Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype Many xs = Many (Seq Any)
- class IsMany t xs a where
- fromMany' :: IsMany Tagged xs a => Many xs -> a
- toMany' :: IsMany Tagged xs a => a -> Many xs
- nil :: Many '[]
- single :: x -> Many '[x]
- prefix :: x -> Many xs -> Many (x ': xs)
- (./) :: x -> Many xs -> Many (x ': xs)
- postfix :: Many xs -> y -> Many (Append xs '[y])
- postfix' :: forall y xs. MaybeUniqueMember y xs => Many xs -> y -> Many (SnocUnique xs y)
- (\.) :: Many xs -> y -> Many (Append xs '[y])
- append :: Many xs -> Many ys -> Many (Append xs ys)
- class CanAppendUnique xs ys where
- (/./) :: Many xs -> Many ys -> Many (Append xs ys)
- viewf :: Many (x ': xs) -> (x, Many xs)
- viewb :: Many (x ': xs) -> (Many (Init (x ': xs)), Last (x ': xs))
- front :: Many (x ': xs) -> x
- back :: Many (x ': xs) -> Last (x ': xs)
- aft :: Many (x ': xs) -> Many xs
- fore :: Many (x ': xs) -> Many (Init (x ': xs))
- fetch :: forall x xs. UniqueMember x xs => Many xs -> x
- fetchL :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x
- fetchTag :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, Tagged l x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x
- fetchN :: forall n x xs. MemberAt n x xs => Many xs -> x
- replace :: forall x y xs. UniqueMember x xs => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace x y xs)
- replace' :: forall x xs. UniqueMember x xs => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
- replaceL :: forall l y xs x. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace x y xs)
- replaceL' :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
- replaceTag :: forall l x y xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace x (Tagged l y) xs)
- replaceTag' :: forall l xs x. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, Tagged l x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
- replaceN :: forall n x y xs. MemberAt n x xs => Many xs -> y -> Many (ReplaceIndex n y xs)
- replaceN' :: forall n x xs. MemberAt n x xs => Many xs -> x -> Many xs
- type Select smaller larger = AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseSelect smaller larger) larger) (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny))
- select :: forall smaller larger. Select smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller
- selectL :: forall ls smaller larger. (Select smaller larger, smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger, IsDistinct ls, UniqueLabels ls larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller
- type SelectN ns smaller larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseSelectN ns smaller) 0 larger) (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny)), smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger, IsDistinct ns)
- selectN :: forall ns smaller larger. SelectN ns smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller
- type Amend smaller smaller' larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseAmend larger) (Zip smaller smaller')) (Int, WrappedAny), IsDistinct smaller)
- amend :: forall smaller smaller' larger larger'. (Amend smaller smaller' larger, larger' ~ Replaces smaller smaller' larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger'
- type Amend' smaller larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseAmend' larger) smaller) (Int, WrappedAny), IsDistinct smaller)
- amend' :: forall smaller larger. Amend' smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger
- amendL :: forall ls smaller smaller' larger larger'. (Amend smaller smaller' larger, smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger, IsDistinct ls, UniqueLabels ls larger, larger' ~ Replaces smaller smaller' larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger'
- amendL' :: forall ls smaller larger. (Amend' smaller larger, smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger, IsDistinct ls, UniqueLabels ls larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger
- type AmendN ns smaller smaller' larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseAmendN ns larger) 0 (Zip smaller smaller')) (Int, WrappedAny), smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger, IsDistinct ns)
- amendN :: forall ns smaller smaller' larger larger'. (AmendN ns smaller smaller' larger, larger' ~ ReplacesIndex ns smaller' larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger'
- type AmendN' ns smaller larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseAmendN' ns larger) 0 smaller) (Int, WrappedAny), smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger, IsDistinct ns)
- amendN' :: forall ns smaller larger. AmendN' ns smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger
- type Collect c r xs = (AFoldable (Collector c xs) r, Case (c r) xs)
- data Collector c xs r
- forMany :: Collect c r xs => c r xs -> Many xs -> Collector c xs r
- collect :: Collect c r xs => Many xs -> c r xs -> Collector c xs r
- type CollectN c r n xs = (AFoldable (CollectorN c n xs) r, Case (c r n) xs)
- data CollectorN c n xs r
- forManyN :: CollectN c r n xs => c r n xs -> Many xs -> CollectorN c n xs r
- collectN :: CollectN c r n xs => Many xs -> c r n xs -> CollectorN c n xs r
A Many is an anonymous product type (also know as polymorphic record), with no limit on the number of fields.
The following functions are available can be used to manipulate unique fields
- getter/setter for single field:
- getter/setter for multiple fields:
- folds:
These functions are type specified. This means labels are not required because the types themselves can be used to access the 'Many. It is a compile error to use those functions for duplicate fields.
For duplicate fields, Nat-indexed versions of the functions are available:
- getter/setter for single field:
- getter/setter for multiple fields:
- folds:
Encoding: The record is encoded as (S.Seq Any). This encoding should reasonabily efficient for any number of fields.
The map Key is index + offset of the type in the typelist.
The Offset is used to allow efficient cons prefix
Key = Index of type in typelist + Offset
The constructor will guarantee the correct number and types of the elements. The constructor is only exported in the Data.Diverse.Many.Internal module
AFunctor Many_ c as => AFunctor Many c as Source # | Given a |
Eq (Many_ xs) => Eq (Many xs) Source # | Two |
Ord (Many_ xs) => Ord (Many xs) Source # | Two |
Read (Many_ xs) => Read (Many xs) Source # | read "5 . False . |
Show (Many_ xs) => Show (Many xs) Source # | show (5 :: Int) |
Generic (Many ((:) Type x xs)) Source # | A |
Generic (Many ([] Type)) Source # | |
Semigroup (Many_ xs) => Semigroup (Many xs) Source # | |
Monoid (Many_ xs) => Monoid (Many xs) Source # | |
(NFData x, NFData (Many xs)) => NFData (Many ((:) * x xs)) Source # | |
NFData (Many ([] Type)) Source # | |
type Rep (Many ((:) Type x xs)) Source # | |
type Rep (Many ([] Type)) Source # | |
class IsMany t xs a where Source #
This instance allows converting to and from Many There are instances for converting tuples of up to size 15.
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ([] Type) () Source # | These instances add about 7 seconds to the compile time! |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ([] Type)) a Source # | This single field instance is the reason for |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ([] Type))) (a, b) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ([] Type)))) (a, b, c) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ([] Type))))) (a, b, c, d) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ([] Type)))))) (a, b, c, d, e) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ([] Type))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ([] Type)))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ([] Type))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ((:) Type i ([] Type)))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ((:) Type i ((:) Type j ([] Type))))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ((:) Type i ((:) Type j ((:) Type k ([] Type)))))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ((:) Type i ((:) Type j ((:) Type k ((:) Type l ([] Type))))))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ((:) Type i ((:) Type j ((:) Type k ((:) Type l ((:) Type m ([] Type)))))))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ((:) Type i ((:) Type j ((:) Type k ((:) Type l ((:) Type m ((:) Type n ([] Type))))))))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n) Source # | |
IsMany * (Tagged [Type]) ((:) Type a ((:) Type b ((:) Type c ((:) Type d ((:) Type e ((:) Type f ((:) Type g ((:) Type h ((:) Type i ((:) Type j ((:) Type k ((:) Type l ((:) Type m ((:) Type n ((:) Type o ([] Type)))))))))))))))) (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o) Source # | |
fromMany' :: IsMany Tagged xs a => Many xs -> a Source #
Converts from a Many to a value (eg a tuple), via a Tagged wrapper
prefix :: x -> Many xs -> Many (x ': xs) infixr 5 Source #
Add an element to the left of a Many.
Not named cons
to avoid conflict with cons
postfix :: Many xs -> y -> Many (Append xs '[y]) infixl 5 Source #
Add an element to the right of a Many
Not named snoc
to avoid conflict with snoc
postfix' :: forall y xs. MaybeUniqueMember y xs => Many xs -> y -> Many (SnocUnique xs y) infixl 5 Source #
Add an element to the right of a Many iff the field doesn't already exist.
class CanAppendUnique xs ys where Source #
Minimal complete definition
append' :: Many xs -> Many ys -> Many (AppendUnique xs ys) infixr 5 Source #
Appends the unique fields fields from the right Many using postfix'
CanAppendUnique xs ([] Type) Source # | |
(MaybeUniqueMember Type y xs, CanAppendUnique (SnocUnique Type xs y) ys, (~) [Type] (AppendUnique Type (SnocUnique Type xs y) ys) (AppendUnique Type xs ((:) Type y ys))) => CanAppendUnique xs ((:) Type y ys) Source # | |
Simple queries
viewf :: Many (x ': xs) -> (x, Many xs) Source #
Split a non-empty Many into the first element, then the rest of the Many.
Analogous to viewl
viewb :: Many (x ': xs) -> (Many (Init (x ': xs)), Last (x ': xs)) Source #
Split a non-empty Many into initial part of Many, and the last element.
Analogous to viewr
front :: Many (x ': xs) -> x Source #
Extract the first element of a Many, which guaranteed to be non-empty.
Analogous to head
aft :: Many (x ': xs) -> Many xs Source #
Extract the elements after the front of a Many, which guaranteed to be non-empty.
Analogous to tail
Single field
Getter for single field
fetch :: forall x xs. UniqueMember x xs => Many xs -> x Source #
fetchL :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x Source #
fetchTag :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, Tagged l x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x Source #
Setter for single field
replaceL :: forall l y xs x. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace x y xs) Source #
Polymorphic setter by unique type. Set the field with type x
, and replace with type y
let y = (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @Foo 'X'./
Tagged @"Hello" (6 :: Int)./
replaceL @Foo y (Tagged @Bar 'Y')shouldBe
(5 :: Int)./
Hello (6 :: Int)Y
replaceL @"Hello" y (Tagged @"Hello" False) `shouldBe` (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @Foo 'X'./
Tagged @"Hello" False./
replaceL' :: forall l x xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x -> Many xs Source #
Setter by unique label. Set the field with label l
let y = (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @Foo 'X'./
Tagged @"Hello" (6 :: Int)./
@Foo y (Tagged @Foo 'Y') `shouldBe` (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @Foo 'Y'./
Tagged @"Hello" (6 :: Int)./
@"Hello" y (Tagged @"Hello" 7) `shouldBe` (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @Foo 'X'./
Tagged @"Hello" (7 :: Int)./
replaceTag :: forall l x y xs. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> y -> Many (Replace x (Tagged l y) xs) Source #
replaceTag' :: forall l xs x. (UniqueLabelMember l xs, Tagged l x ~ KindAtLabel l xs) => Many xs -> x -> Many xs Source #
replaceN :: forall n x y xs. MemberAt n x xs => Many xs -> y -> Many (ReplaceIndex n y xs) Source #
Polymorphic version of replaceN'
Multiple fields
Getter for multiple fields
type Select smaller larger = AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseSelect smaller larger) larger) (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny)) Source #
A friendlier type constraint synomyn for select
select :: forall smaller larger. Select smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller Source #
Construct a Many
with a smaller number of fields than the original.
Analogous to fetch
getter but for multiple fields.
This can also be used to reorder fields in the original Many
let x = (5 :: Int)./
Just 'O'./
(6 :: Int)./
Just 'A'./
@'[Bool, Char] x `shouldBe` False./
selectL :: forall ls smaller larger. (Select smaller larger, smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger, IsDistinct ls, UniqueLabels ls larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller Source #
A variation of select
which selects by labels
let x = False./
Tagged @"Hi" (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @Foo False./
Tagged @Bar 'X'./
Tagged @"Bye"O
@'[Foo, Bar] x `shouldBe` Tagged @Foo False./
Tagged @Bar 'X'./
@'["Hi", "Bye"] x `shouldBe` Tagged @"Hi" (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @"Bye" 'O'./
type SelectN ns smaller larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseSelectN ns smaller) 0 larger) (Maybe (Int, WrappedAny)), smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger, IsDistinct ns) Source #
A friendlier type constraint synomyn for selectN
selectN :: forall ns smaller larger. SelectN ns smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller Source #
A variation of select
which uses a Nat list n
to specify how to reorder the fields, where
indices[branch_idx] = tree_idx@
This variation allows smaller
or larger
to contain indistinct since
the mapping is specified by indicies
let x = (5 :: Int)./
Just 'O'./
(6 :: Int)./
Just 'A'./
@'[5, 4, 0] x `shouldBe` Just 'A'./
(6 :: Int)./
(5 ::Int)./
Setter for multiple fields
type Amend smaller smaller' larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseAmend larger) (Zip smaller smaller')) (Int, WrappedAny), IsDistinct smaller) Source #
A friendlier type constraint synomyn for amend
amend :: forall smaller smaller' larger larger'. (Amend smaller smaller' larger, larger' ~ Replaces smaller smaller' larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger' Source #
type Amend' smaller larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAny (CaseAmend' larger) smaller) (Int, WrappedAny), IsDistinct smaller) Source #
A friendlier type constraint synomyn for amend'
amend' :: forall smaller larger. Amend' smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger Source #
amendL :: forall ls smaller smaller' larger larger'. (Amend smaller smaller' larger, smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger, IsDistinct ls, UniqueLabels ls larger, larger' ~ Replaces smaller smaller' larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger' Source #
A variation of amend
which amends via labels.
let x = False./
Tagged @"Hi" (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @Foo False./
Tagged @BarX
Tagged @"Bye" 'O'./
@'[Foo, Bar] x ('Y'./
l) `shouldBe` False./
Tagged @"Hi" (5 :: Int)./
Tagged @"Bye" 'O'./
@'["Hi", "Bye"] x (True./
Tagged @"Changed" True./
) `shouldBe` False./
Tagged @Foo False./
Tagged @Bar 'X'./
Tagged @"Changed" True./
amendL' :: forall ls smaller larger. (Amend' smaller larger, smaller ~ KindsAtLabels ls larger, IsDistinct ls, UniqueLabels ls larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger Source #
A variation of amend'
which amends via labels.
let x = False . Tagged @"Hi" (5 :: Int) . Tagged @Foo False . Tagged @Bar 'X' . Tagged @"Bye" 'O' ./nil
@'[Foo, Bar] x (Tagged @Foo True . Tagged @Bar 'Y' . nil)shouldBe
False . Tagged @"Hi" (5 :: Int) . Tagged @Foo True . Tagged @Bar 'Y' . Tagged @"Bye" 'O' ./nil
@'["Hi", "Bye"] x (Tagged @"Hi" (6 :: Int) . Tagged @"Bye" 'P' . nil)shouldBe
False . Tagged @"Hi" (6 :: Int) . Tagged @Foo False . Tagged @Bar 'X' . Tagged @"Bye" 'P' ./nil
type AmendN ns smaller smaller' larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseAmendN ns larger) 0 (Zip smaller smaller')) (Int, WrappedAny), smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger, IsDistinct ns) Source #
A friendlier type constraint synomyn for amendN
amendN :: forall ns smaller smaller' larger larger'. (AmendN ns smaller smaller' larger, larger' ~ ReplacesIndex ns smaller' larger) => Many larger -> Many smaller' -> Many larger' Source #
A polymorphic variation of amendN'
type AmendN' ns smaller larger = (AFoldable (CollectorAnyN (CaseAmendN' ns larger) 0 smaller) (Int, WrappedAny), smaller ~ KindsAtIndices ns larger, IsDistinct ns) Source #
A friendlier type constraint synomyn for amendN'
amendN' :: forall ns smaller larger. AmendN' ns smaller larger => Many larger -> Many smaller -> Many larger Source #
A variation of amend'
which uses a Nat list n
to specify how to reorder the fields, where
indices[branch_idx] = tree_idx@
This variation allows smaller
or larger
to contain indistinct since
the mapping is specified by indicies
let x = (5 :: Int)./
Just 'O'./
(6 :: Int)./
Just 'A'./
@'[5, 4, 0] x (Just 'B'./
(8 :: Int)./
(4 ::Int)./
) `shouldBe` (4 :: Int)./
Just 'O'./
(8 :: Int)./
Just 'B'./
By type
data Collector c xs r Source #
Collects the output from case'
ing each field in a Many
Uses Reiterate
to prepare the Case
to accept the next type in the xs
Internally, this holds the left-over [(k, v)] from the original Many
for the remaining typelist xs
That is, the first v in the (k, v) is of type x
, and the length of the list is equal to the length of xs
(Case (c r) ((:) Type x xs), Reiterate (c r) ((:) Type x xs), AFoldable (Collector * c xs) r, (~) * r (CaseResult * Type (c r) x)) => AFoldable (Collector * c ((:) Type x xs)) r Source # | |
AFoldable (Collector * c ([] Type)) r Source # | nill case that doesn't even use |
forMany :: Collect c r xs => c r xs -> Many xs -> Collector c xs r Source #
Folds any Many
, even with indistinct types.
Given distinct handlers for the fields in Many
, create AFoldable
of the results of running the handlers over the fields in Many
let x = (5 :: Int)./
Just 'O'./
(6 :: Int)./
Just 'A'./
y = show @Int./
show @Char./
show @(Maybe Char)./
show @Bool./
(:) [] (forMany
y) x) `shouldBe` ["5", "False", "'X'", "Just 'O'", "6", "Just 'A'"]
By Nat index offset
data CollectorN c n xs r Source #
A variation of Collector
which uses ReiterateN
instead of Reiterate
(Case (c r n) ((:) Type x xs), ReiterateN (c r) n ((:) Type x xs), AFoldable (CollectorN * c ((+) n 1) xs) r, (~) * r (CaseResult * Type (c r n) x)) => AFoldable (CollectorN * c n ((:) Type x xs)) r Source # | Folds values by |
AFoldable (CollectorN * c n ([] Type)) r Source # | nill case that doesn't even use |
forManyN :: CollectN c r n xs => c r n xs -> Many xs -> CollectorN c n xs r Source #
Folds any Many
, even with indistinct types.
Given index handlers for the fields in Many
, create AFoldable
of the results of running the handlers over the fields in Many
let x = (5 :: Int)./
Just 'O'./
(6 :: Int)./
Just 'A'./
y = show @Int./
show @Bool./
show @Char./
show @(Maybe Char)./
show @Int./
show @(Maybe Char)./
(:) [] (forManyN
y) x) `shouldBe` ["5", "False", "'X'", "Just 'O'", "6", "Just 'A'"]
collectN :: CollectN c r n xs => Many xs -> c r n xs -> CollectorN c n xs r Source #
This is flip
let x = (5 :: Int)./
Just 'O'./
(6 :: Int)./
Just 'A'./
y = show @Int./
show @Bool./
show @Char./
show @(Maybe Char)./
show @Int./
show @(Maybe Char)./
(:) [] (collectN
x (casesN
y)) `shouldBe` ["5", "False", "'X'", "Just 'O'", "6", "Just 'A'"]