clash-prelude-1.8.2: Clash: a functional hardware description language - Prelude library
Copyright(C) 2017 Google Inc.
2019 Myrtle Software Ltd
2022-2024 QBayLogic B.V.
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerQBayLogic B.V. <>
Safe HaskellNone



Wires are fundamentally bidirectional, and in traditional HDLs we can exploit this aspect by explicitly marking the endpoint, or port, of such a wire as inout, thereby making this port function as both a source and a drain for the signals flowing over the wire.

Clash has support for inout ports through the implementation of BiSignals. To cleanly map to functions (and thus support software simulation using Haskell), a BiSignal comes in two parts; the in part:

BiSignalIn (ds :: BiSignalDefault) (dom :: Domain) (n :: Nat)

and the out part:

BiSignalOut (ds :: BiSignalDefault) (dom :: Domain) (n :: Nat)


  • The internal representation is a BitVector
  • n indicates the number of bits in the BitVector
  • dom is the clock- (and reset-) domain to which the memory elements manipulating these BiSignals belong.
  • Lastly, ds indicates the default behavior for the BiSignal if nothing is being written (pull-down, pull-up, or undefined).

BiSignalIn is used by Clash to generate the inout ports on a HDL level, while BiSignalOut is only used for simulation purposes and generally discarded by the compiler.


The following describes a system where two circuits, in alternating fashion, read the current value from the bus, increment it, and write it on the next cycle.

import Clash.Explicit.Prelude
import Clash.Signal.BiSignal

-- | Alternatingly read / increment+write
  :: (Bool, Int)
  -- ^ Internal flip + previous read
  -> Int
  -- ^ Int from inout
  -> ((Bool, Int), Maybe Int)
counter (write, prevread) i = ((write', prevread'), output)
    output    = if write then Just (succ prevread) else Nothing
    prevread' = if write then prevread else i
    write' = not write

-- | Write on odd cyles
f :: Clock System
  -> Reset System
  -> Enable System
  -> BiSignalIn  'Floating System (BitSize Int)
  -> BiSignalOut 'Floating System (BitSize Int)
f clk rst en s = writeToBiSignal s (mealy clk rst en counter (False, 0) (readFromBiSignal s))

-- | Write on even cyles
g :: Clock System
  -> Reset System
  -> Enable System
  -> BiSignalIn  'Floating System (BitSize Int)
  -> BiSignalOut 'Floating System (BitSize Int)
g clk rst en s = writeToBiSignal s (mealy clk rst en counter (True, 0) (readFromBiSignal s))

-- | Connect the /f/ and /g/ circuits to the same bus
  :: Clock System
  -> Reset System
  -> Enable System
  -> Signal System Int
topEntity clk rst en = readFromBiSignal bus'
    bus  = mergeBiSignalOuts $ f clk rst en bus' :> g clk rst en bus' :> Nil
    bus' = veryUnsafeToBiSignalIn bus


data BiSignalIn (ds :: BiSignalDefault) (dom :: Domain) (n :: Nat) Source #

The in part of an inout port. BiSignalIn has the type role

>>> :i BiSignalIn
type role BiSignalIn nominal nominal nominal

as it is not safe to coerce the default behaviour, synthesis domain or width of the data in the signal.

data BiSignalOut (ds :: BiSignalDefault) (dom :: Domain) (n :: Nat) Source #

The out part of an inout port

Wraps (multiple) writing signals. The semantics are such that only one of the signals may write at a single time step.

BiSignalOut has the type role

>>> :i BiSignalOut
type role BiSignalOut nominal nominal nominal

as it is not safe to coerce the default behaviour, synthesis domain or width of the data in the signal.


Instances details
Semigroup (BiSignalOut defaultState dom n) Source #

NB: Not synthesizable

Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal


(<>) :: BiSignalOut defaultState dom n -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n Source #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (BiSignalOut defaultState dom n) -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n Source #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n Source #

Monoid (BiSignalOut defaultState dom n) Source #

Monoid instance to support concatenating

NB: Not synthesizable

Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal


mempty :: BiSignalOut defaultState dom n Source #

mappend :: BiSignalOut defaultState dom n -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n Source #

mconcat :: [BiSignalOut defaultState dom n] -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom n Source #

type HasDomain dom1 (BiSignalOut ds dom2 n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal

type HasDomain dom1 (BiSignalOut ds dom2 n) = DomEq dom1 dom2
type TryDomain t (BiSignalOut ds dom n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal

type TryDomain t (BiSignalOut ds dom n) = 'Found dom

data BiSignalDefault Source #

Used to specify the default behavior of a "BiSignal" in Haskell simulation, i.e. what value is read when no value is being written to it.



inout port behaves as if connected to a pull-up resistor


inout port behaves as if connected to a pull-down resistor


inout port behaves as if is floating. Reading a floating "BiSignal" value in simulation will yield an errorX (undefined value).


Instances details
Show BiSignalDefault Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal

class HasBiSignalDefault (ds :: BiSignalDefault) where Source #

Type class for BiSignalDefault: can be used as a constraint and for obtaining the pull-up mode


pullUpMode :: BiSignalIn ds dom n -> SBiSignalDefault ds Source #


Instances details
HasBiSignalDefault 'PullUp Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal


pullUpMode :: forall (dom :: Domain) (n :: Nat). BiSignalIn 'PullUp dom n -> SBiSignalDefault 'PullUp Source #

HasBiSignalDefault 'PullDown Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal


pullUpMode :: forall (dom :: Domain) (n :: Nat). BiSignalIn 'PullDown dom n -> SBiSignalDefault 'PullDown Source #

HasBiSignalDefault 'Floating Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Signal.BiSignal


pullUpMode :: forall (dom :: Domain) (n :: Nat). BiSignalIn 'Floating dom n -> SBiSignalDefault 'Floating Source #

mergeBiSignalOuts :: (HasCallStack, KnownNat n) => Vec n (BiSignalOut defaultState dom m) -> BiSignalOut defaultState dom m Source #

Combine several inout signals into one.

readFromBiSignal Source #


:: (HasCallStack, BitPack a) 
=> BiSignalIn ds d (BitSize a)

A BiSignalIn with a number of bits needed to represent a

-> Signal d a 

Read the value from an inout port

writeToBiSignal Source #


:: (HasCallStack, BitPack a, NFDataX a) 
=> BiSignalIn ds d (BitSize a) 
-> Signal d (Maybe a)

Value to write

  • Just a writes an a value
  • Nothing puts the port in a high-impedance state
-> BiSignalOut ds d (BitSize a) 

Write to an inout port

veryUnsafeToBiSignalIn :: (HasCallStack, KnownNat n, Given (SBiSignalDefault ds)) => BiSignalOut ds d n -> BiSignalIn ds d n Source #

Converts the out part of a BiSignal to an in part. In simulation it checks whether multiple components are writing and will error accordingly. Make sure this is only called ONCE for every BiSignal.