module Foreign.CloudI.Instance
( RequestType(..)
, Source
, Response(..)
, Callback
, T(..)
, make
, init
, reinit
, setResponse
, setTransId
, setTransIds
, setSubscribeCount
, callbacksAdd
, callbacksRemove
) where
import Prelude hiding (init)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as IArray
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Int as Int
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence
import qualified Data.Word as Word
import qualified Foreign.C.Types as C
import qualified Foreign.Erlang.Pid as Erlang
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import qualified System.IO as SysIO
type Array = IArray.Array
type Builder = Builder.Builder
type ByteString = ByteString.ByteString
type Handle = SysIO.Handle
type Int8 = Int.Int8
type Map = Map.Map
type Seq = Sequence.Seq
type Socket = Socket.Socket
type Word32 = Word.Word32
data RequestType =
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Source = Erlang.Pid
type Callback s =
RequestType ->
ByteString -> ByteString ->
ByteString -> ByteString ->
Int -> Int -> ByteString -> Source ->
s -> T s ->
IO (Response s)
data Response s =
Response (ByteString, s, T s)
| ResponseInfo (ByteString, ByteString, s, T s)
| Forward (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, s, T s)
| Forward_ (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, Int, Int, s, T s)
| Null (s, T s)
| NullError (String, s, T s)
deriving (Show, Typeable)
data T s = T
{ state :: !s
, socketHandle :: !Handle
, useHeader :: !Bool
, initializationComplete :: !Bool
, terminate :: !Bool
, timeout :: !(Maybe Bool)
, callbacks :: !(Map ByteString (Seq (Callback s)))
, bufferSize :: !Int
, bufferRecv :: !Builder
, bufferRecvSize :: !Int
, processIndex :: !Int
, processCount :: !Int
, processCountMax :: !Int
, processCountMin :: !Int
, prefix :: !ByteString
, timeoutInitialize :: !Int
, timeoutAsync :: !Int
, timeoutSync :: !Int
, timeoutTerminate :: !Int
, priorityDefault :: !Int
, responseInfo :: !ByteString
, response :: !ByteString
, transId :: !ByteString
, transIds :: !(Array Int ByteString)
, subscribeCount :: !Int
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show (T s) where
show _ = ""
makeSocket :: String -> C.CInt -> IO Socket
makeSocket "local" fd =
Socket.mkSocket fd Socket.AF_UNIX Socket.Stream
Socket.defaultProtocol Socket.Connected
makeSocket "tcp" fd =
Socket.mkSocket fd Socket.AF_INET Socket.Stream
Socket.defaultProtocol Socket.Connected
makeSocket "udp" fd =
Socket.mkSocket fd Socket.AF_INET Socket.Datagram
Socket.defaultProtocol Socket.Connected
makeSocket _ _ =
error "invalid protocol"
makeSocketHandle :: String -> C.CInt -> IO Handle
makeSocketHandle protocol fd = do
socket <- makeSocket protocol fd
Socket.socketToHandle socket SysIO.ReadWriteMode
make :: s -> String -> C.CInt -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> IO (T s)
make state' protocol fd useHeader' bufferSize' timeoutTerminate' = do
socketHandle' <- makeSocketHandle protocol fd
return $ T {
state = state'
, socketHandle = socketHandle'
, useHeader = useHeader'
, initializationComplete = False
, terminate = False
, timeout = Nothing
, callbacks = Map.empty
, bufferSize = bufferSize'
, bufferRecv = Monoid.mempty
, bufferRecvSize = 0
, processIndex = 0
, processCount = 0
, processCountMax = 0
, processCountMin = 0
, prefix = ByteString.empty
, timeoutInitialize = 0
, timeoutAsync = 0
, timeoutSync = 0
, timeoutTerminate = timeoutTerminate'
, priorityDefault = 0
, responseInfo = ByteString.empty
, response = ByteString.empty
, transId = ByteString.empty
, transIds = IArray.array (0, 0) [(0, ByteString.empty)]
, subscribeCount = 0
init :: T s -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> ByteString ->
Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Int8 -> T s
init api0
processIndex' processCount' processCountMax' processCountMin'
prefix' timeoutInitialize' timeoutAsync' timeoutSync' timeoutTerminate'
priorityDefault' =
timeout = Just False
, processIndex = fromIntegral processIndex'
, processCount = fromIntegral processCount'
, processCountMax = fromIntegral processCountMax'
, processCountMin = fromIntegral processCountMin'
, prefix = prefix'
, timeoutInitialize = fromIntegral timeoutInitialize'
, timeoutAsync = fromIntegral timeoutAsync'
, timeoutSync = fromIntegral timeoutSync'
, timeoutTerminate = fromIntegral timeoutTerminate'
, priorityDefault = fromIntegral priorityDefault'}
reinit :: T s -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Int8 -> T s
reinit api0
processCount' timeoutAsync' timeoutSync'
priorityDefault' =
processCount = fromIntegral processCount'
, timeoutAsync = fromIntegral timeoutAsync'
, timeoutSync = fromIntegral timeoutSync'
, priorityDefault = fromIntegral priorityDefault'}
setResponse :: T s -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> T s
setResponse api0
responseInfo' response' transId' =
timeout = Just False
, responseInfo = responseInfo'
, response = response'
, transId = transId'}
setTransId :: T s -> ByteString -> T s
setTransId api0
transId' =
timeout = Just False
, transId = transId'}
setTransIds :: T s -> ByteString -> Word32 -> T s
setTransIds api0
transIds' transIdCount =
let count = fromIntegral transIdCount :: Int
loop i l s =
if i == count then
let (e, s') = ByteString.splitAt 16 s in
loop (i + 1) ((i, e):l) s'
timeout = Just False
, transIds = IArray.array (0, count - 1) (loop 0 [] transIds')}
setSubscribeCount :: T s -> Word32 -> T s
setSubscribeCount api0
subscribeCount' =
timeout = Just False
, subscribeCount = fromIntegral subscribeCount'}
callbacksAdd :: T s -> ByteString -> Callback s -> T s
callbacksAdd api0@T{
callbacks = callbacks0
, prefix = prefix'} pattern f =
let key = ByteString.append prefix' pattern
callbacks1 = case Map.lookup key callbacks0 of
Nothing ->
Map.insert key (Sequence.singleton f) callbacks0
Just functionQueue ->
Map.insert key ((Sequence.|>) functionQueue f) callbacks0
api0{callbacks = callbacks1}
callbacksRemove :: T s -> ByteString -> T s
callbacksRemove api0@T{
callbacks = callbacks0
, prefix = prefix'} pattern =
let key = ByteString.append prefix' pattern
callbacks1 = case Map.lookup key callbacks0 of
Nothing ->
error "callbacks empty"
Just functionQueue ->
let functionQueueNew = Sequence.drop 0 functionQueue in
if Sequence.null functionQueueNew then
Map.delete key callbacks0
Map.insert key functionQueueNew callbacks0
api0{callbacks = callbacks1}