co-log-core- Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library
Copyright(c) 2018-2020 Kowainik 2021-2025 Co-Log
MaintainerCo-Log <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Introduces logging actions working in MonadIO. These actions are very basic and inefficient because they use the String data type. If you don't want to have extra dependencies and performance of logging is not the bottleneck of your application, then these functions should be enough. Otherwise use functions from the Colog.Actions module from the co-log package.


String actions

logStringStdout :: MonadIO m => LogAction m String Source #

Action that prints String to stdout. This action does not flush the output buffer. If buffering mode is block buffering, the effect of this action can be delayed.

>>> logStringStdout <& "foo"

logStringStderr :: MonadIO m => LogAction m String Source #

Action that prints String to stderr. This action does not flush the output buffer. If buffering mode is block buffering, the effect of this action can be delayed.

>>> logStringStderr <& "foo"

logStringHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> LogAction m String Source #

Action that prints String to Handle. This action does not flush the output buffer. If buffering mode is block buffering, the effect of this action can be delayed.

>>> logStringHandle stderr <& "foo"

withLogStringFile :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> (LogAction m String -> IO r) -> IO r Source #

Action that prints String to file. Instead of returning LogAction it's implemented in continuation-passing style because it's more efficient to open file only once at the start of the application and write to Handle instead of opening file each time we need to write to it.

Opens file in AppendMode. Automatically flushes the output buffer.

>>> logger action = action <& "foo"
>>> withLogStringFile "/dev/stdout" logger

Show actions

logPrint :: forall a m. (Show a, MonadIO m) => LogAction m a Source #

Action that prints to stdout using Show. This action does not flush the output buffer. If buffering mode is block buffering, the effect of this action can be delayed.

>>> logPrint <& 5

logPrintStderr :: forall a m. (Show a, MonadIO m) => LogAction m a Source #

Action that prints to stderr using Show. This action does not flush the output buffer. If buffering mode is block buffering, the effect of this action can be delayed.

>>> logPrintStderr <& 5

logPrintHandle :: forall a m. (Show a, MonadIO m) => Handle -> LogAction m a Source #

Action that prints to a Handle using Show. This action does not flush the output buffer. If buffering mode is block buffering, the effect of this action can be delayed.

>>> logPrintHandle stderr <& 5

withLogPrintFile :: forall a m r. (Show a, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> (LogAction m a -> IO r) -> IO r Source #

Action that prints to a file using Show. See withLogStringFile for details.

Various combinators

liftLogIO :: MonadIO m => LogAction IO msg -> LogAction m msg Source #

Lifts a LogAction over IO into a more general Monad.

>>> logToStdout = LogAction putStrLn
>>> liftLogIO logToStdout <& "foo"

logFlush :: MonadIO m => Handle -> LogAction m a Source #

This action can be used in combination with other actions to flush a handle every time you log anything.
