{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Cryptol.REPL.Command (
Command(..), CommandDescr(..), CommandBody(..), CommandExitCode(..)
, parseCommand
, runCommand
, splitCommand
, findCommand
, findCommandExact
, findNbCommand
, commandList
, moduleCmd, loadCmd, loadPrelude, setOptionCmd
, interactiveConfig
, replParseExpr
, replEvalExpr
, replCheckExpr
, qcCmd, QCMode(..)
, satCmd
, proveCmd
, onlineProveSat
, offlineProveSat
, handleCtrlC
, sanitize
, replParse
, liftModuleCmd
, moduleCmdResult
) where
import Cryptol.REPL.Monad
import Cryptol.REPL.Trie
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer as M (RenamerWarning(SymbolShadowed))
import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as M
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Monad as E
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as E
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Reference as R
import Cryptol.Testing.Concrete
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Random as TestR
import Cryptol.Parser
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Parseable as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst as T
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve(defaultReplExpr)
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP (dump,ppWithNames,emptyNameMap,backticks)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import qualified Cryptol.Transform.Specialize as S
import Cryptol.Symbolic (ProverCommand(..), QueryType(..), SatNum(..),ProverStats)
import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic as Symbolic
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, mapM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class(liftIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Char (isSpace,isPunctuation,isSymbol,isAlphaNum,isAscii)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (intercalate, nub, sortBy, partition, isPrefixOf,intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,mapMaybe,isNothing)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
import System.Process (shell,createProcess,waitForProcess)
import qualified System.Process as Process(runCommand)
import System.FilePath((</>), isPathSeparator)
import System.Directory(getHomeDirectory,setCurrentDirectory,doesDirectoryExist
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO(hFlush,stdout,openTempFile,hClose)
import System.Random.TF(newTFGen)
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.IORef(newIORef,readIORef)
import GHC.Float (log1p, expm1)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import qualified Data.SBV as SBV (Solver)
import qualified Data.SBV.Internals as SBV (showTDiff)
data Command
= Command (REPL ())
| Ambiguous String [String]
| Unknown String
data CommandDescr = CommandDescr
{ cNames :: [String]
, cArgs :: [String]
, cBody :: CommandBody
, cHelp :: String
instance Show CommandDescr where
show = show . cNames
instance Eq CommandDescr where
(==) = (==) `on` cNames
instance Ord CommandDescr where
compare = compare `on` cNames
data CommandBody
= ExprArg (String -> REPL ())
| FileExprArg (FilePath -> String -> REPL ())
| DeclsArg (String -> REPL ())
| ExprTypeArg (String -> REPL ())
| ModNameArg (String -> REPL ())
| FilenameArg (FilePath -> REPL ())
| OptionArg (String -> REPL ())
| ShellArg (String -> REPL ())
| HelpArg (String -> REPL ())
| NoArg (REPL ())
data CommandExitCode = CommandOk
| CommandError
commands :: CommandMap
commands = foldl insert emptyTrie commandList
insert m d = foldl (insertOne d) m (cNames d)
insertOne d m name = insertTrie name d m
nbCommands :: CommandMap
nbCommands = foldl insert emptyTrie nbCommandList
insert m d = foldl (insertOne d) m (cNames d)
insertOne d m name = insertTrie name d m
nbCommandList :: [CommandDescr]
nbCommandList =
[ CommandDescr [ ":t", ":type" ] ["EXPR"] (ExprArg typeOfCmd)
"Check the type of an expression."
, CommandDescr [ ":b", ":browse" ] ["[ MODULE ]"] (ModNameArg browseCmd)
"Display environment for all loaded modules, or for a specific module."
, CommandDescr [ ":?", ":help" ] ["[ TOPIC ]"] (HelpArg helpCmd)
"Display a brief description of a function, type, or command."
, CommandDescr [ ":s", ":set" ] ["[ OPTION [ = VALUE ] ]"] (OptionArg setOptionCmd)
"Set an environmental option (:set on its own displays current values)."
, CommandDescr [ ":check" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCRandom))
"Use random testing to check that the argument always returns true.\n(If no argument, check all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":exhaust" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCExhaust))
"Use exhaustive testing to prove that the argument always returns\ntrue. (If no argument, check all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":prove" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg proveCmd)
"Use an external solver to prove that the argument always returns\ntrue. (If no argument, check all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":sat" ] ["[ EXPR ]"] (ExprArg satCmd)
"Use a solver to find a satisfying assignment for which the argument\nreturns true. (If no argument, find an assignment for all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":debug_specialize" ] ["EXPR"](ExprArg specializeCmd)
"Do type specialization on a closed expression."
, CommandDescr [ ":eval" ] ["EXPR"] (ExprArg refEvalCmd)
"Evaluate an expression with the reference evaluator."
, CommandDescr [ ":ast" ] ["EXPR"] (ExprArg astOfCmd)
"Print out the pre-typechecked AST of a given term."
, CommandDescr [ ":extract-coq" ] [] (NoArg allTerms)
"Print out the post-typechecked AST of all currently defined terms,\nin a Coq-parseable format."
commandList :: [CommandDescr]
commandList =
nbCommandList ++
[ CommandDescr [ ":q", ":quit" ] [] (NoArg quitCmd)
"Exit the REPL."
, CommandDescr [ ":l", ":load" ] ["FILE"] (FilenameArg loadCmd)
"Load a module by filename."
, CommandDescr [ ":r", ":reload" ] [] (NoArg reloadCmd)
"Reload the currently loaded module."
, CommandDescr [ ":e", ":edit" ] ["[ FILE ]"] (FilenameArg editCmd)
"Edit FILE or the currently loaded module."
, CommandDescr [ ":!" ] ["COMMAND"] (ShellArg runShellCmd)
"Execute a command in the shell."
, CommandDescr [ ":cd" ] ["DIR"] (FilenameArg cdCmd)
"Set the current working directory."
, CommandDescr [ ":m", ":module" ] ["[ MODULE ]"] (FilenameArg moduleCmd)
"Load a module by its name."
, CommandDescr [ ":w", ":writeByteArray" ] ["FILE", "EXPR"] (FileExprArg writeFileCmd)
"Write data of type 'fin n => [n][8]' to a file."
, CommandDescr [ ":readByteArray" ] ["FILE"] (FilenameArg readFileCmd)
"Read data from a file as type 'fin n => [n][8]', binding\nthe value to variable 'it'."
, CommandDescr [ ":dumptests" ] ["FILE", "EXPR"] (FileExprArg dumpTestsCmd)
(unlines [ "Dump a tab-separated collection of tests for the given"
, "expression into a file. The first column in each line is"
, "the expected output, and the remainder are the inputs. The"
, "number of tests is determined by the \"tests\" option."
genHelp :: [CommandDescr] -> [String]
genHelp cs = map cmdHelp cs
cmdHelp cmd = concat $ [ " ", cmdNames cmd, pad (cmdNames cmd),
intercalate ("\n " ++ pad []) (lines (cHelp cmd)) ]
cmdNames cmd = intercalate ", " (cNames cmd)
padding = 2 + maximum (map (length . cmdNames) cs)
pad n = replicate (max 0 (padding - length n)) ' '
runCommand :: Command -> REPL CommandExitCode
runCommand c = case c of
Command cmd -> (cmd >> return CommandOk) `Cryptol.REPL.Monad.catch` handler
handler re = rPutStrLn "" >> rPrint (pp re) >> return CommandError
Unknown cmd -> do rPutStrLn ("Unknown command: " ++ cmd)
return CommandError
Ambiguous cmd cmds -> do
rPutStrLn (cmd ++ " is ambiguous, it could mean one of:")
rPutStrLn ("\t" ++ intercalate ", " cmds)
return CommandError
getPPValOpts :: REPL E.PPOpts
getPPValOpts =
do base <- getKnownUser "base"
ascii <- getKnownUser "ascii"
infLength <- getKnownUser "infLength"
return E.PPOpts { E.useBase = base
, E.useAscii = ascii
, E.useInfLength = infLength
getEvalOpts :: REPL E.EvalOpts
getEvalOpts =
do ppOpts <- getPPValOpts
l <- getLogger
return E.EvalOpts { E.evalPPOpts = ppOpts, E.evalLogger = l }
evalCmd :: String -> REPL ()
evalCmd str = do
letEnabled <- getLetEnabled
ri <- if letEnabled
then replParseInput str
else P.ExprInput <$> replParseExpr str
case ri of
P.ExprInput expr -> do
(val,_ty) <- replEvalExpr expr
ppOpts <- getPPValOpts
valDoc <- rEvalRethrow (E.ppValue ppOpts val)
rPutStrLn (show valDoc)
P.LetInput decl -> do
replEvalDecl decl
printCounterexample :: Bool -> P.Expr P.PName -> [E.Value] -> REPL ()
printCounterexample isSat pexpr vs =
do ppOpts <- getPPValOpts
docs <- mapM (rEval . E.ppValue ppOpts) vs
let doc = ppPrec 3 pexpr
rPrint $ hang doc 2 (sep docs) <+>
text (if isSat then "= True" else "= False")
dumpTestsCmd :: FilePath -> String -> REPL ()
dumpTestsCmd outFile str =
do expr <- replParseExpr str
(val, ty) <- replEvalExpr expr
evo <- getEvalOpts
ppopts <- getPPValOpts
testNum <- getKnownUser "tests" :: REPL Int
g <- io newTFGen
gens <-
case TestR.dumpableType ty of
Nothing -> raise (TypeNotTestable ty)
Just gens -> return gens
tests <- io $ TestR.returnTests g evo gens val testNum
out <- forM tests $
\(args, x) ->
do argOut <- mapM (rEval . E.ppValue ppopts) args
resOut <- rEval (E.ppValue ppopts x)
return (renderOneLine resOut ++ "\t" ++ intercalate "\t" (map renderOneLine argOut) ++ "\n")
io $ writeFile outFile (concat out) `X.catch` handler
handler :: X.SomeException -> IO ()
handler e = putStrLn (X.displayException e)
data QCMode = QCRandom | QCExhaust deriving (Eq, Show)
qcCmd :: QCMode -> String -> REPL [TestReport]
qcCmd qcMode "" =
do (xs,disp) <- getPropertyNames
let nameStr x = show (fixNameDisp disp (pp x))
if null xs
then rPutStrLn "There are no properties in scope." *> return []
else concat <$> (forM xs $ \x ->
do let str = nameStr x
rPutStr $ "property " ++ str ++ " "
qcCmd qcMode str)
qcCmd qcMode str =
do expr <- replParseExpr str
(val,ty) <- replEvalExpr expr
testNum <- getKnownUser "tests"
case testableType ty of
Just (Just sz,tys,vss) | qcMode == QCExhaust || sz <= toInteger testNum -> do
rPutStrLn "Using exhaustive testing."
let f _ [] = panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command"
["Exhaustive testing ran out of test cases"]
f _ (vs : vss1) = do
evo <- getEvalOpts
result <- io $ runOneTest evo val vs
return (result, vss1)
testSpec = TestSpec {
testFn = f
, testProp = str
, testTotal = sz
, testPossible = Just sz
, testRptProgress = ppProgress
, testClrProgress = delProgress
, testRptFailure = ppFailure tys expr
, testRptSuccess = do
prtLn $ "Passed " ++ show sz ++ " tests."
rPutStrLn "Q.E.D."
prt testingMsg
report <- runTests testSpec vss
return [report]
Just (sz,tys,_) | qcMode == QCRandom ->
case TestR.testableType ty of
Nothing -> raise (TypeNotTestable ty)
Just gens -> do
rPutStrLn "Using random testing."
evo <- getEvalOpts
let testSpec = TestSpec {
testFn = \sz' g ->
io $ TestR.runOneTest evo val gens sz' g
, testProp = str
, testTotal = toInteger testNum
, testPossible = sz
, testRptProgress = ppProgress
, testClrProgress = delProgress
, testRptFailure = ppFailure tys expr
, testRptSuccess = do
prtLn $ "Passed " ++ show testNum ++ " tests."
prt testingMsg
g <- io newTFGen
report <- runTests testSpec g
when (isPass (reportResult report)) $
case sz of
Nothing -> return ()
Just n -> rPutStrLn $ coverageString testNum n
return [report]
_ -> raise (TypeNotTestable ty)
testingMsg = "Testing... "
coverageString testNum sz =
let (percent, expectedUnique) = expectedCoverage testNum sz
| sz > 2 ^ (20::Integer) =
"2^^" ++ show (lg2 sz)
| otherwise = show sz
in "Expected test coverage: "
++ showFFloat (Just 2) percent "% ("
++ showFFloat (Just 0) expectedUnique " of "
++ showValNum
++ " values)"
totProgressWidth = 4
lg2 :: Integer -> Integer
lg2 x | x >= 2^(1024::Int) = 1024 + lg2 (x `div` 2^(1024::Int))
| x == 0 = 0
| otherwise = let valNumD = fromInteger x :: Double
in round $ logBase 2 valNumD :: Integer
prt msg = rPutStr msg >> io (hFlush stdout)
prtLn msg = rPutStrLn msg >> io (hFlush stdout)
ppProgress this tot = unlessBatch $
let percent = show (div (100 * this) tot) ++ "%"
width = length percent
pad = replicate (totProgressWidth - width) ' '
in prt (pad ++ percent)
del n = unlessBatch
$ prt (replicate n '\BS' ++ replicate n ' ' ++ replicate n '\BS')
delTesting = del (length testingMsg)
delProgress = del totProgressWidth
ppFailure tys pexpr failure = do
opts <- getPPValOpts
case failure of
FailFalse vs -> do
let isSat = False
printCounterexample isSat pexpr vs
case (tys,vs) of
([t],[v]) -> bindItVariableVal t v
_ -> let fs = [ M.packIdent ("arg" ++ show (i::Int)) | i <- [ 1 .. ] ]
t = T.TRec (zip fs tys)
v = E.VRecord (zip fs (map return vs))
in bindItVariableVal t v
FailError err [] -> do
prtLn "ERROR"
rPrint (pp err)
FailError err vs -> do
prtLn "ERROR for the following inputs:"
mapM_ (\v -> rPrint =<< (rEval $ E.ppValue opts v)) vs
rPrint (pp err)
Pass -> panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command" ["unexpected Test.Pass"]
expectedCoverage :: Int -> Integer -> (Double, Double)
expectedCoverage testNum sz =
if testNum > 0 && proportion > 0 then
(100.0 * proportion, szD * proportion)
(100.0 * naiveProportion, numD)
szD :: Double
szD = fromInteger sz
numD :: Double
numD = fromIntegral testNum
naiveProportion = numD / szD
proportion = negate (expm1 (numD * log1p (negate (recip szD))))
satCmd, proveCmd :: String -> REPL ()
satCmd = cmdProveSat True
proveCmd = cmdProveSat False
showProverStats :: Maybe SBV.Solver -> ProverStats -> REPL ()
showProverStats mprover stat = rPutStrLn msg
msg = "(Total Elapsed Time: " ++ SBV.showTDiff stat ++
maybe "" (\p -> ", using " ++ show p) mprover ++ ")"
rethrowErrorCall :: REPL a -> REPL a
rethrowErrorCall m = REPL (\r -> unREPL m r `X.catch` handler)
handler (X.ErrorCallWithLocation s _) = X.throwIO (SBVError s)
cmdProveSat :: Bool -> String -> REPL ()
cmdProveSat isSat "" =
do (xs,disp) <- getPropertyNames
let nameStr x = show (fixNameDisp disp (pp x))
if null xs
then rPutStrLn "There are no properties in scope."
else forM_ xs $ \x ->
do let str = nameStr x
if isSat
then rPutStr $ ":sat " ++ str ++ "\n\t"
else rPutStr $ ":prove " ++ str ++ "\n\t"
cmdProveSat isSat str
cmdProveSat isSat str = do
let cexStr | isSat = "satisfying assignment"
| otherwise = "counterexample"
proverName <- getKnownUser "prover"
fileName <- getKnownUser "smtfile"
let mfile = if fileName == "-" then Nothing else Just fileName
case proverName :: String of
"offline" -> do
result <- offlineProveSat isSat str mfile
case result of
Left msg -> rPutStrLn msg
Right smtlib -> do
let filename = fromMaybe "standard output" mfile
let satWord | isSat = "satisfiability"
| otherwise = "validity"
rPutStrLn $
"Writing to SMT-Lib file " ++ filename ++ "..."
rPutStrLn $
"To determine the " ++ satWord ++
" of the expression, use an external SMT solver."
case mfile of
Just path -> io $ writeFile path smtlib
Nothing -> rPutStr smtlib
_ -> do
(firstProver,result,stats) <- rethrowErrorCall (onlineProveSat isSat str mfile)
case result of
Symbolic.EmptyResult ->
panic "REPL.Command" [ "got EmptyResult for online prover query" ]
Symbolic.ProverError msg -> rPutStrLn msg
Symbolic.ThmResult ts -> do
rPutStrLn (if isSat then "Unsatisfiable" else "Q.E.D.")
(t, e) <- mkSolverResult cexStr (not isSat) (Left ts)
bindItVariable t e
Symbolic.AllSatResult tevss -> do
let tess = map (map $ \(t,e,_) -> (t,e)) tevss
vss = map (map $ \(_,_,v) -> v) tevss
resultRecs <- mapM (mkSolverResult cexStr isSat . Right) tess
let collectTes tes = (t, es)
(ts, es) = unzip tes
t = case nub ts of
[t'] -> t'
_ -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat"
[ "satisfying assignments with different types" ]
(ty, exprs) =
case resultRecs of
[] -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat"
[ "no satisfying assignments after mkSolverResult" ]
[(t, e)] -> (t, [e])
_ -> collectTes resultRecs
pexpr <- replParseExpr str
~(EnvBool yes) <- getUser "show-examples"
when yes $ forM_ vss (printCounterexample isSat pexpr)
case (ty, exprs) of
(t, [e]) -> bindItVariable t e
(t, es ) -> bindItVariables t es
seeStats <- getUserShowProverStats
when seeStats (showProverStats firstProver stats)
onlineProveSat :: Bool
-> String -> Maybe FilePath
-> REPL (Maybe SBV.Solver,Symbolic.ProverResult,ProverStats)
onlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do
proverName <- getKnownUser "prover"
verbose <- getKnownUser "debug"
satNum <- getUserSatNum
modelValidate <- getUserProverValidate
parseExpr <- replParseExpr str
(_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr
validEvalContext expr
validEvalContext schema
decls <- fmap M.deDecls getDynEnv
timing <- io (newIORef 0)
let cmd = Symbolic.ProverCommand {
pcQueryType = if isSat then SatQuery satNum else ProveQuery
, pcProverName = proverName
, pcVerbose = verbose
, pcValidate = modelValidate
, pcProverStats = timing
, pcExtraDecls = decls
, pcSmtFile = mfile
, pcExpr = expr
, pcSchema = schema
(firstProver, res) <- liftModuleCmd $ Symbolic.satProve cmd
stas <- io (readIORef timing)
return (firstProver,res,stas)
offlineProveSat :: Bool -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> REPL (Either String String)
offlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do
verbose <- getKnownUser "debug"
modelValidate <- getUserProverValidate
parseExpr <- replParseExpr str
(_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr
decls <- fmap M.deDecls getDynEnv
timing <- io (newIORef 0)
let cmd = Symbolic.ProverCommand {
pcQueryType = if isSat then SatQuery (SomeSat 0) else ProveQuery
, pcProverName = "offline"
, pcVerbose = verbose
, pcValidate = modelValidate
, pcProverStats = timing
, pcExtraDecls = decls
, pcSmtFile = mfile
, pcExpr = expr
, pcSchema = schema
liftModuleCmd $ Symbolic.satProveOffline cmd
rIdent :: M.Ident
rIdent = M.packIdent "result"
mkSolverResult :: String
-> Bool
-> Either [T.Type] [(T.Type, T.Expr)]
-> REPL (T.Type, T.Expr)
mkSolverResult thing result earg =
do prims <- getPrimMap
let addError t = (t, T.eError prims t ("no " ++ thing ++ " available"))
argF = case earg of
Left ts -> mkArgs (map addError ts)
Right tes -> mkArgs tes
eTrue = T.ePrim prims (M.packIdent "True")
eFalse = T.ePrim prims (M.packIdent "False")
resultE = if result then eTrue else eFalse
rty = T.TRec $ [(rIdent, T.tBit )] ++ map fst argF
re = T.ERec $ [(rIdent, resultE)] ++ map snd argF
return (rty, re)
mkArgs tes = zipWith mkArg [1 :: Int ..] tes
mkArg n (t,e) =
let argName = M.packIdent ("arg" ++ show n)
in ((argName,t),(argName,e))
specializeCmd :: String -> REPL ()
specializeCmd str = do
parseExpr <- replParseExpr str
(_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr
spexpr <- replSpecExpr expr
rPutStrLn "Expression type:"
rPrint $ pp schema
rPutStrLn "Original expression:"
rPutStrLn $ dump expr
rPutStrLn "Specialized expression:"
rPutStrLn $ dump spexpr
refEvalCmd :: String -> REPL ()
refEvalCmd str = do
parseExpr <- replParseExpr str
(_, expr, schema) <- replCheckExpr parseExpr
validEvalContext expr
validEvalContext schema
val <- liftModuleCmd (rethrowEvalError . R.evaluate expr)
opts <- getPPValOpts
rPrint $ R.ppValue opts val
astOfCmd :: String -> REPL ()
astOfCmd str = do
expr <- replParseExpr str
(re,_,_) <- replCheckExpr (P.noPos expr)
rPrint (fmap M.nameUnique re)
allTerms :: REPL ()
allTerms = do
me <- getModuleEnv
rPrint $ T.showParseable $ concatMap T.mDecls $ M.loadedModules me
typeOfCmd :: String -> REPL ()
typeOfCmd str = do
expr <- replParseExpr str
(_re,def,sig) <- replCheckExpr expr
whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump def))
(_,_,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv
rPrint $ runDoc names $ ppPrec 2 expr <+> text ":" <+> pp sig
readFileCmd :: FilePath -> REPL ()
readFileCmd fp = do
bytes <- replReadFile fp (\err -> rPutStrLn (show err) >> return Nothing)
case bytes of
Nothing -> return ()
Just bs ->
do pm <- getPrimMap
let expr = T.eString pm (map (toEnum . fromIntegral) (BS.unpack bs))
ty = T.tString (BS.length bs)
bindItVariable ty expr
writeFileCmd :: FilePath -> String -> REPL ()
writeFileCmd file str = do
expr <- replParseExpr str
(val,ty) <- replEvalExpr expr
if not (tIsByteSeq ty)
then rPrint $ "Cannot write expression of types other than [n][8]."
<+> "Type was: " <+> pp ty
else wf file =<< serializeValue val
wf fp bytes = replWriteFile fp bytes (rPutStrLn . show)
tIsByteSeq x = maybe False
(tIsByte . snd)
(T.tIsSeq x)
tIsByte x = maybe False
(\(n,b) -> T.tIsBit b && T.tIsNum n == Just 8)
(T.tIsSeq x)
serializeValue (E.VSeq n vs) = do
ws <- rEval
(mapM (>>=E.fromVWord "serializeValue") $ E.enumerateSeqMap n vs)
return $ BS.pack $ map serializeByte ws
serializeValue _ =
panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command.writeFileCmd"
["Impossible: Non-VSeq value of type [n][8]."]
serializeByte (E.BV _ v) = fromIntegral (v .&. 0xFF)
rEval :: E.Eval a -> REPL a
rEval m = do ev <- getEvalOpts
io (E.runEval ev m)
rEvalRethrow :: E.Eval a -> REPL a
rEvalRethrow m = do ev <- getEvalOpts
io $ rethrowEvalError $ E.runEval ev m
reloadCmd :: REPL ()
reloadCmd = do
mb <- getLoadedMod
case mb of
Just lm ->
case lName lm of
Just m | M.isParamInstModName m -> loadHelper (M.loadModuleByName m)
_ -> case lPath lm of
M.InFile f -> loadCmd f
_ -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
editCmd :: String -> REPL ()
editCmd path =
do mbE <- getEditPath
mbL <- getLoadedMod
if not (null path)
then do when (isNothing mbL)
$ setLoadedMod LoadedModule { lName = Nothing
, lPath = M.InFile path }
doEdit path
else case msum [ M.InFile <$> mbE, lPath <$> mbL ] of
Nothing -> rPutStrLn "No filed to edit."
Just p ->
case p of
M.InFile f -> doEdit f
M.InMem l bs -> withROTempFile l bs replEdit >> pure ()
doEdit p =
do setEditPath p
_ <- replEdit p
withROTempFile :: String -> ByteString -> (FilePath -> REPL a) -> REPL a
withROTempFile name cnt k =
do (path,h) <- mkTmp
do mkFile path h
k path
`finally` liftIO (do hClose h
removeFile path)
mkTmp =
liftIO $
do tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
let esc c = if isAscii c && isAlphaNum c then c else '_'
openTempFile tmp (map esc name ++ ".cry")
mkFile path h =
liftIO $
do BS8.hPutStrLn h cnt
hFlush h
setPermissions path (setOwnerReadable True emptyPermissions)
moduleCmd :: String -> REPL ()
moduleCmd modString
| null modString = return ()
| otherwise = do
case parseModName modString of
Just m -> loadHelper (M.loadModuleByName m)
Nothing -> rPutStrLn "Invalid module name."
loadPrelude :: REPL ()
loadPrelude = moduleCmd $ show $ pp M.preludeName
loadCmd :: FilePath -> REPL ()
loadCmd path
| null path = return ()
| otherwise = do setEditPath path
setLoadedMod LoadedModule { lName = Nothing
, lPath = M.InFile path
loadHelper (M.loadModuleByPath path)
loadHelper :: M.ModuleCmd (M.ModulePath,T.Module) -> REPL ()
loadHelper how =
do clearLoadedMod
(path,m) <- liftModuleCmd how
whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump m))
setLoadedMod LoadedModule
{ lName = Just (T.mName m)
, lPath = path
case path of
M.InFile f -> setEditPath f
M.InMem {} -> clearEditPath
setDynEnv mempty
quitCmd :: REPL ()
quitCmd = stop
browseCmd :: String -> REPL ()
browseCmd input = do
(params, iface, fNames, disp) <- getFocusedEnv
denv <- getDynEnv
let names = M.deNames denv `M.shadowing` fNames
let mnames = map (M.textToModName . T.pack) (words input)
validModNames <- (:) M.interactiveName <$> getModNames
let checkModName m =
unless (m `elem` validModNames) $
rPutStrLn ("error: " ++ show m ++ " is not a loaded module.")
mapM_ checkModName mnames
let f &&& g = \x -> f x && g x
isUser x = case M.nameInfo x of
M.Declared _ M.SystemName -> False
_ -> True
inSet s x = x `Set.member` s
let (visibleTypes,visibleDecls) = M.visibleNames names
restricted = if null mnames then const True else hasAnyModName mnames
visibleType = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleTypes
visibleDecl = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleDecls
browseMParams visibleType visibleDecl params disp
browseTSyns visibleType iface disp
browsePrimTys visibleType iface disp
browseNewtypes visibleType iface disp
browseVars visibleDecl iface disp
browseMParams :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> (M.Name -> Bool) ->
M.IfaceParams-> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseMParams visT visD M.IfaceParams { .. } names =
do ppBlock names ppParamTy "Type Parameters"
(sorted visT T.mtpName ifParamTypes)
ppBlock names ppParamFu "Value Parameters"
(sorted visD T.mvpName ifParamFuns)
ppParamTy T.ModTParam { .. } = hang ("type" <+> pp mtpName <+> ":")
2 (pp mtpKind)
ppParamFu T.ModVParam { .. } = hang (pp mvpName <+> ":") 2 (pp mvpType)
sorted vis nm mp = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` nm)
$ filter (vis . nm) $ Map.elems mp
browsePrimTys :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browsePrimTys isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names =
do let pts = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.atName)
[ ts | ts <- Map.elems ifAbstractTypes, isVisible (T.atName ts) ]
ppBlock names ppA "Primitive Types" pts
ppA a = pp (T.atName a) <+> ":" <+> pp (T.atKind a)
browseTSyns :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseTSyns isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do
let tsyns = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.tsName)
[ ts | ts <- Map.elems ifTySyns, isVisible (T.tsName ts) ]
(cts,tss) = partition isCtrait tsyns
ppBlock names pp "Type Synonyms" tss
ppBlock names pp "Constraint Synonyms" cts
isCtrait t = T.kindResult (T.kindOf (T.tsDef t)) == T.KProp
browseNewtypes :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseNewtypes isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do
let nts = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.ntName)
[ nt | nt <- Map.elems ifNewtypes, isVisible (T.ntName nt) ]
unless (null nts) $ do
rPutStrLn "Newtypes"
rPutStrLn "========"
rPrint (runDoc names (nest 4 (vcat (map T.ppNewtypeShort nts))))
rPutStrLn ""
browseVars :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseVars isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do
let vars = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` M.ifDeclName)
[ d | d <- Map.elems ifDecls, isVisible (M.ifDeclName d) ]
let isProp p = T.PragmaProperty `elem` (M.ifDeclPragmas p)
(props,syms) = partition isProp vars
let ppVar M.IfaceDecl { .. } = hang (pp ifDeclName <+> char ':')
2 (pp ifDeclSig)
ppBlock names ppVar "Properties" props
ppBlock names ppVar "Symbols" syms
ppBlock :: NameDisp -> (a -> Doc) -> String -> [a] -> REPL ()
ppBlock names ppFun name xs = unless (null xs) $
do rPutStrLn name
rPutStrLn (replicate (length name) '=')
rPrint (runDoc names (nest 4 (vcat (map ppFun xs))))
rPutStrLn ""
setOptionCmd :: String -> REPL ()
setOptionCmd str
| Just value <- mbValue = setUser key value
| null key = mapM_ (describe . optName) (leaves userOptions)
| otherwise = describe key
(before,after) = break (== '=') str
key = trim before
mbValue = case after of
_ : stuff -> Just (trim stuff)
_ -> Nothing
describe k = do
ev <- tryGetUser k
case ev of
Just v -> rPutStrLn (k ++ " = " ++ showEnvVal v)
Nothing -> do rPutStrLn ("Unknown user option: `" ++ k ++ "`")
when (any isSpace k) $ do
let (k1, k2) = break isSpace k
rPutStrLn ("Did you mean: `:set " ++ k1 ++ " =" ++ k2 ++ "`?")
showEnvVal :: EnvVal -> String
showEnvVal ev =
case ev of
EnvString s -> s
EnvProg p as -> intercalate " " (p:as)
EnvNum n -> show n
EnvBool True -> "on"
EnvBool False -> "off"
helpCmd :: String -> REPL ()
helpCmd cmd
| null cmd = mapM_ rPutStrLn (genHelp commandList)
| cmd0 : args <- words cmd, ":" `isPrefixOf` cmd0 =
case findCommandExact cmd0 of
[] -> void $ runCommand (Unknown cmd0)
[c] -> showCmdHelp c args
cs -> void $ runCommand (Ambiguous cmd0 (concatMap cNames cs))
| otherwise =
case parseHelpName cmd of
Just qname ->
do (params,env,rnEnv,nameEnv) <- getFocusedEnv
let vNames = M.lookupValNames qname rnEnv
tNames = M.lookupTypeNames qname rnEnv
let helps = map (showTypeHelp params env nameEnv) tNames ++
map (showValHelp params env nameEnv qname) vNames
separ = rPutStrLn " ~~~ * ~~~"
sequence_ (intersperse separ helps)
when (null (vNames ++ tNames)) $
rPrint $ "Undefined name:" <+> pp qname
Nothing ->
rPutStrLn ("Unable to parse name: " ++ cmd)
noInfo nameEnv name =
case M.nameInfo name of
M.Declared m _ ->
rPrint $runDoc nameEnv ("Name defined in module" <+> pp m)
M.Parameter -> rPutStrLn "// No documentation is available."
showTypeHelp params env nameEnv name =
fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name) $
msum [ fromTySyn, fromPrimType, fromNewtype, fromTyParam ]
fromTySyn =
do ts <- Map.lookup name (M.ifTySyns env)
return (doShowTyHelp nameEnv (pp ts) (T.tsDoc ts))
fromNewtype =
do nt <- Map.lookup name (M.ifNewtypes env)
let decl = pp nt $$ (pp name <+> text ":" <+> pp (T.newtypeConType nt))
return $ doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl (T.ntDoc nt)
fromPrimType =
do a <- Map.lookup name (M.ifAbstractTypes env)
pure $ do rPutStrLn ""
rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv $ nest 4
$ "primitive type" <+> pp (T.atName a)
<+> ":" <+> pp (T.atKind a)
let (vs,cs) = T.atCtrs a
unless (null cs) $
do let example = T.TCon (T.abstractTypeTC a)
(map (T.TVar . T.tpVar) vs)
ns = T.addTNames vs emptyNameMap
rs = [ "•" <+> ppWithNames ns c | c <- cs ]
rPutStrLn ""
rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv $ nest 4 $
backticks (ppWithNames ns example) <+>
"requires:" $$ nest 2 (vcat rs)
doShowFix (T.atFixitiy a)
case T.atDoc a of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just d -> do rPutStrLn ""
rPutStrLn d
fromTyParam =
do p <- Map.lookup name (M.ifParamTypes params)
let uses c = T.TVBound (T.mtpParam p) `Set.member` T.fvs c
ctrs = filter uses (map P.thing (M.ifParamConstraints params))
ctrDoc = case ctrs of
[] -> empty
[x] -> pp x
xs -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map pp xs
decl = text "parameter" <+> pp name <+> text ":"
<+> pp (T.mtpKind p)
$$ ctrDoc
return $ doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl (T.mtpDoc p)
doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl doc =
do rPutStrLn ""
rPrint (runDoc nameEnv (nest 4 decl))
case doc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just d -> rPutStrLn "" >> rPutStrLn d
doShowFix fx =
case fx of
Just f ->
let msg = "Precedence " ++ show (P.fLevel f) ++ ", " ++
(case P.fAssoc f of
P.LeftAssoc -> "associates to the left."
P.RightAssoc -> "associates to the right."
P.NonAssoc -> "does not associate.")
in rPutStrLn ('\n' : msg)
Nothing -> return ()
showValHelp params env nameEnv qname name =
fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name)
(msum [ fromDecl, fromNewtype, fromParameter ])
fromDecl =
do M.IfaceDecl { .. } <- Map.lookup name (M.ifDecls env)
return $
do rPutStrLn ""
let property
| P.PragmaProperty `elem` ifDeclPragmas = text "property"
| otherwise = empty
rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv
$ nest 4
$ property
<+> pp qname
<+> colon
<+> pp (ifDeclSig)
doShowFix $ ifDeclFixity `mplus`
(guard ifDeclInfix >> return P.defaultFixity)
case ifDeclDoc of
Just str -> rPutStrLn ('\n' : str)
Nothing -> return ()
fromNewtype =
do _ <- Map.lookup name (M.ifNewtypes env)
return $ return ()
fromParameter =
do p <- Map.lookup name (M.ifParamFuns params)
return $
do rPutStrLn ""
rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv
$ nest 4
$ text "parameter" <+> pp qname
<+> colon
<+> pp (T.mvpType p)
doShowFix (T.mvpFixity p)
case T.mvpDoc p of
Just str -> rPutStrLn ('\n' : str)
Nothing -> return ()
showCmdHelp c [arg] | ":set" `elem` cNames c = showOptionHelp arg
showCmdHelp c _args =
do rPutStrLn ("\n " ++ intercalate ", " (cNames c) ++ " " ++ intercalate " " (cArgs c))
rPutStrLn ""
rPutStrLn (cHelp c)
rPutStrLn ""
showOptionHelp arg =
case lookupTrieExact arg userOptions of
[opt] ->
do let k = optName opt
ev <- tryGetUser k
rPutStrLn $ "\n " ++ k ++ " = " ++ maybe "???" showEnvVal ev
rPutStrLn ""
rPutStrLn ("Default value: " ++ showEnvVal (optDefault opt))
rPutStrLn ""
rPutStrLn (optHelp opt)
rPutStrLn ""
[] -> rPutStrLn ("Unknown setting name `" ++ arg ++ "`")
_ -> rPutStrLn ("Ambiguous setting name `" ++ arg ++ "`")
runShellCmd :: String -> REPL ()
runShellCmd cmd
= io $ do h <- Process.runCommand cmd
_ <- waitForProcess h
return ()
cdCmd :: FilePath -> REPL ()
cdCmd f | null f = rPutStrLn $ "[error] :cd requires a path argument"
| otherwise = do
exists <- io $ doesDirectoryExist f
if exists
then io $ setCurrentDirectory f
else raise $ DirectoryNotFound f
handleCtrlC :: a -> REPL a
handleCtrlC a = do rPutStrLn "Ctrl-C"
return a
hasAnyModName :: [M.ModName] -> M.Name -> Bool
hasAnyModName mnames n =
case M.nameInfo n of
M.Declared m _ -> m `elem` mnames
M.Parameter -> False
replParse :: (String -> Either ParseError a) -> String -> REPL a
replParse parse str = case parse str of
Right a -> return a
Left e -> raise (ParseError e)
replParseInput :: String -> REPL (P.ReplInput P.PName)
replParseInput = replParse (parseReplWith interactiveConfig . T.pack)
replParseExpr :: String -> REPL (P.Expr P.PName)
replParseExpr = replParse (parseExprWith interactiveConfig . T.pack)
interactiveConfig :: Config
interactiveConfig = defaultConfig { cfgSource = "<interactive>" }
getPrimMap :: REPL M.PrimMap
getPrimMap = liftModuleCmd M.getPrimMap
liftModuleCmd :: M.ModuleCmd a -> REPL a
liftModuleCmd cmd =
do evo <- getEvalOpts
env <- getModuleEnv
moduleCmdResult =<< io (cmd (evo,env))
moduleCmdResult :: M.ModuleRes a -> REPL a
moduleCmdResult (res,ws0) = do
warnDefaulting <- getKnownUser "warnDefaulting"
warnShadowing <- getKnownUser "warnShadowing"
let isDefaultWarn (T.DefaultingTo _ _) = True
isDefaultWarn _ = False
filterDefaults w | warnDefaulting = Just w
filterDefaults (M.TypeCheckWarnings xs) =
case filter (not . isDefaultWarn . snd) xs of
[] -> Nothing
ys -> Just (M.TypeCheckWarnings ys)
filterDefaults w = Just w
isShadowWarn (M.SymbolShadowed {}) = True
isShadowWarn _ = False
filterShadowing w | warnShadowing = Just w
filterShadowing (M.RenamerWarnings xs) =
case filter (not . isShadowWarn) xs of
[] -> Nothing
ys -> Just (M.RenamerWarnings ys)
filterShadowing w = Just w
let ws = mapMaybe filterDefaults . mapMaybe filterShadowing $ ws0
(_,_,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv
mapM_ (rPrint . runDoc names . pp) ws
case res of
Right (a,me') -> setModuleEnv me' >> return a
Left err ->
do e <- case err of
M.ErrorInFile (M.InFile file) e ->
do setEditPath file
return e
_ -> return err
raise (ModuleSystemError names e)
replCheckExpr :: P.Expr P.PName -> REPL (P.Expr M.Name,T.Expr,T.Schema)
replCheckExpr e = liftModuleCmd $ M.checkExpr e
replCheckDecls :: [P.Decl P.PName] -> REPL [T.DeclGroup]
replCheckDecls ds = do
npds <- liftModuleCmd (M.noPat ds)
let mkTop d = P.Decl P.TopLevel { P.tlExport = P.Public
, P.tlDoc = Nothing
, P.tlValue = d }
(names,ds') <- liftModuleCmd (M.checkDecls (map mkTop npds))
denv <- getDynEnv
setDynEnv denv { M.deNames = names `M.shadowing` M.deNames denv }
return ds'
replSpecExpr :: T.Expr -> REPL T.Expr
replSpecExpr e = liftModuleCmd $ S.specialize e
replEvalExpr :: P.Expr P.PName -> REPL (E.Value, T.Type)
replEvalExpr expr =
do (_,def,sig) <- replCheckExpr expr
validEvalContext def
validEvalContext sig
me <- getModuleEnv
let cfg = M.meSolverConfig me
mbDef <- io $ SMT.withSolver cfg (\s -> defaultReplExpr s def sig)
(def1,ty) <-
case mbDef of
Nothing -> raise (EvalPolyError sig)
Just (tys,def1) ->
do warnDefaults tys
let su = T.listParamSubst tys
return (def1, T.apSubst su (T.sType sig))
val <- liftModuleCmd (rethrowEvalError . M.evalExpr def1)
whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump def1))
bindItVariable ty def1
return (val,ty)
warnDefaults ts =
case ts of
[] -> return ()
_ ->
do warnDefaulting <- getKnownUser "warnDefaulting"
when warnDefaulting $
do rPutStrLn "Showing a specific instance of polymorphic result:"
mapM_ warnDefault ts
warnDefault (x,t) =
rPrint (" *" <+> nest 2 ("Using" <+> quotes (pp t) <+> "for" <+>
pp (T.tvarDesc (T.tpInfo x))))
itIdent :: M.Ident
itIdent = M.packIdent "it"
replWriteFile :: FilePath -> BS.ByteString -> (X.SomeException -> REPL ()) -> REPL ()
replWriteFile fp bytes handler =
do x <- io $ X.catch (BS.writeFile fp bytes >> return Nothing) (return . Just)
maybe (return ()) handler x
replReadFile :: FilePath -> (X.SomeException -> REPL (Maybe BS.ByteString)) -> REPL (Maybe BS.ByteString)
replReadFile fp handler =
do x <- io $ X.catch (Right `fmap` BS.readFile fp) (\e -> return $ Left e)
either handler (return . Just) x
bindItVariable :: T.Type -> T.Expr -> REPL ()
bindItVariable ty expr = do
freshIt <- freshName itIdent M.UserName
let schema = T.Forall { T.sVars = []
, T.sProps = []
, T.sType = ty
decl = T.Decl { T.dName = freshIt
, T.dSignature = schema
, T.dDefinition = T.DExpr expr
, T.dPragmas = []
, T.dInfix = False
, T.dFixity = Nothing
, T.dDoc = Nothing
liftModuleCmd (M.evalDecls [T.NonRecursive decl])
denv <- getDynEnv
let nenv' = M.singletonE (P.UnQual itIdent) freshIt
`M.shadowing` M.deNames denv
setDynEnv $ denv { M.deNames = nenv' }
bindItVariableVal :: T.Type -> E.Value -> REPL ()
bindItVariableVal ty val =
do prims <- getPrimMap
mb <- rEval (E.toExpr prims ty val)
case mb of
Nothing -> return ()
Just expr -> bindItVariable ty expr
bindItVariables :: T.Type -> [T.Expr] -> REPL ()
bindItVariables ty exprs = bindItVariable seqTy seqExpr
len = length exprs
seqTy = T.tSeq (T.tNum len) ty
seqExpr = T.EList exprs ty
replEvalDecl :: P.Decl P.PName -> REPL ()
replEvalDecl decl = do
dgs <- replCheckDecls [decl]
validEvalContext dgs
whenDebug (mapM_ (\dg -> (rPutStrLn (dump dg))) dgs)
liftModuleCmd (M.evalDecls dgs)
replEdit :: String -> REPL Bool
replEdit file = do
mb <- io (lookupEnv "EDITOR")
let editor = fromMaybe "vim" mb
io $ do
(_,_,_,ph) <- createProcess (shell (unwords [editor, file]))
exit <- waitForProcess ph
return (exit == ExitSuccess)
type CommandMap = Trie CommandDescr
sanitize :: String -> String
sanitize = dropWhile isSpace
sanitizeEnd :: String -> String
sanitizeEnd = reverse . sanitize . reverse
trim :: String -> String
trim = sanitizeEnd . sanitize
splitCommand :: String -> Maybe (String,String)
splitCommand txt =
case sanitize txt of
':' : more
| (as,bs) <- span (\x -> isPunctuation x || isSymbol x) more
, not (null as) -> Just (':' : as, sanitize bs)
| (as,bs) <- break isSpace more
, not (null as) -> Just (':' : as, sanitize bs)
| otherwise -> Nothing
expr -> guard (not (null expr)) >> return (expr,[])
uncons :: [a] -> Maybe (a,[a])
uncons as = case as of
a:rest -> Just (a,rest)
_ -> Nothing
findCommand :: String -> [CommandDescr]
findCommand str = lookupTrie str commands
findCommandExact :: String -> [CommandDescr]
findCommandExact str = lookupTrieExact str commands
findNbCommand :: Bool -> String -> [CommandDescr]
findNbCommand True str = lookupTrieExact str nbCommands
findNbCommand False str = lookupTrie str nbCommands
parseCommand :: (String -> [CommandDescr]) -> String -> Maybe Command
parseCommand findCmd line = do
(cmd,args) <- splitCommand line
let args' = sanitizeEnd args
case findCmd cmd of
[c] -> case cBody c of
ExprArg body -> Just (Command (body args'))
DeclsArg body -> Just (Command (body args'))
ExprTypeArg body -> Just (Command (body args'))
ModNameArg body -> Just (Command (body args'))
FilenameArg body -> Just (Command (body =<< expandHome args'))
OptionArg body -> Just (Command (body args'))
ShellArg body -> Just (Command (body args'))
HelpArg body -> Just (Command (body args'))
NoArg body -> Just (Command body)
FileExprArg body ->
case extractFilePath args' of
Just (fp,expr) -> Just (Command (expandHome fp >>= flip body expr))
Nothing -> Nothing
[] -> case uncons cmd of
Just (':',_) -> Just (Unknown cmd)
Just _ -> Just (Command (evalCmd line))
_ -> Nothing
cs -> Just (Ambiguous cmd (concatMap cNames cs))
expandHome path =
case path of
'~' : c : more | isPathSeparator c -> do dir <- io getHomeDirectory
return (dir </> more)
_ -> return path
extractFilePath ipt =
let quoted q = (\(a,b) -> (a, drop 1 b)) . break (== q)
in case ipt of
"" -> Nothing
'\'':rest -> Just $ quoted '\'' rest
'"':rest -> Just $ quoted '"' rest
_ -> Just $ break isSpace ipt