cmv-1.0.7: Detailed visualization of CMs, HMMs and their comparisions

Safe HaskellNone



Drawing of covariance model (http:/ guide trees and highlighting comparison results Drawing is done with the diagrams package



svgsize :: SizeSpec V2 Double Source #

Specifies the size of the diagram. Absolute adapts to overall size according to subdiagrams

diagramName :: String -> String -> Either String String Source #

Check for available cairo output formats

buildRowIndexStructure :: Int -> Vector Node -> [Int] -> State ([(Int, Int, String, Int, Int)], Int) ([(Int, Int, String, Int, Int)], Int) Source #

mergedSecondaryStructureVisualisation :: String -> Double -> [CM] -> [Maybe StockholmAlignment] -> [CmcompareResult] -> [(String, String)] Source #

Extracts consensus secondary structure from alignment and annotates cmcompare nodes for all comparisons in one merged output

perModelSecondaryStructureVisualisation :: String -> Double -> String -> [CM] -> [Maybe StockholmAlignment] -> [CmcompareResult] -> [(String, String)] Source #

Extracts consensus secondary structure from alignment and annotates cmcompare nodes for each model-model combination seperatly