Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell98 |
The monadic interface to CLP allows to optimize with respect to multiple objectives, successively.
- data T sh a
- run :: (Indexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => sh -> Bounds ix -> T sh a -> a
- simplex :: (Eq sh, Indexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => Method -> Constraints Double ix -> (Direction, Objective sh) -> T sh (Result sh)
- concurrent :: (Eq sh, Indexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => T [] Method -> Constraints Double ix -> (Direction, Objective sh) -> T sh (Result sh)
- data Direction
- dual :: Method
- primal :: Method
simplex :: (Eq sh, Indexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => Method -> Constraints Double ix -> (Direction, Objective sh) -> T sh (Result sh) Source #
Add new constraints to an existing problem and run with a new direction and objective.
case Shape.indexTupleFromShape tripletShape of (x,y,z) -> mapSnd Array.toTuple <$> tripletShape [] (LP.simplex LP.dual [[2.*x, 1.*y] <=. 10, [1.*y, (5::Double).*z] <=. 20] (LP.Maximize, Array.fromTuple (4,-3,2) :: Array.Array TripletShape Double))
Right (28.0,(5.0,0.0,4.0))
forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> QC.forAll (TestLP.genObjective origin) $ \(dir,obj) -> case (CLP.simplex method bounds constrs (dir,obj), (Array.shape origin) bounds $ LP.simplex method constrs (dir,obj)) of (Right (optA,_), Right (optB,_)) -> TestLP.approxReal 0.1 optA optB; _ -> False
forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> TestLP.forAllObjectives origin $ \objs_ -> case TestLP.successiveObjectives origin 0.01 objs_ of (dirObj, objs) -> either (\msg -> QC.counterexample (show msg) False) (const $ True) $ runSuccessive method (Array.shape origin) bounds (constrs,dirObj) objs
forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> TestLP.forAllObjectives origin $ \objs_ -> case TestLP.successiveObjectives origin 0.01 objs_ of (dirObj, objs) -> approxSuccession 0.01 (solveSuccessiveWarm (LP.simplex method) (Array.shape origin) bounds (constrs,dirObj) objs) (solveSuccessiveGen method (Array.shape origin) bounds (constrs,dirObj) objs)
concurrent :: (Eq sh, Indexed sh, Index sh ~ ix) => T [] Method -> Constraints Double ix -> (Direction, Objective sh) -> T sh (Result sh) Source #
forAllMethod $ \method -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> TestLP.forAllObjectives origin $ \objs_ -> case TestLP.successiveObjectives origin 0.01 objs_ of (dirObj, objs) -> approxSuccession 0.01 (solveSuccessiveWarm (LP.simplex method) (Array.shape origin) bounds (constrs,dirObj) objs) (solveSuccessiveWarm (LP.concurrent (NonEmpty.singleton method)) (Array.shape origin) bounds (constrs,dirObj) objs)
forAllMethod $ \method -> forAllMethod $ \methodA -> forAllMethod $ \methodB -> forAllMethod $ \methodC -> TestLP.forAllOrigin $ \origin -> TestLP.forAllProblem origin $ \bounds constrs -> TestLP.forAllObjectives origin $ \objs_ -> case TestLP.successiveObjectives origin 0.01 objs_ of (dirObj, objs) -> approxSuccession 0.01 (solveSuccessiveWarm (LP.simplex method) (Array.shape origin) bounds (constrs,dirObj) objs) (solveSuccessiveWarm (LP.concurrent (methodA!:methodB:methodC:[])) (Array.shape origin) bounds (constrs,dirObj) objs)
Bounded Direction | |
Enum Direction | |
Defined in Numeric.LinearProgramming.Common Methods succ :: Direction -> Direction # pred :: Direction -> Direction # fromEnum :: Direction -> Int # enumFrom :: Direction -> [Direction] # enumFromThen :: Direction -> Direction -> [Direction] # enumFromTo :: Direction -> Direction -> [Direction] # enumFromThenTo :: Direction -> Direction -> Direction -> [Direction] # | |
Show Direction | |
Eq Direction | |