module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Sanity
( tcExpr
, tcDecls
, tcModule
, ProofObligation
, Error(..)
, same
) where
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(thing)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst (apSubst, singleSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad(InferInput(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (sort, sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import MonadLib
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
tcExpr :: InferInput -> Expr -> Either Error (Schema, [ ProofObligation ])
tcExpr env e = runTcM env (exprSchema e)
tcDecls :: InferInput -> [DeclGroup] -> Either Error [ ProofObligation ]
tcDecls env ds0 = case runTcM env (checkDecls ds0) of
Left err -> Left err
Right (_,ps) -> Right ps
tcModule :: InferInput -> Module -> Either Error [ ProofObligation ]
tcModule env m = case runTcM env check of
Left err -> Left err
Right (_,ps) -> Right ps
where check = foldr withTVar k1 (map mtpParam (Map.elems (mParamTypes m)))
k1 = foldr withAsmp k2 (map thing (mParamConstraints m))
k2 = withVars (Map.toList (fmap mvpType (mParamFuns m)))
$ checkDecls (mDecls m)
checkDecls :: [DeclGroup] -> TcM ()
checkDecls decls =
case decls of
[] -> return ()
d : ds -> do xs <- checkDeclGroup d
withVars xs (checkDecls ds)
checkType :: Type -> TcM Kind
checkType ty =
case ty of
TUser _ _ t -> checkType t
TCon tc ts ->
do ks <- mapM checkType ts
checkKind (kindOf tc) ks
TVar tv -> lookupTVar tv
TRec fs ->
do forM_ fs $ \(_,t) ->
do k <- checkType t
unless (k == KType) $ reportError $ KindMismatch KType k
return KType
checkKind k [] = case k of
_ :-> _ -> reportError $ NotEnoughArgumentsInKind k
KProp -> return k
KNum -> return k
KType -> return k
checkKind (k1 :-> k2) (k : ks)
| k == k1 = checkKind k2 ks
| otherwise = reportError $ KindMismatch k1 k
checkKind k ks = reportError $ BadTypeApplication k ks
checkTypeIs :: Kind -> Type -> TcM ()
checkTypeIs k ty =
do k1 <- checkType ty
unless (k == k1) $ reportError $ KindMismatch k k1
checkSchema :: Schema -> TcM ()
checkSchema (Forall as ps t) = foldr withTVar check as
where check = do mapM_ (checkTypeIs KProp) ps
checkTypeIs KType t
class Same a where
same :: a -> a -> Bool
instance Same a => Same [a] where
same [] [] = True
same (x : xs) (y : ys) = same x y && same xs ys
same _ _ = False
instance Same Type where
same t1 t2 = tNoUser t1 == tNoUser t2
instance Same Schema where
same (Forall xs ps s) (Forall ys qs t) = same xs ys && same ps qs && same s t
instance Same TParam where
same x y = tpName x == tpName y && tpKind x == tpKind y
exprType :: Expr -> TcM Type
exprType expr =
do s <- exprSchema expr
case isMono s of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> reportError (ExpectedMono s)
exprSchema :: Expr -> TcM Schema
exprSchema expr =
case expr of
EList es t ->
do checkTypeIs KType t
forM_ es $ \e ->
do t1 <- exprType e
unless (same t1 t) $
reportError $ TypeMismatch "EList" (tMono t) (tMono t1)
return $ tMono $ tSeq (tNum (length es)) t
ETuple es ->
fmap (tMono . tTuple) (mapM exprType es)
ERec fs ->
do fs1 <- forM fs $ \(f,e) -> do t <- exprType e
return (f,t)
return $ tMono $ TRec fs1
ESet e x v -> do ty <- exprType e
expe <- checkHas ty x
has <- exprType v
unless (same expe has) $
reportError $
TypeMismatch "ESet" (tMono expe) (tMono has)
return (tMono ty)
ESel e sel -> do ty <- exprType e
ty1 <- checkHas ty sel
return (tMono ty1)
EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
do ty <- exprType e1
unless (same tBit ty) $
reportError $ TypeMismatch "EIf_condition" (tMono tBit) (tMono ty)
t1 <- exprType e2
t2 <- exprType e3
unless (same t1 t2) $
reportError $ TypeMismatch "EIf_arms" (tMono t1) (tMono t2)
return $ tMono t1
EComp len t e mss ->
do checkTypeIs KNum len
checkTypeIs KType t
(xs,ls) <- unzip `fmap` mapM checkArm mss
elT <- withVars (concat xs) $ exprType e
case ls of
[] -> return ()
_ -> convertible (tSeq len t) (tSeq (foldr1 tMin ls) elT)
return (tMono (tSeq len t))
EVar x -> lookupVar x
ETAbs a e ->
do Forall as p t <- withTVar a (exprSchema e)
when (any (== a) as) $
reportError $ RepeatedVariableInForall a
return (Forall (a : as) p t)
ETApp e t ->
do k <- checkType t
s <- exprSchema e
case s of
Forall (a : as) ps t1 ->
do let vs = fvs t
forM_ (map tpVar as) $ \b ->
when (b `Set.member` vs) $ reportError $ Captured b
let k' = kindOf a
unless (k == k') $ reportError $ KindMismatch k' k
let su = singleSubst (tpVar a) t
return $ Forall as (apSubst su ps) (apSubst su t1)
Forall [] _ _ -> reportError BadInstantiation
EApp e1 e2 ->
do t1 <- exprType e1
t2 <- exprType e2
case tNoUser t1 of
TCon (TC TCFun) [ a, b ]
| same a t2 -> return (tMono b)
tf -> reportError (BadApplication tf t1)
EAbs x t e ->
do checkTypeIs KType t
res <- withVar x t (exprType e)
return $ tMono $ tFun t res
EProofAbs p e ->
do checkTypeIs KProp p
withAsmp p $ do Forall as ps t <- exprSchema e
return $ Forall as (p : ps) t
EProofApp e ->
do Forall as ps t <- exprSchema e
case (as,ps) of
([], p:qs) -> do proofObligation p
return (Forall [] qs t)
([], _) -> reportError BadProofNoAbs
(_,_) -> reportError (BadProofTyVars as)
EWhere e dgs ->
let go [] = exprSchema e
go (d : ds) = do xs <- checkDeclGroup d
withVars xs (go ds)
in go dgs
checkHas :: Type -> Selector -> TcM Type
checkHas t sel =
case sel of
TupleSel n mb ->
case tNoUser t of
TCon (TC (TCTuple sz)) ts ->
do case mb of
Just sz1 ->
when (sz /= sz1) (reportError (UnexpectedTupleShape sz1 sz))
Nothing -> return ()
unless (n < sz) $ reportError (TupleSelectorOutOfRange n sz)
return $ ts !! n
TCon (TC TCSeq) [s,elT] ->
do res <- checkHas elT sel
return (TCon (TC TCSeq) [s,res])
TCon (TC TCFun) [a,b] ->
do res <- checkHas b sel
return (TCon (TC TCFun) [a,res])
_ -> reportError $ BadSelector sel t
RecordSel f mb ->
case tNoUser t of
TRec fs ->
do case mb of
Nothing -> return ()
Just fs1 ->
do let ns = sort (map fst fs)
ns1 = sort fs1
unless (ns == ns1) $
reportError $ UnexpectedRecordShape ns1 ns
case lookup f fs of
Nothing -> reportError $ MissingField f $ map fst fs
Just ft -> return ft
TCon (TC TCSeq) [s,elT] -> do res <- checkHas elT sel
return (TCon (TC TCSeq) [s,res])
TCon (TC TCFun) [a,b] -> do res <- checkHas b sel
return (TCon (TC TCFun) [a,res])
_ -> reportError $ BadSelector sel t
ListSel _ mb ->
case tNoUser t of
TCon (TC TCSeq) [ n, elT ] ->
do case mb of
Nothing -> return ()
Just len ->
case tNoUser n of
TCon (TC (TCNum m)) []
| m == toInteger len -> return ()
_ -> reportError $ UnexpectedSequenceShape len n
return elT
_ -> reportError $ BadSelector sel t
convertible :: Type -> Type -> TcM ()
convertible t1 t2
| k1 /= k2 = reportError (KindMismatch k1 k2)
| k1 == KNum = proofObligation (t1 =#= t2)
k1 = kindOf t1
k2 = kindOf t2
convertible t1 t2 = go t1 t2
go ty1 ty2 =
let err = reportError $ TypeMismatch "convertible" (tMono ty1) (tMono ty2)
other = tNoUser ty2
goMany [] [] = return ()
goMany (x : xs) (y : ys) = convertible x y >> goMany xs ys
goMany _ _ = err
in case ty1 of
TUser _ _ s -> go s ty2
TVar x -> case other of
TVar y | x == y -> return ()
_ -> err
TCon tc1 ts1 -> case other of
TCon tc2 ts2
| tc1 == tc2 -> goMany ts1 ts2
_ -> err
TRec fs ->
case other of
TRec gs ->
do let order = sortBy (compare `on` fst)
fs1 = order fs
gs1 = order gs
unless (map fst fs1 == map fst gs1) err
goMany (map snd fs1) (map snd gs1)
_ -> err
checkDecl :: Bool -> Decl -> TcM (Name, Schema)
checkDecl checkSig d =
case dDefinition d of
DPrim ->
do when checkSig $ checkSchema $ dSignature d
return (dName d, dSignature d)
DExpr e ->
do let s = dSignature d
when checkSig $ checkSchema s
s1 <- exprSchema e
unless (same s s1) $
reportError $ TypeMismatch "DExpr" s s1
return (dName d, s)
checkDeclGroup :: DeclGroup -> TcM [(Name, Schema)]
checkDeclGroup dg =
case dg of
NonRecursive d -> do x <- checkDecl True d
return [x]
Recursive ds ->
do xs <- forM ds $ \d ->
do checkSchema (dSignature d)
return (dName d, dSignature d)
withVars xs $ mapM (checkDecl False) ds
checkMatch :: Match -> TcM ((Name, Schema), Type)
checkMatch ma =
case ma of
From x len elt e ->
do checkTypeIs KNum len
checkTypeIs KType elt
t1 <- exprType e
case tNoUser t1 of
TCon (TC TCSeq) [ l, el ]
| same elt el -> return ((x, tMono elt), l)
| otherwise -> reportError $ TypeMismatch "From" (tMono elt) (tMono el)
_ -> reportError $ BadMatch t1
Let d -> do x <- checkDecl True d
return (x, tNum (1 :: Int))
checkArm :: [Match] -> TcM ([(Name, Schema)], Type)
checkArm [] = reportError EmptyArm
checkArm [m] = do (x,l) <- checkMatch m
return ([x], l)
checkArm (m : ms) =
do (x, l) <- checkMatch m
(xs, l1) <- withVars [x] $ checkArm ms
let newLen = tMul l l1
return $ if fst x `elem` map fst xs
then (xs, newLen)
else (x : xs, newLen)
data RO = RO
{ roTVars :: Map Int TParam
, roAsmps :: [Prop]
, roVars :: Map Name Schema
type ProofObligation = Schema
data RW = RW
{ woProofObligations :: [ProofObligation]
newtype TcM a = TcM (ReaderT RO (ExceptionT Error (StateT RW Id)) a)
instance Functor TcM where
fmap = liftM
instance A.Applicative TcM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad TcM where
return a = TcM (return a)
fail x = TcM (fail x)
TcM m >>= f = TcM (do a <- m
let TcM m1 = f a
runTcM :: InferInput -> TcM a -> Either Error (a, [ProofObligation])
runTcM env (TcM m) =
case runM m ro rw of
(Left err, _) -> Left err
(Right a, s) -> Right (a, woProofObligations s)
ro = RO { roTVars = Map.fromList [ (tpUnique x, x)
| tp <- Map.elems (inpParamTypes env)
, let x = mtpParam tp ]
, roAsmps = map thing (inpParamConstraints env)
, roVars = Map.union
(fmap mvpType (inpParamFuns env))
(inpVars env)
rw = RW { woProofObligations = [] }
data Error =
TypeMismatch String Schema Schema
| ExpectedMono Schema
| TupleSelectorOutOfRange Int Int
| MissingField Ident [Ident]
| UnexpectedTupleShape Int Int
| UnexpectedRecordShape [Ident] [Ident]
| UnexpectedSequenceShape Int Type
| BadSelector Selector Type
| BadInstantiation
| Captured TVar
| BadProofNoAbs
| BadProofTyVars [TParam]
| KindMismatch Kind Kind
| NotEnoughArgumentsInKind Kind
| BadApplication Type Type
| FreeTypeVariable TVar
| BadTypeApplication Kind [Kind]
| RepeatedVariableInForall TParam
| BadMatch Type
| EmptyArm
| UndefinedTypeVaraible TVar
| UndefinedVariable Name
deriving Show
reportError :: Error -> TcM a
reportError e = TcM (raise e)
withTVar :: TParam -> TcM a -> TcM a
withTVar a (TcM m) = TcM $
do ro <- ask
local ro { roTVars = Map.insert (tpUnique a) a (roTVars ro) } m
withAsmp :: Prop -> TcM a -> TcM a
withAsmp p (TcM m) = TcM $
do ro <- ask
local ro { roAsmps = p : roAsmps ro } m
withVar :: Name -> Type -> TcM a -> TcM a
withVar x t = withVars [(x,tMono t)]
withVars :: [(Name, Schema)] -> TcM a -> TcM a
withVars xs (TcM m) = TcM $
do ro <- ask
local ro { roVars = Map.union (Map.fromList xs) (roVars ro) } m
proofObligation :: Prop -> TcM ()
proofObligation p = TcM $
do ro <- ask
sets_ $ \rw -> rw { woProofObligations =
Forall (Map.elems (roTVars ro)) (roAsmps ro) p
: woProofObligations rw }
lookupTVar :: TVar -> TcM Kind
lookupTVar x =
case x of
TVFree {} -> reportError (FreeTypeVariable x)
TVBound tpv ->
do let u = tpUnique tpv
k = tpKind tpv
ro <- TcM ask
case Map.lookup u (roTVars ro) of
Just tp
| kindOf tp == k -> return k
| otherwise -> reportError $ KindMismatch (kindOf tp) k
Nothing -> reportError $ UndefinedTypeVaraible x
lookupVar :: Name -> TcM Schema
lookupVar x =
do ro <- TcM ask
case Map.lookup x (roVars ro) of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> reportError $ UndefinedVariable x