{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Dhall.Syntax (
, Var(..)
, Binding(..)
, makeBinding
, Chunks(..)
, DhallDouble(..)
, Expr(..)
, MultiLet(..)
, multiLet
, wrapInLets
, subExpressions
, chunkExprs
, bindingExprs
, denote
, renote
, shallowDenote
, Directory(..)
, File(..)
, FilePrefix(..)
, Import(..)
, ImportHashed(..)
, ImportMode(..)
, ImportType(..)
, URL(..)
, Scheme(..)
, pathCharacter
, reservedIdentifiers
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, Pretty)
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Void (Void)
import Dhall.Map (Map)
import Dhall.Set (Set)
import Dhall.Src (Src(..))
import {-# SOURCE #-} Dhall.Pretty.Internal
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Prelude hiding (succ)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import qualified Control.Monad
import qualified Data.HashSet
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Dhall.Crypto
import qualified Network.URI as URI
data Const = Type | Kind | Sort
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Bounded, Enum, Generic, NFData)
instance Lift Const
instance Pretty Const where
pretty = Pretty.unAnnotate . prettyConst
data Var = V Text !Int
deriving (Data, Generic, Eq, Ord, Show, NFData)
instance Lift Var
instance IsString Var where
fromString str = V (fromString str) 0
instance Pretty Var where
pretty = Pretty.unAnnotate . prettyVar
data Binding s a = Binding
{ bindingSrc0 :: Maybe s
, variable :: Text
, bindingSrc1 :: Maybe s
, annotation :: Maybe (Maybe s, Expr s a)
, bindingSrc2 :: Maybe s
, value :: Expr s a
} deriving (Data, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, NFData, Ord, Show, Traversable)
instance Bifunctor Binding where
first k (Binding src0 a src1 b src2 c) =
Binding (fmap k src0) a (fmap k src1) (fmap adapt0 b) (fmap k src2) (first k c)
adapt0 (src3, d) = (fmap k src3, first k d)
second = fmap
makeBinding :: Text -> Expr s a -> Binding s a
makeBinding name = Binding Nothing name Nothing Nothing Nothing
newtype DhallDouble = DhallDouble { getDhallDouble :: Double }
deriving (Show, Data, NFData, Generic)
instance Eq DhallDouble where
DhallDouble a == DhallDouble b
| isNaN a && isNaN b = True
| isNegativeZero a `xor` isNegativeZero b = False
| otherwise = a == b
instance Ord DhallDouble where
compare a@(DhallDouble a') b@(DhallDouble b') =
if a == b
then EQ
else compare a' b'
data Chunks s a = Chunks [(Text, Expr s a)] Text
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Generic, Traversable, Show, Eq, Ord, Data, NFData)
instance (Lift s, Lift a, Data s, Data a) => Lift (Chunks s a)
instance Data.Semigroup.Semigroup (Chunks s a) where
Chunks xysL zL <> Chunks [] zR =
Chunks xysL (zL <> zR)
Chunks xysL zL <> Chunks ((x, y):xysR) zR =
Chunks (xysL ++ (zL <> x, y):xysR) zR
instance Monoid (Chunks s a) where
mempty = Chunks [] mempty
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
mappend = (<>)
instance IsString (Chunks s a) where
fromString str = Chunks [] (fromString str)
data Expr s a
= Const Const
| Var Var
| Lam Text (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Pi Text (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| App (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Let (Binding s a) (Expr s a)
| Annot (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Bool
| BoolLit Bool
| BoolAnd (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolOr (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolEQ (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolNE (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| BoolIf (Expr s a) (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Natural
| NaturalLit Natural
| NaturalFold
| NaturalBuild
| NaturalIsZero
| NaturalEven
| NaturalOdd
| NaturalToInteger
| NaturalShow
| NaturalSubtract
| NaturalPlus (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| NaturalTimes (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Integer
| IntegerLit Integer
| IntegerClamp
| IntegerNegate
| IntegerShow
| IntegerToDouble
| Double
| DoubleLit DhallDouble
| DoubleShow
| Text
| TextLit (Chunks s a)
| TextAppend (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| TextShow
| List
| ListLit (Maybe (Expr s a)) (Seq (Expr s a))
| ListAppend (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| ListBuild
| ListFold
| ListLength
| ListHead
| ListLast
| ListIndexed
| ListReverse
| Optional
| Some (Expr s a)
| None
| OptionalFold
| OptionalBuild
| Record (Map Text (Expr s a))
| RecordLit (Map Text (Expr s a))
| Union (Map Text (Maybe (Expr s a)))
| Combine (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| CombineTypes (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Prefer (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| RecordCompletion (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Merge (Expr s a) (Expr s a) (Maybe (Expr s a))
| ToMap (Expr s a) (Maybe (Expr s a))
| Field (Expr s a) Text
| Project (Expr s a) (Either (Set Text) (Expr s a))
| Assert (Expr s a)
| Equivalent (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Note s (Expr s a)
| ImportAlt (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
| Embed a
deriving (Foldable, Generic, Traversable, Show, Data, NFData)
deriving instance (Eq s, Eq a) => Eq (Expr s a)
deriving instance (Ord s, Ord a) => Ord (Expr s a)
instance (Lift s, Lift a, Data s, Data a) => Lift (Expr s a)
instance Functor (Expr s) where
fmap _ (Const c) = Const c
fmap _ (Var v) = Var v
fmap f (Lam v e1 e2) = Lam v (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (Pi v e1 e2) = Pi v (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (App e1 e2) = App (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (Let b e2) = Let (fmap f b) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (Annot e1 e2) = Annot (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap _ Bool = Bool
fmap _ (BoolLit b) = BoolLit b
fmap f (BoolAnd e1 e2) = BoolAnd (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (BoolOr e1 e2) = BoolOr (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (BoolEQ e1 e2) = BoolEQ (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (BoolNE e1 e2) = BoolNE (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (BoolIf e1 e2 e3) = BoolIf (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2) (fmap f e3)
fmap _ Natural = Natural
fmap _ (NaturalLit n) = NaturalLit n
fmap _ NaturalFold = NaturalFold
fmap _ NaturalBuild = NaturalBuild
fmap _ NaturalIsZero = NaturalIsZero
fmap _ NaturalEven = NaturalEven
fmap _ NaturalOdd = NaturalOdd
fmap _ NaturalToInteger = NaturalToInteger
fmap _ NaturalShow = NaturalShow
fmap _ NaturalSubtract = NaturalSubtract
fmap f (NaturalPlus e1 e2) = NaturalPlus (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (NaturalTimes e1 e2) = NaturalTimes (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap _ Integer = Integer
fmap _ (IntegerLit i) = IntegerLit i
fmap _ IntegerClamp = IntegerClamp
fmap _ IntegerNegate = IntegerNegate
fmap _ IntegerShow = IntegerShow
fmap _ IntegerToDouble = IntegerToDouble
fmap _ Double = Double
fmap _ (DoubleLit d) = DoubleLit d
fmap _ DoubleShow = DoubleShow
fmap _ Text = Text
fmap f (TextLit cs) = TextLit (fmap f cs)
fmap f (TextAppend e1 e2) = TextAppend (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap _ TextShow = TextShow
fmap _ List = List
fmap f (ListLit maybeE seqE) = ListLit (fmap (fmap f) maybeE) (fmap (fmap f) seqE)
fmap f (ListAppend e1 e2) = ListAppend (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap _ ListBuild = ListBuild
fmap _ ListFold = ListFold
fmap _ ListLength = ListLength
fmap _ ListHead = ListHead
fmap _ ListLast = ListLast
fmap _ ListIndexed = ListIndexed
fmap _ ListReverse = ListReverse
fmap _ Optional = Optional
fmap f (Some e) = Some (fmap f e)
fmap _ None = None
fmap _ OptionalFold = OptionalFold
fmap _ OptionalBuild = OptionalBuild
fmap f (Record r) = Record (fmap (fmap f) r)
fmap f (RecordLit r) = RecordLit (fmap (fmap f) r)
fmap f (Union u) = Union (fmap (fmap (fmap f)) u)
fmap f (Combine e1 e2) = Combine (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (CombineTypes e1 e2) = CombineTypes (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (Prefer e1 e2) = Prefer (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (RecordCompletion e1 e2) = RecordCompletion (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (Merge e1 e2 maybeE) = Merge (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2) (fmap (fmap f) maybeE)
fmap f (ToMap e maybeE) = ToMap (fmap f e) (fmap (fmap f) maybeE)
fmap f (Field e1 v) = Field (fmap f e1) v
fmap f (Project e1 vs) = Project (fmap f e1) (fmap (fmap f) vs)
fmap f (Assert t) = Assert (fmap f t)
fmap f (Equivalent e1 e2) = Equivalent (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (Note s e1) = Note s (fmap f e1)
fmap f (ImportAlt e1 e2) = ImportAlt (fmap f e1) (fmap f e2)
fmap f (Embed a) = Embed (f a)
{-# INLINABLE fmap #-}
instance Applicative (Expr s) where
pure = Embed
(<*>) = Control.Monad.ap
instance Monad (Expr s) where
return = pure
Const a >>= _ = Const a
Var a >>= _ = Var a
Lam a b c >>= k = Lam a (b >>= k) (c >>= k)
Pi a b c >>= k = Pi a (b >>= k) (c >>= k)
App a b >>= k = App (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Let a b >>= k = Let (adapt0 a) (b >>= k)
adapt0 (Binding src0 c src1 d src2 e) =
Binding src0 c src1 (fmap adapt1 d) src2 (e >>= k)
adapt1 (src3, f) = (src3, f >>= k)
Annot a b >>= k = Annot (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Bool >>= _ = Bool
BoolLit a >>= _ = BoolLit a
BoolAnd a b >>= k = BoolAnd (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolOr a b >>= k = BoolOr (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolEQ a b >>= k = BoolEQ (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolNE a b >>= k = BoolNE (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
BoolIf a b c >>= k = BoolIf (a >>= k) (b >>= k) (c >>= k)
Natural >>= _ = Natural
NaturalLit a >>= _ = NaturalLit a
NaturalFold >>= _ = NaturalFold
NaturalBuild >>= _ = NaturalBuild
NaturalIsZero >>= _ = NaturalIsZero
NaturalEven >>= _ = NaturalEven
NaturalOdd >>= _ = NaturalOdd
NaturalToInteger >>= _ = NaturalToInteger
NaturalShow >>= _ = NaturalShow
NaturalSubtract >>= _ = NaturalSubtract
NaturalPlus a b >>= k = NaturalPlus (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
NaturalTimes a b >>= k = NaturalTimes (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Integer >>= _ = Integer
IntegerLit a >>= _ = IntegerLit a
IntegerClamp >>= _ = IntegerClamp
IntegerNegate >>= _ = IntegerNegate
IntegerShow >>= _ = IntegerShow
IntegerToDouble >>= _ = IntegerToDouble
Double >>= _ = Double
DoubleLit a >>= _ = DoubleLit a
DoubleShow >>= _ = DoubleShow
Text >>= _ = Text
TextLit (Chunks a b) >>= k = TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap (>>= k)) a) b)
TextAppend a b >>= k = TextAppend (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
TextShow >>= _ = TextShow
List >>= _ = List
ListLit a b >>= k = ListLit (fmap (>>= k) a) (fmap (>>= k) b)
ListAppend a b >>= k = ListAppend (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
ListBuild >>= _ = ListBuild
ListFold >>= _ = ListFold
ListLength >>= _ = ListLength
ListHead >>= _ = ListHead
ListLast >>= _ = ListLast
ListIndexed >>= _ = ListIndexed
ListReverse >>= _ = ListReverse
Optional >>= _ = Optional
Some a >>= k = Some (a >>= k)
None >>= _ = None
OptionalFold >>= _ = OptionalFold
OptionalBuild >>= _ = OptionalBuild
Record a >>= k = Record (fmap (>>= k) a)
RecordLit a >>= k = RecordLit (fmap (>>= k) a)
Union a >>= k = Union (fmap (fmap (>>= k)) a)
Combine a b >>= k = Combine (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
CombineTypes a b >>= k = CombineTypes (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Prefer a b >>= k = Prefer (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
RecordCompletion a b >>= k = RecordCompletion (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Merge a b c >>= k = Merge (a >>= k) (b >>= k) (fmap (>>= k) c)
ToMap a b >>= k = ToMap (a >>= k) (fmap (>>= k) b)
Field a b >>= k = Field (a >>= k) b
Project a b >>= k = Project (a >>= k) (fmap (>>= k) b)
Assert a >>= k = Assert (a >>= k)
Equivalent a b >>= k = Equivalent (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Note a b >>= k = Note a (b >>= k)
ImportAlt a b >>= k = ImportAlt (a >>= k) (b >>= k)
Embed a >>= k = k a
instance Bifunctor Expr where
first _ (Const a ) = Const a
first _ (Var a ) = Var a
first k (Lam a b c ) = Lam a (first k b) (first k c)
first k (Pi a b c ) = Pi a (first k b) (first k c)
first k (App a b ) = App (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Let a b ) = Let (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Annot a b ) = Annot (first k a) (first k b)
first _ Bool = Bool
first _ (BoolLit a ) = BoolLit a
first k (BoolAnd a b ) = BoolAnd (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolOr a b ) = BoolOr (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolEQ a b ) = BoolEQ (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolNE a b ) = BoolNE (first k a) (first k b)
first k (BoolIf a b c ) = BoolIf (first k a) (first k b) (first k c)
first _ Natural = Natural
first _ (NaturalLit a ) = NaturalLit a
first _ NaturalFold = NaturalFold
first _ NaturalBuild = NaturalBuild
first _ NaturalIsZero = NaturalIsZero
first _ NaturalEven = NaturalEven
first _ NaturalOdd = NaturalOdd
first _ NaturalToInteger = NaturalToInteger
first _ NaturalShow = NaturalShow
first _ NaturalSubtract = NaturalSubtract
first k (NaturalPlus a b ) = NaturalPlus (first k a) (first k b)
first k (NaturalTimes a b ) = NaturalTimes (first k a) (first k b)
first _ Integer = Integer
first _ (IntegerLit a ) = IntegerLit a
first _ IntegerClamp = IntegerClamp
first _ IntegerNegate = IntegerNegate
first _ IntegerShow = IntegerShow
first _ IntegerToDouble = IntegerToDouble
first _ Double = Double
first _ (DoubleLit a ) = DoubleLit a
first _ DoubleShow = DoubleShow
first _ Text = Text
first k (TextLit (Chunks a b)) = TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap (first k)) a) b)
first k (TextAppend a b ) = TextAppend (first k a) (first k b)
first _ TextShow = TextShow
first _ List = List
first k (ListLit a b ) = ListLit (fmap (first k) a) (fmap (first k) b)
first k (ListAppend a b ) = ListAppend (first k a) (first k b)
first _ ListBuild = ListBuild
first _ ListFold = ListFold
first _ ListLength = ListLength
first _ ListHead = ListHead
first _ ListLast = ListLast
first _ ListIndexed = ListIndexed
first _ ListReverse = ListReverse
first _ Optional = Optional
first k (Some a ) = Some (first k a)
first _ None = None
first _ OptionalFold = OptionalFold
first _ OptionalBuild = OptionalBuild
first k (Record a ) = Record (fmap (first k) a)
first k (RecordLit a ) = RecordLit (fmap (first k) a)
first k (Union a ) = Union (fmap (fmap (first k)) a)
first k (Combine a b ) = Combine (first k a) (first k b)
first k (CombineTypes a b ) = CombineTypes (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Prefer a b ) = Prefer (first k a) (first k b)
first k (RecordCompletion a b) = RecordCompletion (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Merge a b c ) = Merge (first k a) (first k b) (fmap (first k) c)
first k (ToMap a b ) = ToMap (first k a) (fmap (first k) b)
first k (Field a b ) = Field (first k a) b
first k (Assert a ) = Assert (first k a)
first k (Equivalent a b ) = Equivalent (first k a) (first k b)
first k (Project a b ) = Project (first k a) (fmap (first k) b)
first k (Note a b ) = Note (k a) (first k b)
first k (ImportAlt a b ) = ImportAlt (first k a) (first k b)
first _ (Embed a ) = Embed a
second = fmap
instance IsString (Expr s a) where
fromString str = Var (fromString str)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Expr s a) where
pretty = Pretty.unAnnotate . prettyExpr
multiLet :: Binding s a -> Expr s a -> MultiLet s a
multiLet b0 = \case
Let b1 e1 ->
let MultiLet bs e = multiLet b1 e1
in MultiLet (Data.List.NonEmpty.cons b0 bs) e
e -> MultiLet (b0 :| []) e
wrapInLets :: Foldable f => f (Binding s a) -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
wrapInLets bs e = foldr Let e bs
data MultiLet s a = MultiLet (NonEmpty (Binding s a)) (Expr s a)
subExpressions :: Applicative f => (Expr s a -> f (Expr s a)) -> Expr s a -> f (Expr s a)
subExpressions _ (Const c) = pure (Const c)
subExpressions _ (Var v) = pure (Var v)
subExpressions f (Lam a b c) = Lam a <$> f b <*> f c
subExpressions f (Pi a b c) = Pi a <$> f b <*> f c
subExpressions f (App a b) = App <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (Let a b) = Let <$> bindingExprs f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (Annot a b) = Annot <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions _ Bool = pure Bool
subExpressions _ (BoolLit b) = pure (BoolLit b)
subExpressions f (BoolAnd a b) = BoolAnd <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (BoolOr a b) = BoolOr <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (BoolEQ a b) = BoolEQ <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (BoolNE a b) = BoolNE <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (BoolIf a b c) = BoolIf <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c
subExpressions _ Natural = pure Natural
subExpressions _ (NaturalLit n) = pure (NaturalLit n)
subExpressions _ NaturalFold = pure NaturalFold
subExpressions _ NaturalBuild = pure NaturalBuild
subExpressions _ NaturalIsZero = pure NaturalIsZero
subExpressions _ NaturalEven = pure NaturalEven
subExpressions _ NaturalOdd = pure NaturalOdd
subExpressions _ NaturalToInteger = pure NaturalToInteger
subExpressions _ NaturalShow = pure NaturalShow
subExpressions _ NaturalSubtract = pure NaturalSubtract
subExpressions f (NaturalPlus a b) = NaturalPlus <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (NaturalTimes a b) = NaturalTimes <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions _ Integer = pure Integer
subExpressions _ (IntegerLit n) = pure (IntegerLit n)
subExpressions _ IntegerClamp = pure IntegerClamp
subExpressions _ IntegerNegate = pure IntegerNegate
subExpressions _ IntegerShow = pure IntegerShow
subExpressions _ IntegerToDouble = pure IntegerToDouble
subExpressions _ Double = pure Double
subExpressions _ (DoubleLit n) = pure (DoubleLit n)
subExpressions _ DoubleShow = pure DoubleShow
subExpressions _ Text = pure Text
subExpressions f (TextLit chunks) =
TextLit <$> chunkExprs f chunks
subExpressions f (TextAppend a b) = TextAppend <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions _ TextShow = pure TextShow
subExpressions _ List = pure List
subExpressions f (ListLit a b) = ListLit <$> traverse f a <*> traverse f b
subExpressions f (ListAppend a b) = ListAppend <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions _ ListBuild = pure ListBuild
subExpressions _ ListFold = pure ListFold
subExpressions _ ListLength = pure ListLength
subExpressions _ ListHead = pure ListHead
subExpressions _ ListLast = pure ListLast
subExpressions _ ListIndexed = pure ListIndexed
subExpressions _ ListReverse = pure ListReverse
subExpressions _ Optional = pure Optional
subExpressions f (Some a) = Some <$> f a
subExpressions _ None = pure None
subExpressions _ OptionalFold = pure OptionalFold
subExpressions _ OptionalBuild = pure OptionalBuild
subExpressions f (Record a) = Record <$> traverse f a
subExpressions f ( RecordLit a ) = RecordLit <$> traverse f a
subExpressions f (Union a) = Union <$> traverse (traverse f) a
subExpressions f (Combine a b) = Combine <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (CombineTypes a b) = CombineTypes <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (Prefer a b) = Prefer <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (RecordCompletion a b) = RecordCompletion <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (Merge a b t) = Merge <$> f a <*> f b <*> traverse f t
subExpressions f (ToMap a t) = ToMap <$> f a <*> traverse f t
subExpressions f (Field a b) = Field <$> f a <*> pure b
subExpressions f (Project a b) = Project <$> f a <*> traverse f b
subExpressions f (Assert a) = Assert <$> f a
subExpressions f (Equivalent a b) = Equivalent <$> f a <*> f b
subExpressions f (Note a b) = Note a <$> f b
subExpressions f (ImportAlt l r) = ImportAlt <$> f l <*> f r
subExpressions _ (Embed a) = pure (Embed a)
:: (Applicative f)
=> (Expr s a -> f (Expr s b))
-> Binding s a -> f (Binding s b)
bindingExprs f (Binding s0 n s1 t s2 v) =
<$> pure s0
<*> pure n
<*> pure s1
<*> traverse (traverse f) t
<*> pure s2
<*> f v
:: Applicative f
=> (Expr s a -> f (Expr t b))
-> Chunks s a -> f (Chunks t b)
chunkExprs f (Chunks chunks final) =
flip Chunks final <$> traverse (traverse f) chunks
newtype Directory = Directory { components :: [Text] }
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
instance Semigroup Directory where
Directory components₀ <> Directory components₁ =
Directory (components₁ <> components₀)
instance Pretty Directory where
pretty (Directory {..}) = foldMap prettyPathComponent (reverse components)
prettyPathComponent :: Text -> Doc ann
prettyPathComponent text
| Data.Text.all pathCharacter text =
"/" <> Pretty.pretty text
| otherwise =
"/\"" <> Pretty.pretty text <> "\""
data File = File
{ directory :: Directory
, file :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
instance Pretty File where
pretty (File {..}) =
Pretty.pretty directory
<> prettyPathComponent file
instance Semigroup File where
File directory₀ _ <> File directory₁ file =
File (directory₀ <> directory₁) file
data FilePrefix
= Absolute
| Here
| Parent
| Home
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
instance Pretty FilePrefix where
pretty Absolute = ""
pretty Here = "."
pretty Parent = ".."
pretty Home = "~"
data Scheme = HTTP | HTTPS deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
data URL = URL
{ scheme :: Scheme
, authority :: Text
, path :: File
, query :: Maybe Text
, headers :: Maybe (Expr Src Import)
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
instance Pretty URL where
pretty (URL {..}) =
<> "://"
<> Pretty.pretty authority
<> pathDoc
<> queryDoc
<> foldMap prettyHeaders headers
prettyHeaders h = " using " <> Pretty.pretty h
File {..} = path
Directory {..} = directory
pathDoc =
foldMap prettyURIComponent (reverse components)
<> prettyURIComponent file
schemeDoc = case scheme of
HTTP -> "http"
HTTPS -> "https"
queryDoc = case query of
Nothing -> ""
Just q -> "?" <> Pretty.pretty q
prettyURIComponent :: Text -> Doc ann
prettyURIComponent text =
Pretty.pretty $ URI.normalizeCase $ URI.normalizeEscape $ "/" <> Data.Text.unpack text
data ImportType
= Local FilePrefix File
| Remote URL
| Env Text
| Missing
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
parent :: File
parent = File { directory = Directory { components = [ ".." ] }, file = "" }
instance Semigroup ImportType where
Local prefix file₀ <> Local Here file₁ = Local prefix (file₀ <> file₁)
Remote (URL { path = path₀, ..}) <> Local Here path₁ =
Remote (URL { path = path₀ <> path₁, ..})
Local prefix file₀ <> Local Parent file₁ =
Local prefix (file₀ <> parent <> file₁)
Remote (URL { path = path₀, .. }) <> Local Parent path₁ =
Remote (URL { path = path₀ <> parent <> path₁, .. })
import₀ <> Remote (URL { headers = headers₀, .. }) =
Remote (URL { headers = headers₁, .. })
importHashed₀ = Import (ImportHashed Nothing import₀) Code
headers₁ = fmap (fmap (importHashed₀ <>)) headers₀
_ <> import₁ =
instance Pretty ImportType where
pretty (Local prefix file) =
Pretty.pretty prefix <> Pretty.pretty file
pretty (Remote url) = Pretty.pretty url
pretty (Env env) = "env:" <> prettyEnvironmentVariable env
pretty Missing = "missing"
data ImportMode = Code | RawText | Location
deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
data ImportHashed = ImportHashed
{ hash :: Maybe Dhall.Crypto.SHA256Digest
, importType :: ImportType
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
instance Semigroup ImportHashed where
ImportHashed _ importType₀ <> ImportHashed hash importType₁ =
ImportHashed hash (importType₀ <> importType₁)
instance Pretty ImportHashed where
pretty (ImportHashed Nothing p) =
Pretty.pretty p
pretty (ImportHashed (Just h) p) =
Pretty.pretty p <> " sha256:" <> Pretty.pretty (show h)
data Import = Import
{ importHashed :: ImportHashed
, importMode :: ImportMode
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
instance Semigroup Import where
Import importHashed₀ _ <> Import importHashed₁ code =
Import (importHashed₀ <> importHashed₁) code
instance Pretty Import where
pretty (Import {..}) = Pretty.pretty importHashed <> Pretty.pretty suffix
suffix :: Text
suffix = case importMode of
RawText -> " as Text"
Location -> " as Location"
Code -> ""
pathCharacter :: Char -> Bool
pathCharacter c =
'\x21' == c
|| ('\x24' <= c && c <= '\x27')
|| ('\x2A' <= c && c <= '\x2B')
|| ('\x2D' <= c && c <= '\x2E')
|| ('\x30' <= c && c <= '\x3B')
|| c == '\x3D'
|| ('\x40' <= c && c <= '\x5A')
|| ('\x5E' <= c && c <= '\x7A')
|| c == '\x7C'
|| c == '\x7E'
denote :: Expr s a -> Expr t a
denote (Note _ b ) = denote b
denote (Const a ) = Const a
denote (Var a ) = Var a
denote (Lam a b c ) = Lam a (denote b) (denote c)
denote (Pi a b c ) = Pi a (denote b) (denote c)
denote (App a b ) = App (denote a) (denote b)
denote (Let a b ) = Let (adapt0 a) (denote b)
adapt0 (Binding _ c _ d _ e) =
Binding Nothing c Nothing (fmap adapt1 d) Nothing (denote e)
adapt1 (_, f) = (Nothing, denote f)
denote (Annot a b ) = Annot (denote a) (denote b)
denote Bool = Bool
denote (BoolLit a ) = BoolLit a
denote (BoolAnd a b ) = BoolAnd (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolOr a b ) = BoolOr (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolEQ a b ) = BoolEQ (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolNE a b ) = BoolNE (denote a) (denote b)
denote (BoolIf a b c ) = BoolIf (denote a) (denote b) (denote c)
denote Natural = Natural
denote (NaturalLit a ) = NaturalLit a
denote NaturalFold = NaturalFold
denote NaturalBuild = NaturalBuild
denote NaturalIsZero = NaturalIsZero
denote NaturalEven = NaturalEven
denote NaturalOdd = NaturalOdd
denote NaturalToInteger = NaturalToInteger
denote NaturalShow = NaturalShow
denote NaturalSubtract = NaturalSubtract
denote (NaturalPlus a b ) = NaturalPlus (denote a) (denote b)
denote (NaturalTimes a b ) = NaturalTimes (denote a) (denote b)
denote Integer = Integer
denote (IntegerLit a ) = IntegerLit a
denote IntegerClamp = IntegerClamp
denote IntegerNegate = IntegerNegate
denote IntegerShow = IntegerShow
denote IntegerToDouble = IntegerToDouble
denote Double = Double
denote (DoubleLit a ) = DoubleLit a
denote DoubleShow = DoubleShow
denote Text = Text
denote (TextLit (Chunks a b)) = TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap denote) a) b)
denote (TextAppend a b ) = TextAppend (denote a) (denote b)
denote TextShow = TextShow
denote List = List
denote (ListLit a b ) = ListLit (fmap denote a) (fmap denote b)
denote (ListAppend a b ) = ListAppend (denote a) (denote b)
denote ListBuild = ListBuild
denote ListFold = ListFold
denote ListLength = ListLength
denote ListHead = ListHead
denote ListLast = ListLast
denote ListIndexed = ListIndexed
denote ListReverse = ListReverse
denote Optional = Optional
denote (Some a ) = Some (denote a)
denote None = None
denote OptionalFold = OptionalFold
denote OptionalBuild = OptionalBuild
denote (Record a ) = Record (fmap denote a)
denote (RecordLit a ) = RecordLit (fmap denote a)
denote (Union a ) = Union (fmap (fmap denote) a)
denote (Combine a b ) = Combine (denote a) (denote b)
denote (CombineTypes a b ) = CombineTypes (denote a) (denote b)
denote (Prefer a b ) = Prefer (denote a) (denote b)
denote (RecordCompletion a b) = RecordCompletion (denote a) (denote b)
denote (Merge a b c ) = Merge (denote a) (denote b) (fmap denote c)
denote (ToMap a b ) = ToMap (denote a) (fmap denote b)
denote (Field a b ) = Field (denote a) b
denote (Project a b ) = Project (denote a) (fmap denote b)
denote (Assert a ) = Assert (denote a)
denote (Equivalent a b ) = Equivalent (denote a) (denote b)
denote (ImportAlt a b ) = ImportAlt (denote a) (denote b)
denote (Embed a ) = Embed a
renote :: Expr Void a -> Expr s a
renote = unsafeCoerce
{-# INLINE renote #-}
shallowDenote :: Expr s a -> Expr s a
shallowDenote (Note _ e) = shallowDenote e
shallowDenote e = e
reservedIdentifiers :: HashSet Text
reservedIdentifiers =
, "then"
, "else"
, "let"
, "in"
, "using"
, "missing"
, "as"
, "Infinity"
, "NaN"
, "merge"
, "Some"
, "toMap"
, "assert"
, "forall"
, "Natural/fold"
, "Natural/build"
, "Natural/isZero"
, "Natural/even"
, "Natural/odd"
, "Natural/toInteger"
, "Natural/show"
, "Natural/subtract"
, "Integer"
, "Integer/clamp"
, "Integer/negate"
, "Integer/show"
, "Integer/toDouble"
, "Integer/show"
, "Natural/subtract"
, "Double/show"
, "List/build"
, "List/fold"
, "List/length"
, "List/head"
, "List/last"
, "List/indexed"
, "List/reverse"
, "Optional/fold"
, "Optional/build"
, "Text/show"
, "Bool"
, "True"
, "False"
, "Optional"
, "None"
, "Natural"
, "Integer"
, "Double"
, "Text"
, "List"
, "Type"
, "Kind"
, "Sort"