Definitions of strict Deque.

The typical `toList` and `fromList` conversions are provided by means of
the `Foldable` and `IsList` instances.
module Deque.Strict.Defs

import Control.Monad (fail)
import Deque.Prelude hiding (tail, init, last, head, null, dropWhile, takeWhile, reverse, filter, take)
import qualified StrictList
import qualified Deque.Prelude as Prelude

-- |
-- Strict double-ended queue (aka Dequeue or Deque) based on head-tail linked list.
data Deque a = Deque !(StrictList.List a) !(StrictList.List a)

-- |
-- /O(n)/.
-- Construct from cons and snoc lists.
fromConsAndSnocLists :: [a] -> [a] -> Deque a
fromConsAndSnocLists consList snocList = Deque (fromList consList) (fromList snocList)

-- |
-- /O(1)/.
-- Add element in the beginning.
cons :: a -> Deque a -> Deque a
cons a (Deque consList snocList) = Deque (StrictList.Cons a consList) snocList

-- |
-- /O(1)/.
-- Add element in the ending.
snoc :: a -> Deque a -> Deque a
snoc a (Deque consList snocList) = Deque consList (StrictList.Cons a snocList)

-- |
-- /O(1)/.
-- Reverse the deque.
reverse :: Deque a -> Deque a
reverse (Deque consList snocList) = Deque snocList consList

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Move the first element to the end.
-- @
-- λ toList . shiftLeft $ fromList [1,2,3]
-- [2,3,1]
-- @
shiftLeft :: Deque a -> Deque a
shiftLeft deque = maybe deque (uncurry snoc) (uncons deque)

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Move the last element to the beginning.
-- @
-- λ toList . shiftRight $ fromList [1,2,3]
-- [3,1,2]
-- @
shiftRight :: Deque a -> Deque a
shiftRight deque = maybe deque (uncurry cons) (unsnoc deque)

-- |
-- /O(n)/.
-- Leave only the elements satisfying the predicate.
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Deque a -> Deque a
filter predicate (Deque consList snocList) = let
  newConsList = StrictList.prependReversed
    (StrictList.filterReversed predicate consList)
    (StrictList.filterReversed predicate snocList)
  in Deque newConsList StrictList.Nil

-- |
-- /O(n)/.
-- Leave only the specified amount of first elements.
take :: Int -> Deque a -> Deque a
take amount (Deque consList snocList) = let
  newSnocList = let
    buildFromConsList amount !list = if amount > 0
      then \ case
        StrictList.Cons head tail -> buildFromConsList (pred amount) (StrictList.Cons head list) tail
        _ -> buildFromSnocList amount list (StrictList.reverse snocList)
      else const list
    buildFromSnocList amount !list = if amount > 0
      then \ case
        StrictList.Cons head tail -> buildFromSnocList (pred amount) (StrictList.Cons head list) tail
        _ -> list
      else const list
    in buildFromConsList amount StrictList.Nil consList
  in Deque StrictList.Nil newSnocList

-- |
-- /O(n)/.
-- Drop the specified amount of first elements.
drop :: Int -> Deque a -> Deque a
drop amount (Deque consList snocList) = let
  buildFromConsList amount = if amount > 0
    then \ case
      StrictList.Cons _ tail -> buildFromConsList (pred amount) tail
      _ -> buildFromSnocList amount (StrictList.reverse snocList)
    else \ tail -> Deque tail snocList
  buildFromSnocList amount = if amount > 0
    then \ case
      StrictList.Cons _ tail -> buildFromSnocList (pred amount) tail
      _ -> Deque StrictList.Nil StrictList.Nil
    else \ tail -> Deque tail StrictList.Nil
  in buildFromConsList amount consList

-- |
-- /O(n)/.
-- Leave only the first elements satisfying the predicate.
takeWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Deque a -> Deque a
takeWhile predicate (Deque consList snocList) = let
  newConsList = foldr
    (\ a nextState -> if predicate a
      then StrictList.Cons a nextState
      else StrictList.Nil)
    (StrictList.takeWhileFromEnding predicate snocList)
  in Deque newConsList StrictList.Nil

-- |
-- /O(n)/.
-- Drop the first elements satisfying the predicate.
dropWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Deque a -> Deque a
dropWhile predicate (Deque consList snocList) = let
  newConsList = StrictList.dropWhile predicate consList
  in case newConsList of
    StrictList.Nil -> Deque (StrictList.dropWhileFromEnding predicate snocList) StrictList.Nil
    _ -> Deque newConsList snocList

-- |
-- /O(n)/.
-- Perform `takeWhile` and `dropWhile` in a single operation.
span :: (a -> Bool) -> Deque a -> (Deque a, Deque a)
span predicate (Deque consList snocList) = case StrictList.spanReversed predicate consList of
  (consReversedPrefix, consSuffix) -> if Prelude.null consSuffix
    then case StrictList.spanFromEnding predicate snocList of
      (snocPrefix, snocSuffix) -> let
        prefix = Deque (StrictList.prependReversed consReversedPrefix snocPrefix) StrictList.Nil
        suffix = Deque snocSuffix StrictList.Nil
        in (prefix, suffix)
    else let
      prefix = Deque StrictList.Nil consReversedPrefix
      suffix = Deque consSuffix snocList
      in (prefix, suffix)

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Get the first element and deque without it if it's not empty.
uncons :: Deque a -> Maybe (a, Deque a)
uncons (Deque consList snocList) = case consList of
  StrictList.Cons head tail -> Just (head, Deque tail snocList)
  _ -> case StrictList.reverse snocList of
    StrictList.Cons head tail -> Just (head, Deque tail StrictList.Nil)
    _ -> Nothing

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Get the last element and deque without it if it's not empty.
unsnoc :: Deque a -> Maybe (a, Deque a)
unsnoc (Deque consList snocList) = case snocList of
  StrictList.Cons head tail -> Just (head, Deque consList tail)
  _ -> case StrictList.reverse consList of
    StrictList.Cons head tail -> Just (head, Deque StrictList.Nil tail)
    _ -> Nothing

-- |
-- /O(1)/. 
-- Check whether deque is empty.
null :: Deque a -> Bool
null = \ case
  Deque StrictList.Nil StrictList.Nil -> True
  _ -> False

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Get the first element if deque is not empty.
head :: Deque a -> Maybe a
head (Deque consList snocList) = case consList of
  StrictList.Cons head _ -> Just head
  _ -> StrictList.last snocList

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Get the last element if deque is not empty.
last :: Deque a -> Maybe a
last (Deque consList snocList) = case snocList of
  StrictList.Cons head _ -> Just head
  _ -> StrictList.last consList

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Keep all elements but the first one.
-- In case of empty deque returns an empty deque.
tail :: Deque a -> Deque a
tail (Deque consList snocList) = case consList of
  StrictList.Nil -> Deque (StrictList.initReversed snocList) StrictList.Nil
  _ -> Deque (StrictList.tail consList) snocList

-- |
-- /O(1)/, occasionally /O(n)/.
-- Keep all elements but the last one.
-- In case of empty deque returns an empty deque.
init :: Deque a -> Deque a
init (Deque consList snocList) = case snocList of
  StrictList.Nil -> Deque StrictList.Nil (StrictList.initReversed consList)
  _ -> Deque consList (StrictList.tail snocList)

instance Eq a => Eq (Deque a) where
  (==) a b = toList a == toList b

instance Show a => Show (Deque a) where
  show = show . toList

instance IsList (Deque a) where
  type Item (Deque a) = a
  fromList list = Deque StrictList.Nil (StrictList.fromListReversed list)
  toList (Deque consList snocList) = foldr (:) (toList (StrictList.reverse snocList)) consList

instance Semigroup (Deque a) where
  (<>) (Deque consList1 snocList1) (Deque consList2 snocList2) = let
    consList = consList1
    snocList = snocList2 <> StrictList.prependReversed consList2 snocList1
    in Deque consList snocList

instance Monoid (Deque a) where
  mempty = Deque StrictList.Nil StrictList.Nil
  mappend = (<>)

deriving instance Functor Deque

instance Foldable Deque where
  foldr step init (Deque consList snocList) = foldr step (foldr step init (StrictList.reverse snocList)) consList
  foldl' step init (Deque consList snocList) = foldl' step (foldl' step init consList) (StrictList.reverse snocList)

instance Traversable Deque where
  traverse f (Deque cs ss) =
    (\cs' ss' -> Deque cs' (StrictList.reverse ss')) <$> traverse f cs <*> traverse f (StrictList.reverse ss)

instance Applicative Deque where
  pure a = Deque (pure a) StrictList.Nil
  (<*>) (Deque fnConsList fnSnocList) (Deque argConsList argSnocList) = let
    snocList = let
      fnStep resultSnocList fn = let
        argStep resultSnocList arg = StrictList.Cons (fn arg) resultSnocList
        in foldl' argStep (foldl' argStep resultSnocList argConsList) (StrictList.reverse argSnocList)
      in foldl' fnStep (foldl' fnStep StrictList.Nil fnConsList) (StrictList.reverse fnSnocList)
    in Deque StrictList.Nil snocList

instance Monad Deque where
  return = pure
  (>>=) (Deque aConsList aSnocList) k = let
    snocList = let
      aStep accBSnocList a = case k a of
        Deque bConsList bSnocList -> StrictList.prependReversed bConsList (bSnocList <> accBSnocList)
      in foldl' aStep (foldl' aStep StrictList.Nil aConsList) (StrictList.reverse aSnocList)
    in Deque StrictList.Nil snocList
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0))
  fail = const mempty

instance Alternative Deque where
  empty = mempty
  (<|>) = mappend

instance MonadPlus Deque where
  mzero = empty
  mplus = (<|>)

instance MonadFail Deque where
  fail = const mempty

deriving instance Generic (Deque a)
deriving instance Generic1 Deque

instance Hashable a => Hashable (Deque a)