codeforces-cli: Command line interface to interact with Codeforces.

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Versions [RSS] 0.1.0
Dependencies aeson (>= && <1.6), ansi-terminal (>=0.10.3 && <0.11), base (>=4.7 && <5), base16-bytestring (>= && <0.2), bytestring (>= && <0.11), codeforces-cli, containers (>= && <0.7), cryptohash-sha512 (>= && <0.12), directory (>= && <1.4), extra (>=1.7.9 && <1.8), http-client (>= && <0.7), http-conduit (>=2.3.8 && <2.4), http-types (>=0.12.3 && <0.13), open-browser (>= && <0.3), optparse-applicative (>= && <0.16), random (>=1.1 && <1.2), text (>= && <1.3), time (>=1.9.3 && <1.10), transformers (>= && <0.6) [details]
License MIT
Copyright 2021 Farbod Salamat-Zadeh
Author Farbod Salamat-Zadeh
Maintainer Farbod Salamat-Zadeh
Category CLI
Home page
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by farbodsz at 2021-06-17T17:25:41Z
Executables cf
Downloads 273 total (2 in the last 30 days)
Rating 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Build status unknown [no reports yet]

Readme for codeforces-cli-0.1.0

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Command line interface to interact with Codeforces.



  • View/filter contests and problems
  • Watch contest standings and submissions
  • Calculate rating after a virtual contest
  • List rating changes for each contest
  • And much more!


The pre-compiled binary file can be found on the releases page.

Download it and place it in a directory in your PATH. For example, ~/.local/bin/cf.


Codeforces CLI v0.1.0

Usage: cf COMMAND

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text

Available commands:
  agenda                   Upcoming contests. Alias for contests --upcoming
  contests                 List of contests
  info                     Show the problems and your problem results of a
  friends                  List your friends (must be authenticated)
  open                     Open a contest in the browser
  problems                 View and filter problem sets
  ratings                  Rating changes of a user
  setup                    Setup your configuration file
  standings                Standings table of a contest
  status                   Recent submissions of a user
  user                     Information about a user
  virtual                  Calculate your rating after a virtual contest, to
                           find what it would be if you competed live