{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-#LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-#LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-#LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-#LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-#LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-#LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-#LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses#-}
{-#LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Foreign.Storable.Generic.Internal (
GStorable (..),
) where
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Generics
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.C.Types
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Debug.Trace
import Foreign.Storable.Generic.Tools
import Foreign.Storable.Generic.Tools.TypeFuns
import GHC.Exts
class GStorable' f where
gpeekByteOff' :: [Int]
-> Int
-> Ptr b
-> Int
-> IO (f a)
gpokeByteOff' :: [Int]
-> Int
-> Ptr b
-> Int
-> (f a)
-> IO ()
glistSizeOf' :: f a
-> [Size]
glistAlignment' :: f a
-> [Alignment]
instance (GStorable' f) => GStorable' (M1 i t f) where
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-}
gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = M1 <$> gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-}
gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (M1 x) = gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset x
glistSizeOf' _ = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f p)
glistAlignment' _ = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p)
instance GStorable' U1 where
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-}
gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = return U1
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-}
gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (U1) = return ()
glistSizeOf' _ = []
glistAlignment' _ = []
instance (KnownNat (NoFields f), KnownNat (NoFields g)
, GStorable' f, GStorable' g) => GStorable' (f :*: g) where
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-}
gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = (:*:) <$> peeker1 new_ix <*> peeker2 ix
where new_ix = ix - n2
n2 = noFields (undefined :: g a)
peeker1 n_ix = gpeekByteOff' offsets n_ix ptr offset
peeker2 n_ix = gpeekByteOff' offsets n_ix ptr offset
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-}
gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (x :*: y) = peeker1 new_ix x >> peeker2 ix y
where new_ix = ix - n2
n2 = noFields (undefined :: g a)
peeker1 n_ix z = gpokeByteOff' offsets n_ix ptr offset z
peeker2 n_ix z = gpokeByteOff' offsets n_ix ptr offset z
glistSizeOf' _ = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f a) ++ glistSizeOf' (undefined :: g a)
glistAlignment' _ = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f a) ++ glistAlignment' (undefined :: g a)
instance (GStorable a) => GStorable' (K1 i a) where
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOff' #-}
gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset = K1 <$> gpeekByteOff ptr (off1 + offset)
where off1 = inline (offsets !! ix)
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOff' #-}
gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr offset (K1 x) = gpokeByteOff ptr (off1 + offset) x
where off1 = inline (offsets !! ix)
glistSizeOf' _ = [gsizeOf (undefined :: a)]
glistAlignment' _ = [galignment (undefined :: a)]
type SumTypesDisabled = Text "By default sum types are not supported by GStorable instances." :$$: Text "You can pass a 'sumtypes' flag through 'cabal new-configure' to enable them." :$$: Text "In case of trouble, one can use '-DGSTORABLE_SUMTYPES' ghc flag instead."
instance (TypeError SumTypesDisabled) => GStorable' (f :+: g) where
gpeekByteOff' = undefined
gpokeByteOff' = undefined
glistSizeOf' = undefined
glistAlignment' = undefined
{-# INLINE internalSizeOf #-}
internalSizeOf :: forall f p. (GStorable' f)
=> f p
-> Int
internalSizeOf _ = calcSize $ zip sizes aligns
where sizes = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f p)
aligns = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p)
{-# INLINE internalAlignment #-}
internalAlignment :: forall f p. (GStorable' f)
=> f p
-> Alignment
internalAlignment _ = calcAlignment aligns
where aligns = glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p)
{-# INLINE internalPeekByteOff #-}
internalPeekByteOff :: forall f p b. (KnownNat (NoFields f), GStorable' f)
=> Ptr b
-> Offset
-> IO (f p)
internalPeekByteOff ptr off = gpeekByteOff' offsets ix ptr off
where offsets = internalOffsets (undefined :: f p)
ix = noFields (undefined :: f p) - 1
{-# INLINE internalPokeByteOff #-}
internalPokeByteOff :: forall f p b. (KnownNat (NoFields f), GStorable' f)
=> Ptr b
-> Offset
-> f p
-> IO ()
internalPokeByteOff ptr off rep = gpokeByteOff' offsets ix ptr off rep
where offsets = internalOffsets (undefined :: f p)
ix = noFields (undefined :: f p) - 1
{-# INLINE internalOffsets #-}
internalOffsets :: forall f p. (GStorable' f)
=> f p
-> [Offset]
internalOffsets _ = calcOffsets $ zip sizes aligns
where sizes = glistSizeOf' (undefined :: f p)
aligns= glistAlignment' (undefined :: f p)
class GStorable a where
{-# INLINE gsizeOf #-}
{-# INLINE galignment #-}
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOff #-}
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOff #-}
gsizeOf :: a
-> Int
galignment :: a
-> Int
gpeekByteOff :: Ptr b
-> Int
-> IO a
gpokeByteOff :: Ptr b
-> Int
-> a
-> IO ()
default gsizeOf :: (ConstraintsSize a, GStorableChoice a)
=> a -> Int
gsizeOf = chSizeOf (Proxy :: Proxy (IsSumType (Rep a)))
default galignment :: (ConstraintsAlignment a, GStorableChoice a)
=> a -> Int
galignment = chAlignment (Proxy :: Proxy (IsSumType (Rep a)))
default gpeekByteOff :: (GStorableChoice a, ConstraintsPeek a)
=> Ptr b -> Int -> IO a
gpeekByteOff = chPeekByteOff (Proxy :: Proxy (IsSumType (Rep a)))
default gpokeByteOff :: (GStorableChoice a, ConstraintsPoke a)
=> Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO ()
gpokeByteOff = chPokeByteOff (Proxy :: Proxy (IsSumType (Rep a)))
default gsizeOf :: (Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a))
=> a -> Int
gsizeOf _ = internalSizeOf (undefined :: Rep a p)
default galignment :: (Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a))
=> a -> Int
galignment _ = internalAlignment (undefined :: Rep a p)
default gpeekByteOff :: ( KnownNat (NoFields (Rep a))
, Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a))
=> Ptr b -> Int -> IO a
gpeekByteOff ptr offset = to <$> internalPeekByteOff ptr offset
default gpokeByteOff :: ( KnownNat (NoFields (Rep a))
, Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a))
=> Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO ()
gpokeByteOff ptr offset x = internalPokeByteOff ptr offset (from x)
type GStorableChoice a = GStorableChoice' (IsSumType (Rep a)) a
class GStorableChoice' (choice :: Bool) a where
chSizeOf :: proxy choice -> a -> Int
chAlignment :: proxy choice -> a -> Int
chPeekByteOff :: proxy choice -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO a
chPokeByteOff :: proxy choice -> Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO ()
instance ( Generic a, KnownNat (SumArity (Rep a))
, GStorableSum' (Rep a), IsSumType (Rep a) ~ True) => GStorableChoice' True a where
{-# INLINE chSizeOf #-}
{-# INLINE chPeekByteOff #-}
{-# INLINE chPokeByteOff #-}
{-# INLINE chAlignment #-}
chSizeOf _ _ = calcSize $ zip sizes aligns
where sizes = (word8s:gsizeOfSum' (undefined :: Rep a p):[])
aligns = (word8a:alignOfSum' (undefined :: Rep a p):[])
word8s = sizeOf (undefined :: Word8)
word8a = alignment (undefined :: Word8)
chAlignment _ _ = calcAlignment $ (word8a:align:[])
where align = alignOfSum' (undefined :: Rep a p)
word8a = alignment (undefined :: Word8)
chPeekByteOff _ ptr off = do
let proxy = (Proxy :: Proxy True)
choice <- peekByteOff ptr off :: IO Word8
to <$> gpeekByteOffSum' (fromIntegral choice) ptr (off + chAlignment proxy (undefined :: a))
chPokeByteOff _ ptr off v = do
let proxy = (Proxy :: Proxy True)
pokeByteOff ptr off (internalTagValue v - 1)
gpokeByteOffSum' ptr (off + chAlignment proxy v) (from v)
instance (ConstraintsAll a, IsSumType (Rep a) ~ False) => GStorableChoice' False a where
{-# INLINE chSizeOf #-}
{-# INLINE chPeekByteOff #-}
{-# INLINE chPokeByteOff #-}
{-# INLINE chAlignment #-}
chSizeOf _ _ = internalSizeOf (undefined :: Rep a p)
chAlignment _ _ = internalAlignment (undefined :: Rep a p)
chPeekByteOff _ ptr offset = to <$> internalPeekByteOff ptr offset
chPokeByteOff _ ptr offset x = internalPokeByteOff ptr offset (from x)
type ConstraintsAll a = (ConstraintsSize a, ConstraintsPeek a)
type ConstraintsAlignment a = ConstraintsSA' (IsSumType (Rep a)) a
type ConstraintsSize a = ConstraintsSA' (IsSumType (Rep a)) a
type ConstraintsPeek a = ConstraintsP' (IsSumType (Rep a)) a
type ConstraintsPoke a = ConstraintsP' (IsSumType (Rep a)) a
type family ConstraintsSA' (t :: Bool) a where
ConstraintsSA' True a = (Generic a, GStorableSum' (Rep a))
ConstraintsSA' False a = (Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a))
type family ConstraintsP' (t :: Bool) a where
ConstraintsP' True a = ( Generic a, GStorableSum' (Rep a))
ConstraintsP' False a = ( KnownNat (NoFields (Rep a)), Generic a, GStorable' (Rep a))
internalTagValue :: ( KnownNat (SumArity (Rep a))
, GStorableSum' (Rep a), Generic a)
=> a -> Word8
internalTagValue (a :: a) = seeFirstByte' (from a) (sumArity (undefined :: Rep a p))
class GStorableSum' f where
seeFirstByte' :: f p -> Int -> Word8
gsizeOfSum' :: f p -> Int
alignOfSum' :: f p -> Int
gpeekByteOffSum' :: Int -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO (f p)
gpokeByteOffSum' :: Ptr b -> Int -> f p -> IO ()
instance (GStorableSum' f) => GStorableSum' (M1 D t f) where
{-# INLINE seeFirstByte' #-}
{-# INLINE gsizeOfSum' #-}
{-# INLINE alignOfSum' #-}
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOffSum' #-}
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOffSum' #-}
seeFirstByte' (M1 v) acc = seeFirstByte' v acc
gsizeOfSum' (M1 v) = gsizeOfSum' v
alignOfSum' (M1 v) = alignOfSum' v
gpeekByteOffSum' ch ptr off = M1 <$> gpeekByteOffSum' ch ptr off
gpokeByteOffSum' ptr off (M1 v) = gpokeByteOffSum' ptr off v
instance (KnownNat (NoFields f), GStorable' f, GStorableSum' f) => GStorableSum' (M1 C t f) where
{-# INLINE seeFirstByte' #-}
{-# INLINE gsizeOfSum' #-}
{-# INLINE alignOfSum' #-}
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOffSum' #-}
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOffSum' #-}
seeFirstByte' (M1 v) acc = fromIntegral acc
gsizeOfSum' (M1 v) = internalSizeOf v
alignOfSum' (M1 v) = internalAlignment v
gpeekByteOffSum' _ ptr off = M1 <$> internalPeekByteOff ptr off
gpokeByteOffSum' ptr off v = internalPokeByteOff ptr off v
instance ( KnownNat (SumArity g), KnownNat (SumArity f)
, GStorableSum' f, GStorableSum' g) => GStorableSum' (f :+: g) where
{-# INLINE seeFirstByte' #-}
{-# INLINE gsizeOfSum' #-}
{-# INLINE alignOfSum' #-}
{-# INLINE gpeekByteOffSum' #-}
{-# INLINE gpokeByteOffSum' #-}
seeFirstByte' (L1 l) acc = seeFirstByte' l $ acc - (sumArity (undefined :: g p))
seeFirstByte' (R1 r) acc = seeFirstByte' r acc
gsizeOfSum' _ = max (gsizeOfSum' (undefined :: f p)) (gsizeOfSum' (undefined :: g p))
alignOfSum' _ = max (alignOfSum' (undefined :: f p)) (alignOfSum' (undefined :: g p))
gpeekByteOffSum' choice ptr off = if arityL > choice
then L1 <$> gpeekByteOffSum' choice ptr off
else R1 <$> gpeekByteOffSum' (choice - arityL) ptr off
where arityL = sumArity (undefined :: f p)
gpokeByteOffSum' ptr off (R1 v) = gpokeByteOffSum' ptr off v
gpokeByteOffSum' ptr off (L1 v) = gpokeByteOffSum' ptr off v
instance (GStorableSum' f) => GStorableSum' (M1 S t f) where
seeFirstByte' _ _ = error "Shouldn't be here"
gsizeOfSum' _ = error "Shouldn't be here"
alignOfSum' _ = error "Shouldn't be here"
gpeekByteOffSum' _ _ _ = error "Shouldn't be here"
gpokeByteOffSum' _ _ _ = error "Shouldn't be here"
instance GStorableSum' (f :*: g) where
seeFirstByte' (l :*: g) acc = undefined
gsizeOfSum' _ = undefined
alignOfSum' _ = undefined
gpeekByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined
gpokeByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined
instance GStorableSum' (K1 i a) where
seeFirstByte' _ acc = undefined
gsizeOfSum' _ = undefined
alignOfSum' _ = undefined
gpeekByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined
gpokeByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined
instance GStorableSum' (U1) where
seeFirstByte' _ _ = undefined
gsizeOfSum' _ = undefined
alignOfSum' _ = undefined
gpeekByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined
gpokeByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined
instance GStorableSum' (V1) where
seeFirstByte' _ _ = undefined
gsizeOfSum' _ = undefined
alignOfSum' _ = undefined
gpeekByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined
gpokeByteOffSum' _ _ _ = undefined