Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns and Kostka numbers.
Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns (or tableaux) are triangular arrays like
[ 3 ] [ 3 , 2 ] [ 3 , 1 , 0 ] [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
with both rows and columns non-increasing non-negative integers. Note: these are in bijection with the semi-standard Young tableaux.
If we add the further restriction that
the top diagonal reads lambda
and the diagonal sums are partial sums of mu
, where lambda
and mu
are two
partitions (in this case lambda=[3,2]
and mu=[2,1,1,1]
then the number of the resulting patterns
or tableaux is the Kostka number K(lambda,mu)
Actually mu
doesn't even need to the be non-increasing.
- kostkaNumber :: Partition -> Partition -> Int
- kostkaNumberReferenceNaive :: Partition -> Partition -> Int
- kostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda :: forall coeff. Num coeff => Partition -> Map Partition coeff
- kostkaNumbersWithGivenMu :: Partition -> Map Partition Int
- type GT = [[Int]]
- asciiGT :: GT -> ASCII
- kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns :: Partition -> Partition -> [GT]
- kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns' :: Partition -> [Int] -> [GT]
- countKostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns :: Partition -> Partition -> Int
- iteratedPieriRule :: Num coeff => [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
- iteratedPieriRule' :: Num coeff => Partition -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
- iteratedPieriRule'' :: Num coeff => (Partition, coeff) -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
- iteratedDualPieriRule :: Num coeff => [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
- iteratedDualPieriRule' :: Num coeff => Partition -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
- iteratedDualPieriRule'' :: Num coeff => (Partition, coeff) -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff
Kostka numbers
kostkaNumber :: Partition -> Partition -> Int Source #
Kostka numbers (via counting Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns). See for example
unless lambda
dominates mu
[ mu | mu <- partitions (weight lam) , kostkaNumber lam mu > 0 ] == dominatedPartitions lam
kostkaNumberReferenceNaive :: Partition -> Partition -> Int Source #
Very naive (and slow) implementation of Kostka numbers, for reference.
kostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda :: forall coeff. Num coeff => Partition -> Map Partition coeff Source #
Lists all (positive) Kostka numbers K(lambda,mu)
with the given lambda
kostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda lambda == Map.fromList [ (mu , kostkaNumber lambda mu) | mu <- dominatedPartitions lambda ]
It's much faster than computing the individual Kostka numbers, but not as fast as it could be.
kostkaNumbersWithGivenMu :: Partition -> Map Partition Int Source #
Lists all (positive) Kostka numbers K(lambda,mu)
with the given mu
kostkaNumbersWithGivenMu mu == Map.fromList [ (lambda , kostkaNumber lambda mu) | lambda <- dominatingPartitions mu ]
This function uses the iterated Pieri rule, and is relatively fast.
Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns
kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns' :: Partition -> [Int] -> [GT] Source #
Generates all Kostka-Gelfand-Tsetlin tableau, that is, triangular arrays like
[ 3 ] [ 3 , 2 ] [ 3 , 1 , 0 ] [ 2 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
with both rows and column non-increasing such that
the top diagonal read lambda (in this case lambda=[3,2]
) and the diagonal sums
are partial sums of mu (in this case mu=[2,1,1,1]
The number of such GT tableaux is the Kostka number K(lambda,mu).
countKostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns :: Partition -> Partition -> Int Source #
This returns the corresponding Kostka number:
countKostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns lambda mu == length (kostkaGelfandTsetlinPatterns lambda mu)
The iterated Pieri rule
iteratedPieriRule :: Num coeff => [Int] -> Map Partition coeff Source #
Computes the Schur expansion of h[n1]*h[n2]*h[n3]*...*h[nk]
via iterating the Pieri rule.
Note: the coefficients are actually the Kostka numbers; the following is true:
Map.toList (iteratedPieriRule (fromPartition mu)) == [ (lam, kostkaNumber lam mu) | lam <- dominatingPartitions mu ]
This should be faster than individually computing all these Kostka numbers.
iteratedPieriRule' :: Num coeff => Partition -> [Int] -> Map Partition coeff Source #
Iterating the Pieri rule, we can compute the Schur expansion of
iteratedDualPieriRule :: Num coeff => [Int] -> Map Partition coeff Source #
Computes the Schur expansion of e[n1]*e[n2]*e[n3]*...*e[nk]
via iterating the Pieri rule.
Note: the coefficients are actually the Kostka numbers; the following is true:
Map.toList (iteratedDualPieriRule (fromPartition mu)) == [ (dualPartition lam, kostkaNumber lam mu) | lam <- dominatingPartitions mu ]
This should be faster than individually computing all these Kostka numbers.
It is a tiny bit slower than iteratedPieriRule