{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Devops.Actions (
    concurrentTurnup , concurrentTurndown , concurrentUpkeep , checkStatuses
    , sequentialTurnup, sequentialTurnDown
    , display , defaultDotify , dotifyWithStatuses
    , listUniqNodes
    ) where

import           Control.Concurrent.Async    (waitCatch)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM      (STM, atomically)
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, readTVar)
import           Control.Lens                (view)
import           Data.Graph                  (edges, transposeG, vertices)
import           Data.Map.Strict             (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict             as Map
import           Data.Monoid                 ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text                   as Text
import           Data.Tree                   (Tree (..), drawForest, flatten)
import           Text.Dot                    (Dot, edge, showDot, userNode,

import           Devops.Base                 (CheckResult (..), Op (..),
                                              OpDescription (..), OpUniqueId,
                                              PreOp, opUniqueId, preOpUniqueId,
import           Devops.Graph

-- * Concurrent Operations

-- | Turns up a graph concurrently.
concurrentTurnup :: OpGraph -> IO ()
concurrentTurnup graph = do
    let s = snapshot TurnedUp graph emptyIntents
    sm <- atomically $ makeStatusesMap s
    asyncTurnupGraph noBroadcast sm s graph

-- | Keeps a graph up concurrently.
concurrentUpkeep :: OpGraph -> IO ()
concurrentUpkeep graph = do
    let s = snapshot TurnedUp graph emptyIntents
    sm <- atomically $ makeStatusesMap s
    upkeepGraph noBroadcast sm s graph defaultUpKeepFSM defaultDownKeepFSM

-- | Turns down a graph concurrently.
concurrentTurndown :: OpGraph -> IO ()
concurrentTurndown (g,f1,f2) = do
    let graph = (transposeG g, f1, f2)
    let s = snapshot TurnedDown graph emptyIntents
    sm <- atomically $ makeStatusesMap s
    asyncTurndownGraph noBroadcast sm s graph

-- | Checks the graph and returns a dot formatted graph.
checkStatuses :: OpGraph -> IO (Map OpUniqueId CheckResult)
checkStatuses graph = do
    let s = snapshot TurnedUp graph emptyIntents
    statuses <- atomically $ makeStatusesMap s
    asyncs <- checkWholeGraph noBroadcast statuses s graph
    _ <- traverse waitCatch asyncs
    atomically $ extractStatuses statuses
    extractStatuses :: OpStatusesMap -> STM (Map OpUniqueId CheckResult)
    extractStatuses statuses =
        Map.fromList <$> traverse extractOne (Map.toList statuses)
    extractOne :: (OpUniqueId, TVar OpStatus) -> STM (OpUniqueId, CheckResult)
    extractOne (opId, tvar) = do
        status <- readTVar tvar
        return $ (opId, view opCheckResult status)

-- * Sequential Operations

sequentialTurnup ::  OpGraph -> IO ()
sequentialTurnup (g,f1,f2) = syncTurnupGraph noBroadcast (transposeG g, f1, f2)

sequentialTurnDown ::  OpGraph -> IO ()
sequentialTurnDown = syncTurnDownGraph noBroadcast

-- | Display a forest of operations.
display :: [Tree PreOp] -> IO ()
display = putStrLn . drawForest . (fmap . fmap) (show . opDescription . runPreOp)

-- | Lists the uniq list of nodes.
listUniqNodes :: [Tree PreOp] -> IO ()
listUniqNodes forest =
  let uniq f xs = Map.toList . Map.fromList $ zip (map f xs) xs
  in putStrLn . unlines . map (\(k,v) -> show (k, opName $ opDescription v)) . uniq opUniqueId . map runPreOp . concatMap flatten $ forest

-- | Returns a .dot formatted string of a graph using a projection function to
-- format every PreOp using .dot valid key/value node attributes.
dotifyWith :: (PreOp -> [(String,String)]) -> OpGraph -> String
dotifyWith attributes (g,lookupF,_) =
    showDot dotted
    dotted :: Dot ()
    dotted = do
        let node v = y where (y,_,_) = lookupF v
        let vs = vertices g
        let es = filter (uncurry (/=)) $ edges g
        mapM_ (\i -> userNode (userNodeId i) (attributes (node i))) vs
        mapM_ (\(i,j) -> edge (userNodeId i) (userNodeId j) []) es

-- | Builds a dot-formatted representation of the graph
defaultDotify :: OpGraph -> String
defaultDotify = dotifyWith nameAttributes

-- | Same as dotify but also colorize based on statuses passed in second argument.
dotifyWithStatuses :: OpGraph -> Map OpUniqueId CheckResult -> String
dotifyWithStatuses graph x =
    let allAttributes = nameAttributes <> colorFromStatusAttributes x
    in dotifyWith allAttributes graph

nameAttributes :: PreOp -> [(String, String)]
nameAttributes preOp =
  let o = runPreOp preOp in
  [("label", Text.unpack $ opName $ opDescription o)]

colorFromStatusAttributes :: Map OpUniqueId CheckResult -> PreOp -> [(String, String)]
colorFromStatusAttributes c op =
    let status = Map.lookup (preOpUniqueId op) c
    in maybe unknownStatusLabels labelsFromStatus status
    labelsFromStatus :: CheckResult -> [(String, String)]
    labelsFromStatus Success = [("color", "green")]
    labelsFromStatus Skipped = [("color", "yellow")]
    labelsFromStatus Unknown = [("color", "blue")]
    labelsFromStatus _       = [("color", "red")]
    unknownStatusLabels :: [(String, String)]
    unknownStatusLabels = [("shape", "egg")]