module Checks.TypeSyntaxCheck (typeSyntaxCheck) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S (State, runState, gets, modify)
import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.Position
import Curry.Base.SpanInfo
import Curry.Base.Pretty
import Curry.Syntax
import Curry.Syntax.Pretty
import Base.Expr (Expr (fv))
import Base.Messages (Message, posMessage, internalError)
import Base.TopEnv
import Base.Utils (findMultiples, findDouble)
import Env.TypeConstructor (TCEnv)
import Env.Type
typeSyntaxCheck :: [KnownExtension] -> TCEnv -> Module a
-> ((Module a, [KnownExtension]), [Message])
typeSyntaxCheck exts tcEnv mdl@(Module _ _ m _ _ ds) =
case findMultiples $ map getIdent tcds of
[] -> if length dfds <= 1
then runTSCM (checkModule mdl) state
else ((mdl, exts), [errMultipleDefaultDeclarations dfps])
tss -> ((mdl, exts), map errMultipleDeclarations tss)
tcds = filter isTypeOrClassDecl ds
dfds = filter isDefaultDecl ds
dfps = map (\(DefaultDecl p _) -> spanInfo2Pos p) dfds
tEnv = foldr (bindType m) (fmap toTypeKind tcEnv) tcds
state = TSCState m tEnv exts Map.empty 1 []
type TSCM = S.State TSCState
data TSCState = TSCState
{ moduleIdent :: ModuleIdent
, typeEnv :: TypeEnv
, extensions :: [KnownExtension]
, renameEnv :: RenameEnv
, nextId :: Integer
, errors :: [Message]
runTSCM :: TSCM a -> TSCState -> (a, [Message])
runTSCM tscm s = let (a, s') = S.runState tscm s in (a, reverse $ errors s')
getModuleIdent :: TSCM ModuleIdent
getModuleIdent = S.gets moduleIdent
getTypeEnv :: TSCM TypeEnv
getTypeEnv = S.gets typeEnv
hasExtension :: KnownExtension -> TSCM Bool
hasExtension ext = S.gets (elem ext . extensions)
enableExtension :: KnownExtension -> TSCM ()
enableExtension e = S.modify $ \s -> s { extensions = e : extensions s }
getExtensions :: TSCM [KnownExtension]
getExtensions = S.gets extensions
getRenameEnv :: TSCM RenameEnv
getRenameEnv = S.gets renameEnv
modifyRenameEnv :: (RenameEnv -> RenameEnv) -> TSCM ()
modifyRenameEnv f = S.modify $ \s -> s { renameEnv = f $ renameEnv s }
withLocalEnv :: TSCM a -> TSCM a
withLocalEnv act = do
oldEnv <- getRenameEnv
res <- act
modifyRenameEnv $ const oldEnv
return res
resetEnv :: TSCM ()
resetEnv = modifyRenameEnv $ const Map.empty
newId :: TSCM Integer
newId = do
curId <- S.gets nextId
S.modify $ \s -> s { nextId = succ curId }
return curId
report :: Message -> TSCM ()
report err = S.modify (\s -> s { errors = err : errors s })
ok :: TSCM ()
ok = return ()
bindType :: ModuleIdent -> Decl a -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
bindType m (DataDecl _ tc _ cs _) = bindTypeKind m tc (Data qtc ids)
qtc = qualifyWith m tc
ids = map constrId cs ++ nub (concatMap recordLabels cs)
bindType m (ExternalDataDecl _ tc _) = bindTypeKind m tc (Data qtc [])
qtc = qualifyWith m tc
bindType m (NewtypeDecl _ tc _ nc _) = bindTypeKind m tc (Data qtc ids)
qtc = qualifyWith m tc
ids = nconstrId nc : nrecordLabels nc
bindType m (TypeDecl _ tc _ _) = bindTypeKind m tc (Alias qtc)
qtc = qualifyWith m tc
bindType m (ClassDecl _ _ cls _ ds) = bindTypeKind m cls (Class qcls ms)
qcls = qualifyWith m cls
ms = concatMap methods ds
bindType _ _ = id
type RenameEnv = Map.Map Ident Ident
class Rename a where
rename :: a -> TSCM a
renameTypeSig :: (Expr a, Rename a) => a -> TSCM a
renameTypeSig x = withLocalEnv $ do
env <- getRenameEnv
bindVars (filter (`notElem` Map.keys env) $ fv x)
rename x
renameReset :: Rename a => a -> TSCM a
renameReset x = withLocalEnv $ resetEnv >> rename x
instance Rename a => Rename [a] where
rename = mapM rename
instance Rename (Decl a) where
rename (InfixDecl p fix pr ops) = return $ InfixDecl p fix pr ops
rename (DataDecl p tc tvs cs clss) = withLocalEnv $ do
bindVars tvs
DataDecl p tc <$> rename tvs <*> rename cs <*> pure clss
rename (ExternalDataDecl p tc tvs) = withLocalEnv $ do
bindVars tvs
ExternalDataDecl p tc <$> rename tvs
rename (NewtypeDecl p tc tvs nc clss) = withLocalEnv $ do
bindVars tvs
NewtypeDecl p tc <$> rename tvs <*> rename nc <*> pure clss
rename (TypeDecl p tc tvs ty) = withLocalEnv $ do
bindVars tvs
TypeDecl p tc <$> rename tvs <*> rename ty
rename (TypeSig p fs qty) = TypeSig p fs <$> renameTypeSig qty
rename (FunctionDecl p a f eqs) = FunctionDecl p a f <$> renameReset eqs
rename (ExternalDecl p fs) = return $ ExternalDecl p fs
rename (PatternDecl p ts rhs) = PatternDecl p ts <$> renameReset rhs
rename (FreeDecl p fvs) = return $ FreeDecl p fvs
rename (DefaultDecl p tys) = DefaultDecl p <$> mapM renameTypeSig tys
rename (ClassDecl p cx cls tv ds) = withLocalEnv $ do
bindVar tv
ClassDecl p <$> rename cx <*> pure cls <*> rename tv <*> rename ds
rename (InstanceDecl p cx cls ty ds) = withLocalEnv $ do
bindVars (fv ty)
InstanceDecl p <$> rename cx <*> pure cls <*> rename ty <*> renameReset ds
instance Rename ConstrDecl where
rename (ConstrDecl p c tys) = withLocalEnv $ do
ConstrDecl p <$> pure c <*> rename tys
rename (ConOpDecl p ty1 op ty2) = withLocalEnv $ do
ConOpDecl p <$> rename ty1 <*> pure op <*> rename ty2
rename (RecordDecl p c fs) = withLocalEnv $ do
RecordDecl p <$> pure c <*> rename fs
instance Rename FieldDecl where
rename (FieldDecl p ls ty) = FieldDecl p ls <$> rename ty
instance Rename NewConstrDecl where
rename (NewConstrDecl p c ty) = NewConstrDecl p c <$> rename ty
rename (NewRecordDecl p c (l, ty)) = NewRecordDecl p c . (,) l <$> rename ty
instance Rename Constraint where
rename (Constraint spi cls ty) = Constraint spi cls <$> rename ty
instance Rename QualTypeExpr where
rename (QualTypeExpr spi cx ty) = QualTypeExpr spi <$> rename cx <*> rename ty
instance Rename TypeExpr where
rename (ConstructorType spi tc) = return $ ConstructorType spi tc
rename (ApplyType spi ty1 ty2) = ApplyType spi <$> rename ty1 <*> rename ty2
rename (VariableType spi tv) = VariableType spi <$> rename tv
rename (TupleType spi tys) = TupleType spi <$> rename tys
rename (ListType spi ty) = ListType spi <$> rename ty
rename (ArrowType spi ty1 ty2) = ArrowType spi <$> rename ty1 <*> rename ty2
rename (ParenType spi ty) = ParenType spi <$> rename ty
rename (ForallType spi vs ty) = do
bindVars vs
ForallType spi <$> mapM rename vs <*> rename ty
instance Rename (Equation a) where
rename (Equation p lhs rhs) = Equation p lhs <$> rename rhs
instance Rename (Rhs a) where
rename (SimpleRhs spi e ds) = SimpleRhs spi <$> rename e <*> rename ds
rename (GuardedRhs spi es ds) = GuardedRhs spi <$> rename es <*> rename ds
instance Rename (CondExpr a) where
rename (CondExpr spi c e) = CondExpr spi <$> rename c <*> rename e
instance Rename (Expression a) where
rename (Literal spi a l) = return $ Literal spi a l
rename (Variable spi a v) = return $ Variable spi a v
rename (Constructor spi a c) = return $ Constructor spi a c
rename (Paren spi e) = Paren spi <$> rename e
rename (Typed spi e qty) = Typed spi <$> rename e <*> renameTypeSig qty
rename (Record spi a c fs) = Record spi a c <$> rename fs
rename (RecordUpdate spi e fs) = RecordUpdate spi <$> rename e <*> rename fs
rename (Tuple spi es) = Tuple spi <$> rename es
rename (List spi a es) = List spi a <$> rename es
rename (ListCompr spi e stmts) = ListCompr spi <$> rename e <*> rename stmts
rename (EnumFrom spi e) = EnumFrom spi <$> rename e
rename (EnumFromThen spi e1 e2) = EnumFromThen spi <$> rename e1 <*> rename e2
rename (EnumFromTo spi e1 e2) = EnumFromTo spi <$> rename e1 <*> rename e2
rename (EnumFromThenTo spi e1 e2 e3) =
EnumFromThenTo spi <$> rename e1 <*> rename e2 <*> rename e3
rename (UnaryMinus spi e) = UnaryMinus spi <$> rename e
rename (Apply spi e1 e2) = Apply spi <$> rename e1 <*> rename e2
rename (InfixApply spi e1 op e2) =
flip (InfixApply spi) op <$> rename e1 <*> rename e2
rename (LeftSection spi e op) = flip (LeftSection spi) op <$> rename e
rename (RightSection spi op e) = RightSection spi op <$> rename e
rename (Lambda spi ts e) = Lambda spi ts <$> rename e
rename (Let spi ds e) = Let spi <$> rename ds <*> rename e
rename (Do spi stmts e) = Do spi <$> rename stmts <*> rename e
rename (IfThenElse spi c e1 e2) =
IfThenElse spi <$> rename c <*> rename e1 <*> rename e2
rename (Case spi ct e alts) = Case spi ct <$> rename e <*> rename alts
instance Rename (Statement a) where
rename (StmtExpr spi e) = StmtExpr spi <$> rename e
rename (StmtDecl spi ds) = StmtDecl spi <$> rename ds
rename (StmtBind spi t e) = StmtBind spi t <$> rename e
instance Rename (Alt a) where
rename (Alt spi t rhs) = Alt spi t <$> rename rhs
instance Rename a => Rename (Field a) where
rename (Field spi l x) = Field spi l <$> rename x
instance Rename Ident where
rename tv | isAnonId tv = renameIdent tv <$> newId
| otherwise = fromMaybe tv <$> lookupVar tv
bindVar :: Ident -> TSCM ()
bindVar tv = do
k <- newId
modifyRenameEnv $ Map.insert tv (renameIdent tv k)
bindVars :: [Ident] -> TSCM ()
bindVars = mapM_ bindVar
lookupVar :: Ident -> TSCM (Maybe Ident)
lookupVar tv = do
env <- getRenameEnv
return $ Map.lookup tv env
checkModule :: Module a -> TSCM (Module a, [KnownExtension])
checkModule (Module spi ps m es is ds) = do
ds' <- mapM checkDecl ds
ds'' <- rename ds'
exts <- getExtensions
return (Module spi ps m es is ds'', exts)
checkDecl :: Decl a -> TSCM (Decl a)
checkDecl (DataDecl p tc tvs cs clss) = do
checkTypeLhs tvs
cs' <- mapM (checkConstrDecl tvs) cs
mapM_ checkClass clss
return $ DataDecl p tc tvs cs' clss
checkDecl (NewtypeDecl p tc tvs nc clss) = do
checkTypeLhs tvs
nc' <- checkNewConstrDecl tvs nc
mapM_ checkClass clss
return $ NewtypeDecl p tc tvs nc' clss
checkDecl (TypeDecl p tc tvs ty) = do
checkTypeLhs tvs
ty' <- checkClosedType tvs ty
return $ TypeDecl p tc tvs ty'
checkDecl (TypeSig p vs qty) =
TypeSig p vs <$> checkQualType qty
checkDecl (FunctionDecl a p f eqs) =
FunctionDecl a p f <$> mapM checkEquation eqs
checkDecl (PatternDecl p t rhs) =
PatternDecl p t <$> checkRhs rhs
checkDecl (DefaultDecl p tys) = DefaultDecl p <$> mapM checkType tys
checkDecl (ClassDecl p cx cls clsvar ds) = do
checkTypeVars "class declaration" [clsvar]
cx' <- checkClosedContext [clsvar] cx
checkSimpleContext cx'
ds' <- mapM checkDecl ds
mapM_ (checkClassMethod clsvar) ds'
return $ ClassDecl p cx' cls clsvar ds'
checkDecl (InstanceDecl p cx qcls inst ds) = do
checkClass qcls
QualTypeExpr _ cx' inst' <- checkQualType $ QualTypeExpr NoSpanInfo cx inst
checkSimpleContext cx'
checkInstanceType p inst'
InstanceDecl p cx' qcls inst' <$> mapM checkDecl ds
checkDecl d = return d
checkConstrDecl :: [Ident] -> ConstrDecl -> TSCM ConstrDecl
checkConstrDecl tvs (ConstrDecl p c tys) = do
tys' <- mapM (checkClosedType tvs) tys
return $ ConstrDecl p c tys'
checkConstrDecl tvs (ConOpDecl p ty1 op ty2) = do
tys' <- mapM (checkClosedType tvs) [ty1, ty2]
let [ty1', ty2'] = tys'
return $ ConOpDecl p ty1' op ty2'
checkConstrDecl tvs (RecordDecl p c fs) = do
fs' <- mapM (checkFieldDecl tvs) fs
return $ RecordDecl p c fs'
checkFieldDecl :: [Ident] -> FieldDecl -> TSCM FieldDecl
checkFieldDecl tvs (FieldDecl p ls ty) =
FieldDecl p ls <$> checkClosedType tvs ty
checkNewConstrDecl :: [Ident] -> NewConstrDecl -> TSCM NewConstrDecl
checkNewConstrDecl tvs (NewConstrDecl p c ty) = do
ty' <- checkClosedType tvs ty
return $ NewConstrDecl p c ty'
checkNewConstrDecl tvs (NewRecordDecl p c (l, ty)) = do
ty' <- checkClosedType tvs ty
return $ NewRecordDecl p c (l, ty')
checkSimpleContext :: Context -> TSCM ()
checkSimpleContext = mapM_ checkSimpleConstraint
checkSimpleConstraint :: Constraint -> TSCM ()
checkSimpleConstraint c@(Constraint _ _ ty) =
unless (isVariableType ty) $ report $ errIllegalSimpleConstraint c
checkClassMethod :: Ident -> Decl a -> TSCM ()
checkClassMethod tv (TypeSig spi _ qty) = do
unless (tv `elem` fv qty) $ report $ errAmbiguousType p tv
let QualTypeExpr _ cx _ = qty
when (tv `elem` fv cx) $ report $ errConstrainedClassVariable p tv
where p = spanInfo2Pos spi
checkClassMethod _ _ = ok
checkInstanceType :: SpanInfo -> InstanceType -> TSCM ()
checkInstanceType p inst = do
tEnv <- getTypeEnv
unless (isSimpleType inst &&
not (isTypeSyn (typeConstr inst) tEnv) &&
not (any isAnonId $ typeVariables inst) &&
isNothing (findDouble $ fv inst)) $
report $ errIllegalInstanceType (spanInfo2Pos p) inst
checkTypeLhs :: [Ident] -> TSCM ()
checkTypeLhs = checkTypeVars "left hand side of type declaration"
checkTypeVars :: String -> [Ident] -> TSCM ()
checkTypeVars _ [] = ok
checkTypeVars what (tv : tvs) = do
unless (isAnonId tv) $ do
isTypeConstrOrClass <- (not . null . lookupTypeKind tv) <$> getTypeEnv
when isTypeConstrOrClass $ report $ errNoVariable tv what
when (tv `elem` tvs) $ report $ errNonLinear tv what
checkTypeVars what tvs
checkEquation :: Equation a -> TSCM (Equation a)
checkEquation (Equation p lhs rhs) = Equation p lhs <$> checkRhs rhs
checkRhs :: Rhs a -> TSCM (Rhs a)
checkRhs (SimpleRhs spi e ds) = SimpleRhs spi <$> checkExpr e
<*> mapM checkDecl ds
checkRhs (GuardedRhs spi es ds) = GuardedRhs spi <$> mapM checkCondExpr es
<*> mapM checkDecl ds
checkCondExpr :: CondExpr a -> TSCM (CondExpr a)
checkCondExpr (CondExpr spi g e) = CondExpr spi <$> checkExpr g <*> checkExpr e
checkExpr :: Expression a -> TSCM (Expression a)
checkExpr l@(Literal _ _ _) = return l
checkExpr v@(Variable _ _ _) = return v
checkExpr c@(Constructor _ _ _) = return c
checkExpr (Paren spi e) = Paren spi <$> checkExpr e
checkExpr (Typed spi e qty) = Typed spi <$> checkExpr e
<*> checkQualType qty
checkExpr (Record spi a c fs) =
Record spi a c <$> mapM checkFieldExpr fs
checkExpr (RecordUpdate spi e fs) =
RecordUpdate spi <$> checkExpr e <*> mapM checkFieldExpr fs
checkExpr (Tuple spi es) = Tuple spi <$> mapM checkExpr es
checkExpr (List spi a es) = List spi a <$> mapM checkExpr es
checkExpr (ListCompr spi e qs) = ListCompr spi <$> checkExpr e
<*> mapM checkStmt qs
checkExpr (EnumFrom spi e) = EnumFrom spi <$> checkExpr e
checkExpr (EnumFromThen spi e1 e2) = EnumFromThen spi <$> checkExpr e1
<*> checkExpr e2
checkExpr (EnumFromTo spi e1 e2) = EnumFromTo spi <$> checkExpr e1
<*> checkExpr e2
checkExpr (EnumFromThenTo spi e1 e2 e3) = EnumFromThenTo spi <$> checkExpr e1
<*> checkExpr e2
<*> checkExpr e3
checkExpr (UnaryMinus spi e) = UnaryMinus spi <$> checkExpr e
checkExpr (Apply spi e1 e2) = Apply spi <$> checkExpr e1
<*> checkExpr e2
checkExpr (InfixApply spi e1 op e2) = InfixApply spi <$> checkExpr e1
<*> return op
<*> checkExpr e2
checkExpr (LeftSection spi e op) =
flip (LeftSection spi) op <$> checkExpr e
checkExpr (RightSection spi op e) = RightSection spi op <$> checkExpr e
checkExpr (Lambda spi ts e) = Lambda spi ts <$> checkExpr e
checkExpr (Let spi ds e) = Let spi <$> mapM checkDecl ds
<*> checkExpr e
checkExpr (Do spi sts e) = Do spi <$> mapM checkStmt sts
<*> checkExpr e
checkExpr (IfThenElse spi e1 e2 e3) = IfThenElse spi <$> checkExpr e1
<*> checkExpr e2
<*> checkExpr e3
checkExpr (Case spi ct e alts) = Case spi ct <$> checkExpr e
<*> mapM checkAlt alts
checkStmt :: Statement a -> TSCM (Statement a)
checkStmt (StmtExpr spi e) = StmtExpr spi <$> checkExpr e
checkStmt (StmtBind spi t e) = StmtBind spi t <$> checkExpr e
checkStmt (StmtDecl spi ds) = StmtDecl spi <$> mapM checkDecl ds
checkAlt :: Alt a -> TSCM (Alt a)
checkAlt (Alt spi t rhs) = Alt spi t <$> checkRhs rhs
checkFieldExpr :: Field (Expression a) -> TSCM (Field (Expression a))
checkFieldExpr (Field spi l e) = Field spi l <$> checkExpr e
checkQualType :: QualTypeExpr -> TSCM QualTypeExpr
checkQualType (QualTypeExpr spi cx ty) = do
ty' <- checkType ty
cx' <- checkClosedContext (fv ty') cx
return $ QualTypeExpr spi cx' ty'
checkClosedContext :: [Ident] -> Context -> TSCM Context
checkClosedContext tvs cx = do
cx' <- checkContext cx
mapM_ (\(Constraint _ _ ty) -> checkClosed tvs ty) cx'
return cx'
checkContext :: Context -> TSCM Context
checkContext = mapM checkConstraint
checkConstraint :: Constraint -> TSCM Constraint
checkConstraint c@(Constraint spi qcls ty) = do
checkClass qcls
ty' <- checkType ty
unless (isVariableType $ rootType ty') $ report $ errIllegalConstraint c
return $ Constraint spi qcls ty'
rootType (ApplyType _ ty' _) = ty'
rootType ty' = ty'
checkClass :: QualIdent -> TSCM ()
checkClass qcls = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tEnv <- getTypeEnv
case qualLookupTypeKind qcls tEnv of
[] -> report $ errUndefinedClass qcls
[Class _ _] -> ok
[_] -> report $ errUndefinedClass qcls
tks -> case qualLookupTypeKind (qualQualify m qcls) tEnv of
[Class _ _] -> ok
[_] -> report $ errUndefinedClass qcls
_ -> report $ errAmbiguousIdent qcls $ map origName tks
checkClosedType :: [Ident] -> TypeExpr -> TSCM TypeExpr
checkClosedType tvs ty = do
ty' <- checkType ty
checkClosed tvs ty'
return ty'
checkType :: TypeExpr -> TSCM TypeExpr
checkType c@(ConstructorType spi tc) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tEnv <- getTypeEnv
case qualLookupTypeKind tc tEnv of
| isQTupleId tc -> return c
| not (isQualified tc) -> return $ VariableType spi $ unqualify tc
| otherwise -> report (errUndefinedType tc) >> return c
[Class _ _] -> report (errUndefinedType tc) >> return c
[_] -> return c
tks -> case qualLookupTypeKind (qualQualify m tc) tEnv of
[Class _ _] -> report (errUndefinedType tc) >> return c
[_] -> return c
_ -> report (errAmbiguousIdent tc $ map origName tks) >> return c
checkType (ApplyType spi ty1 ty2) = ApplyType spi <$> checkType ty1
<*> checkType ty2
checkType v@(VariableType spi tv)
| isAnonId tv = return v
| otherwise = checkType $ ConstructorType spi (qualify tv)
checkType (TupleType spi tys) = TupleType spi <$> mapM checkType tys
checkType (ListType spi ty) = ListType spi <$> checkType ty
checkType (ArrowType spi ty1 ty2) = ArrowType spi <$> checkType ty1
<*> checkType ty2
checkType (ParenType spi ty) = ParenType spi <$> checkType ty
checkType (ForallType spi vs ty) = ForallType spi vs <$> checkType ty
checkClosed :: [Ident] -> TypeExpr -> TSCM ()
checkClosed _ (ConstructorType _ _) = ok
checkClosed tvs (ApplyType _ ty1 ty2) = mapM_ (checkClosed tvs) [ty1, ty2]
checkClosed tvs (VariableType _ tv) =
when (isAnonId tv || tv `notElem` tvs) $ report $ errUnboundVariable tv
checkClosed tvs (TupleType _ tys) = mapM_ (checkClosed tvs) tys
checkClosed tvs (ListType _ ty) = checkClosed tvs ty
checkClosed tvs (ArrowType _ ty1 ty2) = mapM_ (checkClosed tvs) [ty1, ty2]
checkClosed tvs (ParenType _ ty) = checkClosed tvs ty
checkClosed tvs (ForallType _ vs ty) = checkClosed (tvs ++ vs) ty
checkUsedExtension :: Position -> String -> KnownExtension -> TSCM ()
checkUsedExtension pos msg ext = do
enabled <- hasExtension ext
unless enabled $ do
report $ errMissingLanguageExtension pos msg ext
enableExtension ext
getIdent :: Decl a -> Ident
getIdent (DataDecl _ tc _ _ _) = tc
getIdent (ExternalDataDecl _ tc _) = tc
getIdent (NewtypeDecl _ tc _ _ _) = tc
getIdent (TypeDecl _ tc _ _) = tc
getIdent (ClassDecl _ _ cls _ _) = cls
getIdent _ =
internalError "Checks.TypeSyntaxCheck.getIdent: no type or class declaration"
isTypeSyn :: QualIdent -> TypeEnv -> Bool
isTypeSyn tc tEnv = case qualLookupTypeKind tc tEnv of
[Alias _] -> True
_ -> False
errMultipleDefaultDeclarations :: [Position] -> Message
errMultipleDefaultDeclarations ps = posMessage (head ps) $
text "More than one default declaration:" $+$
nest 2 (vcat $ map showPos ps)
where showPos = text . showLine
errMultipleDeclarations :: [Ident] -> Message
errMultipleDeclarations is = posMessage i $
text "Multiple declarations of" <+> text (escName i) <+> text "at:" $+$
nest 2 (vcat $ map showPos is)
where i = head is
showPos = text . showLine . getPosition
errMissingLanguageExtension :: Position -> String -> KnownExtension -> Message
errMissingLanguageExtension p what ext = posMessage p $
text what <+> text "are not supported in standard Curry." $+$
nest 2 (text "Use flag -X" <+> text (show ext)
<+> text "to enable this extension.")
errUndefined :: String -> QualIdent -> Message
errUndefined what qident = posMessage qident $ hsep $ map text
["Undefined", what, qualName qident]
errUndefinedClass :: QualIdent -> Message
errUndefinedClass = errUndefined "class"
errUndefinedType :: QualIdent -> Message
errUndefinedType = errUndefined "type"
errAmbiguousIdent :: QualIdent -> [QualIdent] -> Message
errAmbiguousIdent qident qidents = posMessage qident $
text "Ambiguous identifier" <+> text (escQualName qident) $+$
text "It could refer to:" $+$ nest 2 (vcat (map (text . qualName) qidents))
errAmbiguousType :: Position -> Ident -> Message
errAmbiguousType p ident = posMessage p $ hsep $ map text
[ "Method type does not mention class variable", idName ident ]
errConstrainedClassVariable :: Position -> Ident -> Message
errConstrainedClassVariable p ident = posMessage p $ hsep $ map text
[ "Method context must not constrain class variable", idName ident ]
errNonLinear :: Ident -> String -> Message
errNonLinear tv what = posMessage tv $ hsep $ map text
[ "Type variable", idName tv, "occurs more than once in", what ]
errNoVariable :: Ident -> String -> Message
errNoVariable tv what = posMessage tv $ hsep $ map text $
[ "Type constructor or type class identifier", idName tv, "used in", what ]
errUnboundVariable :: Ident -> Message
errUnboundVariable tv = posMessage tv $ hsep $ map text
[ "Unbound type variable", idName tv ]
errIllegalConstraint :: Constraint -> Message
errIllegalConstraint c@(Constraint _ qcls _) = posMessage qcls $ vcat
[ text "Illegal class constraint" <+> ppConstraint c
, text "Constraints must be of the form C u or C (u t1 ... tn),"
, text "where C is a type class, u is a type variable and t1, ..., tn are types."
errIllegalSimpleConstraint :: Constraint -> Message
errIllegalSimpleConstraint c@(Constraint _ qcls _) = posMessage qcls $ vcat
[ text "Illegal class constraint" <+> ppConstraint c
, text "Constraints in class and instance declarations must be of"
, text "the form C u, where C is a type class and u is a type variable."
errIllegalInstanceType :: Position -> InstanceType -> Message
errIllegalInstanceType p inst = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Illegal instance type" <+> ppInstanceType inst
, text "The instance type must be of the form (T u_1 ... u_n),"
, text "where T is not a type synonym and u_1, ..., u_n are"
, text "mutually distinct, non-anonymous type variables."