{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MultiWayIf #-}
-- | Intersection routines using Bezier Clipping.  Provides also functions for finding the roots of onedimensional bezier curves.  This can be used as a general polynomial root solver by converting from the power basis to the bernstein basis.
module Geom2D.CubicBezier.Intersection
       (bezierIntersection, bezierLineIntersections, bezierFindRoot)
import Geom2D
import Geom2D.CubicBezier.Basic
import Math.BernsteinPoly
import Data.Maybe
import Geom2D.CubicBezier.Numeric
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V

-- find the convex hull by comparing the angles of the vectors with
-- the cross product and backtracking if necessary.
findOuter' :: Bool -> DPoint -> DPoint -> [DPoint] -> Either [DPoint] [DPoint]
findOuter' !upper !dir !p1 l@(p2:rest)
  -- backtrack if the direction is outward
  | if upper
    then dir `vectorCross` (p2^-^p1) > 0 -- left turn
    else dir `vectorCross` (p2^-^p1) < 0 = Left l
  -- succeed
  | otherwise = case findOuter' upper (p2^-^p1) p2 rest of
    Left m -> findOuter' upper dir p1 m
    Right m -> Right (p1:m)

findOuter' _ _ p1 p = Right (p1:p)

-- find the outermost point.  It doesn't look at the x values.
findOuter :: Bool -> [DPoint] -> [DPoint]
findOuter upper (p1:p2:rest) =
  case findOuter' upper (p2^-^p1) p2 rest of
    Right l -> p1:l
    Left l -> findOuter upper (p1:l)
findOuter _ l = l

-- take the y values and turn it in into a convex hull with upper en
-- lower points separated.
makeHull :: [Double] -> ([DPoint], [DPoint])
makeHull ds =
  let n      = fromIntegral $ length ds - 1
      points = zipWith Point [i/n | i <- [0..n]] ds
  in (findOuter True points,
      findOuter False points)

-- test if the chords cross the fat line
-- return the continuation if above the line
testBelow :: Double -> [DPoint] -> Maybe Double -> Maybe Double
testBelow _    [] _ = Nothing
testBelow _    [_] _ = Nothing
testBelow !dmin (p:q:rest) cont
  | pointY p >= dmin = cont
  | pointY p > pointY q = Nothing
  | pointY q < dmin = testBelow dmin (q:rest) cont
  | otherwise = Just $ intersectPt dmin p q

testBetween :: Double -> DPoint -> Maybe Double -> Maybe Double
testBetween !dmax (Point !x !y) cont
  | y <= dmax = Just x
  | otherwise = cont

-- test if the chords cross the line y=dmax somewhere
testAbove :: Double -> [DPoint] -> Maybe Double
testAbove _    [] = Nothing
testAbove _    [_] = Nothing
testAbove dmax (p:q:rest)
  | pointY p < pointY q = Nothing
  | pointY q > dmax = testAbove dmax (q:rest)
  | otherwise = Just $ intersectPt dmax p q

-- find the x value where the line through the two points
-- intersect the line y=d
intersectPt :: Double -> DPoint -> DPoint -> Double
intersectPt d (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2)
  | y1 == y2 = x1
  | otherwise =
    x1 + (d - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)

-- make a hull and test over which interval the
-- curve is garuanteed to lie inside the fat line
chopHull :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> Maybe (Double, Double)
chopHull !dmin !dmax ds = do
  let (upper, lower) = makeHull ds
  left_t <- testBelow dmin upper $
            testBetween dmax (head upper) $
            testAbove dmax lower
  right_t <- testBelow dmin (reverse upper) $
             testBetween dmax (last upper) $
             testAbove dmax (reverse lower)
  Just (left_t, right_t)

bezierClip :: CubicBezier Double -> CubicBezier Double -> Double -> Double
           -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool
           -> [(Double, Double)]
bezierClip p@(CubicBezier !p0 !p1 !p2 !p3) q@(CubicBezier !q0 !q1 !q2 !q3)
  tmin tmax umin umax prevClip pEps vEps revCurves = either id id $ do
  q3' <- if | vectorDistance q0 q3 > max (vectorMag q0) (vectorMag q3) / (2**30) -> Right q3
            | vectorDistance q0 q1 > max (vectorMag q0) (vectorMag q1) / (2**30) -> Right q1
            | vectorDistance q0 q2 > max (vectorMag q0) (vectorMag q2) / (2**30) -> Right q2
            | otherwise -> Left $
              let t = closest p q0 vEps
                  newT = tmin * (1-t) + tmax * t
                  umid | umax >= 0.5 = umax
                       | otherwise = umin
              in if | vectorDistance (evalBezier p t) (evalBezier q 0.5) > vEps
                      -> []
                    | revCurves -> [(umid, newT)]
                    | otherwise -> [(newT, umid)]
  let d = lineDistance (Line q0 q3')
      d1 = d q1
      d2 = d q2
      (dmin, dmax) | d1*d2 > 0 = (3/4 * min 0 (min d1 d2),
                                  3/4 * max 0 (max d1 d2))
                   | otherwise = (4/9 * min 0 (min d1 d2),
                                  4/9 * max 0 (max d1 d2))
  (chop_tmin, chop_tmax) <- maybe (Left []) Right $
                            chopHull dmin dmax $
                            map d [p0, p1, p2, p3]
  let newP = bezierSubsegment p chop_tmin chop_tmax
      newClip = chop_tmax - chop_tmin
      new_tmin = tmax * chop_tmin + tmin * (1 - chop_tmin)
      new_tmax = tmax * chop_tmax + tmin * (1 - chop_tmax)
  if | -- within tolerance      
       (max (umax - umin) (new_tmax - new_tmin))*4 < pEps ->
       let newu | umax >= 0.5 = umax
                | otherwise = umin
           newt | new_tmax >= 0.5 = new_tmax
                | otherwise = new_tmin
       in if revCurves
       then Right [(newu, newt)]
       else Right [(newt, newu)]
           -- not enough reduction, so split the curve in case we have
           -- multiple intersections
     | prevClip > 0.8 && newClip > 0.8 ->
             if | (new_tmax-new_tmin) * (new_tmax-new_tmin) * vectorMagSquare (p3 ^-^ p0) >
                  (umax-umin) * (umax-umin) * vectorMagSquare (q3 ^-^ q0) ->
                    -- split the longest segment
                  let (pl, pr) = splitBezier newP 0.5
                      half_t = new_tmin + (new_tmax - new_tmin) / 2
                  in Right $ bezierClip q pl umin umax new_tmin half_t
                     0 pEps vEps (not revCurves) ++
                     bezierClip q pr umin umax half_t new_tmax
                     0 pEps vEps (not revCurves)
                | otherwise ->
                    let (ql, qr) = splitBezier q 0.5
                        half_u = umin + (umax - umin) / 2
                    in Right $ bezierClip ql newP umin half_u
                       new_tmin new_tmax newClip pEps vEps (not revCurves) ++
                       bezierClip qr newP half_u umax new_tmin new_tmax
                       newClip pEps vEps (not revCurves)
      -- iterate with the curves swapped.
     | otherwise ->
        Right $ bezierClip q newP umin umax new_tmin
        new_tmax newClip pEps vEps (not revCurves)

minEps :: Double
minEps = 1e-8

-- | Find the intersections between two Bezier curves, using the
-- Bezier Clip algorithm. Returns the parameters for both curves.
bezierIntersection :: CubicBezier Double -> CubicBezier Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double)]
bezierIntersection p q vEps = bezierClip p q 0 1 0 1 0 eps2 vEps False
  where eps2 = max (min (bezierParamTolerance p vEps) (bezierParamTolerance q vEps)) minEps

-- TODO:
-- following curve generate very large list of intersections
-- let b1 =  CubicBezier {cubicC0 = Point 365.70000000000005 477.40000000000003, cubicC1 = Point 373.3 476.70000000000005, cubicC2 = Point 381.1 476.3, cubicC3 = Point 389.20000000000005 476.3};
--     b2 = CubicBezier {cubicC0 = Point 365.70000000000005 477.40000000000003, cubicC1 = Point 365.70000000000005 476.6, cubicC2 = Point 365.70000000000005 475.8, cubicC3 = Point 365.70000000000005 475.0}

------------------------ Line intersection -------------------------------------
-- Clipping a line uses a simplified version of the Bezier Clip algorithm,
-- and uses the (thin) line itself instead of the fat line.

-- | Find the zero of a 1D bezier curve of any degree.  Note that this
-- can be used as a bernstein polynomial root solver by converting from
-- the power basis to the bernstein basis.
bezierFindRoot :: BernsteinPoly Double -- ^ the bernstein coefficients of the polynomial
               -> Double  -- ^ The lower bound of the interval 
               -> Double  -- ^ The upper bound of the interval
               -> Double  -- ^ The accuracy
               -> [Double] -- ^ The roots found
bezierFindRoot p tmin tmax eps
  -- no intersection
  | isNothing chop_interval = []

  -- not enough reduction, so split the curve in case we have
  -- multiple intersections
  | clip > 0.8 =
    let (p1, p2) = bernsteinSplit newP 0.5
        half_t = new_tmin + (new_tmax - new_tmin) / 2
    in bezierFindRoot p1 new_tmin half_t eps ++
       bezierFindRoot p2 half_t new_tmax eps

  -- within tolerance
  | new_tmax - new_tmin < eps =
      [new_tmin + (new_tmax-new_tmin)/2]

      -- iterate
  | otherwise =
        bezierFindRoot newP new_tmin new_tmax eps

    chop_interval = chopHull 0 0 (V.toList $ bernsteinCoeffs p)
    Just (chop_tmin, chop_tmax) = chop_interval
    newP = bernsteinSubsegment p chop_tmin chop_tmax
    clip = chop_tmax - chop_tmin
    new_tmin = tmax * chop_tmin + tmin * (1 - chop_tmin)
    new_tmax = tmax * chop_tmax + tmin * (1 - chop_tmax)

-- | Find the intersections of the curve with a line.

-- Apply a transformation to the bezier that maps the line onto the
-- X-axis.  Then we only need to test the Y-values for a zero.
bezierLineIntersections :: CubicBezier Double -> Line Double -> Double -> [Double]
bezierLineIntersections b (Line p q) eps =
  filter (\x -> x > 0 && x < 1) $
  cubicRoot (p3 - 3*p2 + 3*p1 - p0) (3*p2 - 6*p1 + 3*p0) (3*p1 - 3*p0) p0
  where (CubicBezier (Point p0 _) (Point p1 _) (Point p2 _) (Point p3 _)) =
          fromJust (inverse $ translate p $* rotateVec (q ^-^ p)) $* b

-- let cb = (CubicBezier (Point 0 0) (Point 3 4) (Point 10 4) (Point 31 2)); cb1 = fst (splitBezier cb 0.83242); cb2 = CubicBezier {bezierC0 = Point 4.542593123258268 2.7028033902052537, bezierC1 = Point 9.036628467934 3.788306467438, bezierC2 = Point 16.832161 3.4493180000000002, bezierC3 = Point 31.0 2.0}
-- bezierIntersection (CubicBezier (Point 0 0) (Point 3 4) (Point 10 4) (Point 31 2)) (CubicBezier (Point 0 0) (Point 6 8) (Point 2 42) (Point 4 15)) 1e-10