{- |
    Module      :  $Header$
    Description :  Checks deriving clauses
    Copyright   :  (c)        2016 Finn Teegen
    License     :  BSD-3-clause

    Maintainer  :  bjp@informatik.uni-kiel.de
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

   Before entering derived instances into the instance environment, the
   compiler has to ensure that it is not asked for other instances than
   those of supported type classes.
module Checks.DeriveCheck (deriveCheck) where

import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.Position
import Curry.Base.Pretty
import Curry.Syntax

import Base.Messages (Message, posMessage)

import Env.TypeConstructor

deriveCheck :: TCEnv -> Module a -> [Message]
deriveCheck tcEnv (Module _ _ m _ _ ds) = concatMap (checkDecl m tcEnv) ds

-- No instances can be derived for abstract data types as well as for
-- existential data types.

checkDecl :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> Decl a -> [Message]
checkDecl m tcEnv (DataDecl   _ tc _ cs clss)
  | null clss                       = []
  | null cs                         = [errNoAbstractDerive tc]
  | otherwise                       = concatMap (checkDerivable m tcEnv cs) clss
checkDecl m tcEnv (NewtypeDecl _ _ _ nc clss) =
  concatMap (checkDerivable m tcEnv [toConstrDecl nc]) clss
checkDecl _ _     _                           = []

checkDerivable :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> [ConstrDecl] -> QualIdent -> [Message]
checkDerivable m tcEnv cs cls
  | ocls == qEnumId && not (isEnum cs)       = [errNotEnum cls]
  | ocls == qBoundedId && not (isBounded cs) = [errNotBounded cls]
  | ocls `notElem` derivableClasses          = [errNotDerivable ocls]
  | otherwise                                = []
  where ocls = getOrigName m cls tcEnv

derivableClasses :: [QualIdent]
derivableClasses = [qEqId, qOrdId, qEnumId, qBoundedId, qReadId, qShowId]

-- Instances of 'Enum' can be derived only for enumeration types, i.e., types
-- where all data constructors are constants.

isEnum :: [ConstrDecl] -> Bool
isEnum cs = all ((0 ==) . constrArity) cs

-- Instances of 'Bounded' can be derived only for enumerations and for single
-- constructor types.

isBounded :: [ConstrDecl] -> Bool
isBounded cs = length cs == 1 || isEnum cs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Auxiliary functions
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

toConstrDecl :: NewConstrDecl -> ConstrDecl
toConstrDecl (NewConstrDecl p c      ty) = ConstrDecl p c [ty]
toConstrDecl (NewRecordDecl p c (l, ty)) =
  RecordDecl p c [FieldDecl p [l] ty]

constrArity :: ConstrDecl -> Int
constrArity (ConstrDecl  _ _ tys) = length tys
constrArity (ConOpDecl   _ _ _ _) = 2
constrArity c@(RecordDecl  _ _ _) = length $ recordLabels c

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Error messages
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

errNoAbstractDerive :: HasPosition a => a -> Message
errNoAbstractDerive p = posMessage p $
  text "Instances can only be derived for data types with" <+>
  text "at least one constructor"

errNotDerivable :: QualIdent -> Message
errNotDerivable cls = posMessage cls $ hsep $ map text
  ["Instances of type class", escQualName cls, "cannot be derived"]

errNotEnum :: HasPosition a => a -> Message
errNotEnum p = posMessage p $
  text "Instances for Enum can be derived only for enumeration types"

errNotBounded :: HasPosition a => a -> Message
errNotBounded p = posMessage p $
  text "Instances of Bounded can be derived only for enumeration" <+>
  text "and single constructor types"