clash-prelude-1.8.2: Clash: a functional hardware description language - Prelude library
Copyright(C) 2015-2016 University of Twente
2017 Google Inc.
2019 Myrtle Software Ltd
2021-2022 QBayLogic B.V.
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerQBayLogic B.V. <>
Safe HaskellUnsafe
  • Cpp
  • MonoLocalBinds
  • ScopedTypeVariables
  • BangPatterns
  • ViewPatterns
  • GADTs
  • GADTSyntax
  • DataKinds
  • InstanceSigs
  • StandaloneDeriving
  • DeriveDataTypeable
  • DeriveFunctor
  • DeriveTraversable
  • DeriveFoldable
  • DeriveGeneric
  • DefaultSignatures
  • DeriveLift
  • DerivingStrategies
  • MagicHash
  • KindSignatures
  • PostfixOperators
  • TupleSections
  • TypeOperators
  • ExplicitNamespaces
  • ExplicitForAll
  • BinaryLiterals
  • TypeApplications



Initializing a block RAM with a data file

Block RAM primitives that can be initialized with a data file. The BNF grammar for this data file is simple:

BIT  = '0'
     | '1'

Consecutive LINEs correspond to consecutive memory addresses starting at 0. For example, a data file memory.bin containing the 9-bit unsigned numbers 7 to 13 looks like:


Such a file can be produced with memFile:

writeFile "memory.bin" (memFile Nothing [7 :: Unsigned 9 .. 13])

We can instantiate a block RAM using the contents of the file above like so:

f :: KnownDomain dom
  => Clock  dom
  -> Enable dom
  -> Signal dom (Unsigned 3)
  -> Signal dom (Unsigned 9)
f clk en rd = unpack <$> blockRamFile clk en d7 "memory.bin" rd (signal Nothing)

In the example above, we basically treat the block RAM as a synchronous ROM. We can see that it works as expected:

>>> import qualified Data.List as L
>>> L.tail $ sampleN 4 $ f systemClockGen enableGen (fromList [3..5])

However, we can also interpret the same data as a tuple of a 6-bit unsigned number, and a 3-bit signed number:

g :: KnownDomain dom
  => Clock  dom
  -> Enable dom
  -> Signal dom (Unsigned 3)
  -> Signal dom (Unsigned 6,Signed 3)
g clk en rd = unpack <$> blockRamFile clk en d7 "memory.bin" rd (signal Nothing)

And then we would see:

>>> import qualified Data.List as L
>>> L.tail $ sampleN 4 $ g systemClockGen enableGen (fromList [3..5])

Block RAM synchronized to an arbitrary clock

blockRamFile Source #


:: (KnownDomain dom, KnownNat m, Enum addr, NFDataX addr, HasCallStack) 
=> Clock dom

Clock to synchronize to

-> Enable dom

Enable line

-> SNat n

Size of the BRAM

-> FilePath

File describing the initial content of the BRAM

-> Signal dom addr

Read address r

-> Signal dom (Maybe (addr, BitVector m))

(write address w, value to write)

-> Signal dom (BitVector m)

Value of the BRAM at address r from the previous clock cycle

Create a block RAM with space for n elements

  • NB: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle
  • NB: Initial output value is undefined, reading it will throw an XException
  • NB: This function might not work for specific combinations of code-generation backends and hardware targets. Please check the support table below:

See also:

blockRamFilePow2 Source #


:: forall dom n m. (KnownDomain dom, KnownNat m, KnownNat n, HasCallStack) 
=> Clock dom

Clock to synchronize to

-> Enable dom

Enable line

-> FilePath

File describing the initial content of the BRAM

-> Signal dom (Unsigned n)

Read address r

-> Signal dom (Maybe (Unsigned n, BitVector m))

(write address w, value to write)

-> Signal dom (BitVector m)

Value of the BRAM at address r from the previous clock cycle

Create a block RAM with space for 2^n elements

  • NB: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle
  • NB: Initial output value is undefined, reading it will throw an XException
  • NB: This function might not work for specific combinations of code-generation backends and hardware targets. Please check the support table below:

See also:

  • See Clash.Prelude.BlockRam for more information on how to use a block RAM.
  • Use the adapter readNew for obtaining write-before-read semantics like this: readNew clk rst en (blockRamFilePow2' clk en file) rd wrM.
  • See Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.File for more information on how to instantiate a block RAM with the contents of a data file.
  • See memFile for creating a data file with Clash.
  • See Clash.Explicit.Fixed for more ideas on how to create your own data files.

Producing files

memFile Source #


:: forall a f. (BitPack a, Foldable f, HasCallStack) 
=> Maybe Bit

Value to map don't care bits to. Nothing means throwing an error on don't care bits.

-> f a

Values to convert

-> String

Contents of the memory file

Convert data to the String contents of a memory file.


The Maybe datatype has don't care bits, where the actual value does not matter. But the bits need a defined value in the memory. Either 0 or 1 can be used, and both are valid representations of the data.

>>> let es = [ Nothing, Just (7 :: Unsigned 8), Just 8]
>>> mapM_ (putStrLn . show . pack) es
>>> putStr (memFile (Just 0) es)
>>> putStr (memFile (Just 1) es)


blockRamFile# Source #


:: forall m dom n. (KnownDomain dom, KnownNat m, HasCallStack) 
=> Clock dom

Clock to synchronize to

-> Enable dom

Enable line

-> SNat n

Size of the BRAM

-> FilePath

File describing the initial content of the BRAM

-> Signal dom Int

Read address r

-> Signal dom Bool

Write enable

-> Signal dom Int

Write address w

-> Signal dom (BitVector m)

Value to write (at address w)

-> Signal dom (BitVector m)

Value of the BRAM at address r from the previous clock cycle

blockRamFile primitive

initMem :: KnownNat n => FilePath -> IO [BitVector n] Source #

NB: Not synthesizable