Copyright  :  (C) 2018, Google Inc.
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Util
  ( bitOrigins
  , bitOrigins'
  , bitRanges
  , isContinuousMask
  , BitOrigin(..)
  , Bit(..)
  ) where

import Clash.Annotations.BitRepresentation.Internal
  (DataRepr'(..), ConstrRepr'(..))
import Data.Bits  (Bits, testBit, testBit, shiftR, (.|.))
import Data.List  (findIndex, group, mapAccumL)
import Data.Tuple (swap)

data Bit
  -- | High
  = H
  -- | Low
  | L
  -- | Undefined
  | U
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Result of various utilty functions. Indicates the origin of a certain bit:
-- either a literal from the constructor (or an undefined bit), or from a
-- literal.
data BitOrigin
  -- | Literal (high, low, undefind)
  = Lit [Bit]
  -- | Bits originate from a field. Field /fieldnr/ /from/ /downto/.
  | Field
      -- Field number
      -- Start bit (from..)
      -- End bit (inclusive, ..downto)
        deriving (Show)

-- | Same as bitOrigins, but each item in result list represents a single bit.
  :: DataRepr'
  -> ConstrRepr'
  -> [BitOrigin]
bitOrigins' (DataRepr' _ size constrs) (ConstrRepr' _ _ mask value fields) =
  map bitOrigin (reverse [0..fromIntegral $ size - 1])
      commonMask = foldl (.|.) 0 [m | ConstrRepr' _ _ m _ _ <- constrs]

      -- | Determine origin of single bit
      bitOrigin :: Int -> BitOrigin
      bitOrigin n =
        if testBit mask n then
          Lit [if testBit value n then H else L]
          case findIndex (\fmask -> testBit fmask n) fields of
            Nothing ->
              if testBit commonMask n then
                -- This bit is not used in this constructor, nor is it part of
                -- a field. We cannot leave this value uninitialized though, as
                -- this would result in undefined behavior when matching other
                -- constructors. We therefore take a /default/ bit value.
                Lit [if testBit value n then H else L]
                -- This bit is not used in this constructor, nor is it part of
                -- a field, nor is it used in other constructors. It is safe to
                -- leave this bit uninitialized.
                Lit [U]
            Just fieldn ->
              let fieldbitn = length $ filter id
                                     $ take n
                                     $ bitsToBools (fields !! fieldn) in
              Field fieldn fieldbitn fieldbitn

-- | Given a type size and one of its constructor this function will yield a
-- specification of which bits the whole type is made up of. I.e., a
-- construction plan on how to make the whole data structure, given its
-- individual constructor fields.
  :: DataRepr'
  -> ConstrRepr'
  -> [BitOrigin]
bitOrigins dataRepr constrRepr =
  mergeOrigins (bitOrigins' dataRepr constrRepr)

-- | Merge consequtive Constructor and Field fields (if applicable).
mergeOrigins :: [BitOrigin] -> [BitOrigin]
mergeOrigins (Lit n : Lit n' : fs) =
  -- Literals can always be merged:
  mergeOrigins $ Lit (n ++ n') : fs
mergeOrigins (Field n s e : Field n' s' e' : fs)
  -- Consequtive fields with same field number merged:
  | n == n'   = mergeOrigins $ Field n s e' : fs
  -- No merge:
  | otherwise = Field n s e : mergeOrigins (Field n' s' e' : fs)
-- Base cases:
mergeOrigins (x:fs) = x : mergeOrigins fs
mergeOrigins []     = []

-- | Convert a number to a list of its bits
-- Output is ordered from least to most significant bit.
-- Only outputs bits until the highest set bit.
-- @
-- > map bitsToBools [0..2]
-- [[],[True],[False,True]])
-- @
-- This also works for variable sized number like Integer.
-- But not for negative numbers, because negative Integers have infinite bits set.
bitsToBools :: (Num a, Bits a, Ord a) => a -> [Bool]
bitsToBools 0 = []
bitsToBools n | n < 0 = error "Can't deal with negative bitmasks/values"
              | otherwise = testBit n 0 : bitsToBools (n `shiftR` 1)

  :: Int
  -- ^ Offset
  -> [Bool]
  -- ^ Group
  -> (Int, (Int, [Bool]))
offsets offset group' =
  (length group' + offset, (offset, group'))

-- | Determine consecutively set bits in word. Will produce ranges from high
-- to low. Examples:
--   bitRanges 0b10          == [(1,1)]
--   bitRanges 0b101         == [(2,2),(0,0)]
--   bitRanges 0b10011001111 == [(10,10),(7,6),(3,0)]
bitRanges :: Integer -> [(Int, Int)]
bitRanges word = reverse $ map swap ranges
    ranges  = map (\(ofs, grp) -> (ofs, ofs+length grp-1)) groups'
    groups' = filter (head . snd) groups
    groups  = snd $ mapAccumL offsets 0 (group bits)
    bits    = bitsToBools word

isContinuousMask :: Integer -> Bool
isContinuousMask word =
  -- Use case expression so we avoid calculating all groups
  case bitRanges word of
    -- At least two groups:
    (_:_:_) -> False
    -- Zero or one group:
    _       -> True