-- | Partitions of integers.
-- Integer partitions are nonincreasing sequences of positive integers.
-- See:
--  * Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, vol 4, pre-fascicle 3B.
--  * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_(number_theory)>
-- For example the partition
-- > Partition [8,6,3,3,1]
-- can be represented by the (English notation) Ferrers diagram:
-- <<svg/ferrers.svg>>

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer
  ( -- module Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer.Count
    module Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer.Naive
    -- * Types and basic stuff
  , Partition
    -- * Conversion to\/from lists
  , fromPartition
  , mkPartition
  , toPartition
  , toPartitionUnsafe
  , isPartition
    -- * Union and sum
  , unionOfPartitions
  , sumOfPartitions
    -- * Generating partitions
  , partitions
  , partitions'
  , allPartitions
  , allPartitionsGrouped
  , allPartitions'
  , allPartitionsGrouped'
    -- * Counting partitions
  , countPartitions
  , countPartitions'
  , countAllPartitions
  , countAllPartitions'
  , countPartitionsWithKParts
    -- * Random partitions
  , randomPartition
  , randomPartitions
    -- * Dominating \/ dominated partitions
  , dominatedPartitions
  , dominatingPartitions
    -- * Partitions with given number of parts
  , partitionsWithKParts
    -- * Partitions with only odd\/distinct parts
  , partitionsWithOddParts
  , partitionsWithDistinctParts
    -- * Sub- and super-partitions of a given partition
  , subPartitions
  , allSubPartitions
  , superPartitions
    -- * ASCII Ferrers diagrams
  , PartitionConvention(..)
  , asciiFerrersDiagram
  , asciiFerrersDiagram'


import Data.List
import Control.Monad ( liftM , replicateM )

-- import Data.Map (Map)
-- import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Math.Combinat.Classes
import Math.Combinat.ASCII as ASCII
import Math.Combinat.Numbers (factorial,binomial,multinomial)
import Math.Combinat.Helper

import Data.Array
import System.Random

import Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer.Naive
import Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer.IntList
import Math.Combinat.Partitions.Integer.Count

-- * Conversion to\/from lists

fromPartition :: Partition -> [Int]
fromPartition (Partition_ part) = part

-- | Sorts the input, and cuts the nonpositive elements.
mkPartition :: [Int] -> Partition
mkPartition xs = toPartitionUnsafe $ sortBy (reverseCompare) $ filter (>0) xs

-- | Checks whether the input is an integer partition. See the note at 'isPartition'!
toPartition :: [Int] -> Partition
toPartition xs = if isPartition xs
  then toPartitionUnsafe xs
  else error "toPartition: not a partition"

-- | Assumes that the input is decreasing.
toPartitionUnsafe :: [Int] -> Partition
toPartitionUnsafe = Partition_

-- | This returns @True@ if the input is non-increasing sequence of 
-- /positive/ integers (possibly empty); @False@ otherwise.
isPartition :: [Int] -> Bool
isPartition []  = True
isPartition [x] = x > 0
isPartition (x:xs@(y:_)) = (x >= y) && isPartition xs

-- * Union and sum

-- | This is simply the union of parts. For example 
-- > Partition [4,2,1] `unionOfPartitions` Partition [4,3,1] == Partition [4,4,3,2,1,1]
-- Note: This is the dual of pointwise sum, 'sumOfPartitions'
unionOfPartitions :: Partition -> Partition -> Partition
unionOfPartitions (Partition_ xs) (Partition_ ys) = mkPartition (xs ++ ys)

-- | Pointwise sum of the parts. For example:
-- > Partition [3,2,1,1] `sumOfPartitions` Partition [4,3,1] == Partition [7,5,2,1]
-- Note: This is the dual of 'unionOfPartitions'
sumOfPartitions :: Partition -> Partition -> Partition
sumOfPartitions (Partition_ xs) (Partition_ ys) = Partition_ (longZipWith 0 0 (+) xs ys)

-- * Generating partitions

-- | Partitions of @d@.
partitions :: Int -> [Partition]
partitions = map toPartitionUnsafe . _partitions

-- | Partitions of d, fitting into a given rectangle. The order is again lexicographic.
  :: (Int,Int)     -- ^ (height,width)
  -> Int           -- ^ d
  -> [Partition]
partitions' hw d = map toPartitionUnsafe $ _partitions' hw d


-- | All integer partitions up to a given degree (that is, all integer partitions whose sum is less or equal to @d@)
allPartitions :: Int -> [Partition]
allPartitions d = concat [ partitions i | i <- [0..d] ]

-- | All integer partitions up to a given degree (that is, all integer partitions whose sum is less or equal to @d@),
-- grouped by weight
allPartitionsGrouped :: Int -> [[Partition]]
allPartitionsGrouped d = [ partitions i | i <- [0..d] ]

-- | All integer partitions fitting into a given rectangle.
  :: (Int,Int)        -- ^ (height,width)
  -> [Partition]
allPartitions' (h,w) = concat [ partitions' (h,w) i | i <- [0..d] ] where d = h*w

-- | All integer partitions fitting into a given rectangle, grouped by weight.
  :: (Int,Int)        -- ^ (height,width)
  -> [[Partition]]
allPartitionsGrouped' (h,w) = [ partitions' (h,w) i | i <- [0..d] ] where d = h*w

-- * Random partitions

-- | Uniformly random partition of the given weight. 
-- NOTE: This algorithm is effective for small @n@-s (say @n@ up to a few hundred \/ one thousand it should work nicely),
-- and the first time it is executed may be slower (as it needs to build the table of partitions counts first)
-- Algorithm of Nijenhuis and Wilf (1975); see
-- * Knuth Vol 4A, pre-fascicle 3B, exercise 47;
-- * Nijenhuis and Wilf: Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators, chapter 10
randomPartition :: RandomGen g => Int -> g -> (Partition, g)
randomPartition n g = (p, g') where
  ([p], g') = randomPartitions 1 n g

-- | Generates several uniformly random partitions of @n@ at the same time.
-- Should be a little bit faster then generating them individually.
  :: forall g. RandomGen g
  => Int   -- ^ number of partitions to generate
  -> Int   -- ^ the weight of the partitions
  -> g -> ([Partition], g)
randomPartitions howmany n = runRand $ replicateM howmany (worker n []) where

  cnt = countPartitions

  finish :: [(Int,Int)] -> Partition
  finish = mkPartition . concatMap f where f (j,d) = replicate j d

  fi :: Int -> Integer
  fi = fromIntegral

  find_jd :: Int -> Integer -> (Int,Int)
  find_jd m capm = go 0 [ (j,d) | j<-[1..n], d<-[1..div m j] ] where
    go :: Integer -> [(Int,Int)] -> (Int,Int)
    go !s []   = (1,1)       -- ??
    go !s [jd] = jd          -- ??
    go !s (jd@(j,d):rest) =
      if s' > capm
        then jd
        else go s' rest
        s' = s + fi d * cnt (m - j*d)

  worker :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Rand g Partition
  worker  0 acc = return $ finish acc
  worker !m acc = do
    capm <- randChoose (0, (fi m) * cnt m - 1)
    let jd@(!j,!d) = find_jd m capm
    worker (m - j*d) (jd:acc)

-- * Dominating \/ dominated partitions

-- | Lists all partitions of the same weight as @lambda@ and also dominated by @lambda@
-- (that is, all partial sums are less or equal):
-- > dominatedPartitions lam == [ mu | mu <- partitions (weight lam), lam `dominates` mu ]
dominatedPartitions :: Partition -> [Partition]
dominatedPartitions (Partition_ lambda) = map Partition_ (_dominatedPartitions lambda)

-- | Lists all partitions of the sime weight as @mu@ and also dominating @mu@
-- (that is, all partial sums are greater or equal):
-- > dominatingPartitions mu == [ lam | lam <- partitions (weight mu), lam `dominates` mu ]
dominatingPartitions :: Partition -> [Partition]
dominatingPartitions (Partition_ mu) = map Partition_ (_dominatingPartitions mu)

-- * Partitions with given number of parts

-- | Lists partitions of @n@ into @k@ parts.
-- > sort (partitionsWithKParts k n) == sort [ p | p <- partitions n , numberOfParts p == k ]
-- Naive recursive algorithm.
  :: Int    -- ^ @k@ = number of parts
  -> Int    -- ^ @n@ = the integer we partition
  -> [Partition]
partitionsWithKParts k n = map Partition_ $ go n k n where
  h = max height
  k = number of parts
  n = integer
  go !h !k !n
    | k <  0     = []
    | k == 0     = if h>=0 && n==0 then [[] ] else []
    | k == 1     = if h>=n && n>=1 then [[n]] else []
    | otherwise  = [ a:p | a <- [1..(min h (n-k+1))] , p <- go a (k-1) (n-a) ]

-- * Partitions with only odd\/distinct parts

-- | Partitions of @n@ with only odd parts
partitionsWithOddParts :: Int -> [Partition]
partitionsWithOddParts d = map Partition_ (go d d) where
  go _  0  = [[]]
  go !h !n = [ a:as | a<-[1,3..min n h], as <- go a (n-a) ]

-- | Partitions of @n@ with only even parts
-- Note: this is not very interesting, it's just @(map.map) (2*) $ _partitions (div n 2)@
partitionsWithEvenParts :: Int -> [Partition]
partitionsWithEvenParts d = map Partition (go d d) where
  go _  0  = [[]]
  go !h !n = [ a:as | a<-[2,4..min n h], as <- go a (n-a) ]

-- | Partitions of @n@ with distinct parts.
-- Note:
-- > length (partitionsWithDistinctParts d) == length (partitionsWithOddParts d)
partitionsWithDistinctParts :: Int -> [Partition]
partitionsWithDistinctParts d = map Partition_ (go d d) where
  go _  0  = [[]]
  go !h !n = [ a:as | a<-[1..min n h], as <- go (a-1) (n-a) ]

-- * Sub- and super-partitions of a given partition

-- | Sub-partitions of a given partition with the given weight:
-- > sort (subPartitions d q) == sort [ p | p <- partitions d, isSubPartitionOf p q ]
subPartitions :: Int -> Partition -> [Partition]
subPartitions d (Partition_ ps) = map Partition_ (_subPartitions d ps)

-- | All sub-partitions of a given partition
allSubPartitions :: Partition -> [Partition]
allSubPartitions (Partition_ ps) = map Partition_ (_allSubPartitions ps)

-- | Super-partitions of a given partition with the given weight:
-- > sort (superPartitions d p) == sort [ q | q <- partitions d, isSubPartitionOf p q ]
superPartitions :: Int -> Partition -> [Partition]
superPartitions d (Partition_ ps) = map toPartitionUnsafe (_superPartitions d ps)

-- * ASCII Ferrers diagrams

-- | Which orientation to draw the Ferrers diagrams.
-- For example, the partition [5,4,1] corrsponds to:
-- In standard English notation:
-- >  @@@@@
-- >  @@@@
-- >  @
-- In English notation rotated by 90 degrees counter-clockwise:
-- > @  
-- > @@
-- > @@
-- > @@
-- > @@@
-- And in French notation:
-- >  @
-- >  @@@@
-- >  @@@@@
data PartitionConvention
  = EnglishNotation          -- ^ English notation
  | EnglishNotationCCW       -- ^ English notation rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise
  | FrenchNotation           -- ^ French notation (mirror of English notation to the x axis)
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Synonym for @asciiFerrersDiagram\' EnglishNotation \'\@\'@
-- Try for example:
-- > autoTabulate RowMajor (Right 8) (map asciiFerrersDiagram $ partitions 9)
asciiFerrersDiagram :: Partition -> ASCII
asciiFerrersDiagram = asciiFerrersDiagram' EnglishNotation '@'

asciiFerrersDiagram' :: PartitionConvention -> Char -> Partition -> ASCII
asciiFerrersDiagram' conv ch part = ASCII.asciiFromLines (map f ys) where
  f n = replicate n ch
  ys  = case conv of
          EnglishNotation    -> fromPartition part
          EnglishNotationCCW -> reverse $ fromPartition $ dualPartition part
          FrenchNotation     -> reverse $ fromPartition $ part

instance DrawASCII Partition where
  ascii = asciiFerrersDiagram
