{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Kind
( checkType
, checkSchema
, checkNewtype
, checkTySyn
, checkPropSyn
, checkParameterType
, checkParameterConstraints
) where
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Parser.AST (Named(..))
import Cryptol.Parser.Position
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad hiding (withTParams)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType(tRebuild)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpleSolver(simplify)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve (simplifyAllConstraints
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List(sortBy,groupBy)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Data.Function(on)
import Control.Monad(unless,forM)
checkSchema :: AllowWildCards -> P.Schema Name -> InferM (Schema, [Goal])
checkSchema withWild (P.Forall xs ps t mb) =
do ((xs1,(ps1,t1)), gs) <-
collectGoals $
rng $ withTParams withWild schemaParam xs $
do ps1 <- mapM checkProp ps
t1 <- doCheckType t (Just KType)
return (ps1,t1)
let newPs = concatMap pSplitAnd $ map (simplify Map.empty)
$ map tRebuild ps1
return ( Forall xs1 newPs (tRebuild t1)
, [ g { goal = tRebuild (goal g) } | g <- gs ]
rng = case mb of
Nothing -> id
Just r -> inRange r
checkParameterType :: P.ParameterType Name -> Maybe String -> InferM ModTParam
checkParameterType a mbDoc =
do let k = cvtK (P.ptKind a)
n = thing (P.ptName a)
return ModTParam { mtpKind = k, mtpName = n, mtpDoc = mbDoc
, mtpNumber = P.ptNumber a }
checkTySyn :: P.TySyn Name -> Maybe String -> InferM TySyn
checkTySyn (P.TySyn x as t) mbD =
do ((as1,t1),gs) <- collectGoals
$ inRange (srcRange x)
$ do r <- withTParams NoWildCards tySynParam as
(doCheckType t Nothing)
return r
return TySyn { tsName = thing x
, tsParams = as1
, tsConstraints = map (tRebuild . goal) gs
, tsDef = tRebuild t1
, tsDoc = mbD
checkPropSyn :: P.PropSyn Name -> Maybe String -> InferM TySyn
checkPropSyn (P.PropSyn x as ps) mbD =
do ((as1,t1),gs) <- collectGoals
$ inRange (srcRange x)
$ do r <- withTParams NoWildCards propSynParam as
(traverse checkProp ps)
return r
return TySyn { tsName = thing x
, tsParams = as1
, tsConstraints = map (tRebuild . goal) gs
, tsDef = tRebuild (pAnd t1)
, tsDoc = mbD
checkNewtype :: P.Newtype Name -> Maybe String -> InferM Newtype
checkNewtype (P.Newtype x as fs) mbD =
do ((as1,fs1),gs) <- collectGoals $
inRange (srcRange x) $
do r <- withTParams NoWildCards newtypeParam as $
forM fs $ \field ->
let n = name field
in kInRange (srcRange n) $
do t1 <- doCheckType (value field) (Just KType)
return (thing n, t1)
return r
return Newtype { ntName = thing x
, ntParams = as1
, ntConstraints = map goal gs
, ntFields = fs1
, ntDoc = mbD
checkType :: P.Type Name -> Maybe Kind -> InferM Type
checkType t k =
do (_, t1) <- withTParams AllowWildCards schemaParam [] $ doCheckType t k
return (tRebuild t1)
checkParameterConstraints :: [Located (P.Prop Name)] -> InferM [Located Prop]
checkParameterConstraints ps =
do (_, cs) <- withTParams NoWildCards schemaParam [] (mapM checkL ps)
return cs
checkL x = do p <- checkProp (thing x)
return x { thing = tRebuild p }
withTParams :: AllowWildCards ->
(Name -> TPFlavor) ->
[P.TParam Name] ->
KindM a ->
InferM ([TParam], a)
withTParams allowWildCards flav xs m
| not (null duplicates) = panic "withTParams" $ "Repeated parameters"
: map show duplicates
| otherwise =
do (as,a,ctrs) <-
mdo (a, vars,ctrs) <- runKindM allowWildCards (zip' xs as) m
as <- mapM (newTP vars) xs
return (as,a,ctrs)
mapM_ (uncurry newGoals) ctrs
return (as,a)
getKind vs tp =
case Map.lookup (P.tpName tp) vs of
Just k -> return k
Nothing -> do recordWarning (DefaultingKind tp P.KNum)
return KNum
newTP vs tp = do k <- getKind vs tp
let nm = P.tpName tp
newTParam tp (flav nm) k
zip' [] _ = []
zip' (a:as) ~(t:ts) = (P.tpName a, fmap cvtK (P.tpKind a), t) : zip' as ts
duplicates = [ ds | ds@(_ : _ : _) <- groupBy ((==) `on` P.tpName)
$ sortBy (compare `on` P.tpName) xs ]
cvtK :: P.Kind -> Kind
cvtK P.KNum = KNum
cvtK P.KType = KType
cvtK (P.KFun k1 k2) = cvtK k1 :-> cvtK k2
tcon :: TCon
-> [P.Type Name]
-> Maybe Kind
-> KindM Type
tcon tc ts0 k =
do (ts1,k1) <- appTy ts0 (kindOf tc)
checkKind (TCon tc ts1) k k1
checkTUser ::
Name ->
[P.Type Name] ->
Maybe Kind ->
KindM Type
checkTUser x ts k =
mcase kLookupTyVar checkBoundVarUse $
mcase kLookupTSyn checkTySynUse $
mcase kLookupNewtype checkNewTypeUse $
mcase kLookupParamType checkModuleParamUse $
checkTySynUse tysyn =
do (ts1,k1) <- appTy ts (kindOf tysyn)
let as = tsParams tysyn
ts2 <- checkParams as ts1
let su = zip as ts2
ps1 <- mapM (`kInstantiateT` su) (tsConstraints tysyn)
kNewGoals (CtPartialTypeFun (UserTyFun (tsName tysyn))) ps1
t1 <- kInstantiateT (tsDef tysyn) su
checkKind (TUser x ts1 t1) k k1
checkNewTypeUse nt =
do let tc = newtypeTyCon nt
(ts1,_) <- appTy ts (kindOf tc)
ts2 <- checkParams (ntParams nt) ts1
return (TCon tc ts2)
checkParams as ts1
| paramHave == paramNeed = return ts1
| paramHave < paramNeed =
do kRecordError (TooFewTySynParams x (paramNeed-paramHave))
let src = TypeErrorPlaceHolder
fake <- mapM (kNewType src . kindOf . tpVar)
(drop paramHave as)
return (ts1 ++ fake)
| otherwise = do kRecordError (TooManyTySynParams x (paramHave-paramNeed))
return (take paramNeed ts1)
where paramHave = length ts1
paramNeed = length as
checkModuleParamUse a =
do let ty = tpVar (mtpParam a)
(ts1,k1) <- appTy ts (kindOf ty)
case k of
Just ks | ks /= k1 -> kRecordError $ KindMismatch ks k1
_ -> return ()
unless (null ts1) $
panic "Kind.checkTUser.checkModuleParam" [ "Unexpected parameters" ]
return (TVar ty)
checkBoundVarUse v =
do unless (null ts) $ kRecordError TyVarWithParams
case v of
TLocalVar t mbk ->
case k of
Nothing -> return (TVar (tpVar t))
Just k1 ->
case mbk of
Nothing -> kSetKind x k1 >> return (TVar (tpVar t))
Just k2 -> checkKind (TVar (tpVar t)) k k2
TOuterVar t -> checkKind (TVar (tpVar t)) k (kindOf t)
checkScopedVarUse =
do unless (null ts) (kRecordError TyVarWithParams)
kExistTVar x $ fromMaybe KNum k
mcase :: (Name -> KindM (Maybe a)) ->
(a -> KindM Type) ->
KindM Type ->
KindM Type
mcase m f rest =
do mb <- m x
case mb of
Nothing -> rest
Just a -> f a
appTy :: [P.Type Name]
-> Kind
-> KindM ([Type], Kind)
appTy [] k1 = return ([],k1)
appTy (t : ts) (k1 :-> k2) =
do t1 <- doCheckType t (Just k1)
(ts1,k) <- appTy ts k2
return (t1 : ts1, k)
appTy ts k1 =
do kRecordError (TooManyTypeParams (length ts) k1)
return ([], k1)
doCheckType :: P.Type Name
-> Maybe Kind
-> KindM Type
doCheckType ty k =
case ty of
P.TWild ->
do wildOk <- kWildOK
case wildOk of
AllowWildCards -> return ()
NoWildCards -> kRecordError UnexpectedTypeWildCard
theKind <- case k of
Just k1 -> return k1
Nothing -> do kRecordWarning (DefaultingWildType P.KNum)
return KNum
kNewType TypeWildCard theKind
P.TFun t1 t2 -> tcon (TC TCFun) [t1,t2] k
P.TSeq t1 t2 -> tcon (TC TCSeq) [t1,t2] k
P.TBit -> tcon (TC TCBit) [] k
P.TNum n -> tcon (TC (TCNum n)) [] k
P.TChar n -> tcon (TC (TCNum $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum n)) [] k
P.TApp tc ts ->
do it <- tcon tc ts k
case it of
TCon (TF f) ts' ->
case wfTypeFunction f ts' of
[] -> return ()
ps -> kNewGoals (CtPartialTypeFun (BuiltInTyFun f)) ps
TCon (TC f) ts' ->
case wfTC f ts' of
[] -> return ()
ps -> kNewGoals (CtPartialTypeFun (BuiltInTC f)) ps
_ -> return ()
return it
P.TTuple ts -> tcon (TC (TCTuple (length ts))) ts k
P.TRecord fs -> do t1 <- TRec `fmap` mapM checkF fs
checkKind t1 k KType
P.TLocated t r1 -> kInRange r1 $ doCheckType t k
P.TUser x ts -> checkTUser x ts k
P.TParens t -> doCheckType t k
P.TInfix{} -> panic "KindCheck"
[ "TInfix not removed by the renamer", show ty ]
checkF f = do t <- kInRange (srcRange (name f))
$ doCheckType (value f) (Just KType)
return (thing (name f), t)
checkProp :: P.Prop Name
-> KindM Type
checkProp prop =
case prop of
P.CFin t1 -> tcon (PC PFin) [t1] (Just KProp)
P.CEqual t1 t2 -> tcon (PC PEqual) [t1,t2] (Just KProp)
P.CNeq t1 t2 -> tcon (PC PNeq) [t1,t2] (Just KProp)
P.CGeq t1 t2 -> tcon (PC PGeq) [t1,t2] (Just KProp)
P.CZero t1 -> tcon (PC PZero) [t1] (Just KProp)
P.CLogic t1 -> tcon (PC PLogic) [t1] (Just KProp)
P.CArith t1 -> tcon (PC PArith) [t1] (Just KProp)
P.CCmp t1 -> tcon (PC PCmp) [t1] (Just KProp)
P.CSignedCmp t1 -> tcon (PC PSignedCmp) [t1] (Just KProp)
P.CLiteral t1 t2 -> tcon (PC PLiteral) [t1,t2] (Just KProp)
P.CUser x ts -> checkTUser x ts (Just KProp)
P.CLocated p r1 -> kInRange r1 (checkProp p)
P.CType _ -> panic "checkProp" [ "Unexpected CType", show prop ]
checkKind :: Type
-> Maybe Kind
-> Kind
-> KindM Type
checkKind _ (Just k1) k2
| k1 /= k2 = do kRecordError (KindMismatch k1 k2)
kNewType TypeErrorPlaceHolder k1
checkKind t _ _ = return t