module Env.Value
( ValueEnv, ValueInfo (..)
, bindGlobalInfo, bindFun, qualBindFun, rebindFun, unbindFun
, lookupValue, qualLookupValue, qualLookupValueUnique
, initDCEnv
, ValueType (..), bindLocalVars, bindLocalVar
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.Pretty (Pretty(..))
import Base.Messages (internalError)
import Base.PrettyTypes ()
import Base.TopEnv
import Base.Types
import Base.Utils ((++!))
import Text.PrettyPrint
data ValueInfo
= DataConstructor QualIdent Int [Ident] TypeScheme
| NewtypeConstructor QualIdent Ident TypeScheme
| Value QualIdent Bool Int TypeScheme
| Label QualIdent [QualIdent] TypeScheme
deriving Show
instance Entity ValueInfo where
origName (DataConstructor orgName _ _ _) = orgName
origName (NewtypeConstructor orgName _ _) = orgName
origName (Value orgName _ _ _) = orgName
origName (Label orgName _ _) = orgName
merge (DataConstructor c1 ar1 ls1 ty1) (DataConstructor c2 ar2 ls2 ty2)
| c1 == c2 && ar1 == ar2 && ty1 == ty2 = do
ls' <- sequence (zipWith mergeLabel ls1 ls2)
Just (DataConstructor c1 ar1 ls' ty1)
merge (NewtypeConstructor c1 l1 ty1) (NewtypeConstructor c2 l2 ty2)
| c1 == c2 && ty1 == ty2 = do
l' <- mergeLabel l1 l2
Just (NewtypeConstructor c1 l' ty1)
merge (Value x1 ar1 cm1 ty1) (Value x2 ar2 cm2 ty2)
| x1 == x2 && ar1 == ar2 && cm1 == cm2 && ty1 == ty2 =
Just (Value x1 ar1 cm1 ty1)
merge (Label l1 cs1 ty1) (Label l2 cs2 ty2)
| l1 == l2 && cs1 == cs2 && ty1 == ty2 = Just (Label l1 cs1 ty1)
merge _ _ = Nothing
instance Pretty ValueInfo where
pPrint (DataConstructor qid ar _ tySc) = text "data" <+> pPrint qid
<> text "/" <> int ar
<+> equals <+> pPrint tySc
pPrint (NewtypeConstructor qid _ tySc) = text "newtype" <+> pPrint qid
<+> equals <+> pPrint tySc
pPrint (Value qid _ ar tySc) = pPrint qid
<> text "/" <> int ar
<+> equals <+> pPrint tySc
pPrint (Label qid _ tySc) = text "label" <+> pPrint qid
<+> equals <+> pPrint tySc
mergeLabel :: Ident -> Ident -> Maybe Ident
mergeLabel l1 l2
| l1 == anonId = Just l2
| l2 == anonId = Just l1
| l1 == l2 = Just l1
| otherwise = Nothing
type ValueEnv = TopEnv ValueInfo
bindGlobalInfo :: (QualIdent -> a -> ValueInfo) -> ModuleIdent -> Ident -> a
-> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindGlobalInfo f m c ty = bindTopEnv c v . qualBindTopEnv qc v
where qc = qualifyWith m c
v = f qc ty
bindFun :: ModuleIdent -> Ident -> Bool -> Int -> TypeScheme -> ValueEnv
-> ValueEnv
bindFun m f cm a ty
| hasGlobalScope f = bindTopEnv f v . qualBindTopEnv qf v
| otherwise = bindTopEnv f v
where qf = qualifyWith m f
v = Value qf cm a ty
qualBindFun :: ModuleIdent -> Ident -> Bool -> Int -> TypeScheme -> ValueEnv
-> ValueEnv
qualBindFun m f cm a ty = qualBindTopEnv qf $ Value qf cm a ty
where qf = qualifyWith m f
rebindFun :: ModuleIdent -> Ident -> Bool -> Int -> TypeScheme -> ValueEnv
-> ValueEnv
rebindFun m f cm a ty
| hasGlobalScope f = rebindTopEnv f v . qualRebindTopEnv qf v
| otherwise = rebindTopEnv f v
where qf = qualifyWith m f
v = Value qf cm a ty
unbindFun :: Ident -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
unbindFun = unbindTopEnv
lookupValue :: Ident -> ValueEnv -> [ValueInfo]
lookupValue x tyEnv = lookupTopEnv x tyEnv ++! lookupTuple x
qualLookupValue :: QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> [ValueInfo]
qualLookupValue x tyEnv = qualLookupTopEnv x tyEnv
++! lookupTuple (unqualify x)
qualLookupValueUnique :: ModuleIdent -> QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> [ValueInfo]
qualLookupValueUnique m x tyEnv = case qualLookupValue x tyEnv of
[] -> []
[v] -> [v]
vs -> case qualLookupValue (qualQualify m x) tyEnv of
[] -> vs
[v] -> [v]
qvs -> qvs
lookupTuple :: Ident -> [ValueInfo]
lookupTuple c | isTupleId c = [tupleDCs !! (tupleArity c - 2)]
| otherwise = []
tupleDCs :: [ValueInfo]
tupleDCs = map dataInfo tupleData
where dataInfo (DataConstr _ tys) =
let n = length tys
in DataConstructor (qTupleId n) n (replicate n anonId) $
ForAll n $ predType $ foldr TypeArrow (tupleType tys) tys
dataInfo (RecordConstr _ _ _) =
internalError $ "Env.Value.tupleDCs: " ++ show tupleDCs
initDCEnv :: ValueEnv
initDCEnv = foldr predefDC emptyTopEnv
[ (c, length tys, constrType (polyType ty) tys)
| (ty, cs) <- predefTypes, DataConstr c tys <- cs ]
where predefDC (c, a, ty) = predefTopEnv c' (DataConstructor c' a ls ty)
where ls = replicate a anonId
c' = qualify c
constrType (ForAll n (PredType ps ty)) =
ForAll n . PredType ps . foldr TypeArrow ty
class ValueType t where
toValueType :: Type -> t
fromValueType :: t -> PredType
instance ValueType Type where
toValueType = id
fromValueType = predType
instance ValueType PredType where
toValueType = predType
fromValueType = id
bindLocalVars :: ValueType t => [(Ident, Int, t)] -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindLocalVars = flip $ foldr bindLocalVar
bindLocalVar :: ValueType t => (Ident, Int, t) -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindLocalVar (v, a, ty) =
bindTopEnv v $ Value (qualify v) False a $ typeScheme $ fromValueType ty