litT $ numTyLit (snatToInteger s)))
snatProxy :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> SNat n
snatProxy _ = SNat
instance Show (SNat n) where
show p@SNat = 'd' : show (natVal p)
instance ShowX (SNat n) where
showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec
{-# INLINE withSNat #-}
withSNat :: KnownNat n => (SNat n -> a) -> a
withSNat f = f SNat
{-# INLINE snatToInteger #-}
snatToInteger :: SNat n -> Integer
snatToInteger p@SNat = natVal p
snatToNum :: Num a => SNat n -> a
snatToNum p@SNat = fromInteger (natVal p)
{-# INLINE snatToNum #-}
data UNat :: Nat -> * where
UZero :: UNat 0
USucc :: UNat n -> UNat (n + 1)
instance KnownNat n => Show (UNat n) where
show x = 'u':show (natVal x)
instance KnownNat n => ShowX (UNat n) where
showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec
toUNat :: SNat n -> UNat n
toUNat p@SNat = fromI (natVal p)
fromI :: Integer -> UNat m
fromI 0 = unsafeCoerce UZero
fromI n = unsafeCoerce (USucc (fromI (n - 1)))
fromUNat :: UNat n -> SNat n
fromUNat UZero = SNat :: SNat 0
fromUNat (USucc x) = addSNat (fromUNat x) (SNat :: SNat 1)
addUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n + m)
addUNat UZero y = y
addUNat x UZero = x
addUNat (USucc x) y = USucc (addUNat x y)
mulUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n * m)
mulUNat UZero _ = UZero
mulUNat _ UZero = UZero
mulUNat (USucc x) y = addUNat y (mulUNat x y)
powUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n ^ m)
powUNat _ UZero = USucc UZero
powUNat x (USucc y) = mulUNat x (powUNat x y)
predUNat :: UNat (n+1) -> UNat n
predUNat (USucc x) = x
subUNat :: UNat (m+n) -> UNat n -> UNat m
subUNat x UZero = x
subUNat (USucc x) (USucc y) = subUNat x y
subUNat UZero _ = error "impossible: 0 + (n + 1) ~ 0"
addSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a+b)
addSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE addSNat #-}
infixl 6 `addSNat`
subSNat :: SNat (a+b) -> SNat b -> SNat a
subSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE subSNat #-}
infixl 6 `subSNat`
mulSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a*b)
mulSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE mulSNat #-}
infixl 7 `mulSNat`
powSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a^b)
powSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE powSNat #-}
infixr 8 `powSNat`
divSNat :: (1 <= b) => SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Div a b)
divSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE divSNat #-}
infixl 7 `divSNat`
modSNat :: (1 <= b) => SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Mod a b)
modSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE modSNat #-}
infixl 7 `modSNat`
flogBaseSNat :: (2 <= base, 1 <= x)
=> SNat base
-> SNat x
-> SNat (FLog base x)
flogBaseSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE flogBaseSNat #-}
clogBaseSNat :: (2 <= base, 1 <= x)
=> SNat base
-> SNat x
-> SNat (CLog base x)
clogBaseSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE clogBaseSNat #-}
logBaseSNat :: (FLog base x ~ CLog base x)
=> SNat base
-> SNat x
-> SNat (Log base x)
logBaseSNat SNat SNat = SNat
{-# NOINLINE logBaseSNat #-}
pow2SNat :: SNat a -> SNat (2^a)
pow2SNat SNat = SNat
{-# INLINE pow2SNat #-}
data BNat :: Nat -> * where
BT :: BNat 0
B0 :: BNat n -> BNat (2*n)
B1 :: BNat n -> BNat ((2*n) + 1)
instance KnownNat n => Show (BNat n) where
show x = 'b':show (natVal x)
instance KnownNat n => ShowX (BNat n) where
showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec
showBNat :: BNat n -> String
showBNat = go []
go :: String -> BNat m -> String
go xs BT = "0b" ++ xs
go xs (B0 x) = go ('0':xs) x
go xs (B1 x) = go ('1':xs) x
toBNat :: SNat n -> BNat n
toBNat s@SNat = toBNat' (natVal s)
toBNat' :: Integer -> BNat m
toBNat' 0 = unsafeCoerce BT
toBNat' n = case n `divMod` 2 of
(n',1) -> unsafeCoerce (B1 (toBNat' n'))
(n',_) -> unsafeCoerce (B0 (toBNat' n'))
fromBNat :: BNat n -> SNat n
fromBNat BT = SNat :: SNat 0
fromBNat (B0 x) = mulSNat (SNat :: SNat 2) (fromBNat x)
fromBNat (B1 x) = addSNat (mulSNat (SNat :: SNat 2) (fromBNat x))
(SNat :: SNat 1)
addBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n+m)
addBNat (B0 a) (B0 b) = B0 (addBNat a b)
addBNat (B0 a) (B1 b) = B1 (addBNat a b)
addBNat (B1 a) (B0 b) = B1 (addBNat a b)
addBNat (B1 a) (B1 b) = B0 (succBNat (addBNat a b))
addBNat BT b = b
addBNat a BT = a
mulBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n*m)
mulBNat BT _ = BT
mulBNat _ BT = BT
mulBNat (B0 a) b = B0 (mulBNat a b)
mulBNat (B1 a) b = addBNat (B0 (mulBNat a b)) b
powBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n^m)
powBNat _ BT = B1 BT
powBNat a (B0 b) = let z = powBNat a b
in mulBNat z z
powBNat a (B1 b) = let z = powBNat a b
in mulBNat a (mulBNat z z)
succBNat :: BNat n -> BNat (n+1)
succBNat BT = B1 BT
succBNat (B0 a) = B1 a
succBNat (B1 a) = B0 (succBNat a)
predBNat :: (1 <= n) => BNat n -> BNat (n-1)
predBNat (B1 a) = case stripZeros a of
BT -> BT
a' -> B0 a'
predBNat (B0 x) = B1 (predBNat x)
div2BNat :: BNat (2*n) -> BNat n
div2BNat BT = BT
div2BNat (B0 x) = x
div2BNat (B1 _) = error "impossible: 2*n ~ 2*n+1"
div2Sub1BNat :: BNat (2*n+1) -> BNat n
div2Sub1BNat (B1 x) = x
div2Sub1BNat _ = error "impossible: 2*n+1 ~ 2*n"
log2BNat :: BNat (2^n) -> BNat n
log2BNat (B1 x) = case stripZeros x of
BT -> BT
_ -> error "impossible: 2^n ~ 2x+1"
log2BNat (B0 x) = succBNat (log2BNat x)
stripZeros :: BNat n -> BNat n
stripZeros BT = BT
stripZeros (B1 x) = B1 (stripZeros x)
stripZeros (B0 BT) = BT
stripZeros (B0 x) = case stripZeros x of
BT -> BT
k -> B0 k
:: forall (k :: Nat) (n :: Nat) f r
. (k <= n)
=> f n
-> (forall m . f (m + k) -> r)
-> r
leToPlus a f = f @ (n-k) a
{-# INLINE leToPlus #-}
:: forall (k :: Nat) (n :: Nat) f r
. (k <= n, KnownNat n, KnownNat k)
=> f n
-> (forall m . KnownNat m => f (m + k) -> r)
-> r
leToPlusKN a f = f @ (n-k) a
{-# INLINE leToPlusKN #-}
:: forall (k :: Nat) n f r
. f (n + k)
-> (forall m . (k <= m) => f m -> r)
-> r
plusToLe a f = f @(n + k) a
{-# INLINE plusToLe #-}
:: forall (k :: Nat) n f r
. (KnownNat n, KnownNat k)
=> f (n + k)
-> (forall m . (KnownNat m, k <= m) => f m -> r)
-> r
plusToLeKN a f = f @(n + k) a