Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell98 |
- data DMap k f
- (!) :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> k v -> f v
- (\\) :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- null :: DMap k f -> Bool
- size :: DMap k f -> Int
- member :: GCompare k => k a -> DMap k f -> Bool
- notMember :: GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> Bool
- lookup :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> Maybe (f v)
- findWithDefault :: GCompare k => f v -> k v -> DMap k f -> f v
- empty :: DMap k f
- singleton :: k v -> f v -> DMap k f
- insert :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- insertWith :: GCompare k => (f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- insertWith' :: GCompare k => (f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- insertWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- insertWithKey' :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- insertLookupWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> (Maybe (f v), DMap k f)
- insertLookupWithKey' :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> (Maybe (f v), DMap k f)
- delete :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- adjust :: GCompare k => (f v -> f v) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- adjustWithKey :: GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- adjustWithKey' :: GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- update :: GCompare k => (f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- updateWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- updateLookupWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> k v -> DMap k f -> (Maybe (f v), DMap k f)
- alter :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (Maybe (f v) -> Maybe (f v)) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- alterF :: forall k f v g. (GCompare k, Functor f) => k v -> (Maybe (g v) -> f (Maybe (g v))) -> DMap k g -> f (DMap k g)
- union :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- unionWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- unions :: GCompare k => [DMap k f] -> DMap k f
- unionsWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> [DMap k f] -> DMap k f
- difference :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> DMap k g -> DMap k f
- differenceWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v -> Maybe (f v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> DMap k f
- intersection :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- intersectionWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v -> h v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> DMap k h
- map :: (forall v. f v -> g v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g
- ffor :: DMap k f -> (forall v. f v -> g v) -> DMap k g
- mapWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g
- fforWithKey :: DMap k f -> (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v) -> DMap k g
- traverseWithKey_ :: Applicative t => (forall v. k v -> f v -> t ()) -> DMap k f -> t ()
- forWithKey_ :: Applicative t => DMap k f -> (forall v. k v -> f v -> t ()) -> t ()
- traverseWithKey :: Applicative t => (forall v. k v -> f v -> t (g v)) -> DMap k f -> t (DMap k g)
- forWithKey :: Applicative t => DMap k f -> (forall v. k v -> f v -> t (g v)) -> t (DMap k g)
- mapAccumLWithKey :: (forall v. a -> k v -> f v -> (a, g v)) -> a -> DMap k f -> (a, DMap k g)
- mapAccumRWithKey :: (forall v. a -> k v -> f v -> (a, g v)) -> a -> DMap k f -> (a, DMap k g)
- mapKeysWith :: GCompare k2 => (forall v. k2 v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> (forall v. k1 v -> k2 v) -> DMap k1 f -> DMap k2 f
- mapKeysMonotonic :: (forall v. k1 v -> k2 v) -> DMap k1 f -> DMap k2 f
- foldWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> b -> b) -> b -> DMap k f -> b
- foldrWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> b -> b) -> b -> DMap k f -> b
- foldlWithKey :: (forall v. b -> k v -> f v -> b) -> b -> DMap k f -> b
- keys :: DMap k f -> [Some k]
- assocs :: DMap k f -> [DSum k f]
- toList :: DMap k f -> [DSum k f]
- fromList :: GCompare k => [DSum k f] -> DMap k f
- fromListWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> [DSum k f] -> DMap k f
- toAscList :: DMap k f -> [DSum k f]
- toDescList :: DMap k f -> [DSum k f]
- fromAscList :: GEq k => [DSum k f] -> DMap k f
- fromAscListWithKey :: GEq k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> [DSum k f] -> DMap k f
- fromDistinctAscList :: [DSum k f] -> DMap k f
- filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
- filterWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- partitionWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> (DMap k f, DMap k f)
- mapMaybe :: GCompare k => (forall v. f v -> Maybe (g v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g
- mapMaybeWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (g v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g
- mapEitherWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Either (g v) (h v)) -> DMap k f -> (DMap k g, DMap k h)
- split :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> (DMap k f, DMap k f)
- splitLookup :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> (DMap k f, Maybe (f v), DMap k f)
- isSubmapOf :: forall k f. (GCompare k, Has' Eq k f) => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> Bool
- isSubmapOfBy :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> k v -> f v -> g v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> Bool
- isProperSubmapOf :: forall k f. (GCompare k, Has' Eq k f) => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> Bool
- isProperSubmapOfBy :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> k v -> f v -> g v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> Bool
- lookupIndex :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> Maybe Int
- findIndex :: GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> Int
- elemAt :: Int -> DMap k f -> DSum k f
- updateAt :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> Int -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- deleteAt :: Int -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- findMin :: DMap k f -> DSum k f
- findMax :: DMap k f -> DSum k f
- lookupMin :: DMap k f -> Maybe (DSum k f)
- lookupMax :: DMap k f -> Maybe (DSum k f)
- deleteMin :: DMap k f -> DMap k f
- deleteMax :: DMap k f -> DMap k f
- deleteFindMin :: DMap k f -> (DSum k f, DMap k f)
- deleteFindMax :: DMap k f -> (DSum k f, DMap k f)
- updateMinWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- updateMaxWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f
- minViewWithKey :: forall k f. DMap k f -> Maybe (DSum k f, DMap k f)
- maxViewWithKey :: forall k f. DMap k f -> Maybe (DSum k f, DMap k f)
- showTree :: (GShow k, Has' Show k f) => DMap k f -> String
- showTreeWith :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> String) -> Bool -> Bool -> DMap k f -> String
- valid :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> Bool
Dependent maps: k
is a GADT-like thing with a facility for
rediscovering its type parameter, elements of which function as identifiers
tagged with the type of the thing they identify. Real GADTs are one
useful instantiation of k
, as are Tag
s from Data.Unique.Tag in the
'prim-uniq' package.
is equivalent to a set of DMap
k f
where no two
elements have the same tag.DSum
k f
More informally, DMap
is to dependent products as Map
is to (->)
Thus it could also be thought of as a partial (in the sense of "partial
function") dependent product.
(GEq k2, Has' Eq k2 f) => Eq (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
(GCompare k2, Has' Eq k2 f, Has' Ord k2 f) => Ord (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
(GCompare k2, GRead k2, Has' Read k2 f) => Read (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
(GShow k2, Has' Show k2 f) => Show (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
GCompare k2 => Semigroup (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
GCompare k2 => Monoid (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
(!) :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> k v -> f v infixl 9 Source #
O(log n). Find the value at a key.
Calls error
when the element can not be found.
fromList [(5,'a'), (3,'b')] ! 1 Error: element not in the map fromList [(5,'a'), (3,'b')] ! 5 == 'a'
member :: GCompare k => k a -> DMap k f -> Bool Source #
O(log n). Is the key a member of the map? See also notMember
notMember :: GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> Bool Source #
O(log n). Is the key not a member of the map? See also member
findWithDefault :: GCompare k => f v -> k v -> DMap k f -> f v Source #
O(log n). The expression (
the value at key findWithDefault
def k map)k
or returns default value def
when the key is not in the map.
singleton :: k v -> f v -> DMap k f Source #
O(1). A map with a single element.
singleton 1 'a' == fromList [(1, 'a')] size (singleton 1 'a') == 1
insert :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Insert a new key and value in the map.
If the key is already present in the map, the associated value is
replaced with the supplied value. insert
is equivalent to
insertWith :: GCompare k => (f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Insert with a function, combining new value and old value.
will insert the entry insertWith
f key value mpkey :=> value
into mp
if key does
not exist in the map. If the key does exist, the function will
insert the entry key :=> f new_value old_value
insertWith' :: GCompare k => (f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
Same as insertWith
, but the combining function is applied strictly.
This is often the most desirable behavior.
insertWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Insert with a function, combining key, new value and old value.
will insert the entry insertWithKey
f key value mpkey :=> value
into mp
if key does
not exist in the map. If the key does exist, the function will
insert the entry key :=> f key new_value old_value
Note that the key passed to f is the same key passed to insertWithKey
insertWithKey' :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
Same as insertWithKey
, but the combining function is applied strictly.
insertLookupWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> (Maybe (f v), DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). Combines insert operation with old value retrieval.
The expression (
is a pair where the first element is equal to (insertLookupWithKey
f k x map
and the second element equal to (lookup
k map
f k x map
insertLookupWithKey' :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> f v -> DMap k f -> (Maybe (f v), DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). A strict version of insertLookupWithKey
delete :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Delete a key and its value from the map. When the key is not a member of the map, the original map is returned.
adjust :: GCompare k => (f v -> f v) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Update a value at a specific key with the result of the provided function. When the key is not a member of the map, the original map is returned.
adjustWithKey :: GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Adjust a value at a specific key. When the key is not a member of the map, the original map is returned.
adjustWithKey' :: GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> f v) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). A strict version of adjustWithKey
updateWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). The expression (
) updates the
value updateWithKey
f k mapx
at k
(if it is in the map). If (f k x
) is Nothing
the element is deleted. If it is (
), the key Just
is bound
to the new value y
updateLookupWithKey :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> k v -> DMap k f -> (Maybe (f v), DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). Lookup and update. See also updateWithKey
The function returns changed value, if it is updated.
Returns the original key value if the map entry is deleted.
alter :: forall k f v. GCompare k => (Maybe (f v) -> Maybe (f v)) -> k v -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
alterF :: forall k f v g. (GCompare k, Functor f) => k v -> (Maybe (g v) -> f (Maybe (g v))) -> DMap k g -> f (DMap k g) Source #
unionWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(n+m). Union with a combining function.
unionsWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> [DMap k f] -> DMap k f Source #
The union of a list of maps, with a combining operation:
f == foldl
f) empty
difference :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> DMap k g -> DMap k f Source #
O(m * log (n/m + 1)), m <= n. Difference of two maps. Return elements of the first map not existing in the second map.
differenceWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v -> Maybe (f v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> DMap k f Source #
intersection :: GCompare k => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(m * log (n/m + 1), m <= n. Intersection of two maps.
Return data in the first map for the keys existing in both maps.
m1 m2 == intersectionWith
m1 m2
intersectionWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v -> h v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> DMap k h Source #
O(m * log (n/m + 1), m <= n. Intersection with a combining function.
map :: (forall v. f v -> g v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g Source #
O(n). Map a function over all values in the map.
mapWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g Source #
O(n). Map a function over all values in the map.
fforWithKey :: DMap k f -> (forall v. k v -> f v -> g v) -> DMap k g Source #
except we cannot actually use
== flip
because of the lack of impredicative types.
traverseWithKey_ :: Applicative t => (forall v. k v -> f v -> t ()) -> DMap k f -> t () Source #
forWithKey_ :: Applicative t => DMap k f -> (forall v. k v -> f v -> t ()) -> t () Source #
except we cannot actually use
== flip
because of the lack of impredicative types.
traverseWithKey :: Applicative t => (forall v. k v -> f v -> t (g v)) -> DMap k f -> t (DMap k g) Source #
forWithKey :: Applicative t => DMap k f -> (forall v. k v -> f v -> t (g v)) -> t (DMap k g) Source #
except we cannot actually use
== flip
because of the lack of impredicative types.
mapAccumLWithKey :: (forall v. a -> k v -> f v -> (a, g v)) -> a -> DMap k f -> (a, DMap k g) Source #
O(n). The function mapAccumLWithKey
threads an accumulating
argument through the map in ascending order of keys.
mapAccumRWithKey :: (forall v. a -> k v -> f v -> (a, g v)) -> a -> DMap k f -> (a, DMap k g) Source #
O(n). The function mapAccumRWithKey
threads an accumulating
argument through the map in descending order of keys.
mapKeysWith :: GCompare k2 => (forall v. k2 v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> (forall v. k1 v -> k2 v) -> DMap k1 f -> DMap k2 f Source #
O(n*log n).
is the map obtained by applying mapKeysWith
c f sf
to each key of s
The size of the result may be smaller if f
maps two or more distinct
keys to the same new key. In this case the associated values will be
combined using c
mapKeysMonotonic :: (forall v. k1 v -> k2 v) -> DMap k1 f -> DMap k2 f Source #
, but works only when mapKeysMonotonic
f s == mapKeys
f sf
is strictly monotonic.
That is, for any values x
and y
, if x
< y
then f x
< f y
The precondition is not checked.
Semi-formally, we have:
and [x < y ==> f x < f y | x <- ls, y <- ls] ==> mapKeysMonotonic f s == mapKeys f s where ls = keys s
This means that f
maps distinct original keys to distinct resulting keys.
This function has better performance than mapKeys
foldWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> b -> b) -> b -> DMap k f -> b Source #
Deprecated: Use foldrWithKey instead
O(n). Fold the keys and values in the map, such that
f z == foldr
f) z . toAscList
This is identical to foldrWithKey
, and you should use that one instead of
this one. This name is kept for backward compatibility.
foldrWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> b -> b) -> b -> DMap k f -> b Source #
O(n). Post-order fold. The function will be applied from the lowest value to the highest.
foldlWithKey :: (forall v. b -> k v -> f v -> b) -> b -> DMap k f -> b Source #
O(n). Pre-order fold. The function will be applied from the highest value to the lowest.
keys :: DMap k f -> [Some k] Source #
O(n). Return all keys of the map in ascending order.
keys (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == [3,5] keys empty == []
assocs :: DMap k f -> [DSum k f] Source #
O(n). Return all key/value pairs in the map in ascending key order.
fromList :: GCompare k => [DSum k f] -> DMap k f Source #
O(n*log n). Build a map from a list of key/value pairs. See also fromAscList
If the list contains more than one value for the same key, the last value
for the key is retained.
fromListWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> [DSum k f] -> DMap k f Source #
O(n*log n). Build a map from a list of key/value pairs with a combining function. See also fromAscListWithKey
Ordered lists
toDescList :: DMap k f -> [DSum k f] Source #
O(n). Convert to a descending list.
fromAscList :: GEq k => [DSum k f] -> DMap k f Source #
O(n). Build a map from an ascending list in linear time. The precondition (input list is ascending) is not checked.
fromAscListWithKey :: GEq k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> f v -> f v) -> [DSum k f] -> DMap k f Source #
O(n). Build a map from an ascending list in linear time with a combining function for equal keys. The precondition (input list is ascending) is not checked.
fromDistinctAscList :: [DSum k f] -> DMap k f Source #
O(n). Build a map from an ascending list of distinct elements in linear time. The precondition is not checked.
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] #
O(n). filter
, applied to a predicate and a list, returns the list of
those elements that satisfy the predicate; i.e.,
filter p xs = [ x | x <- xs, p x]
filter odd [1, 2, 3]
filterWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(n). Filter all keys/values that satisfy the predicate.
partitionWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> (DMap k f, DMap k f) Source #
O(n). Partition the map according to a predicate. The first
map contains all elements that satisfy the predicate, the second all
elements that fail the predicate. See also split
mapMaybe :: GCompare k => (forall v. f v -> Maybe (g v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g Source #
O(n). Map values and collect the Just
mapMaybeWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (g v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g Source #
O(n). Map keys/values and collect the Just
mapEitherWithKey :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> f v -> Either (g v) (h v)) -> DMap k f -> (DMap k g, DMap k h) Source #
split :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> (DMap k f, DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). The expression (
) is a pair split
k map(map1,map2)
the keys in map1
are smaller than k
and the keys in map2
larger than k
Any key equal to k
is found in neither map1
nor map2
splitLookup :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> (DMap k f, Maybe (f v), DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). The expression (
) splits a map just
like splitLookup
k mapsplit
but also returns
k map
isSubmapOf :: forall k f. (GCompare k, Has' Eq k f) => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> Bool Source #
This function is defined as (
= isSubmapOfBy
isSubmapOfBy :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> k v -> f v -> g v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> Bool Source #
The expression (
) returns isSubmapOfBy
f t1 t2True
all keys in t1
are in tree t2
, and when f
returns True
applied to their respective keys and values.
isProperSubmapOf :: forall k f. (GCompare k, Has' Eq k f) => DMap k f -> DMap k f -> Bool Source #
O(n+m). Is this a proper submap? (ie. a submap but not equal).
Defined as (
= isProperSubmapOfBy
isProperSubmapOfBy :: GCompare k => (forall v. k v -> k v -> f v -> g v -> Bool) -> DMap k f -> DMap k g -> Bool Source #
O(n+m). Is this a proper submap? (ie. a submap but not equal).
The expression (
) returns isProperSubmapOfBy
f m1 m2True
and m2
are not equal,
all keys in m1
are in m2
, and when f
returns True
applied to their respective keys and values.
lookupIndex :: forall k f v. GCompare k => k v -> DMap k f -> Maybe Int Source #
O(log n). Lookup the index of a key. The index is a number from
0 up to, but not including, the size
of the map.
elemAt :: Int -> DMap k f -> DSum k f Source #
O(log n). Retrieve an element by index. Calls error
when an
invalid index is used.
updateAt :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> Int -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Update the element at index. Does nothing when an invalid index is used.
findMin :: DMap k f -> DSum k f Source #
O(log n). The minimal key of the map. Calls error
is the map is empty.
findMax :: DMap k f -> DSum k f Source #
O(log n). The maximal key of the map. Calls error
is the map is empty.
deleteMin :: DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Delete the minimal key. Returns an empty map if the map is empty.
deleteMax :: DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Delete the maximal key. Returns an empty map if the map is empty.
deleteFindMin :: DMap k f -> (DSum k f, DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). Delete and find the minimal element.
deleteFindMin (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b"), (10,"c")]) == ((3,"b"), fromList[(5,"a"), (10,"c")]) deleteFindMin Error: can not return the minimal element of an empty map
deleteFindMax :: DMap k f -> (DSum k f, DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). Delete and find the maximal element.
deleteFindMax (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b"), (10,"c")]) == ((10,"c"), fromList [(3,"b"), (5,"a")]) deleteFindMax empty Error: can not return the maximal element of an empty map
updateMinWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Update the value at the minimal key.
updateMaxWithKey :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> Maybe (f v)) -> DMap k f -> DMap k f Source #
O(log n). Update the value at the maximal key.
minViewWithKey :: forall k f. DMap k f -> Maybe (DSum k f, DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). Retrieves the minimal (key :=> value) entry of the map, and
the map stripped of that element, or Nothing
if passed an empty map.
maxViewWithKey :: forall k f. DMap k f -> Maybe (DSum k f, DMap k f) Source #
O(log n). Retrieves the maximal (key :=> value) entry of the map, and
the map stripped of that element, or Nothing
if passed an empty map.
showTree :: (GShow k, Has' Show k f) => DMap k f -> String Source #
O(n). Show the tree that implements the map. The tree is shown
in a compressed, hanging format. See showTreeWith
showTreeWith :: (forall v. k v -> f v -> String) -> Bool -> Bool -> DMap k f -> String Source #
O(n). The expression (
) shows
the tree that implements the map. Elements are shown using the showTreeWith
showelem hang wide mapshowElem
function. If hang
, a hanging tree is shown otherwise a rotated tree is shown. If
is True
, an extra wide version is shown.
Orphan instances
(GEq k2, Has' Eq k2 f) => Eq (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
(GCompare k2, Has' Eq k2 f, Has' Ord k2 f) => Ord (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
(GCompare k2, GRead k2, Has' Read k2 f) => Read (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
(GShow k2, Has' Show k2 f) => Show (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
GCompare k2 => Semigroup (DMap k2 f) Source # | |
GCompare k2 => Monoid (DMap k2 f) Source # | |