conduit-extra-1.3.7: Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A full tutorial for this module is available at:

Some utilities in this module require the threaded runtime because they use waitForProcess internally.

Note that this is a very thin layer around the Data.Streaming.Process module. In particular, it:

  • Provides orphan instances for conduit
  • Provides some useful helper functions


sourceCmdWithConsumer Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> String


-> ConduitT ByteString Void m a


-> m (ExitCode, a) 

Like sourceProcessWithConsumer but providing the command to be run as a String.

Requires the threaded runtime.

Since 1.1.2

sourceProcessWithConsumer Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> CreateProcess 
-> ConduitT ByteString Void m a


-> m (ExitCode, a) 

Given a CreateProcess, run the process, with its output being used as a Source to feed the provided Consumer. Once the process has completed, return a tuple of the ExitCode from the process and the output collected from the Consumer.

Note that, if an exception is raised by the consumer, the process is not terminated. This behavior is different from sourceProcessWithStreams due to historical reasons.

Requires the threaded runtime.

Since 1.1.2

sourceCmdWithStreams Source #


:: MonadUnliftIO m 
=> String


-> ConduitT () ByteString m ()


-> ConduitT ByteString Void m a


-> ConduitT ByteString Void m b


-> m (ExitCode, a, b) 

Like sourceProcessWithStreams but providing the command to be run as a String.

Requires the threaded runtime.

Since: 1.1.12

sourceProcessWithStreams Source #


:: MonadUnliftIO m 
=> CreateProcess 
-> ConduitT () ByteString m ()


-> ConduitT ByteString Void m a


-> ConduitT ByteString Void m b


-> m (ExitCode, a, b) 

Given a CreateProcess, run the process and feed the provided Producer to the stdin Sink of the process. Use the process outputs (stdout, stderr) as Sources and feed it to the provided Consumers. Once the process has completed, return a tuple of the ExitCode from the process and the results collected from the Consumers.

If an exception is raised by any of the streams, the process is terminated.

IO is required because the streams are run concurrently using the async package

Requires the threaded runtime.

Since: 1.1.12

withCheckedProcessCleanup :: (InputSource stdin, OutputSink stderr, OutputSink stdout, MonadUnliftIO m) => CreateProcess -> (stdin -> stdout -> stderr -> m b) -> m b Source #

Same as withCheckedProcess, but kills the child process in the case of an exception being thrown by the provided callback function.

Requires the threaded runtime.

Since: 1.1.11

InputSource types

newtype FlushInput o m r Source #

Wrapper for input source which accepts Flushes. Note that the pipe will not automatically close then processing completes.

Since: 1.3.2


FlushInput (ConduitM (Flush ByteString) o m r) 


Instances details
(MonadIO m, MonadIO n, r ~ (), r' ~ ()) => InputSource (FlushInput o m r, n r') Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Process


isStdStream :: (Maybe Handle -> IO (FlushInput o m r, n r'), Maybe StdStream) #

(MonadIO m, r ~ ()) => InputSource (FlushInput o m r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Process

newtype BuilderInput o m r Source #

Wrapper for input source which accepts Builders. You can pass flush to flush the input. Note that the pipe will not automatically close when the processing completes.

Since: 1.3.2


BuilderInput (ConduitM Builder o m r) 


Instances details
(MonadIO m, MonadIO n, r ~ (), r' ~ ()) => InputSource (BuilderInput o m r, n r') Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Process


isStdStream :: (Maybe Handle -> IO (BuilderInput o m r, n r'), Maybe StdStream) #

(MonadIO m, r ~ ()) => InputSource (BuilderInput o m r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Conduit.Process


Orphan instances

(r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, i ~ ByteString) => InputSource (ConduitM i o m r, n r') Source # 
Instance details


isStdStream :: (Maybe Handle -> IO (ConduitM i o m r, n r'), Maybe StdStream) #

(r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, o ~ ByteString) => OutputSink (ConduitM i o m r, n r') Source # 
Instance details


osStdStream :: (Maybe Handle -> IO (ConduitM i o m r, n r'), Maybe StdStream) #

(r ~ (), MonadIO m, i ~ ByteString) => InputSource (ConduitM i o m r) Source # 
Instance details


isStdStream :: (Maybe Handle -> IO (ConduitM i o m r), Maybe StdStream) #

(r ~ (), MonadIO m, o ~ ByteString) => OutputSink (ConduitM i o m r) Source # 
Instance details


osStdStream :: (Maybe Handle -> IO (ConduitM i o m r), Maybe StdStream) #