module Data.Configurator.Load
( load
) where
import Protolude
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Text.Megaparsec (parse, errorBundlePretty)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Scientific (toBoundedInteger,
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (fromString,
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int (decimal)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat (realFloat)
import qualified System.Environment
import Data.Configurator.Syntax
import Data.Configurator.Types
load :: FilePath -> IO Config
load path = applyDirective "" "" M.empty (Import $ T.pack path)
loadOne :: Path -> IO [Directive]
loadOne path = do
s <- readFile (T.unpack path)
case parse topLevel (T.unpack path) s of
Left err -> throw $ ParseError $ T.pack $ errorBundlePretty err
Right directives -> return directives
applyDirective :: Key -> Path -> Config -> Directive -> IO Config
applyDirective prefix path config directive = case directive of
Bind key (String str) -> do
v <- interpolate prefix (prefix <> key) str config
return $! M.insert (prefix <> key) (String v) config
Bind key value ->
return $! M.insert (prefix <> key) value config
Group key directives -> foldM (applyDirective prefix' path) config directives
where prefix' = prefix <> key <> "."
Import relpath ->
let path' = relativize path relpath
in do
directives <- loadOne path'
foldM (applyDirective prefix path') config directives
DirectiveComment _ -> return config
interpolate :: Key -> Key -> Text -> Config -> IO Text
interpolate prefix key s config
| "$" `T.isInfixOf` s =
case parse interp ("<" ++ T.unpack key ++ ">") s of
Left err -> throw $ ParseError $ T.pack $ errorBundlePretty err
Right xs -> TL.toStrict . toLazyText . mconcat <$> mapM interpret xs
| otherwise = return s
lookupEnv name = msum $ map (flip M.lookup config) fullnames
where fullnames = map (T.intercalate ".")
. map (reverse . (name:))
. tails
. reverse
. filter (not . T.null)
. T.split (=='.')
$ prefix
interpret (Literal x) = return (fromText x)
interpret (Interpolate name) =
case lookupEnv name of
Just (String x) -> return (fromText x)
Just (Number r) ->
case toBoundedInteger r :: Maybe Int64 of
Just n -> return (decimal n)
Nothing -> return (realFloat (toRealFloat r :: Double))
Just _ -> throw $ formatErr $ "variable '" <> name <> "' is not a string or number"
Nothing -> do
var <- System.Environment.lookupEnv (T.unpack name)
case var of
Nothing -> throw $ formatErr $ "no such variable: '" <> name <> "'"
Just x -> return (fromString x)
formatErr err = ParseError $ "<" <> key <> ">:\n" <> err <> "\n"
relativize :: Path -> Path -> Path
relativize parent child
| T.head child == '/' = child
| otherwise = fst (T.breakOnEnd "/" parent) `T.append` child