{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Df1.Parse
 ( log
 ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>), many, empty)
import Data.Bits (shiftL)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AB
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as ABL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.System as Time
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
import Prelude hiding (log)

import Df1.Types
 (Log(Log, log_time, log_level, log_path, log_message),
  Level(Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, Emergency),
  Path(Attr, Push),
  Segment, segment,
  Key, key,
  Value, value,
  Message, message)


-- | If sucessful, parsing will stop after the first CR or LF newline marker if
-- any, otherwise it will consume all input.
log :: AB.Parser Log
{-# INLINABLE log #-}
log = (AB.<?> "log") $ do
  t <- AB.skipWhile (== 32) *> pIso8601 -- :space:
  p <- AB.skipWhile (== 32) *> pPath
  l <- AB.skipWhile (== 32) *> pLevel
  m <- AB.skip (== 32) *> pMessage
  pure (Log { log_time = Time.utcToSystemTime t
            , log_level = l, log_path = p, log_message = m })

pIso8601 :: AB.Parser Time.UTCTime
{-# INLINABLE pIso8601 #-}
pIso8601 = (AB.<?> "pIso8601") $ do
  year <- (pNum4Digits AB.<?> "year") <* (AB.skip (== 45) AB.<?> "-")
  month <- (pNum2Digits AB.<?> "month") <* (AB.skip (== 45) AB.<?> "-")
  day <- (pNum2Digits AB.<?> "day") <* (AB.skip (== 84) AB.<?> "T")
  Just tday <- pure (Time.fromGregorianValid
     (fromIntegral year) (fromIntegral month) (fromIntegral day))
  hour <- (pNum2Digits AB.<?> "hour") <* (AB.skip (== 58) AB.<?> ":")
  min' <- (pNum2Digits AB.<?> "minute") <* (AB.skip (== 58) AB.<?> ":")
  sec <- (pNum2Digits AB.<?> "second") <* (AB.skip (== 46) AB.<?> ".")
  nsec <- (pNum9Digits AB.<?> "nanosecond") <* (AB.skip (== 90) AB.<?> "Z")
  Just ttod <- pure (Time.makeTimeOfDayValid
     (fromIntegral hour) (fromIntegral min')
     (fromIntegral sec + (fromIntegral nsec / 1000000000)))
  pure (Time.UTCTime tday (Time.timeOfDayToTime ttod))

pNum1Digit :: AB.Parser Word8
{-# INLINE pNum1Digit #-}
pNum1Digit = AB.satisfyWith (subtract 48) (< 10) AB.<?> "pNum1Digit"

pNum2Digits :: AB.Parser Word8
{-# INLINE pNum2Digits #-}
pNum2Digits = (AB.<?> "pNum2Digits") $ do
  (+) <$> fmap (* 10) pNum1Digit <*> pNum1Digit

pNum4Digits :: AB.Parser Word16
{-# INLINE pNum4Digits #-}
pNum4Digits = (AB.<?> "pNum4Digits") $ do
  (\a b c d -> a + b + c + d)
     <$> fmap ((* 1000) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 100) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 10) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
          <*> fmap fromIntegral pNum1Digit

pNum9Digits :: AB.Parser Word32
{-# INLINE pNum9Digits #-}
pNum9Digits = (AB.<?> "pNum9Digits") $ do
  (\a b c d e f g h i -> a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i)
     <$> fmap ((* 100000000) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 10000000) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 1000000) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 100000) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 10000) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 1000) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 100) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap ((* 10) . fromIntegral) pNum1Digit
     <*> fmap fromIntegral pNum1Digit

pLevel :: AB.Parser Level
{-# INLINE pLevel #-}
pLevel = (AB.<?> "pLevel")
  -- In decreasing frequency we expect logs to happen.
  -- We expect 'Debug' to mostly be muted, so 'Info' is prefered.
  (AB.string "INFO"      $> Info)     <|>
  (AB.string "DEBUG"     $> Debug)    <|>
  (AB.string "NOTICE"    $> Notice)   <|>
  (AB.string "WARNING"   $> Warning)  <|>
  (AB.string "ERROR"     $> Error)    <|>
  (AB.string "CRITICAL"  $> Critical) <|>
  (AB.string "ALERT"     $> Alert)    <|>
  (AB.string "EMERGENCY" $> Emergency)

pPath :: AB.Parser (Seq.Seq Path)
{-# INLINABLE pPath #-}
pPath = (AB.<?> "pPath") $ do
    fix (\k ps -> ((pPush <|> pAttr) >>= \p -> k (ps Seq.|> p)) <|> pure ps)
    {-# INLINE pPush #-}
    pPush :: AB.Parser Path
    pPush = (AB.<?> "pPush") $ do
      seg <- pSegment <* AB.skipWhile (== 32)
      pure (Push seg)
    {-# INLINE pAttr #-}
    pAttr :: AB.Parser Path
    pAttr = do
      k <- pKey <* AB.skip (== 61)
      v <- pValue <* AB.skipWhile (== 32)
      pure (Attr k v)

pSegment :: AB.Parser Segment
pSegment = (AB.<?> "pSegment") $ do
  AB.skip (== 47) AB.<?> "/"
  bl <- pUtf8LtoL =<< pDecodePercents =<< AB.takeWhile (/= 32) -- :space:
  pure (segment bl)

pKey :: AB.Parser Key
pKey = (AB.<?> "pKey") $ do
  bl <- pUtf8LtoL =<< pDecodePercents
          =<< AB.takeWhile (\w -> w /= 61 && w /= 32) -- '=' or :space:
  pure (key bl)

pValue :: AB.Parser Value
pValue = (AB.<?> "pValue") $ do
  bl <- pUtf8LtoL =<< pDecodePercents =<< AB.takeWhile (/= 32) -- :space:
  pure (value bl)

pMessage :: AB.Parser Message
{-# INLINE pMessage #-}
pMessage = (AB.<?> "pMessage") $ do
  b <- AB.takeWhile (\w -> w /= 10 && w /= 13) -- CR and LF
  tl <- pUtf8LtoL =<< pDecodePercents b
  pure (message tl)

pUtf8LtoL :: BL.ByteString -> AB.Parser TL.Text
{-# INLINE pUtf8LtoL #-}
pUtf8LtoL = \bl -> case TL.decodeUtf8' bl of
   Right x -> pure x
   Left e -> fail (show e) AB.<?> "pUtf8LtoL"

-- | Parse @\"%FF\"@. Always consumes 3 bytes from the input, if successful.
pNumPercent :: AB.Parser Word8
{-# INLINE pNumPercent #-}
pNumPercent = (AB.<?> "pNum2Nibbles") $ do
   AB.skip (== 37) -- percent
   wh <- pHexDigit
   wl <- pHexDigit
   pure (shiftL wh 4 + wl)

pHexDigit :: AB.Parser Word8
{-# INLINE pHexDigit #-}
pHexDigit = AB.satisfyWith
  (\case w | w >= 48 && w <=  57 -> w - 48
           | w >= 65 && w <=  70 -> w - 55
           | w >= 97 && w <= 102 -> w - 87
           | otherwise -> 99)
  (\w -> w /= 99)

-- | Like 'pDecodePercentsL' but takes strict bytes.
pDecodePercents :: B.ByteString -> AB.Parser BL.ByteString
{-# INLINE pDecodePercents #-}
pDecodePercents = pDecodePercentsL . BL.fromStrict

-- | Decodes all 'pNumPercent' occurences from the given input.
-- TODO: Make faster and more space efficient.
pDecodePercentsL :: BL.ByteString -> AB.Parser BL.ByteString
{-# INLINABLE pDecodePercentsL #-}
pDecodePercentsL = \bl ->
    either fail pure (ABL.eitherResult (ABL.parse p bl))
    p :: AB.Parser BL.ByteString
    p = AB.atEnd >>= \case
          True -> pure mempty
          False -> fix $ \k -> do
             b <- AB.peekWord8 >>= \case
                Nothing -> empty
                Just 37 -> fmap B.singleton pNumPercent
                Just _  -> AB.takeWhile1 (\w -> w /= 37)
             bls <- many k <* AB.endOfInput
             pure (mconcat (BL.fromStrict b : bls))