module Darcs.Util.Exception
    ( firstJustIO
    , catchall
    , catchNonExistence
    , clarifyErrors
    , prettyException
    , prettyError
    , die
    , handleOnly
    , handleOnlyIOError
    , ifIOError
    , ifDoesNotExistError
    ) where

import Darcs.Prelude

import Control.Exception
    ( Exception(fromException)
    , SomeException
    , catch
    , handle
    , throwIO
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )

import System.Exit ( exitFailure )
import System.IO ( stderr, hPutStrLn )
import System.IO.Error
    ( ioeGetErrorString
    , ioeGetFileName
    , isDoesNotExistError
    , isUserError

import Darcs.Util.SignalHandler ( catchNonSignal )

catchall :: IO a
         -> IO a
         -> IO a
a `catchall` b = a `catchNonSignal` (\_ -> b)

catchNonExistence :: IO a -> a -> IO a
catchNonExistence job nonexistval =
    catch job $
    \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return nonexistval
                                   else ioError e

-- | The firstJustM returns the first Just entry in a list of monadic
-- operations. This is close to `listToMaybe `fmap` sequence`, but the sequence
-- operator evaluates all monadic members of the list before passing it along
-- (i.e. sequence is strict). The firstJustM is lazy in that list member monads
-- are only evaluated up to the point where the first Just entry is obtained.
firstJustM :: Monad m
           => [m (Maybe a)]
           -> m (Maybe a)
firstJustM [] = return Nothing
firstJustM (e:es) = e >>= (\v -> if isJust v then return v else firstJustM es)

-- | The firstJustIO is a slight modification to firstJustM: the entries in the
-- list must be IO monad operations and the firstJustIO will silently turn any
-- monad call that throws an exception into Nothing, basically causing it to be
-- ignored.
firstJustIO :: [IO (Maybe a)]
            -> IO (Maybe a)
firstJustIO = firstJustM . map (`catchall` return Nothing)

clarifyErrors :: IO a
              -> String
              -> IO a
clarifyErrors a e = a `catch` (\x -> die $ unlines [prettyException x,e])

prettyException :: SomeException
                -> String
prettyException e | Just ioe <- fromException e, isUserError ioe = ioeGetErrorString ioe
prettyException e | Just ioe <- fromException e, isDoesNotExistError ioe =
  case ioeGetFileName ioe of
    Just f  -> f ++ " does not exist"
    Nothing -> show e
prettyException e = show e

prettyError :: IOError -> String
prettyError e | isUserError e = ioeGetErrorString e
              | otherwise = show e

-- | Terminate the program with an error message.
die :: String -> IO a
die msg = hPutStrLn stderr msg >> exitFailure

-- | Handle only actual IO exceptions i.e. not "user errors" e.g. those raised
-- by calling 'fail'.
-- We use 'fail' all over the place to signify erroneous conditions and we
-- normally don't want to handle such errors.
handleOnlyIOError :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a
handleOnlyIOError = handleOnly (not . isUserError)

-- | Like 'handleOnlyIOError' but restricted to returning a given value.
ifIOError :: a -> IO a -> IO a
ifIOError use_instead = handleOnlyIOError (return use_instead)

-- | Like 'ifIOError' but restricted to handling non-existence.
ifDoesNotExistError :: a -> IO a -> IO a
ifDoesNotExistError use_instead = handleOnly isDoesNotExistError (return use_instead)

-- | Handle only a those exceptions for which the predicate succeeds.
handleOnly :: Exception e => (e -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO a -> IO a
handleOnly pred handler = handle (\e -> if pred e then handler else throwIO e)