{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

  Copyright 2019 The CodeWorld Authors. All rights reserved.

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.
module CodeWorld.Picture where

import CodeWorld.Color
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Stack
import Util.EmbedAsUrl

type Point = (Double, Double)

-- | Move given point by given X-axis and Y-axis offsets
-- >>> translatedPoint 1 2 (10,10)
-- (11.0,12.0)
-- >>> translatedPoint (-1) (-2) (0,0)
-- (-1.0,-2.0)
translatedPoint :: Double -> Double -> Point -> Point
translatedPoint tx ty (x, y) = (x + tx, y + ty)

rotatedPoint :: Double -> Point -> Point
rotatedPoint = rotatedVector

scaledPoint :: Double -> Double -> Point -> Point
scaledPoint kx ky (x, y) = (kx * x, ky * y)

dilatedPoint :: Double -> Point -> Point
dilatedPoint k (x, y) = (k * x, k * y)

type Vector = (Double, Double)

vectorLength :: Vector -> Double
vectorLength (x, y) = sqrt (x*x + y*y)

{-| Given vector, calculate angle in radians that it has with the X-axis.

>>> vectorDirection (1,0)
>>> vectorDirection (1,1)
>>> vectorDirection (0,1)
vectorDirection :: Vector -> Double
vectorDirection (x, y) = atan2 y x

vectorSum :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
vectorSum (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)

vectorDifference :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
vectorDifference (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 - x2, y1 - y2)

scaledVector :: Double -> Vector -> Vector
scaledVector k (x, y) = (k * x, k * y)

{-| Rotate given vector by given angle in radians

>>> rotatedVector pi (1.0, 0.0)
>>> rotatedVector (pi / 2) (1.0, 0.0)
rotatedVector :: Double -> Vector -> Vector
rotatedVector angle (x, y) =
    (x * cos angle - y * sin angle, x * sin angle + y * cos angle)

dotProduct :: Vector -> Vector -> Double
dotProduct (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = x1 * x2 + y1 * y2

data Picture
    = SolidPolygon (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point]
    | SolidClosedCurve (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point]
    | Polygon (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point]
    | ThickPolygon (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point] !Double
    | Rectangle (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double
    | SolidRectangle (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double
    | ThickRectangle (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double !Double
    | ClosedCurve (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point]
    | ThickClosedCurve (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point] !Double
    | Polyline (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point]
    | ThickPolyline (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point] !Double
    | Curve (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point]
    | ThickCurve (Maybe SrcLoc) [Point] !Double
    | Circle (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double
    | SolidCircle (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double
    | ThickCircle (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double
    | Sector (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double !Double
    | Arc (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double !Double
    | ThickArc (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double !Double !Double
    | StyledLettering (Maybe SrcLoc) !TextStyle !Font !Text
    | Lettering (Maybe SrcLoc) !Text
    | Color (Maybe SrcLoc) !Color !Picture
    | Translate (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double !Picture
    | Scale (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Double !Picture
    | Dilate (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Picture
    | Rotate (Maybe SrcLoc) !Double !Picture
    | CoordinatePlane (Maybe SrcLoc)
    | Sketch (Maybe SrcLoc) !Text !Text !Double !Double
    | Pictures (Maybe SrcLoc) [Picture]
    | PictureAnd (Maybe SrcLoc) [Picture]
    | Blank (Maybe SrcLoc)
    deriving (Generic)

instance NFData Picture

data TextStyle
    = Plain
    | Bold
    | Italic
    deriving (Generic, Show)

instance NFData TextStyle

data Font
    = SansSerif
    | Serif
    | Monospace
    | Handwriting
    | Fancy
    | NamedFont !Text
    deriving (Generic, Show)

instance NFData Font

-- | A blank picture
blank :: HasCallStack => Picture
blank = Blank (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A thin sequence of line segments, with these points as endpoints
polyline :: HasCallStack => [Point] -> Picture
polyline ps = Polyline (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps

-- | A thin sequence of line segments, with these points as endpoints
path :: HasCallStack => [Point] -> Picture
path ps = Polyline (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps

{-# WARNING path ["Please use polyline instead of path.",
                  "path may be removed July 2020."] #-}

-- | A thick sequence of line segments, with given line width and endpoints
thickPolyline :: HasCallStack => Double -> [Point] -> Picture
thickPolyline n ps = ThickPolyline (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps n

-- | A thick sequence of line segments, with given line width and endpoints
thickPath :: HasCallStack => Double -> [Point] -> Picture
thickPath n ps = ThickPolyline (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps n

{-# WARNING thickPath ["Please used thickPolyline instead of thickPath.",
                       "thickPath may be removed July 2020."] #-}

-- | A thin polygon with these points as vertices
polygon :: HasCallStack => [Point] -> Picture
polygon ps = Polygon (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps

-- | A thick polygon with this line width and these points as
-- vertices
thickPolygon :: HasCallStack => Double -> [Point] -> Picture
thickPolygon n ps = ThickPolygon (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps n

-- | A solid polygon with these points as vertices
solidPolygon :: HasCallStack => [Point] -> Picture
solidPolygon ps = SolidPolygon (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps

-- | A smooth curve passing through these points.
curve :: HasCallStack => [Point] -> Picture
curve ps = Curve (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps

-- | A thick smooth curve with this line width, passing through these points.
thickCurve :: HasCallStack => Double -> [Point] -> Picture
thickCurve n ps = ThickCurve (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps n

-- | A smooth closed curve passing through these points.
closedCurve :: HasCallStack => [Point] -> Picture
closedCurve ps = ClosedCurve (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps

-- | A thick smooth closed curve with this line width, passing through these points.
thickClosedCurve :: HasCallStack => Double -> [Point] -> Picture
thickClosedCurve n ps = ThickClosedCurve (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps n

-- | A solid smooth closed curve passing through these points.
solidClosedCurve :: HasCallStack => [Point] -> Picture
solidClosedCurve ps = SolidClosedCurve (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) ps

rectangleVertices :: Double -> Double -> [Point]
rectangleVertices w h = [ (w / 2, h / 2), (w / 2, -h / 2), (-w / 2, -h / 2), (-w / 2, h / 2) ]

-- | A thin rectangle, with this width and height
rectangle :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Picture
rectangle w h = Rectangle (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) w h

-- | A solid rectangle, with this width and height
solidRectangle :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Picture
solidRectangle w h = SolidRectangle (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) w h

-- | A thick rectangle, with this line width, and width and height
thickRectangle :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Double -> Picture
thickRectangle lw w h = ThickRectangle (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) lw w h

-- | A thin circle, with this radius
circle :: HasCallStack => Double -> Picture
circle = Circle (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A thick circle, with this line width and radius
thickCircle :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Picture
thickCircle = ThickCircle (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A thin arc, starting and ending at these angles, with this radius
-- Angles are in radians.
arc :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Double -> Picture
arc b e r = Arc (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) b e r

-- | A thick arc with this line width, starting and ending at these angles,
-- with this radius.
-- Angles are in radians.
thickArc :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Picture
thickArc w b e r = ThickArc (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) b e r w

-- | A solid circle, with this radius
solidCircle :: HasCallStack => Double -> Picture
solidCircle = SolidCircle (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A solid sector of a circle (i.e., a pie slice) starting and ending at these
-- angles, with this radius
-- Angles are in radians.
sector :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Double -> Picture
sector = Sector (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A rendering of text characters.
text :: HasCallStack => Text -> Picture
text = Lettering (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

{-# WARNING text ["Please used lettering instead of text.",
                  "text may be removed July 2020."] #-}

-- | A rendering of text characters.
lettering :: HasCallStack => Text -> Picture
lettering = Lettering (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A rendering of text characters, with a specific choice of font and style.
styledText :: HasCallStack => TextStyle -> Font -> Text -> Picture
styledText = StyledLettering (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

{-# WARNING styledText ["Please used styledLettering instead of styledText.",
                        "styledText may be removed July 2020."] #-}

-- | A rendering of text characters onto a Picture, with a specific
-- choice of font and style.
styledLettering :: HasCallStack => TextStyle -> Font -> Text -> Picture
styledLettering = StyledLettering (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A picture drawn entirely in this color.
colored :: HasCallStack => Color -> Picture -> Picture
colored = Color (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A picture drawn entirely in this colour.
coloured :: HasCallStack => Color -> Picture -> Picture
coloured = colored

-- | A picture drawn translated in these directions.
translated :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Picture -> Picture
translated = Translate (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A picture scaled by these factors in the x and y directions.
scaled :: HasCallStack => Double -> Double -> Picture -> Picture
scaled = Scale (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A picture scaled uniformly in all directions by this scale factor.
dilated :: HasCallStack => Double -> Picture -> Picture
dilated = Dilate (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | A picture rotated by this angle.
-- Angles are in radians.
rotated :: HasCallStack => Double -> Picture -> Picture
rotated = Rotate (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- A picture made by drawing these pictures, ordered from top to bottom.
pictures :: HasCallStack => [Picture] -> Picture
pictures = Pictures (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | Binary composition of pictures.
(&) :: HasCallStack => Picture -> Picture -> Picture
infixr 0 &

a & PictureAnd loc2 bs
  | srcContains loc1 loc2 = PictureAnd loc1 (a:bs)
  where loc1 = getDebugSrcLoc callStack
a & b = PictureAnd (getDebugSrcLoc callStack) [a, b]

instance Monoid Picture where
    mempty = blank
    mappend = (&)
    mconcat = pictures

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)

instance Semigroup Picture where
    (<>) = (&)


-- | A coordinate plane.  Adding this to your pictures can help you measure distances
-- more accurately.
-- Example:
-- @
-- main = drawingOf (myPicture <> coordinatePlane)
-- myPicture = ...
-- @
coordinatePlane :: HasCallStack => Picture
coordinatePlane = CoordinatePlane (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)

-- | The CodeWorld logo.
codeWorldLogo :: HasCallStack => Picture
codeWorldLogo =
        (getDebugSrcLoc callStack)
        $(embedAsUrl "image/svg+xml" "data/codeworld.svg")
        17.68 7.28

getDebugSrcLoc :: CallStack -> Maybe SrcLoc
getDebugSrcLoc cs = Data.List.find ((== "main") . srcLocPackage) locs
    locs = map snd (getCallStack cs)

srcContains :: Maybe SrcLoc -> Maybe SrcLoc -> Bool
srcContains Nothing _ = False
srcContains _ Nothing = True
srcContains (Just a) (Just b) =
    srcLocFile a == srcLocFile b && srcLocStartLine a < srcLocStartLine b ||
    (srcLocStartLine a == srcLocStartLine b &&
     srcLocStartCol a <= srcLocStartCol b) &&
    srcLocEndLine a > srcLocEndLine b ||
    (srcLocEndLine a == srcLocEndLine b && srcLocEndCol a >= srcLocEndCol b)