{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Database.CQL.Protocol.Tuple
( Tuple
, count
, check
, tuple
, store
, Row
, mkRow
, fromRow
, columnTypes
, rowLength
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!?))
import Data.Word
import Database.CQL.Protocol.Class
import Database.CQL.Protocol.Codec (putValue, getValue)
import Database.CQL.Protocol.Tuple.TH
import Database.CQL.Protocol.Types
import Prelude
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
data Row = Row
{ types :: ![ColumnType]
, values :: !(Vector Value)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
fromRow :: Cql a => Int -> Row -> Either String a
fromRow i r =
case values r !? i of
Nothing -> Left "out of bounds access"
Just v -> fromCql v
mkRow :: [(Value, ColumnType)] -> Row
mkRow xs = let (v, t) = unzip xs in Row t (Vec.fromList v)
rowLength :: Row -> Int
rowLength r = Vec.length (values r)
columnTypes :: Row -> [ColumnType]
columnTypes = types
class PrivateTuple a where
count :: Tagged a Int
check :: Tagged a ([ColumnType] -> [ColumnType])
tuple :: Version -> [ColumnType] -> Get a
store :: Version -> Putter a
class PrivateTuple a => Tuple a
instance PrivateTuple () where
count = Tagged 0
check = Tagged $ const []
tuple _ _ = return ()
store _ = const $ return ()
instance Tuple ()
instance Cql a => PrivateTuple (Identity a) where
count = Tagged 1
check = Tagged $ typecheck [untag (ctype :: Tagged a ColumnType)]
tuple v _ = Identity <$> element v ctype
store v (Identity a) = do
put (1 :: Word16)
putValue v (toCql a)
instance Cql a => Tuple (Identity a)
instance PrivateTuple Row where
count = Tagged (-1)
check = Tagged $ const []
tuple v t = Row t . Vec.fromList <$> mapM (getValue v . MaybeColumn) t
store v r = do
put (fromIntegral (rowLength r) :: Word16)
Vec.mapM_ (putValue v) (values r)
instance Tuple Row
element :: Cql a => Version -> Tagged a ColumnType -> Get a
element v t = getValue v (untag t) >>= either fail return . fromCql
typecheck :: [ColumnType] -> [ColumnType] -> [ColumnType]
typecheck rr cc = if checkAll (===) rr cc then [] else rr
checkAll f as bs = and (zipWith f as bs)
checkField (a, b) (c, d) = a == c && b === d
TextColumn === VarCharColumn = True
VarCharColumn === TextColumn = True
(MaybeColumn a) === b = a === b
(ListColumn a) === (ListColumn b) = a === b
(SetColumn a) === (SetColumn b) = a === b
(MapColumn a b) === (MapColumn c d) = a === c && b === d
(UdtColumn a as) === (UdtColumn b bs) = a == b && checkAll checkField as bs
(TupleColumn as) === (TupleColumn bs) = checkAll (===) as bs
a === b = a == b
genInstances 48