clash-prelude-1.9.0: Clash: a functional hardware description language - Prelude library
Copyright(C) 2013-2016 University of Twente
2016 Myrtle Software Ltd
2022-2025 QBayLogic B.V.
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerQBayLogic B.V. <>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy
  • Cpp
  • MonoLocalBinds
  • TemplateHaskell
  • TemplateHaskellQuotes
  • ScopedTypeVariables
  • AllowAmbiguousTypes
  • BangPatterns
  • ViewPatterns
  • GADTs
  • GADTSyntax
  • DataKinds
  • InstanceSigs
  • StandaloneDeriving
  • DeriveDataTypeable
  • DeriveFunctor
  • DeriveTraversable
  • DeriveFoldable
  • DeriveGeneric
  • DefaultSignatures
  • DeriveLift
  • DerivingStrategies
  • MagicHash
  • KindSignatures
  • PostfixOperators
  • TupleSections
  • RankNTypes
  • TypeOperators
  • ExplicitNamespaces
  • ExplicitForAll
  • BinaryLiterals
  • TypeApplications




Singleton natural numbers

Data type

data SNat (n :: Nat) where Source #

Singleton value for a type-level natural number n


SNat :: KnownNat n => SNat n 


Instances details
Lift (SNat n :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


lift :: SNat n -> Q Exp Source #

liftTyped :: SNat n -> Q (TExp (SNat n)) Source #

Show (SNat n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


showsPrec :: Int -> SNat n -> ShowS Source #

show :: SNat n -> String Source #

showList :: [SNat n] -> ShowS Source #

ShowX (SNat n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


snatProxy :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> SNat n Source #

Create an SNat n from a proxy for n

withSNat :: KnownNat n => (SNat n -> a) -> a Source #

Supply a function with a singleton natural n according to the context


snatToInteger :: SNat n -> Integer Source #

Reify the type-level Nat n to it's term-level Integer representation.

snatToNatural :: SNat n -> Natural Source #

Reify the type-level Nat n to it's term-level Natural.

snatToNum :: forall a n. Num a => SNat n -> a Source #

Reify the type-level Nat n to it's term-level Number.

Conversion (ambiguous types)

natToInteger :: forall n. KnownNat n => Integer Source #

Same as snatToInteger and natVal, but doesn't take term arguments. Example usage:

>>> natToInteger @5

natToNatural :: forall n. KnownNat n => Natural Source #

Same as snatToNatural and natVal, but doesn't take term arguments. Example usage:

>>> natToNatural @5

natToNum :: forall n a. (Num a, KnownNat n) => a Source #

Same as snatToNum, but doesn't take term arguments. Example usage:

>>> natToNum @5 @Int


addSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a + b) infixl 6 Source #

Add two singleton natural numbers

mulSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a * b) infixl 7 Source #

Multiply two singleton natural numbers

powSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (a ^ b) infixr 8 Source #

Power of two singleton natural numbers

minSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Min a b) Source #

maxSNat :: SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Max a b) Source #

succSNat :: SNat a -> SNat (a + 1) Source #

Successor of a singleton natural number


subSNat :: SNat (a + b) -> SNat b -> SNat a infixl 6 Source #

Subtract two singleton natural numbers

divSNat :: 1 <= b => SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Div a b) infixl 7 Source #

Division of two singleton natural numbers

modSNat :: 1 <= b => SNat a -> SNat b -> SNat (Mod a b) infixl 7 Source #

Modulo of two singleton natural numbers

flogBaseSNat Source #


:: (2 <= base, 1 <= x) 
=> SNat base


-> SNat x 
-> SNat (FLog base x) 

Floor of the logarithm of a natural number

clogBaseSNat Source #


:: (2 <= base, 1 <= x) 
=> SNat base


-> SNat x 
-> SNat (CLog base x) 

Ceiling of the logarithm of a natural number

logBaseSNat Source #


:: FLog base x ~ CLog base x 
=> SNat base


-> SNat x 
-> SNat (Log base x) 

Exact integer logarithm of a natural number

NB: Only works when the argument is a power of the base

predSNat :: SNat (a + 1) -> SNat a Source #

Predecessor of a singleton natural number


pow2SNat :: SNat a -> SNat (2 ^ a) Source #

Power of two of a singleton natural number


data SNatLE a b where Source #

Ordering relation between two Nats


SNatLE :: forall a b. a <= b => SNatLE a b 
SNatGT :: forall a b. (b + 1) <= a => SNatLE a b 


Instances details
Show (SNatLE a b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


showsPrec :: Int -> SNatLE a b -> ShowS Source #

show :: SNatLE a b -> String Source #

showList :: [SNatLE a b] -> ShowS Source #

compareSNat :: forall a b. SNat a -> SNat b -> SNatLE a b Source #

Get an ordering relation between two SNats

Unary/Peano-encoded natural numbers

Data type

data UNat :: Nat -> Type where Source #

Unary representation of a type-level natural

NB: Not synthesizable


UZero :: UNat 0 
USucc :: UNat n -> UNat (n + 1) 


Instances details
KnownNat n => Show (UNat n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


showsPrec :: Int -> UNat n -> ShowS Source #

show :: UNat n -> String Source #

showList :: [UNat n] -> ShowS Source #

KnownNat n => ShowX (UNat n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


toUNat :: forall n. SNat n -> UNat n Source #

Convert a singleton natural number to its unary representation

NB: Not synthesizable


fromUNat :: UNat n -> SNat n Source #

Convert a unary-encoded natural number to its singleton representation

NB: Not synthesizable


addUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n + m) Source #

Add two unary-encoded natural numbers

NB: Not synthesizable

mulUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n * m) Source #

Multiply two unary-encoded natural numbers

NB: Not synthesizable

powUNat :: UNat n -> UNat m -> UNat (n ^ m) Source #

Power of two unary-encoded natural numbers

NB: Not synthesizable


predUNat :: UNat (n + 1) -> UNat n Source #

Predecessor of a unary-encoded natural number

NB: Not synthesizable

subUNat :: UNat (m + n) -> UNat n -> UNat m Source #

Subtract two unary-encoded natural numbers

NB: Not synthesizable

Base-2 encoded natural numbers

Data type

data BNat :: Nat -> Type where Source #

Base-2 encoded natural number

  • NB: The LSB is the left/outer-most constructor:
  • NB: Not synthesizable
>>> B0 (B1 (B1 BT))


  • Starting/Terminating element:

    BT :: BNat 0
  • Append a zero (0):

    B0 :: BNat n -> BNat (2 * n)
  • Append a one (1):

    B1 :: BNat n -> BNat ((2 * n) + 1)


BT :: BNat 0 
B0 :: BNat n -> BNat (2 * n) 
B1 :: BNat n -> BNat ((2 * n) + 1) 


Instances details
KnownNat n => Show (BNat n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


showsPrec :: Int -> BNat n -> ShowS Source #

show :: BNat n -> String Source #

showList :: [BNat n] -> ShowS Source #

KnownNat n => ShowX (BNat n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Clash.Promoted.Nat


toBNat :: forall n. SNat n -> BNat n Source #

Convert a singleton natural number to its base-2 representation

NB: Not synthesizable


fromBNat :: BNat n -> SNat n Source #

Convert a base-2 encoded natural number to its singleton representation

NB: Not synthesizable

Pretty printing base-2 encoded natural numbers

showBNat :: BNat n -> String Source #

Show a base-2 encoded natural as a binary literal

NB: The LSB is shown as the right-most bit

>>> d789
>>> toBNat d789
>>> showBNat (toBNat d789)
>>> 0b1100010101 :: Integer


succBNat :: BNat n -> BNat (n + 1) Source #

Successor of a base-2 encoded natural number

NB: Not synthesizable

addBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n + m) Source #

Add two base-2 encoded natural numbers

NB: Not synthesizable

mulBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n * m) Source #

Multiply two base-2 encoded natural numbers

NB: Not synthesizable

powBNat :: BNat n -> BNat m -> BNat (n ^ m) Source #

Power of two base-2 encoded natural numbers

NB: Not synthesizable


predBNat :: 1 <= n => BNat n -> BNat (n - 1) Source #

Predecessor of a base-2 encoded natural number

NB: Not synthesizable

div2BNat :: BNat (2 * n) -> BNat n Source #

Divide a base-2 encoded natural number by 2

NB: Not synthesizable

div2Sub1BNat :: BNat ((2 * n) + 1) -> BNat n Source #

Subtract 1 and divide a base-2 encoded natural number by 2

NB: Not synthesizable

log2BNat :: BNat (2 ^ n) -> BNat n Source #

Get the log2 of a base-2 encoded natural number

NB: Not synthesizable


stripZeros :: BNat n -> BNat n Source #

Strip non-contributing zero's from a base-2 encoded natural number

>>> B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT)))
>>> showBNat (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT))))
>>> showBNat (stripZeros (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT)))))
>>> stripZeros (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 BT))))

NB: Not synthesizable

Constraints on natural numbers

leToPlus Source #


:: forall (k :: Nat) (n :: Nat) r. k <= n 
=> (forall m. n ~ (k + m) => r)

Context with the (n ~ (k + m)) constraint

-> r 

Change a function that has an argument with an (n ~ (k + m)) constraint to a function with an argument that has an (k <= n) constraint.



Example 1

f :: Index (n+1) -> Index (n + 1) -> Bool

g :: forall n. (1 <= n) => Index n -> Index n -> Bool
g a b = leToPlus @1 @n (f a b)

Example 2

head :: Vec (n + 1) a -> a

head' :: forall n a. (1 <= n) => Vec n a -> a
head' = leToPlus @1 @n head

leToPlusKN Source #


:: forall (k :: Nat) (n :: Nat) r. (k <= n, KnownNat k, KnownNat n) 
=> (forall m. (n ~ (k + m), KnownNat m) => r)

Context with the (n ~ (k + m)) constraint

-> r 

Same as leToPlus with added KnownNat constraints