diagrams-lib- Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics

Copyright(c) 2011-2015 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone




Transformations specific to two dimensions, with a few generic transformations (uniform scaling, translation) also re-exported for convenience.




rotation :: Floating n => Angle n -> T2 n Source

Create a transformation which performs a rotation about the local origin by the given angle. See also rotate.

rotate :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t, Floating n) => Angle n -> t -> t Source

Rotate about the local origin by the given angle. Positive angles correspond to counterclockwise rotation, negative to clockwise. The angle can be expressed using any of the Isos on Angle. For example, rotate (1/4 @@ turn), rotate (tau/4 @@ rad), and rotate (90 @@ deg) all represent the same transformation, namely, a counterclockwise rotation by a right angle. To rotate about some point other than the local origin, see rotateAbout.

Note that writing rotate (1/4), with no Angle constructor, will yield an error since GHC cannot figure out which sort of angle you want to use. In this common situation you can use rotateBy, which interprets its argument as a number of turns.

rotateBy :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t, Floating n) => n -> t -> t Source

A synonym for rotate, interpreting its argument in units of turns; it can be more convenient to write rotateBy (1/4) than rotate (1/4 @@ turn).

rotated :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, SameSpace a b, Transformable a, Transformable b) => Angle n -> Iso a b a b Source

Use an Angle to make an Iso between an object rotated and unrotated. This us useful for performing actions under a rotation:

under (rotated t) f = rotate (negated t) . f . rotate t
rotated t ## a      = rotate t a
a ^. rotated t      = rotate (-t) a
over (rotated t) f  = rotate t . f . rotate (negated t)

rotationAround :: Floating n => P2 n -> Angle n -> T2 n Source

rotationAbout p is a rotation about the point p (instead of around the local origin).

rotateAround :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t, Floating n) => P2 n -> Angle n -> t -> t Source

rotateAbout p is like rotate, except it rotates around the point p instead of around the local origin.

rotationTo :: OrderedField n => Direction V2 n -> T2 n Source

The rotation that aligns the x-axis with the given direction.

rotateTo :: (InSpace V2 n t, OrderedField n, Transformable t) => Direction V2 n -> t -> t Source

Rotate around the local origin such that the x axis aligns with the given direction.


scalingX :: (Additive v, R1 v, Fractional n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which scales by the given factor in the x (horizontal) direction.

scaleX :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Fractional n, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Scale a diagram by the given factor in the x (horizontal) direction. To scale uniformly, use scale.

scalingY :: (Additive v, R2 v, Fractional n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which scales by the given factor in the y (vertical) direction.

scaleY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Fractional n, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Scale a diagram by the given factor in the y (vertical) direction. To scale uniformly, use scale.

scaling :: (Additive v, Fractional n) => n -> Transformation v n

Create a uniform scaling transformation.

scale :: (InSpace v n a, Eq n, Fractional n, Transformable a) => n -> a -> a

Scale uniformly in every dimension by the given scalar.

scaleToX :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Enveloped t, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

scaleToX w scales a diagram in the x (horizontal) direction by whatever factor required to make its width w. scaleToX should not be applied to diagrams with a width of 0, such as vrule.

scaleToY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Enveloped t, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

scaleToY h scales a diagram in the y (vertical) direction by whatever factor required to make its height h. scaleToY should not be applied to diagrams with a height of 0, such as hrule.

scaleUToX :: (InSpace v n t, R1 v, Enveloped t, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

scaleUToX w scales a diagram uniformly by whatever factor required to make its width w. scaleUToX should not be applied to diagrams with a width of 0, such as vrule.

scaleUToY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Enveloped t, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

scaleUToY h scales a diagram uniformly by whatever factor required to make its height h. scaleUToY should not be applied to diagrams with a height of 0, such as hrule.


translationX :: (Additive v, R1 v, Num n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which translates by the given distance in the x (horizontal) direction.

translateX :: (InSpace v n t, R1 v, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Translate a diagram by the given distance in the x (horizontal) direction.

translationY :: (Additive v, R2 v, Num n) => n -> Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which translates by the given distance in the y (vertical) direction.

translateY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

Translate a diagram by the given distance in the y (vertical) direction.

translation :: v n -> Transformation v n

Create a translation.

translate :: (Num (N t), Transformable t) => Vn t -> t -> t

Translate by a vector.


reflectionX :: (Additive v, R1 v, Num n) => Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which flips a diagram from left to right, i.e. sends the point (x,y) to (-x,y).

reflectX :: (InSpace v n t, R1 v, Transformable t) => t -> t Source

Flip a diagram from left to right, i.e. send the point (x,y) to (-x,y).

reflectionY :: (Additive v, R2 v, Num n) => Transformation v n Source

Construct a transformation which flips a diagram from top to bottom, i.e. sends the point (x,y) to (x,-y).

reflectY :: (InSpace v n t, R2 v, Transformable t) => t -> t Source

Flip a diagram from top to bottom, i.e. send the point (x,y) to (x,-y).

reflectionAbout :: OrderedField n => P2 n -> Direction V2 n -> T2 n Source

reflectionAbout p d is a reflection in the line determined by the point p and direction d.

reflectAbout :: (InSpace V2 n t, OrderedField n, Transformable t) => P2 n -> Direction V2 n -> t -> t Source

reflectAbout p d reflects a diagram in the line determined by the point p and direction d.


shearingX :: Num n => n -> T2 n Source

shearingX d is the linear transformation which is the identity on y coordinates and sends (0,1) to (d,1).

shearX :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

shearX d performs a shear in the x-direction which sends (0,1) to (d,1).

shearingY :: Num n => n -> T2 n Source

shearingY d is the linear transformation which is the identity on x coordinates and sends (1,0) to (1,d).

shearY :: (InSpace V2 n t, Transformable t) => n -> t -> t Source

shearY d performs a shear in the y-direction which sends (1,0) to (1,d).