{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.Parser.ParserUtils where
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Lexer
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.Parser.Utils (translateExprToNumT,widthIdent)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(packModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Data.Bits(testBit,setBit)
import Control.Monad(liftM,ap,unless)
import Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
parseString :: Config -> ParseM a -> String -> Either ParseError a
parseString cfg p cs = parse cfg p (T.pack cs)
parse :: Config -> ParseM a -> Text -> Either ParseError a
parse cfg p cs = case unP p cfg eofPos S { sPrevTok = Nothing
, sTokens = toks
, sNextTyParamNum = 0
} of
Left err -> Left err
Right (a,_) -> Right a
where (toks,eofPos) = lexer cfg cs
newtype ParseM a =
P { unP :: Config -> Position -> S -> Either ParseError (a,S) }
lexerP :: (Located Token -> ParseM a) -> ParseM a
lexerP k = P $ \cfg p s ->
case sTokens s of
t : _ | Err e <- tokenType it ->
Left $ HappyErrorMsg (srcRange t) $
case e of
UnterminatedComment -> "unterminated comment"
UnterminatedString -> "unterminated string"
UnterminatedChar -> "unterminated character"
InvalidString -> "invalid string literal:" ++
T.unpack (tokenText it)
InvalidChar -> "invalid character literal:" ++
T.unpack (tokenText it)
LexicalError -> "unrecognized character:" ++
T.unpack (tokenText it)
where it = thing t
t : more -> unP (k t) cfg p s { sPrevTok = Just t, sTokens = more }
[] -> Left (HappyOutOfTokens (cfgSource cfg) p)
data ParseError = HappyError FilePath
(Located Token)
| HappyErrorMsg Range String
| HappyUnexpected FilePath (Maybe (Located Token)) String
| HappyOutOfTokens FilePath Position
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
data S = S { sPrevTok :: Maybe (Located Token)
, sTokens :: [Located Token]
, sNextTyParamNum :: !Int
ppError :: ParseError -> Doc
ppError (HappyError path ltok)
| Err _ <- tokenType tok =
text "Parse error at" <+>
text path <.> char ':' <.> pp pos <.> comma <+>
pp tok
| White DocStr <- tokenType tok =
"Unexpected documentation (/**) comment at" <+>
text path <.> char ':' <.> pp pos <.> colon $$
nest 2
"Documentation comments need to be followed by something to document."
| otherwise =
text "Parse error at" <+>
text path <.> char ':' <.> pp pos <.> comma $$
nest 2 (text "unexpected:" <+> pp tok)
pos = from (srcRange ltok)
tok = thing ltok
ppError (HappyOutOfTokens path pos) =
text "Unexpected end of file at:" <+>
text path <.> char ':' <.> pp pos
ppError (HappyErrorMsg p x) = text "Parse error at" <+> pp p $$ nest 2 (text x)
ppError (HappyUnexpected path ltok e) =
text "Parse error at" <+>
text path <.> char ':' <.> pp pos <.> comma $$
nest 2 unexp $$
nest 2 ("expected:" <+> text e)
(unexp,pos) =
case ltok of
Nothing -> (empty,start)
Just t -> ( "unexpected:" <+> text (T.unpack (tokenText (thing t)))
, from (srcRange t)
instance Functor ParseM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative ParseM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad ParseM where
return a = P (\_ _ s -> Right (a,s))
fail s = panic "[Parser] fail" [s]
m >>= k = P (\cfg p s1 -> case unP m cfg p s1 of
Left e -> Left e
Right (a,s2) -> unP (k a) cfg p s2)
happyError :: ParseM a
happyError = P $ \cfg _ s ->
case sPrevTok s of
Just t -> Left (HappyError (cfgSource cfg) t)
Nothing ->
Left (HappyErrorMsg emptyRange "Parse error at the beginning of the file")
errorMessage :: Range -> String -> ParseM a
errorMessage r x = P $ \_ _ _ -> Left (HappyErrorMsg r x)
customError :: String -> Located Token -> ParseM a
customError x t = P $ \_ _ _ -> Left (HappyErrorMsg (srcRange t) x)
expected :: String -> ParseM a
expected x = P $ \cfg _ s ->
Left (HappyUnexpected (cfgSource cfg) (sPrevTok s) x)
mkModName :: [Text] -> ModName
mkModName = packModName
mkSchema :: [TParam PName] -> [Prop PName] -> Type PName -> Schema PName
mkSchema xs ps t = Forall xs ps t Nothing
getName :: Located Token -> PName
getName l = case thing l of
Token (Ident [] x) _ -> mkUnqual (mkIdent x)
_ -> panic "[Parser] getName" ["not an Ident:", show l]
getNum :: Located Token -> Integer
getNum l = case thing l of
Token (Num x _ _) _ -> x
Token (ChrLit x) _ -> fromIntegral (fromEnum x)
_ -> panic "[Parser] getNum" ["not a number:", show l]
getStr :: Located Token -> String
getStr l = case thing l of
Token (StrLit x) _ -> x
_ -> panic "[Parser] getStr" ["not a string:", show l]
numLit :: TokenT -> Expr PName
numLit (Num x base digs)
| base == 2 = ELit $ ECNum x (BinLit digs)
| base == 8 = ELit $ ECNum x (OctLit digs)
| base == 10 = ELit $ ECNum x DecLit
| base == 16 = ELit $ ECNum x (HexLit digs)
numLit x = panic "[Parser] numLit" ["invalid numeric literal", show x]
intVal :: Located Token -> ParseM Integer
intVal tok =
case tokenType (thing tok) of
Num x _ _ -> return x
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange tok) "Expected an integer"
mkFixity :: Assoc -> Located Token -> [LPName] -> ParseM (Decl PName)
mkFixity assoc tok qns =
do l <- intVal tok
unless (l >= 1 && l <= 100)
(errorMessage (srcRange tok) "Fixity levels must be between 1 and 100")
return (DFixity (Fixity assoc (fromInteger l)) qns)
mkTupleSel :: Range -> Integer -> ParseM (Located Selector)
mkTupleSel pos n
| n < 0 = errorMessage pos
(show n ++ " is not a valid tuple selector (they start from 0).")
| toInteger asInt /= n = errorMessage pos "Tuple selector is too large."
| otherwise = return $ Located pos $ TupleSel asInt Nothing
where asInt = fromInteger n
fromStrLit :: Located Token -> ParseM (Located String)
fromStrLit loc = case tokenType (thing loc) of
StrLit str -> return loc { thing = str }
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange loc) "Expected a string literal"
validDemotedType :: Range -> Type PName -> ParseM (Type PName)
validDemotedType rng ty =
case ty of
TLocated t r -> validDemotedType r t
TRecord {} -> bad "Record types"
TTuple {} -> bad "Tuple types"
TFun {} -> bad "Function types"
TSeq {} -> bad "Sequence types"
TBit -> bad "Type bit"
TNum {} -> ok
TChar {} -> ok
TWild -> bad "Wildcard types"
TUser {} -> ok
TApp {} -> ok
TParens t -> validDemotedType rng t
TInfix{} -> ok
where bad x = errorMessage rng (x ++ " cannot be demoted.")
ok = return $ at rng ty
mkEApp :: [Expr PName] -> Expr PName
mkEApp es@(eLast : _) = at (eFirst,eLast) $ foldl EApp f xs
eFirst : rest = reverse es
f : xs = cvtTypeParams eFirst rest
cvtTypeParams e [] = [e]
cvtTypeParams e (p : ps) =
case toTypeParam p of
Just fs -> cvtTypeParams (EAppT e fs) ps
Nothing -> e : cvtTypeParams p ps
toTypeParam e =
case dropLoc e of
ETypeVal t -> case dropLoc t of
TRecord fs -> Just (map mkTypeInst fs)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
mkEApp es = panic "[Parser] mkEApp" ["Unexpected:", show es]
unOp :: Expr PName -> Expr PName -> Expr PName
unOp f x = at (f,x) $ EApp f x
binOp :: Expr PName -> Located PName -> Expr PName -> Expr PName
binOp x f y = at (x,y) $ EInfix x f defaultFixity y
eFromTo :: Range -> Expr PName -> Maybe (Expr PName) -> Expr PName -> ParseM (Expr PName)
eFromTo r e1 e2 e3 = EFromTo <$> exprToNumT r e1
<*> mapM (exprToNumT r) e2
<*> exprToNumT r e3
exprToNumT :: Range -> Expr PName -> ParseM (Type PName)
exprToNumT r expr =
case translateExprToNumT expr of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> bad
bad = errorMessage (fromMaybe r (getLoc expr)) $ unlines
[ "The boundaries of .. sequences should be valid numeric types."
, "The expression `" ++ show (pp expr) ++ "` is not."
, ""
, "If you were trying to specify the width of the elements,"
, "you may add a type annotation outside the sequence. For example:"
, " [ 1 .. 10 ] : [_][16]"
anonRecord :: Maybe Range -> [Type PName] -> Type PName
anonRecord ~(Just r) ts = TRecord (map toField ts)
where noName = Located { srcRange = r, thing = mkIdent (T.pack "") }
toField t = Named { name = noName, value = t }
exportDecl :: Maybe (Located String) -> ExportType -> Decl PName -> TopDecl PName
exportDecl mbDoc e d = Decl TopLevel { tlExport = e
, tlDoc = mbDoc
, tlValue = d }
exportNewtype :: ExportType -> Maybe (Located String) -> Newtype PName ->
TopDecl PName
exportNewtype e d n = TDNewtype TopLevel { tlExport = e
, tlDoc = d
, tlValue = n }
mkParFun :: Maybe (Located String) ->
Located PName ->
Schema PName ->
TopDecl PName
mkParFun mbDoc n s = DParameterFun ParameterFun { pfName = n
, pfSchema = s
, pfDoc = thing <$> mbDoc
, pfFixity = Nothing
mkParType :: Maybe (Located String) ->
Located PName ->
Located Kind ->
ParseM (TopDecl PName)
mkParType mbDoc n k =
do num <- P $ \_ _ s -> let nu = sNextTyParamNum s
in Right (nu, s { sNextTyParamNum = nu + 1 })
return (DParameterType
ParameterType { ptName = n
, ptKind = thing k
, ptDoc = thing <$> mbDoc
, ptFixity = Nothing
, ptNumber = num
changeExport :: ExportType -> [TopDecl PName] -> [TopDecl PName]
changeExport e = map change
change (Decl d) = Decl d { tlExport = e }
change (TDNewtype n) = TDNewtype n { tlExport = e }
change td@Include{} = td
change (DParameterType {}) = panic "changeExport" ["private type parameter?"]
change (DParameterFun {}) = panic "changeExport" ["private value parameter?"]
change (DParameterConstraint {}) =
panic "changeExport" ["private type constraint parameter?"]
mkTypeInst :: Named (Type PName) -> TypeInst PName
mkTypeInst x | nullIdent (thing (name x)) = PosInst (value x)
| otherwise = NamedInst x
mkTParam :: Located Ident -> Maybe Kind -> ParseM (TParam PName)
mkTParam Located { srcRange = rng, thing = n } k
| n == widthIdent = errorMessage rng "`width` is not a valid type parameter name."
| otherwise = return (TParam (mkUnqual n) k (Just rng))
mkTySyn :: Located PName -> [TParam PName] -> Type PName -> ParseM (Decl PName)
mkTySyn ln ps b
| getIdent (thing ln) == widthIdent =
errorMessage (srcRange ln) "`width` is not a valid type synonym name."
| otherwise =
return $ DType $ TySyn ln ps b
mkPropSyn :: Located PName -> [TParam PName] -> Type PName -> ParseM (Decl PName)
mkPropSyn ln ps b
| getIdent (thing ln) == widthIdent =
errorMessage (srcRange ln) "`width` is not a valid constraint synonym name."
| otherwise =
DProp . PropSyn ln ps . thing <$> mkProp b
polyTerm :: Range -> Integer -> Integer -> ParseM (Bool, Integer)
polyTerm rng k p
| k == 0 = return (False, p)
| k == 1 = return (True, p)
| otherwise = errorMessage rng "Invalid polynomial coefficient"
mkPoly :: Range -> [ (Bool,Integer) ] -> ParseM (Expr PName)
mkPoly rng terms = mk 0 (map fromInteger bits)
w = case terms of
[] -> 0
_ -> 1 + maximum (map (fromInteger . snd) terms)
bits = [ n | (True,n) <- terms ]
mk res [] = return $ ELit $ ECNum res (PolyLit w)
mk res (n : ns)
| testBit res n = errorMessage rng
("Polynomial contains multiple terms with exponent "
++ show n)
| otherwise = mk (setBit res n) ns
mkProperty :: LPName -> [Pattern PName] -> Expr PName -> Decl PName
mkProperty f ps e = DBind Bind { bName = f
, bParams = reverse ps
, bDef = at e (Located emptyRange (DExpr e))
, bSignature = Nothing
, bPragmas = [PragmaProperty]
, bMono = False
, bInfix = False
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
mkIf :: [(Expr PName, Expr PName)] -> Expr PName -> Expr PName
mkIf ifThens theElse = foldr addIfThen theElse ifThens
addIfThen (cond, doexpr) elseExpr = EIf cond doexpr elseExpr
mkPrimDecl :: Maybe (Located String) -> LPName -> Schema PName -> [TopDecl PName]
mkPrimDecl mbDoc ln sig =
[ exportDecl mbDoc Public
$ DBind Bind { bName = ln
, bParams = []
, bDef = at sig (Located emptyRange DPrim)
, bSignature = Nothing
, bPragmas = []
, bMono = False
, bInfix = isInfixIdent (getIdent (thing ln))
, bFixity = Nothing
, bDoc = Nothing
, exportDecl Nothing Public
$ DSignature [ln] sig
mkDoc :: Located Text -> Located String
mkDoc ltxt = ltxt { thing = docStr }
docStr = unlines
$ map T.unpack
$ dropPrefix
$ trimFront
$ T.lines
$ T.dropWhileEnd commentChar
$ thing ltxt
commentChar :: Char -> Bool
commentChar x = x `elem` ("/* \r\n\t" :: String)
prefixDroppable x = x `elem` ("* \r\n\t" :: String)
trimFront [] = []
trimFront (l:ls)
| T.all commentChar l = ls
| otherwise = T.dropWhile commentChar l : ls
dropPrefix [] = []
dropPrefix [t] = [T.dropWhile commentChar t]
dropPrefix ts@(l:ls) =
case T.uncons l of
Just (c,_) | prefixDroppable c &&
all (commonPrefix c) ls -> dropPrefix (map (T.drop 1) ts)
_ -> ts
commonPrefix c t =
case T.uncons t of
Just (c',_) -> c == c'
Nothing -> False
distrLoc :: Located [a] -> [Located a]
distrLoc x = [ Located { srcRange = r, thing = a } | a <- thing x ]
where r = srcRange x
mkProp :: Type PName -> ParseM (Located [Prop PName])
mkProp ty =
case ty of
TLocated t r -> Located r `fmap` props r t
_ -> panic "Parser" [ "Invalid type given to mkProp"
, "expected a location"
, show ty ]
props r t =
case t of
TInfix{} -> infixProp t
TUser f xs -> prefixProp r f xs
TTuple ts -> concat `fmap` mapM (props r) ts
TParens t' -> props r t'
TLocated t' r' -> props r' t'
TApp{} -> err
TFun{} -> err
TSeq{} -> err
TBit{} -> err
TNum{} -> err
TChar{} -> err
TWild -> err
TRecord{} -> err
err = errorMessage r "Invalid constraint"
infixProp t = return [CType t]
prefixProp r f xs
| i == zeroIdent, [x] <- xs = return [CLocated (CZero x) r]
| i == logicIdent, [x] <- xs = return [CLocated (CLogic x) r]
| i == arithIdent, [x] <- xs = return [CLocated (CArith x) r]
| i == finIdent, [x] <- xs = return [CLocated (CFin x) r]
| i == cmpIdent, [x] <- xs = return [CLocated (CCmp x) r]
| i == signedCmpIdent, [x] <- xs = return [CLocated (CSignedCmp x) r]
| i == literalIdent, [x,y] <- xs = return [CLocated (CLiteral x y) r]
| otherwise = return [CLocated (CType (TUser f xs)) r]
i = getIdent f
zeroIdent, logicIdent, arithIdent, finIdent, cmpIdent, signedCmpIdent, literalIdent :: Ident
zeroIdent = mkIdent "Zero"
logicIdent = mkIdent "Logic"
arithIdent = mkIdent "Arith"
finIdent = mkIdent "fin"
cmpIdent = mkIdent "Cmp"
signedCmpIdent = mkIdent "SignedCmp"
literalIdent = mkIdent "Literal"
mkModule :: Located ModName ->
([Located Import], [TopDecl PName]) ->
Module PName
mkModule nm (is,ds) = Module { mName = nm
, mInstance = Nothing
, mImports = is
, mDecls = ds
mkAnonymousModule :: ([Located Import], [TopDecl PName]) ->
Module PName
mkAnonymousModule = mkModule Located { srcRange = emptyRange
, thing = mkModName [T.pack "Main"]
mkModuleInstance :: Located ModName ->
Located ModName ->
([Located Import], [TopDecl PName]) ->
Module PName
mkModuleInstance nm fun (is,ds) =
Module { mName = nm
, mInstance = Just fun
, mImports = is
, mDecls = ds
ufToNamed :: UpdField PName -> ParseM (Named (Expr PName))
ufToNamed (UpdField h ls e) =
case (h,ls) of
(UpdSet, [l]) | RecordSel i Nothing <- thing l ->
pure Named { name = l { thing = i }, value = e }
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange (head ls))
"Invalid record field. Perhaps you meant to update a record?"
selExprToSels :: Expr PName -> ParseM [Located Selector]
selExprToSels e0 = reverse <$> go noLoc e0
noLoc = panic "selExprToSels" ["Missing location?"]
go loc expr =
case expr of
ELocated e1 r -> go r e1
ESel e2 s ->
do ls <- go loc e2
let rng = loc { from = to (srcRange (head ls)) }
pure (Located { thing = s, srcRange = rng } : ls)
EVar (UnQual l) ->
pure [ Located { thing = RecordSel l Nothing, srcRange = loc } ]
ELit (ECNum n _) ->
pure [ Located { thing = TupleSel (fromInteger n) Nothing
, srcRange = loc } ]
_ -> errorMessage loc "Invalid label in record update."