{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedNewtypes      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs          #-}

-- | This module doesn't respect the PVP!
-- Breaking changes may happen at any minor version (^>= *.*.m.*)

module Data.Elevator.Internal where

import GHC.Exts
import Data.Kind
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- | The kind of boxed, lifted types, for example @[Int]@ or any other
-- user-defined data type.
type LiftedType = Type

type U = UnliftedType
type L = LiftedType

type role Strict representational

-- | Turn a lifted data type into an unlifted one.
-- Unlifted data types enjoy a call-by-value calling convention. E.g.,
-- > let f :: (a :: UnliftedType) -> Int
-- >     f _ = 42
-- > in f (Strict (error "boom" :: Int))
-- Will error out with @"boom"@.
-- Note however that most function definitions don't take argument types of kind
-- 'UnliftedType'. Use 'levCoerce' to work around that.
newtype Strict (a :: LiftedType) where
  Strict_ :: Any @UnliftedType -> Strict a

toStrict# :: a -> Strict a
toStrict# :: forall a. a -> Strict a
toStrict# = (Any -> Any) -> a -> Strict a
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce Any -> Any
forall a. a -> a

fromStrict# :: Strict a -> a
fromStrict# :: forall a. Strict a -> a
fromStrict# = (Any -> Any) -> Strict a -> a
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce Any -> Any
forall a. a -> a

pattern Strict :: a -> Strict a
pattern $mStrict :: forall {r} {a}. Strict a -> (a -> r) -> ((# #) -> r) -> r
$bStrict :: forall a. a -> Strict a
Strict x <- (fromStrict# -> x) where
  Strict a
x = a -> Strict a
forall a. a -> Strict a
toStrict# a
{-# INLINE Strict #-}
{-# COMPLETE Strict #-}

type role Lazy representational

-- | Turn an unlifted boxed type into a lifted one.
-- @Lazy a@ then enjoys a call-by-name calling convention. E.g.,
-- > let f :: a -> Int
-- >     f _ = 42
-- > in f (Lazy (error "boom" :: Array# Int))
-- Will evaluate to @42@ and not error.
newtype Lazy (a :: UnliftedType) where
  Lazy_ :: Any @LiftedType -> Lazy a

toLazy# :: a -> Lazy a
toLazy# :: forall (a :: UnliftedType). a -> Lazy a
toLazy# = (Any -> Any) -> a -> Lazy a
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce Any -> Any
forall a. a -> a

fromLazy# :: Lazy a -> a
fromLazy# :: forall (a :: UnliftedType). Lazy a -> a
fromLazy# = (Any -> Any) -> Lazy a -> a
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce Any -> Any
forall a. a -> a

pattern Lazy :: a -> Lazy a
pattern $mLazy :: forall {r} {a :: UnliftedType}.
Lazy a -> (a -> r) -> ((# #) -> r) -> r
$bLazy :: forall (a :: UnliftedType). a -> Lazy a
Lazy x <- (fromLazy# -> x) where
  Lazy a
x = a -> Lazy a
forall (a :: UnliftedType). a -> Lazy a
toLazy# a
{-# INLINE Lazy #-}
{-# COMPLETE Lazy #-}

-- | Re-use existing code taking arguments lazily to take arguments 'Strict'ly
-- by coercing with 'levCoerce'.Example: 'even' can be
-- re-used on @Strict Int@:
-- >>> levCoerce @(Int -> Bool) @(Strict Int -> Bool) even (Strict 42)
-- True
-- More generally, any type of kind 'UnliftedType' can act as a (\"is-a\") type
-- of kind 'LiftedType'. This levity polymorphism subkinding axiom
-- @Unlifted <: Lifted@ is encoded in 'LevitySubsumption' and is lifted to
-- useful instances for 'Strict', 'Lazy' and '(->)'. Example with covariance in
-- the result type:
-- >>> levCoerce @(Int -> Strict Bool) @(Strict Int -> Bool) (\x -> Strict (even x)) (Strict 42)
-- True
-- A function from @Int@ to @Strict Bool@ can be called on a @Strict Int@ (e.g.,
-- the precondition strengthened) and the result can be coerced to @Bool@ (e.g.,
-- the postcondition weakened).
-- You can also keep on coercing in negative position of the function arrow,
-- with the variance following polarity:
-- > levCoerce @((Strict Int -> Int) -> Int)
-- >           @((Int -> Strict Int) -> Int)
-- >           (\f -> f (Strict 42))
-- >           (\x -> Strict x)
levCoerce :: LevitySubsumption a b => a -> b
levCoerce :: forall a b. LevitySubsumption a b => a -> b
levCoerce = a -> b
forall a b. LevitySubsumption a b => a -> b

-- | Similar to 'Coercible', this type class models a subkinding relationship
-- between two types. The instances lift the @Unlifted <: Lifted@ sub-kinding
-- relationship to 'TYPE', 'Strict', 'Lazy' and then over function types.
-- Like for 'Coercible', the instances of this type class should ultimately be
-- compiler-generated.
class LevitySubsumption (a :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)) (b :: TYPE (BoxedRep r)) where
  levCoerce# :: a -> b

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} LevitySubsumption (a::LiftedType) a where
  levCoerce# :: a -> a
levCoerce# a
x = a

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} LevitySubsumption (a::UnliftedType) a where
  levCoerce# :: a -> a
levCoerce# a
x = a

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} LevitySubsumption (Strict a) a where
  levCoerce# :: Strict a -> a
levCoerce# (Strict a
a) = a

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} LevitySubsumption a (Lazy a) where
  levCoerce# :: a -> Lazy a
levCoerce# a
a = a -> Lazy a
forall (a :: UnliftedType). a -> Lazy a
Lazy a

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::L) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::L)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::L) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::L)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (LevitySubsumption a2 a1, LevitySubsumption b1 b2) => LevitySubsumption ((a1::U) -> (b1::U)) ((a2::U) -> (b2::U)) where
  -- Specification:
  -- > levCoerce# f x = levCoerce# (f (levCoerce# x :: a1))
  levCoerce# :: (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
levCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2
x = (a1 -> b1) -> a2 -> b2
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce# a1 -> b1
f a2